RANT Parent/carer support group

RANT Parent/carer support group

Rant is a social group for parents/carers who are finding it tough and need to have a rant!


Apologies I've not posted sooner, been a little snowed under with my little lot at home! Would anyone like a meet up before Xmas? Please comment below. Jo xx


Rant is a new social group for parents/carers, for just what it says; those of us that sometimes need to have a rant. Whatever your reason come along, you won't be judged. We all need to let off steam every now and again and we don't always have people who we can talk to or that understand. Hopefully this group will bring together people who are dealing with situations in their life that they need a friendly ear or to hear "that must be so hard, you are doing amazingly" those words are heard so little when we are just doing what needs to be done. But we all need reassurance, a boost when we are low, a 'well done, keep going'. We are here to be that. So whether you are struggling with little ones tantrums, or a teenage that doesn't speak or eat. You not sure if a behaviour is an undiagnosed disorder, or maybe you are sick to death of phone calls to Dr's, hospitals, professionals with no end in sight. Hopefully having a good rant about it all, will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to fight another day! We may not be able to solve, but we can listen and sometimes all we need is a good pair of listening ears!
Once we have gained interest we will arrange a time/venue. Thanks Jo & Chez
