World Is Grey

World Is Grey

My name is Ally Tee. I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. Western-Canadian business professiona


Hey all…

I haven’t written anything in a long while, I know. Not that it’s worth anything, but I have written about a dozen half posts that are not complete because they feel unfinished and half-ass researched.

For those of you that get the point of my theme “world is grey”… being objective, giving fair consideration to multiple points of view, researching facts, and then adequately portraying those things in writing…

It’s tough.

The world and its events seem to be moving so much faster in these past months than they already were before. Even then, it was a lot.

I feel that, given my personal commitment to comprehensive blogging (if that’s even a thing), I can’t adequately process one thing before the next comes up.

To put it simply… I’m a person, and I’m overwhelmed.

I intend to return. Please stand by. ❤️


"There’s A LOT to be said and read during election season. Rather than spouting off about this and that and the other thing, I’d like to present you all with a personal challenge."

Read more:


"this entire issue has left me with a lot more feelings than actual thoughts or opinions. Which is rare for me, because I ALWAYS have opinions."

Pro-Vaccine passport? This might p**s you off
Anti-vaccine passport? This might p**s you off, too.


" can acknowledge a national tragedy, and still remain a proud Canadian for completely separate reasons. As with all countries, our history is complex and true greatness demands recognition of the abominable alongside the commendable."


The Left views Capitalism as something evil: The HAVES plucking every morsel of monetary value produced by the HAVE NOTS, hoarding it away.

The Right views Capitalism as our economic savior, a protector against the clutches of Communists, Socialists, and – worst of all – lazy people.

Can they both be right? Read more here:


"...There’s a legitimate issue here. It’s not just about protecting consumers and their investments, but also reducing waste and protecting local economies...."


"This is why 'freedom of press' is included in the First Amendment, the Canadian Charter of Freedoms, and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: it’s f***ing important."

Read more here:


"we need to embrace this common ground like our livelihoods depend on it, because they do. We need to recognize that people on both The Left and The Right feel exploited by the ultra-rich, and our differences lie only in.."

Read more here: