The Chaplain's Chair

The Chaplain's Chair

"The Chaplain's Chair" is a thought-provoking podcast on religion, faith, family, and even politics.

The Passion of Jesus Christ by The Chaplain's Chair 24/03/2024

The Passion of Jesus Christ by The Chaplain's Chair This week’s podcast is going to look at the climax of Passion Week, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what that means for us. I limit the application to Jesus’ suffering in Gethsemane, His betrayal, arrest, faux trial and beatings, His scourging, His condemnation to death in a mock t...

The Hell of Addiction and What We Can Do About It by The Chaplain's Chair 17/02/2024

Probably one of my most challenging episodes...

The Hell of Addiction and What We Can Do About It by The Chaplain's Chair Recognize something about addiction, folks. It is first and foremost a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. Don’t let a society that doesn’t believe in God tell you different. The medical and psychological labeling of addiction is just that: a medical and psychological term used to describe a fundamentally spiritu...

Can I Know God? Special Revelation 04/02/2024

So I'm learning how to set these podcasts to video in preparation for doing some video podcasts.

Can I Know God? Special Revelation “Who is God?” “And can we know Him?” In this podcast we are going to get a little deep and look at SPECIAL revelation. What is that? Well, special revelation is God directly inserting Himself into our


Borrowed from James H. Melton:

"Why isn't the Bible being taught in our churches?" By the term "being taught," I am referring to correct, sound, doctrinal teaching. The average preacher stands in the pulpit and SAYS he's teaching the Bible without ever really teaching it. He is filling a time slot that he calls teaching without actually teaching. He might be promoting or cheerleading the Bible, but he isn't properly teaching it. If he were, his members wouldn't be looking elsewhere to learn the Book.

Now, WHY ISN'T HE TEACHING THE BOOK? I have three quick reasons. No doubt, there are more, but here are three . . .

1. He doesn't KNOW the Bible. His Bible "education" was either a matter of watching other Bible cheerleaders or a matter of watching Laodicean professors summarize, outline, and even correct the Bible. He can't teach because he hasn't been taught.

2. He's a coward. He might know the Book, but he doesn't love it enough to teach it against the grain of modern-day fundamentalism. He's been taught to "behave himself," else he'll not get to preach anywhere. He fears his members, maybe his wife, the deacon board, his preacher peers and the "leaders" of the IFB movement, but he doesn't fear God. He's a coward.

3. He has fouled-up priorities. His primary ministry focus is tallying-up professions, counting baptisms, growing church membership, increasing the offering and faith-promise missions, and keeping the membership showered with enough church activities that they won't leave the religious plantation for worldly fun. In all of this church stuff, the Bible usually takes a back seat.

If your preacher isn't effectively preaching AND TEACHING the Book without fear or favor, find one who will . . . and be ready to pay the price."

Can I Know God? by The Chaplain's Chair 27/01/2024

The latest episode!

Can I Know God? by The Chaplain's Chair Can you know? Or are all of us just taking a guess? Is it a cosmic joke, with a council of deities in the heavens having a big laugh at us groping around for the answer? Are we playing a shell game of "find the god?" Watching an inter-galactic episode of "To Tell the Truth?" Will the REAL God please...

Why is the Bible Important to Your Life? by The Chaplain's Chair 19/01/2024

First episode of 2024! Hoping the is the first of many this coming year!

Why is the Bible Important to Your Life? by The Chaplain's Chair We can teach and preach “theology” all day long but if we can’t discover how it applies to your life—how it looks in real life and what it means to YOU—the study of it isn’t going to amount to much. I had a Bible college professor once who said “He who reads the newspaper knows what’...


In the end, it's ALL theological, isn't it? It comes down to the heart of men...fallen do what is right, and leave the results and consequences of our moral action to He Who authored the standards.

And that standard is the Word of God and person of Jesus Christ. And God has not put those standards up for negotiation...


The older I get, the more I relate...


Indeed...and the world could use a little bit of all of its benefits.


From my morning study: "Once you deny God's presence and reject supernatural revelation, you are left in a waste-howling wilderness of relatives and variables and anarchists, where "anything goes."

I offer you America in 2023.


Some Biblical truth nuggets today:

1) All who live Godly will suffer persecution
2) God will use Satan to glorify Himself
3) Even the best of men are sinners who will fall, make mistakes, and disappoint you. Trust in what God can do with a man, not what a man can do with himself.
4) Some things just CANNOT be explained apart from supernatural revelation, which does NOT always come in this lifetime.
5) God's ways are NOT our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. Disagreeing with God makes YOU wrong, not HIM.
6) With above--ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God.
7) God WILL be merciful and loving to any sinner who forsakes his own attempts at righteousness and accepts the righteousness God gives to all who accept His Son.

Have a GREAT day!

Jonah, Jesus, & The Resurrection from the Dead 19/04/2023

New Episode! "Jonah, Jesus, & The Resurrection from the Dead"

The great miraculous sign of Jonah is NOT that he SURVIVED three days and three nights in the “belly of the whale.” It’s that after being stone-cold dead for that long, God brought him out of the state of the dead, put life b...

Jonah, Jesus, & The Resurrection from the Dead The great miraculous sign of Jonah is NOT that he SURVIVED three days and three nights in the “belly of the whale.” It’s that after being stone-cold dead…

Ponder Good Friday 06/04/2023

New Episode! "Ponder Good Friday"

It's hard to find any trace of Christianity in America, even in its most sacred week. It's easy to get discouraged and distracted by the static that seeks to attack and minimize our faith in Jesus Christ. So what do we do abo...

Ponder Good Friday It's hard to find any trace of Christianity in America, even in its most sacred week. It's easy to get discouraged and distracted by the static that seek…

"Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging" Part 2 27/01/2023

New Episode! ""Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging" Part 2"

Virtually every godless, hedonistic, humanistic rebellion against God’s design has been given a pass because the individual Christian—whether in the pulpit, the pew, or his community—has been intimidated into silence because ...

"Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging" Part 2 Virtually every godless, hedonistic, humanistic rebellion against God’s design has been given a pass because the individual Christian—whether in the pulp…

Get Right With God--A New Year's Resolution 17/01/2023

New Episode! "Get Right With God--A New Year's Resolution”

This is the time of year when people make resolutions—to lose weight, to stop smoking, to stop drinking, to exercise more, to be better husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, any number of things to change that which we believe will make us better people.

But THIS year? Get right with God. Enter into…or strengthen…your relationship with GOD. That’s the resolution you need to make this year.

Get Right With God--A New Year's Resolution This is the time of year when people make resolutions—to lose weight, to stop smoking, to stop drinking, to exercise more, to be better husbands, wives, …

Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging! 23/09/2022

New Episode! "Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging!"

Judging. The most controversial topic in the Christian faith. We’ve heard it. · Who are you to judge me? · The Bible says not to judge. · The most quoted Bible verse by a non-believer in response to a Christian verbalizing hi...

Judge Not? You'd Better Be Judging! Judging. The most controversial topic in the Christian faith. We’ve heard it. · Who are you to judge me? · The Bible says not to judge. · The most quoted…

We Need God's Men 12/08/2022

New Episode! "We Need God's Men"

Now more than ever we need the men of God to stand up. Spiritual warfare is upon us, whether we believe it or not. It is God's design for men to take a Biblical stand to protect their families, their homes, and their society....

We Need God's Men Now more than ever we need the men of God to stand up. Spiritual warfare is upon us, whether we believe it or not. It is God's design for men to take a B…


"The Chaplain's Chair" will be taking the week off and resuming next Wednesday with the first of a two-part podcast series "Calling God's Men: We Need Some Spiritual Champions."

"The Chaplain's Chair" will be adding new equipment this week and improve the quality of the format of the podcast! Thanks for sticking with me!

Our Great Salvation: Jesus Christ 26/07/2022

New Episode! "Our Great Salvation: Jesus Christ"

Salvation. What is it? There is no gray area in that question in the Christian faith; there is no neutrality on this issue—we must have a position on this as Christians. And this is an area where I think holding on to our tra...

Our Great Salvation: Jesus Christ Salvation. What is it? There is no gray area in that question in the Christian faith; there is no neutrality on this issue—we must have a position on thi…

Practical Christianity: Reject the World and Change Your Thinking 19/07/2022

New Episode! "Practical Christianity: Reject the World and Change Your Thinking"

This is part two of Practical Christianity, where we examine the answer to the question: What does it mean to “live” as a Christian? In last week’s podcast we examined offering up our lives as a “living sacrifice, which was “...

Practical Christianity: Reject the World and Change Your Thinking This is part two of Practical Christianity, where we examine the answer to the question: What does it mean to “live” as a Christian? In last week’s podca…


Always looking to improve the podcast and enhance the quality of the presentation. Acquired some audio editing software this week and recorded a new trailer and exit.

Practical Christianity: Serving God Out of Gratitude 12/07/2022

New Episode! "Practical Christianity: Serving God Out of Gratitude"

What does it mean to “live as a Christian?” We hear that question asked all the time. And we hear various answers, too. Many of them erroneous. I read recently on a meme something to the effect of “I don’t reject Jesus’ teach...

Practical Christianity: Serving God Out of Gratitude What does it mean to “live as a Christian?” We hear that question asked all the time. And we hear various answers, too. Many of them erroneous. I read re…

Practical Christianity: Serving God Out of Gratitude by The Chaplain's Chair 12/07/2022

The latest from "The Chaplain's Chair," with new trailer and audio effects! Enjoy!

Practical Christianity: Serving God Out of Gratitude by The Chaplain's Chair What does it mean to “live as a Christian?” We hear that question asked all the time. And we hear various answers, too. Many of them erroneous. I read recently on a meme something to the effect of “I don’t reject Jesus’ teachings, I just can’t accept the behavior of those who profess to ...

The Chaplain's Chair Trailer 12/07/2022

New Episode! "The Chaplain's Chair Trailer"

Welcome to The Chaplain’s Chair, a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time-to-time. Chaplain care is soul care. And caring for your soul starts with telling ...

The Chaplain's Chair Trailer Welcome to The Chaplain’s Chair, a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time-to-time. C…


New art!

America's Last, Best Hope: A Message for Independence Day 01/07/2022

New Episode! "America's Last, Best Hope: A Message for Independence Day"

Our liberty comes from God. The prophet Isaiah said “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” If we are losing our liberty, it’s fair to ask if our nation has rejected the “Spirit of the Lord.” In this Independence ...

America's Last, Best Hope: A Message for Independence Day Our liberty comes from God. The prophet Isaiah said “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” If we are losing our liberty, it’s fair to ask if…

The Sanctity of Life, Part IV: Ann's Testimony of Forgiveness, Redemption, and Salvation 24/06/2022

New Episode! "The Sanctity of Life, Part IV: Ann's Testimony of Forgiveness, Redemption, and Salvation"

Ann did what she thought was right. But they didn't tell her about the guilt, shame, and estrangement from God she would feel. She took her broken soul to the only place where she could find forgiveness: the Cross of Christ. ...

The Sanctity of Life, Part IV: Ann's Testimony of Forgiveness, Redemption, and Salvation Ann did what she thought was right. But they didn't tell her about the guilt, shame, and estrangement from God she would feel. She took her broken soul t…

Timeline photos 20/06/2022

Every now again, Twitter will let the truth get through…

The Sanctity of Life: Calling Abortion What Is. 17/06/2022

New Episode! "The Sanctity of Life: Calling Abortion What Is."

God is the giver of life. Life is His precious gift. Man's deliberate interference with that blessing, and terminating a life that began with God, should be called exactly what it is: murder. Because that's what the Bible cal...

The Sanctity of Life: Calling Abortion What Is. God is the giver of life. Life is His precious gift. Man's deliberate interference with that blessing, and terminating a life that began with God, should…