Becky's Corona Blog

Becky's Corona Blog

Becky’s long Covid blog with a bit of Autism


Well I never: 2 years exactly and my son and I both had Covid again, along with the rest of the household 😖. But in my opinion, what a difference the vaccination programme has made to the outcomes for us. Out of action for 2 weeks instead of 3 months‼️
Just coping with the fatigue stage now, (which is also incomparable to 2 years ago).💉🦠💪


So the ‘legacy’ of Long Covid’.🦠😷⛔️
Family have all had colds: me, still recovering. Still aching whenever I use a part of my body and breathless when talking. Must remember to try not to talk and do something at the same time>difficult for me I know 😉 gonna try ‘outside’ today, a nice drive to Pecorama for my darling son 🚂



So this will be my final post about my battle with the virus: I feel I HAVE kicked it's arse. 👠🦠🥳

I have nothing new to report: the tiredness, voice fading and body aches remain but are becoming more & more infrequent and I am able to carry out my normal daily activities. I get the occasional shocking deep burn in my airway if I lift something heavy but that's it: I'm getting on with living my life. From tomorrow my work hours increase to 5.5 hours per day and I expect to be back to full time hours sometime in August.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout. Also, having people 'rooting for me' on here definitely helped in giving me the mental strength to deal with the 'fallout' of this awful virus.
💙And THANK YOU to everybody who donated to The National Autistic Society: the amount raised will allow for 5 hours of enabling for a person on the spectrum, so will truly make a difference to someones day.💙

I expect over time this blog will evolve into a blog about living with Autism, where I will share the joys, frustrations and tribulations of loving and battling for someone on the spectrum. 🥰💙


🦠🖋Corona Weekly Update🖋🦠

So this week I went back to work:
For me, this means continuing as a keyworker working from home BUT on a 'phased return' of mornings only for 3 weeks.

Mon / Tue / Wed: I slept between 2 and 3 hours in the afternoons. Thursday I didn't sleep in the afternoon 💪and yesterday I felt bloody awful, all the 'fatigue' symptoms came flooding back and I was useless from 12.30 onward, even took painkillers again for the aches & tooth abscess > have done so again today but the other symptoms have subsided.

I have been into a shop today, well the chemist, for the first time since lockdown began & it felt really strange. My husband has told me about all the markings, screens & queuing policies but it still felt weird: experiencing it all, but the most strangest & contradictory thing was feeling a bit 'normal', like I was no longer a 'victim' and was emerging from my shell....



🦠🖋Corona Weekly Update🖋🦠

I think, it IS safe to say, the virus has gone and I am in the 'fatigue' stage.

For me, this means ANYTHING using my body = tired to the point of crying and having a 2 to 3 hour sleep in the afternoons. When using my body: it aches, feels hot & I get the 'glandular pain' in my armpits & groin, and my head really does not like it when I bend over but that could be the tooth abscess 🤷🏼‍♀️ ;

[Which has been seen/confirmed by dentist and stage 1 treatment booked in for mid July 👌].

Onwards and upwards ! 🦠👠


Making progress 💪🏻
Only ‘went along for the ride’ to the glass recycling and scenic route home. But then wanted to get out & go for a walk. I must admit, I was shocked by how little distance I could actually walk BUT I did walk:50 metres slowly but surely unaided 👠🦠


🦠🖋Corona Weekly Update🖋🦠

Although it is nice that the 🦠emoji was no longer under ‘frequently used’ on my phone, as in real life life, it is still there.

I have had 2 ‘corona days’ this week and 💙 has had 1. We both felt hot, shaky, no energy & slightly chesty / breathless, (like a normal virus). Although obviously after 2 1/2 months & still not walking any further than the end of my drive, this is anything but ‘normal’.

Mentally I’m at that surreal stage where your stuck in a ‘life event bubble’ and resent / can’t understand why the rest of the world has resumed. (I’ve been here before, so will ‘get over it’ 👸🏼, don’t you worry).

I’m hearing a few accounts from people who have had / know someone with Covid-19 that it can last for months & ‘latch onto’ a previous condition / weak spot in the body & cause or trigger 🤷🏼‍♀️ another thing. Mine, I believe, is this nasty tooth abscess, (more painful than the one I had 10 years ago), and yesterday I heard of someone requiring heart surgery. Whether it was a pre existing condition before Covid, I don’t know.

Obviously it is a ‘spectrum’, (hah💙 !) & can range from no symptoms to death, so as with Autism, I ask for research > understanding > tolerance > HOPE, & also that it doesn’t happen to you...

STAY safe. 💗


IT IS an abscess...
I had me cuppa this morning & my 'ear' did not like the heat, sooo, based on my experience 10 years ago and the non appearance of a mouse😏I decided to ring my dentist.

Good old amoxicillin recommenced, along with the reliable combo of paracetamol / ibuprofen # for pain management & another expensive root canal to look forward to.
I also spoke to my GP who advised that the whole ibroprofen / Covid thing has been debunked and proven a myth...

🦠This ear pain is like when I had a double tooth abscess: it f@ hurts! I’m angry today: feel like the lion with the thorn stuck in its paw. Hopefully my mouse will be along soon. 🦁🐁💗


This ear pain is like when I had a double tooth abcess: it f@ hurts! I’m angry today: feel like the lion with the thorn stuck in its paw. Hopefully my mouse will be along soon. 🦁🐁💗


FFS. I went out the front door and spoke to the neighbours through their kitchen window & then the postman stood at the end of my drive.

I have a pain over my heart, my breathing has slowed & everything aches AGAIN.

Waiting for Dr to ring....

🎶 I’m on a ride and I want to get off, But they won't slow down the roundabout🎶


Oh dear...
This morning & yesterday morning have not been kind to me, guess it’s the ear infection.

‘Motion sickness’ whenever I move my head today.
Yesterday morning, well I’d rather block that one from my memory. Just not a nice experience for the whole family. 😔

But today is also our 29th wedding anniversary & I have had breakfast in bed (again 🦸🏼‍♂️), and he’s off to Lawson’s later to get me some citronella tea lights & gas lighter for my sanctuary 🥰

💙💝’Train playing’ noises coming from 1 bedroom & no noise coming from the other 😴, so normality is resuming 😌

Oh! Knock on door: sounds like 🦸🏼‍♂️ 🎸 has arrived: assume he’s not going Lawson’s then & the anniversary is over 😅


🎶Welcome IBS my old friend 🎶

Why is the body so bleddy complicated ! I've been a bit💨the last few days, then today, about half an hour after lunch I got crampy pains in my abdomen and kidneys that took my breath away and made me feel sick. Now this IS something I have experience of but not for a good few years now. I can't do the usual stuff because of Covid: walk / exercise off and take ibuprofen. So I reach for an old packet of Buscopan in the cupboard: YES ! its in date, OH ! "You must consult your doctor if you are over 40 years old and it is some time since your last attack of IBS."

Doctor consulted: Buscopan taken, laid on back & did bicycle leg movements and the pain has gone, along with the 💨😅. Then had a rest to recover my breathing and aching legs.
Whilst I was on the phone I now also have an antibiotic spray for my ear, as it seems to be a case of: first symptom in, last symptom out...

💖Now back to sitting in the garden & stuffing my face. (But don't eat a list of food as it will make 💨worse🙄)


💙👴Wishing you a happy 76 birthday.


🦠😴 Virus Fatigue

Bad day today:
😴 slurring my words.
😴 throat & ears ache when having a conversation longer than 2 minutes & start to get out of breath.
😴brain taking a while to process info.
😴 forgetful.
😴 body lagging behind brain.
😴 limbs aching & shaky.
😴 emotional.

I’m not even gonna try leaving bedroom again: literally ‘crying over spilt milk’....


I'm getting bored of you now, so just do one will yer. You're not stopping me from going about my life anymore 👠

"This week I 'ave mostly been" #
🚫Spinning head.
🚫Gland pain in groin.
🚫Ear ache in one ear.
🚫Sore throat.
🚫Out of breath when walking
🚫Getting tired when talking ! ...
🚫Weak & shaky

💙 Bullies are boring 👠🦠


Good morning...


💙 Is in the shower doing his annoying laugh (bit like a machine gun), singing ‘Old McDonald’ & Sister Sledge ‘We are Family’: normality is resuming. ❣️🙏🏻😌


🦠💙 Is definitely feeling better & his comprehension is maturing whilst being in lock down at home, yesterday he said this:

And now he’s just called 🦸🏼‍♂️ ‘a knob’. He has never done that before. ❣️



Bit of Magnum P.I. ; don’t mind if I do 😜



And rainbow toenails in support of keyworkers🌈 🙏🏻


Good morning Covid-19



Awake at 6.30am, feel sooooo tired and shaky: take paracetamol. I need to stay awake as grocery shopping booked for collection at 10am. 7.30am struggling to keep eyes open: get dressed, pack up things & go downstairs for day. Into kitchen: can't think straight & hands shaking when trying to make cup of tea. 🦸‍♂️is there: sits me down, makes me scrambled egg & tea whilst I sob at kitchen table.

Finish sobbing, eat breakfast. We buy some more bits online for the garden, which I'm turning into our sanctuary. 🦸‍♂️goes off to collect groceries.

💙 comes in and ask's me to rub Vick on his chest. We go through to the living room, where the sun is streaming through the french doors & both 'kneel up' on the floor where I rub the Vick into 💙chest, back and neck & then he does my back with Vick for me.❣️


Enjoying a liquid lunch in the garden 😏


When your blood pressure tablets are telling you what day of the week it is 😅


My new daily body skin care:

✅ Vick
✅ Sudocream
✅ Suncream

What a combination: I’m gonna ‘bottle it’ and make my fortune 😅


Feeling loved, encouraged and supported with Laura Parham & Jackie Keith💗


Getting 💩done and well being🥰

Massive family effort today to get someone's iPhone repaired so they can have essential comms back at their fingertips ! OH NO ! the 'phone man' has moved to near Bigbury, (not round the corner anymore😱). Ok... I love the sea and it will do me good to see the 'outside' and a sea view🥰. Family all in car and sit eating pack lunch looking at the seascape whilst phone being mended ,. .
Sincere thanks to I_Gadget_Repairs

💖💚👨🏼‍👩🏼‍👧🏼‍👧🏼 Also brought back treasured happy memories of when my cousin Laura Gradage came to stay for a week in the summer holidays.


I feel like I have an army of fire ants marching around the inside of my body.


With my body...

💖 Hiatus hernia is fully operationally this morning:

Breakfast on floor this time🤮

✅ Corona Tips 16/05/2020

And also some of these contribute to the contents of the 'go bag'.


💖/🦠 🤷🏼‍♀️

🎶 Is this the real life, is this just fantasy?
Caught in a coranavirus menopausal landslide no escape from reality. 🎶

Did someone throw a bucket of water over me whilst I was sleeping.


💖 Today we should be attending the wedding of our nephew Chris Bullen

Turns out for the best really as the beautiful bride to be, Charlotte Johns, has the lifelong condition Crohn’s disease.

Charlotte’s latest operation was in March, seven weeks before their nuptials; talk about added pressure to what is already a stressful life event !
And unfortunately complications arose resulting in Charlotte’s re-admittance to hospital AT THE BEGINNING OF LOCK DOWN.

🌈 Charlotte is a paediatric nurse at this hospital. Her mother had to drop her off at the entrance, where they said their goodbye’s.

🦠 Chris has been living apart from Charlotte to protect her from this awful virus. Unable to cherish and care for his future wife in another time of need – In sickness & in health.

🌈 The NHS is made of strong stuff: please protect it.

💖 We are sending our love to you today & thinking about you both, and:


💙 Update 🦠

The fever appears to have broken overnight.
He is ‘big smiling’ at us more often.
He tickled my feet.
He happily played trains in his room, and we could hear him making his funny noises and talking to himself.




“Chop head off and replace a new one. Poor 💙”

Me crown has been sn**ch off me head...


👩‍🏫'Blue Light' Eye Strain:
Blue light is short-wavelength visible light that is associated with eye strain:

And also, below is more expert opinions from Spec Savers regarding 🦠and the eyes:


🤘🏻🐥. 💙 🦠

💙has just had what I named for myself as: a corona crisis. 🦠This is around an hour before the next ‘hit’ of paracetamol: I start / ed to feel hot, shaky & a bit panicky. You have to manage these things until the time you can take the next lot of paracetamol, it’s hard work.

💙”I’m not an old man, I’m 💙”.

✅ frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel on forehead.
✅ switch fan on again.
✅ spray face, sweaty back & feet with water or body mist if you have it.
✅Do the recommended breathing cycles and then lay on front.
✅Take the next hit of paracetamol on time.


🤘🏻🐥 This is all going on whilst ‘Here I go Again’ is playing in the background. Oh the irony....

And the lovely tea 🦸🏼‍♂️cooked me has gone cold 😕


Is with Ian Sid Rowland


I'm tired of waiting
An' closing my eyes
I'm asking myself
Why is it all my horizons
Are so far away
I look in the mirror
Don't like what I see
In my reflection
A stranger is staring at me (💖I look like 💩😅)
Looking for love
The love of a woman
The needs of a man
I try so hard to believe
But I don't understand
The search goes on
But over the mountains
Across the sea
I know love is waiting
I hear it calling to me
Calling my name
I'm looking for love all around me
Looking for love to surround me
The love that I need
To rescue the state of my heart, yeah
Alone again, it's always the same
I've just been marking my time
Since the day I was born
With no one to blame
The candle is burning
It's way down low
I just need someone
To show me the way, the way to go
Which way to go
I'm looking for love all around me
Looking for love to surround me
The love that I need
To rescue the state of my heart
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love to rely on
Looking for love, a shoulder to cry on
I'm looking for love
To rescue the state of my heart
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love to rely on
Looking for love, a shoulder to cry on
I'm looking for love
To rescue the state of my heart
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love
An' finding only heartache
I'm looking for love to rely on
Looking for love, a shoulder to cry on
I'm looking for love
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart
To rescue the state of my heart

💖AND I FOUND ‘IT’ on the 19th March 1988💖

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Drive from Bigbury
