Sinead Crawley Business Coach

Sinead Crawley Business Coach

Business Coach helping Female Business Leaders make more money with Leadership and Sales.


I got 20 resignations in a week. Half the team. Gone

Good. This was what I wanted. Don't get me wrong they were skilled but skilled in other areas, like flying planes and building houses.......but not for sales!

They did themselves.....and me a favour and went onto doing what made them happier.

When your focus shifts to what will bring you results and who is actually bringing them everything changes.

You can manage these underperforming parts of your business in a different way ☝️

Good energy with the right expertise is what you will get inside my Mentorship Program "Impact" so get on the waitlist. (Link in Bio) 🎯


The best way to make money is to make money.

Making something look pretty versus asking for a close or standing up in front of 100 people is easier at times....I get it.....

But your order you do it determines your success.

We have to work hard to resist the urge to do the things we LIKE TO DO in our business.

Yes strategy, planning and creating is all part of building a business but your daily focus should be on building growth in Sales. Revenues come later 📈

Doing money making activities today are key to having a business in the future 💰

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 25/01/2023

Selling should feel good.....
When it doesn't feel good you're not selling well and it comes across.

We have all done it.....and learned the hard way🤦‍♀️

When you clean up your thoughts about selling, your sales will increase and your business will grow.

This is what feels good and when it feels good, people are attracted to it... then the business will come...but you gotta sort the basics first!

Happy Selling 💃

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 20/01/2023

Money Making Tasks
We sometimes forget this is why you are in business. Always have your eye on how you can scale your business down the are in business to give more. produce more and earn more.

Hope these suggestions help you think about what you can do. I'm here to help.
You got this 💪


Growth is sexy, Scaling not so much.

Scaling is not for start ups or small companies. Its like like surfing a 20ft wave & trying to stay on your surfboard but you are not a great surfer at best of times!

It takes discipline, focused on the detail and grit!

To scale your cash and finances needs to be pumped back into the business on operations, processes and people. This costs, and many companies don't scale for this reason.

I understand the complexities in scaling:
- Building new routes to markets & Sales Channels
- New Business Models
- Supported by the right people and the right processes

The business still expects sales, salaries need to be paid today but your eye has to be on future.

Those of you who have a good business already and are ready to move into a new season in your business, can scale in a way that suits your business today.

Its not for the faint-hearted. But you are not faint hearted if you are reading this 💪

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 16/01/2023

I'm a trained Coach with Neuroscience. Coaching is now one of my passions and I could talk all day on it 😉

It is not mentoring, it is not feedback, it is not counselling ☝️
Counselling is about looking backwards but Coaching is about looking forward 🤜
Counselling is about understanding patterns but in coaching we never ask "Why" is irrelevant in Coaching....

The Coaching engagement is about getting my clients to their desired results and goals. "Why" just slows down the process and its not necessary as the coaching relationship needs to be 100% judge free. Safe Space to allow clients to think big and achieve big 🎯

Where I will stretch you is on your beliefs that are not serving you ♥️

As your Coach my job is to support you to stay in the beliefs until the results are created.

Apply to work with me for 1:1 Coaching. Link in bio or DM me "Coaching"

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 13/01/2023

Everyone loves to be sold to....
We sell to ourselves all day long...from what will we eat to how do I want to look.

A mistake I see all the time is sellers have not learned the process of selling nor have they sold their offering on themselves.

There is a process, although we do it naturally all day long in life. But in business the process becomes more compelling....not rushed.....but definitely compelling.

So when you learn the process and you sell it on yourself first.....then sales becomes natural.

Hope these tips helps 🙌


There's a shift happening...

The landscape of business is shifting, consumers are changing, coaching is changing.

Those women that are seeing where the growth areas & go after it...FAST....faster then others will win!

Its about expertise +strategy + then laser focused action 🎯

And they are willing to invest in the expertise to make it happen.

If you have to rely on a coach to push you to do everything then its not coaching. That's something else.

You have to put the work in & but I will give you my ALL to make sure you are guided & supported in doing that ❤️

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 09/01/2023

Imagine a team constantly overachieving....

I believe this is 100% possible for everyone in Business. To do this leaders need to slow down and give them what they want! Sounds Basic right?
Yeah cos it is....

Here are the ways you can do it....but before you start....decide what it is that actually motivates you 1st and how you can bring more of that into your business.
Then start with your people ❤️


Its about expertise

Its about ownership
Its about results
Its about helping women step into their power and create movements in their business

If you are ready to make a real difference in your business then DM me "power" and lets see how we can work together 🙌

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 06/01/2023

Time Management = Discipline
Women are disciplined by nature but we do like to do alot of things....🤹‍♀️

Discipline starts with the mind and to be successful it is 80% Mindset & 20% Tactics.

Good Leaders know this and operate like this.

Have an honest look and see how do you rate yourself on this one? 👀



Keep distrust out of your business

Do you trust your team can do anything in your business?

Lacking trust in their ability will bring you low results.
Teams have to be built on trust and integrity so as a Leader are yourself trustworthy?

If you are not then you will attract distrust worthy behaviours in your business.

Teams are build like trust is built ❤️


A huge part of scaling is consistency.

Scaling is hugely about your beliefs as the answers are all there on the “how” to actually scale a business …you just need to consistently believe you can do it. Consistency means:

• Pushing through when you really don’t want to 🤛

• Doing what makes you feel uncomfortable 💪

• Taking care of yourself when its needed 💝

It is simply maths, if you have done it 1, 5 or 10 times you have the blueprint already. Take the action to book a call with me to how we can start scaling your business….Lets do this! 💥


I don’t believe in Balance.

It is an unattainable pipedream. A myth. The best sales I closed, teams I built or results I have achieved were all out of balance. It was full on focused attention to deliver high calibre results.

That was the reality.
It was extreme.
And those times were also amazing.

In fact, I believe it’s a must at times to be successful in your business.

You want results where you don’t feel the rest of your life suffers or is paying the price for this lack of “balance”.

When you focus on your priorities in both areas you will achieve extraordinary results in both parts of your life. 🚀

What you need is a focused plan with priorities, accountability, support, and skill to make your life and business successful.

This is what I can help you do, so if this is something you want then DM me "Coaching" and lets see if we are a good fit for each other

Photos from Sinead Crawley Business Coach's post 02/01/2023

A mistake I see with Leaders is..........they actually know what they want to achieve in the business, but they struggle to position the vision clearly and to show their teams in a simple way what they need done to achieve it.

They can make it more complicated!

There's lots of pressure for results, I get it, but good leaders block that pressure from their teams and really show their true colours when the pressure is on.

To become good Leaders: Try these 3 things

• You Set the Tone in your Teams – Create a buzz, Communicate well, be visible 👋
• Show Don’t tell - Leaders are like a goldfish in a bowl - everyone is watching who you really are so go show them when you need to 🐡
• Leverage Your Team’s Strengths – Focusing on weaknesses brings more weakness…find their strengths and only play to those 💪

Leadership is actually easy, but you have to crack the code, move away from the managing and into Leading.

In my 1:1 Coaching I can help you do this, to create more revenue results in your business with ambitious high performing teams. If this is what you are looking for DM me “SCALE” to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Timeline photos 18/06/2021

What would they say about you?

Seriously when was the last time you asked your team where can you improve as a leader?
Be brave if you want to be an amazing leader.
Ask them I dare you ❤️

Ps: If you want to get lots of 1:1 attention in my 1:1 Business Coaching Program drop me a line - I would love to support you.

Timeline photos 17/06/2021

The best product does not always win
The best Marketing always wins...every time
Make your passion be known and felt 💪

Where can I help you in your business today to sell more? I would love to help you sell more.

Timeline photos 16/06/2021

Feel Disconnected working remotely....

Working at home and working versus in an office can bring different challenges.

Having led many types of teams I have come up with a work-book on how to have high performing remote based teams who love to work for you as Leaders!

DM me directly and I will happily send to you 💓

Timeline photos 15/06/2021

Loving Leadership when hard when under pressure.

It doesn’t come easy when you are leading a team that you feel is not performing. Then it can be clear from your tone, actions, requests or even demands that love and compassion is not leading your conversations.

Don’t worry my friend as we have all done it.

As a sales leader it was only when I became really honest about who was doing the “hard work” that I truly felt love and compassion for the work my team was doing.

Don’t get me wrong ….it takes a certain person to be a business leader but as a manager I have to “manage” the business and not actually call lots of clients when I don’t feel like it… team did not have that luxury. I appreciated that was the harder thing to do.

Leading with love is such a strong way to get buy in from your team. Then the results will come.

If you would like my Free workbook on how to lead a remote team well DM me and I will send to you.

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

What energy are you creating for yourself?

Your words create energy
Your energy create results
Your results create money

Empowering Beliefs are beliefs we have about ourselves which are helpful, positive and accurate whereas limiting beliefs tend to be in-accurate and not helpful.

Beliefs give us power because they affect our thoughts, feelings and actions.

You are whole and resourceful. You can get every skill and resource you need to get the results you want.

If you are ready to get off the rollercoaster of limiting beliefs DM me to see if we are a good fit to work together.


Timeline photos 10/06/2021

Imposter Syndrome can feel real.

No brain I am not a narcissist with a syndrome of pretending to be someone I am not.

I am just new to this.

Let’s shift our mindset every day to remind our brain we here to help others and are not imposing on anyone. Period.

Show me some love if you can relate ♥️

Timeline photos 09/06/2021

Announcement! Listen up...

Ladies for June I have some limited available slots for some 3 hours intensives this month where we can do a deep dive on your business...whether its starting or scaling.

I have 25 years experience all things sales, leading, strategy. Together we will come up with a plan, a strategy, and you can have an accountability buddy, me to make sure it happens.

Be ready to invest financially and time for 3 hours. Make the decision and get in touch. DM me and lets set this up. I got you! 💪💗

Timeline photos 08/06/2021

Babies learn to walk step by step.....there is no other way

I am rooting for the women who are struggling balancing everything with family and career.

Who want a simpler life or to do what they truly have a passion for...…..but it just all seems too big. Our impatience can get in the way.

Transformation happens but it always starts small.
Most want big changes but it always starts small….always….then momentum builds and nothing is ever too big to change.

As your coach this is what I do. I help you manage the mess in your mind and go get what you it is you want.

Give me a heart if you can relate ♥⠀

PS: Be bold if the voice in your head is there today and telling you its time DM to start to make the changes you want. I can help you.

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

Love conquers all....
When you are in love you feel you can do anything.

Are you in love with your business?
Do you speak highly of your team?
Do you speak highly of your achievements?

If your business could speak about you what would it say about you? Would it say “ She believes in me, I give her freedom, money, quality of life. I help her constantly improve. I support her to do anything she wants. She loves me back.

Our thoughts are optional. We have a choice. Negative thoughts tend not to bring positive results….if they do…trust me it is probably a fluke!

When we speak from a place of abundance and believing there is an endless amount of opportunity we will take action from a different energy and achieve much better results.

Our words matter so let’s show our teams and business some love today.

Timeline photos 05/06/2021

90% of worries never actually happen
It does not give us 1 extra minute in life but we spend hours doing it.

As a Life coach I get coached all the time on my thoughts….it takes time to change old habits but as coaches we want to have “Clean Coaching” with our clients. You can too.

This takes work and effort to change but we have the time…every day is a new start. That is the beauty of life!

Timeline photos 04/06/2021

Motivation is a hoax

If you have a plan you can do anything.
Do it 1 day + 1 day + 1 day.....and so on....

It is just lets do the maths!!

Timeline photos 03/06/2021

Which Type of leader are you?

There are types of leaders – The one who rises and loves a crisis…and the other that gets scared and blames some circumstance for not getting a certain result.

Here are 3 tips today for you to step your game up:

1. Thank someone for doing a good job.
2. Do one new thing today for your business.
3. Reach out and see who needs your support.

Imagine if you did this every day, what your business could look like!!

We want to love what we do and these 3 things will switch things up for you if you do these as a daily ritual.

Don’t fall into that trap of “being in spreadsheets”….go be the best, empowered, successful, loving leader you can be 😘

So, tell me who needs my support today?

Timeline photos 02/06/2021

Personally I don’t want a new path.....
I want a new highway!

The brain doesn’t like new paths but it can create them if you push it.

It prefers when it feels safe and much prefers us eating chips and nachos rather than taking on new experiences in life or business that we are unfamiliar with.

Our primitive brains are uncomfortable with us taking new routes as its job is to keep us alive but when it’s faced with un-known things it gets scared and goes to worst case scenario …..for the brain that is death!

The beauty is I get to decide what to be. I get to create new neuro pathways I want to create.
You can to.


Tomorrow I graduate officially as a coach 😉 I have always taken women achieving their goals seriously and although I love learning, I know beliefs are everything!!
So here is to knowing while my course finishes it's only the start..
You gotta start somewhere!!.....again 😘