Artificial Museum

Artificial Museum

The Artificial Museum connects virtual, imaginary worlds with reality. We are timeless, have unlimi


(...) You have been sneaking through holes and climbing over fences, liberating the information locked up by the publishers and sharing them with your friends.
But all of this action goes on in the dark, hidden underground. It’s called stealing or piracy, as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of plundering a ship and murdering its crew. But sharing isn’t immoral — it’s a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.
Large corporations, of course, are blinded by greed. The laws under which they operate require it — their shareholders would revolt at anything less. And the politicians they have bought off back them, passing laws giving them the exclusive power to decide who can make copies.
There is no justice in following unjust laws. It’s time to come into the light and, in the grand tradition of civil disobedience, declare our opposition to this private theft of public culture.
We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access.
Aaron Swartz

Photos from Artificial Museum's post 12/09/2023

Thank you for this great # representation

Photos from Artificial Museum's post 25/07/2023

lecture performance

Photos from Artificial Museum's post 20/07/2023

We are proud to have as permanent position at Ballhausplatz. As featured artists you can access her AR artwork worldwide at until 1st August

The anti-war essay „How to Disappear“ is available here as a digital spatial projection and adds another narrative layer to Olaf Nicolai’s “Monument to the persecutees of N**i military justice”. Realized by the „Total Refusal“ collective within an online multiplayer video game, the film shines a light at the history of disobedience in the face of terror.

.j.schoenhaar .verloren

3D Concept: .litto


new in our collection 12 artworks by

and .litto

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Die WIENER LICHTBLICKE verwandeln von 29. September bis 27. November Straßen, Parks und Plätze Wiens in Lichtkunstwerke. Abends und in den frühen Morgenstunden sind alle eingeladen, die weithin sichtbaren Lichtlinien und Lichtbilder zu besuchen und in neue Wirklichkeiten einzutauchen.

Victoria Coeln und Litto, Gründerin des artificial museum, haben in enger Zusammenarbeit die virtuellen Lichtobjekte mit realen Lichtbildern verschmelzen lassen. In den Chromotopia schweben daher - zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit sichtbar - dreidimensionale, transparente Lichtgebilde, die nach und nach mit Sound und Text verknüpft werden.
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Klash! Kunst in Aktion - Jean Tinguely - Der Zyklop - Die ganze Doku | ARTE 20/10/2022

Klash! Kunst in Aktion - Jean Tinguely - Der Zyklop - Die ganze Doku | ARTE 1969 beginnen der Künstler Jean Tinguely, seine Frau Niki de Saint Phalle und eine Gruppe von Freunden heimlich im Wald von Milly-la-Forêt bei Paris mit dem Bau von „Le Cyclop“, einer monumentalen, mehr als 22 Meter hohen Skulptur aus 350 Tonnen Stahl. Mit diesem außergewöhnlichen Abenteuer,...


Die erste Licht-Tram Fahrt war gestern! Deshalb können wir schon verraten, was wir und unsere Partner:innen für euch vorbereitet haben!

🚨Nicht vergessen! Es wird noch eine zweite Chance für euch geben, mitzumachen! Am 17., 18. und 19. November finden die zweiten Fahrten der Licht-Trams statt!🚨

In den nächsten Tagen werden wir auch das restliche Programm bekannt geben, das von unseren Partner:innen organisiert wird!

Bleibt dran für mehr!

Ein Projekt von: Victoria Coeln, Nomadic Arts

Kooperationspartner:innen für die Licht-Tram-Fahrten: SOHO in Ottakring , F23

Künstlerische Intervention: Christoph Bochdansky, Ziga Jereb, Jasmin Avissar , Kathrin Grumeth, Die Strottern &Peter Ahorner

Kooperationspartner:innen: , Stadt Wien, BasisKultur Wien, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport, Aktionsradius Wien, Sapere Aude, Bildrecht, Artificial Museum Lokale Agenda 21 Wien, F23 , SOHO in Ottakring

Grafik: Caterina Krüger



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Sabine Maier
The Artifact is made out of an image from my analogue art series „Open exposures”. „Open exposures“ is a manifestation of time in form of old photographic techniques, old photo paper, layers and symbols. The original image is two-dimensional artwork, a silk paper photogram elaborated in the darkroom and created on 20 year old photographic paper.
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3D Art by .varnai_animations
Photos by Noid


Noch 2 Tage bis zu den ersten Licht-Tram-Fahrten!!

Wir treffen uns um 18:40 Uhr in Chromotop 07 (auf dem Foto) Am Schweizer Garten / Quartier Belvedere!

Habt ihr euch schon angemeldet? Wenn nicht, könnt ihr das noch auf unserer Webseite tun!!

Wir sind gespannt!

Chromotop 07 Künstler:innen: Victoria Coeln Litto Daniela

Foto: © NIPAS / Helmut Prochart / Bildrecht / 2022
Helmut Prochart

Ein Projekt von: Victoria Coeln, Nomadic Arts

Kooperationspartner:innen für die Licht-Tram-Fahrten: SOHO STUDIOS , F23

Künstlerische Intervention: Christoph Bochdansky, Ziga Jereb, Jasmin Avissar , Kathrin Grumeth, Die Strottern&Peter Ahorner

Kooperationspartner:innen: Verfassungsgerichtshof , Stadt Wien, BasisKultur Wien, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport Aktionsradius Wien, Sapere Aude, Bildrecht, Artificial Museum Lokale Agenda 21 Wien, F23 , SOHO STUDIOS

Photos from Wiener Lichtblicke's post 09/10/2022
Photos from Veronica Kaup-Hasler's post 01/10/2022

Lost in the ?
Felix Helmut Wagner
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You can see an object in the forest, which tries to make contact with the viewers in spoken language. The object feels lost in an unknown environment. Can it be heaven, for instance? "Is this heaven?" it, therefore, asks again and again in a desperate voice to find answers to the hopeless situation.

However, there is no response, as the viewers are unable to establish contact with the object.
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In our collection:
Milena Georgieva
'The tower of earthly delights'

The MEDIA AND SOUND POOL in the Kongressbad occupies the swimming pool as a place for media art.
The visitor can expect a bathing experience enhanced visually and acoustically by a series of augmented reality sound installations.


video by


In our collection:
Line Finderup Jensen
'Being wild, staying put'

The MEDIA AND SOUND POOL in the Kongressbad occupies the swimming pool as a place for media art.
The visitor can expect a bathing experience enhanced visually and acoustically by a series of augmented reality sound installations.


Melanie Hollaus
KJDT HGM Ortsfunk I




We are proud to welcome the digital artist Shahab Nedaei in our collection with his AR piece
"Calm before the storm"

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Large amphore with soldiers depicting a tranquil scene drinking, shaving, smoking and playing cards together, trying to take their minds off their looming deaths on the battlefield; date unknown.
Painted clay
Shahab Nedaei Collection
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placed their work
*Inherent resolve* in front of


in our new collection:
Neigungsgruppe Geisterbahn
HTM - eine neue Aura

as tool to position



3d art by


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Hans Kupelwieser

3d art by


In cooperation with Echoräume
we developed with an AR artifact of his performance at Dornerplatz in the 17th district in

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kill chill

Die Sprache stört beim Abhängen.

Jopa Jotakin verlegt sein inneres Wohnzimmer als virtuelle Couch in den öffentlichen Raum und will dort eigentlich nur ein bisschen abhängen. Leider zerfällt es zusehends.

Und dann knallt auch noch die Sprache rein!

3d art: .litto



thank you in


is *


A march is an organized, directed and at the same time intentional movement of a military or civilian group.

In some cases both.

The march can serve as a logistical tool, or as a ceremonial expression. If a march intends to kill its participants, it’s called a death march.

With the death marches of 1944 and 1945, the N**is pursued the goal of removing evidence of their crimes in the concentration and extermination camps by eliminating the victims in the final phase of the Second World War.

Who accompanied my grandfather on the death march to Bergen Belsen?

“A line of 3000 people was led by 30 Germans. And in the morning there were 20 and then 10. They realized that that was the end of the war and that they would be caught. Everyone wanted to flee. And we walked like cattle.”

Videos (show all)

new in our collection 12 artworks by@wienerlichtblicke @victoriacoeln and @ms.litto [ ]Die WIENER LICHTBLICKE verwandeln...
#SabineMaier @echoraeume #graezlrauschen #ilgplatz[ ] Sabine MaierDRESSThe Artifact is made out of an image from my anal...
Lost in the #metaverse? Felix Helmut Wagner @felixhelmutwagner [  ] You can see an object in the forest, which tries to ...
In our collection:Milena Georgieva'The tower of earthly delights'@czirpczirp The MEDIA AND SOUND POOL in the Kongressbad...
@adina_camhy #kongressbad @czirpczirp @systemkollektiv #artificialmuseum #augmentedreality in #publicspace video by @lon...
In our collection:Line Finderup Jensen'Being wild, staying put'@czirpczirp The MEDIA AND SOUND POOL in the Kongressbad o...
Melanie Hollaus KJDT HGM Ortsfunk I#hgmneudenken @hgm_wien #3dart by @saveokto #artificialmuseum@systemkollektiv #augmen...
We are proud to welcome the digital artist Shahab Nedaei in our collection with his AR piece "Calm before the storm" #ar...
@basisgruppeangemessener @hgm_wien #hgmneudenken @systemkollektiv #artificialmuseum #netart #newmediart
@moosiqunt and @senipatryk placed their work *Inherent resolve* in front of @hgm_wien #hgmneudenken #augmentedreality #a...
in our new collection:NGGBNeigungsgruppe Geisterbahn HTM - eine neue Aura…#hgmneudenken @hgm_wien @systemkollektiv #arti...
@annavasof @hgm_wien #hgmneudenken #textfeldsuedost @systemkollektiv