

Universe for pentesters, where you can get real-life hands-on experience in 18+ domains.

Pentestiverse represents remotely-based worldwide academy that provides the following services:

- Ethical Hacking Interactive Courses in 18+ Domains (Remote & Real-time)
- Professional Pentesting Services (Ethical Contracted with NDA)
- Community Podcast (Raising awareness, sharing knowledge, giving support)
- CyberSec Articles & Content (Read articles from the best Cyber Security Experts)

Pentestiverse v2 19/04/2022 овој пат со освежен дизајн!

Pentestiverse v2 Learn the Art of Ethical Hacking - Pentestiverse is an universe for Pentesters, providing Ethical Hacking Interactive Courses (Remote & Real-time), Professional Pentesting Services & Community Podcast videos


We are introducing a new journey that will fill your knowledge gaps and transform you from Junior to Senior in every way. More information will be published soon!


За сите оние кои се заинтересирани да учат етичко хакирање (cybersecurity) и да добијат практично знаење во било кој од 18-те курсеви (journeys), би сакал да ве информирам дека од 1ви Август 2021 ќе има 10 слободни места.

Аплицирај на:

Студенти можат да бидат сите што се над 18 години, што се регистрирале со gmail адреса и што ќе го положат влезниот тест. 1 Journey = 1 Месец, во кој во секоја работна недела има 2x1.5h предавања после 18h и интерактивни вежби во lab.

Поздрав и чувајте се!

Pentestiverse v2 Please authenticate with Google account and submit the form if you have interest to attend in a journey, and you will be contacted ASAP from your tutor.


Enroll NOW:

Update: From 01.08.2021 there are going to be new time-slots available! (for 10 students max). If you are interested to attend to any of the journeys, please submit a request through the Enroll form and you'll be contacted ASAP :)

Meanwhile, the potcast sessions called Nerdy Talks is being prepared, stay tuned!

Take care!

Pentestiverse Webinar with Dragan Ilievski - Live (#1) 05/06/2021

For all those that want to watch the Pentestiverse Webinar from yesterday, you can visit the following recording:

Pentestiverse Webinar with Dragan Ilievski - Live (#1) Recorded session in which Dragan is answering the questions that get submitted in the live chat stream. This is the first webinar session and many more will ...



Заради зголемениот интерес, се формира нова група на студенти која започнува на 3ти Мај за сите оние кои сакаат да научат пентестирање на веб апликации.

Аплицирајте на
(Уште 3 слободни места во оваа група).

За да го посетувате курсот треба да ги поседувате следниве предзнаења:

1 Година искуство во ИТ во домеинот на development, testing, networking или devops или положен курс од Pentestiverse.

Поздрав и секое добро!


We have refined the results from our pool and we are gladly going to share the results and show you what students think and how we can help in providing the missing pieces.


Ако сте QA тестер што сака да специјализира кон етичко хакирање и пентестирање, придружете се на новата група од 1-ви Март 2021. Доколку се пријавите порано, ќе ви се понуди попуст од 15%. Во оваа интерактивна обука ќе изучуваме концепти на тестирање кои започнуваат со функционално тестирање и преминуваат кон пентестинг на апликации.

Pentestiverse Interactive Journeys 08/02/2021

For those that are interested to pursuit career in Ethical Hacking, there are 3 free spots! Fill the form and be selected to attend on your interactive journey for free:

Pentestiverse Interactive Journeys Be the one that wants the knowledge, not just the degree or certificate without it! Pentestiverse is individual on-demand interactive academy for pentesters in which you will learn real-time by experienced pentesters! Fill this short form and apply for free 3 free spots!


Let's continue our journey in 2021 and be healthy, happy and successful! Take care!


In this journey you would get access to multiple labs so you can practice security testing in safe and controlled environment. Web, Network, OS Labs supported with 10 challenges in each.

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Everything will be in the cloud soon! In this journey, you would learn certain security aspects that apply in Cloud architectures and software that runs in the cloud (SAAS).

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


If you know how to break it, do you want to learn how to build it? In this journey you will get hands-on experience with practical examples and challenges that will show you how to develop safe software in any mainstream programming language! (Java and .Net mostly).

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Cryptography is crucial domain for those that want to put advanced security by obfuscating confidential and high-impact data. In this journey you will gather deep understanding on how certain algorithms work and practically decrypt them with some challenges and games!

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Half of the world uses Android with Smartphones, TV's, Cars etc. In this journey you will learn certain exploitation tools for Android apps and guidelines on how to build secure applications.

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Every flaw that you will find in your career needs to be documented and reported properly, in a way that everyone understands what needs to be done. In this journey you will learn how to interpret existing issues or report your own, using terminology that is standardized.

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Almost 1 in 5 companies are hacked or have data exposure & loss. In this journey you will learn certain tools for Incident recovery and prevention (save your business before it's too late).

We are going to go live and accept enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Let's step back and focus on the human element. In this journey you will learn psychology-based approaches of how attacker might trick certain employee, and we will have real-life exercises with role playing.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Manual efforts are being automated as we speak, and that's how we can maintain big projects with reliable testing framework. In this journey you will learn certain automation approaches but focused towards automating security tests which is really valuable.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


One of the most popular journeys where you will practically learn how to pentest web applications with OWASP ZAP and exercise in real-life vulnerable Lab. At the end of the course all solutions will be delivered to you so you can cross-reference your findings!

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


OWASP Top 10 represents Security standard document that is widely used as a guidance tool for protecting web applications. Covers 10 most important security aspects that needs to be considered and provides mitigation notes on them. In this journey you will learn the practical aspects on how to apply OWASP into pentesting or in creation of security requirements before you develop any software.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


If you are planning a career in DevOps, but more importantly in SecOps or TechOps, this is a journey in which you will learn how to install, deploy and reuse virtualized environments and understand it's security aspects. You will also be able to prepare virtualized labs for pentesting and experiments!

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Practical journey where all students learn how to use certain tools to enumerate and exploit certain network or application components!

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


If you want to become Sys Admin which understands the security aspect in Windows and Linux-based Operating Systems, this journey is for you! You will learn certain tools and approaches for protecting and configuration on Operating systems. Shell scripting exercises are included!

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Computer Networks are the medium where every communication happens. It's the road where your information flows. In this Interactive course you will learn certain network topologies and tools for network discovery, simulation, protection or exploitation. Practical exercises are included!

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Security Architects are one of the most crucial people in big organizations, which take care of orchestration of all relevant components in the projects and provide high-level platform and architecture. In this journey you will learn how to plan and present security architectures and coordinate the technical aspects with respective teams.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


One of the most crucial skills in cyber security is the art of research. In other words, in this interactive journey you will learn how to browse and navigate through specialized search engines and acquire relevant information in your context.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


For every Cyber Security starter, there will be an interactive journey in which you will learn the fundamental mindset, used professional terminology and aspects that are relevant for ethical hacking and contracts.

We are going to go live and accept Enrollment from January 2021.

Stay tuned, and take care!


Dear community,

We have a great news! As you may know, we are finalizing our materials and website, and aligning with the companies that will need our services.

Our mission is to raise the next worldwide Whitehat Security Professionals in 18+ domains!

However, we have decided to give you a sneak-peek into all our courses starting from 1st December 2020. We are going to use the whole month and publish each morning one of our courses until we publish them all for the next year, so you can prepare yourself and decide your career path.

Enrollments will be officially collected and reviewed after New year, and we are going to start with the academy in March 2021.

Note: Pentestiverse is individual side-project that is completely remote and it's managed by Dragan Ilievski

All materials, tools, podcasts are reserved with all rights to it's owner Dragan Ilievski.

Thank you for your attention and take care!


We are so happy to see that Pentestiverse is well supported by the community. The idea of our existence is to provide high-quality security consultations and interactive journeys, so you can become cybersecurity professional, or you can borrow our skills.

As you may know we are still preparing hard and on new year we would officially go live!

Take care,


Dear members of Pentestiverse,

We are working really hard to prepare the V2 version and we are so happy to announce that Pentestiverse V2 official date to go live is on the New Year (2021). Meanwhile, we will continue to publish interesting materials, articles, podcast videos and keep you updated!

Pentestiverse V2 is a side-project that will continue with providing valuable interactive cybersec journeys, providing professional cybersec consultations for your businesses, and discussing certain subjects in our free podcast!

Stay tuned!

Take care, and be safe!

Pentestiverse In 1 Minute (Introduction) 07/09/2020

Welcome to Pentestiverse v2!

Let me introduce myself in this visual 1-minute video:

Pentestiverse In 1 Minute (Introduction) Advertisement video that is going to be used for introducing Pentestiverse to other companies and individuals (Visual only). Author: Dragan Ilievski