The Holistic Strength Coach
Mind Body Spirit coaching to develop deeper connection with our body, tribe, earth, and higher self.
ELDOA 1&2 Lecture Announcement
For those of you unable to attend this course, sign up for the online lectures in order to learn:
➡️ Philosophy of the ELDOA Methodology
➡️ Relational anatomy of the spine
➡️ Tensegrity biomechanics of the spine
➡️ What is awareness training? How does that impact the Brain - Body connection?
➡️ What is the PRM (Primary Respiratory Mechanism) and how does that apply to ELDOA?
➡️ What is the difference between Intracellular Fluid (ICF) vs. Extracellular Fluid (ECF) as it pertains to ELDOA?
➡️ What is the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)?
➡️ And more....
The lectures will be recorded via Zoom and all attendees will receive the recording.
The lecture schedule will be as follows:
➡️ Thursday: 1-5pm EST
➡️ Friday: 1-3pm EST
➡️ Saturday: 1-3pm EST
➡️ Sunday: 1-3pm EST
The price for the lecture is $200. DM me for more details on how to pay and attend the lecture. Or you can reach out with the contact info below:
Phone: 347-481-7120
Email: [email protected]
Airplanes are toxic places. Between the cleaning products, flame retardants, radiation, EMFs… air travel is a sure way to block or switch your autonomic nervous system making performance and healing a challenge. As in many cases, the earth provides a cure. Take your shoes off and GROUND. 15-20 minutes as quickly to landing as possible can help balance your body and get you back to functioning optimally. The electromagnetic properties in the earth counter the artificial ones we emit in the sky. Ground. Earthside. 🙏
Today is the last day to register!!
Changing body composition is not as simple as a calories in calories out equation. There are many factors that impact our ability to burn fat and build muscle. Diets that simply cut calories often do more harm than good by down regulating metabolism and increasing cortisol production. Food is medicine. Fat is fuel. Love your body. Listen to what it needs. Cocreate your body composition to be ideal for your goals and lifestyle. If this isn’t congruent, you may need to upgrade your goals and lifestyle.
Earthing. The negatively charge electrons in the earth can be leveraged to balance the positive charge our bodies accumulate when disconnected from the ground, specifically relevant today after my flight. Positively charged cations deplete our energy and promote inflammation and disease. Rubber insulates you from the benefits of earthing. Take your shoes off. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes and you don’t move. See if you notice a difference.