Ripple and Surge

Start a ripple, ride the surge.

Personal trainer for corporate workers who want to lose weight, improve posture, remain strong, and improve their health through sustainable changes.


Is anyone else prone to overthinking? Covid really sent me down an existential rabbit hole…

I’ve read a lot, pondered a ton, and more or less came out the other side no more satisfied than when I started overthinking 🥲.

The book, Too Soon Old, Too Late smart, by Gordon Livingston, offered some timeless lessons that helped me process some of my worries.

Here’s one that stands out as habit-based coach, followed with my thoughts:

“Feelings follow behaviour”

My notes: Something [Livingston] comes to realize is that victims often have been infantized and removed from their autonomy of a situation.

True victims of circumstance demonstrate shame and a lack of self respect. But with how the medical world has coalesced with the psychogical world, creating looser assessments that now beget medications, it’s creating a culture that allows people to give up on themselves.

Again, we can’t control how we feel or think. We can only control what we do about it. We know what makes us feel better, yet often we wait for the right time or the motivation to do it... And end up waiting too long. 
We have a responsibility as free souls to be determined and courageous, to choose actions that will give us the best chance to feel better and in control. Do not lack empathy for those who are seriously troubled, but know that autonomy is possible for all of us.

What are your thoughts on this, dear friends?

Photos from Ripple and Surge's post 01/17/2024

Came across these grocery list staples that shared with me wayyyy back in 2016-2017. I modified her list a bit to suit my tastes but thought I’d share this in case anyone’s looking for a cheat sheet. Happy to send to you if you’re interested, friends!


Optimal STRENGTH TRAINING in your 40s... 💪🏻

Alright, fellas, let's tap into the wisdom of the greats... The keys to strength, mobility, and conditioning:

1️⃣ According to Starrett, founder of MobilityWOD, it's all about giving your joints that end-range training. It's not just about lifting heavy; it's about ensuring your body stays supple and functional. That's where true strength lies – in preserving your mobility as much as building muscle.

2️⃣ Incorporating zone 2 cardio on your non-lifting days, as conditioning coach Joel Jamieson suggests, boosts your cardiovascular system without taxing your body excessively. It's a game-changer for overall health and endurance.

4️⃣ Targeting both type 1 and type 2 muscles is critical for balance and versatility, according to renowned coach Charles Poliquin. Type 1 provides the endurance for life's marathons, while type 2 muscles grant that explosive strength when needed.

🌟 The takeaway? It's not about merely lifting weights; it's about a holistic approach that preserves your mobility and joints for years to come.


Back pain sucks 🤬
While it's different for everyone, these 3 tactics go a long way for most of my clients:

Learn how to move your hips again - get them rotating without moving your back.

Strengthen your hip flexors - often, tightness is relieved by loading the tissue.

Learn how to breathe with your diaphragm - adding load in a tall kneeling position strengthens deep core muscles and encourages better breathing patterns.

Try doing these daily for 1-2 mins each to feel better in just 1 week.


😴 Can’t escape fatigue or lethargy?

Check out the experts' advice on the fastest methods to improve your sleep:

1️⃣ Dr. Matthew Walker's Sleep Science: Dr. Matthew Walker, a sleep expert, emphasizes consistent sleep schedules and bedtime rituals. His insights underscore the importance of creating a sleep-conducive environment and maintaining regular sleep-wake cycles for better sleep quality.

2️⃣ Dr. Michael Breus's Chronotype Approach: Dr. Michael Breus, known as "The Sleep Doctor," advocates for understanding one's chronotype – the body's natural inclination toward specific sleep and wake times. His guidance on aligning daily activities with individual chronotypes significantly improves sleep efficiency.

3️⃣ Yoga and Mindfulness Practices: Renowned yoga instructor Adriene Mishler highlights the efficacy of yoga and mindfulness in promoting better sleep. Her guidance on gentle yoga routines and relaxation techniques aids in calming the mind and preparing the body for restful sleep.

🔗 Find more detailed info & practices through Dr. Walker's books, like "Why We Sleep", Dr. Breus's website, articles, and quizzes, and Adriene's yoga sessions and mindfulness exercises on her YouTube channel and website!

**While these methods offer quick wins for better sleep, as a coach, I stress the importance of a comprehensive sleep strategy. My approach involves educating clients about sleep hygiene, incorporating relaxation techniques, and emphasizing the significance of quality sleep for overall health.


Are you a desk worker grappling with stiff, sore joints?

Me too- Hi, I’m Nathan, a mobility specialist for the last decade.. Following my second ACL surgery in 2019 and the onset of a desk job, I found myself unable to move or exercise.

The consequence? Stiff joints, weakened muscles, and a 20-pound weight gain in a year. The ensuing cycle of stiffness, bloating, and seeking highs through coffee and booze took a toll on my confidence and energy.

This resonates with many of the men I work with today—they share a similar journey. Let's be real—no one is meant to be tethered to a desk for endless hours. It gradually erodes your body, and by the time you address it, undoing the damage takes years.

If you've reached the point where you simply want your body to feel better, aiming for a higher quality of life as you age, the time to start is now.

For more info, COMMENT 'TRAIN ME' below, and I'm here to guide you on your journey.


Has the gut & love handles started to affect your confidence? 🤔

Here are 3 strategies for reclaiming your wardrobe and confidence:

1️⃣ Alan Aragon, a prominent nutritionist, emphasizes understanding your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and macronutrient needs. Basically - you need to track how much you'e consuming vs how much you're burning. Go to Precision Nutrition for a free macro calculator I trust!

2️⃣ Layne Norton's approach to flexible dieting dives deeper into macronutrient tracking, commonly known as "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM). Norton advocates a balanced approach where you set macronutrient targets within your calorie goals, allowing for more food variety without compromising on results. It's about customizing your nutrition while maintaining that crucial balance.

3️⃣ Mike Boyle, the strength coach extraordinaire, doesn't just preach workouts; he orchestrates a symphony of strength and conditioning. Boyle's method involves compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and multi-joint movements. Pair that with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for metabolic stimulation, torching those stubborn fat pockets while preserving muscle mass.

🔑 The key takeaway (TL;DR)?
Start by bringing to awareness exactly how much you consume - how much you typically burn - then add strength training to your routine FIRST to change that equation.


When my guy Tom first shot me a message, he was... well, let's say not in his prime.

Fast forward to today, and he’s a whole new story:
✅ He ditched booze for months without prompting
✅ No more pain while playing with his son – pain-free dad mode unlocked!
✅ For the first time in 5 years, he's under that 200-pound mark!
✅ Mental health? Rock solid.
✅ And get this, he's smashing those home workouts daily – 30 to 40 minutes, no excuses!

Here's what we did:
👉🏻 Built a simple workout routine (under 45 mins) for his home gym ⏳
👉🏻 Integrated 1 nutrition habit at a time, no extreme diets ⛔
👉🏻 Met monthly to course correct ↪️

Friends, I'm opening my doors for the new year (like everyone else you know lol)

Difference is, I will give you more support and tailored coaching than anyone else online.
If you’re willing to invest as much time a week as you would to watching your favourite Netflix series, or invest the same $100 you’d spend on drinks at the bar, I’ll help you get fit again in just 3 months.

Send me a message, or hit that 'Apply Now' button, and let's write your transformation story. 🚀💥


Worried about overeating this Christmas? Try this:

Stop buying chips.
It's easy to be disciplined and stay on track when you have a good day.

But, when you have a bad day, relying solely on willpower to not eat that entire bag of chips in your cupboard becomes MUCH harder.

So, stop relying on willpower; fix your environment.
Fill your cupboards with the foods you want to be eating, and put yourself in a position that enables you to stick to your goals EVERY day.


Ready to tackle that jacked-up lower back? 💥

Dive into these 3 expert-recommended tips for immediate relief and improved mobility of your hips and spine:

1️⃣ Hip Opener Series: Mobility guru Kelly Starrett emphasizes hip mobility for relieving lower back pain. His series of hip-opening exercises, including dynamic stretches and mobility drills, target hip flexibility crucial for alleviating lower back discomfort.

2️⃣ Functional Range Conditioning (FRC): Dr. Andreo Spina's FRC method focuses on joint health and function. Specific exercises within FRC routines, such as controlled articular rotations (CARs), enhance spinal mobility, fostering healthier movement patterns and reducing lower back strain.

3️⃣ Dynamic Stretching: Fitness educator Tom Merrick advocates for dynamic stretching to improve spinal mobility. His series of stretching exercises, incorporating dynamic movements targeting the spine and hips, aids in increasing flexibility and relieving tension in the lower back.

While these tips offer immediate relief, as a coach, I emphasize a comprehensive approach to lower back health. I advocate for incorporating these mobility strategies into a well-rounded routine that encompasses strength training, core stability exercises, and postural awareness for long-term relief and prevention of lower back issues.

**Disclaimer: Addressing lower back issues involves various factors, and individual responses to these techniques may differ. Consult with a healthcare professional or certified coach before implementing new exercises, especially if you have existing back conditions.

🔗 Find more detailed info & educational content through Kelly Starrett's videos, mobility routines, and tutorials on his website and social media platforms, as well as Dr. Spina and Tom Merrick's websites.


You don't need to wait till the New Year to start.
Get clear on your goal, your 'why', and get busy becoming 1% better every day.

And by January 1st, you could be 10% better than you are today.


Feeling drained and like you're missing those important moments playing with your kids?

Check out these expert recommendations on natural supplements that might offer an energy boost:

💡Micronutrient Emphasis: Dr. Rhonda Patrick emphasizes the role of micronutrients such as Vitamin D and Magnesium in cellular energy production. Her expertise on optimizing these micronutrient levels is valuable.

🍃 Ashwagandha: Dr. Josh Axe champions Ashwagandha for its stress-relieving and energy-boosting properties. His platform offers a holistic view of this ancient adaptogen's benefits for enhancing energy while promoting a sense of calmness.

💪 Rhodiola Rosea: Strength coach Charles Poliquin advocates for Rhodiola Rosea, an adaptogenic herb known for its capacity to enhance both mental and physical stamina while reducing fatigue. His platform provides a deeper understanding of the potential of this supplement in boosting endurance.

While these natural supplements hold promise for renewed vitality, it's important to exercise caution. As a health coach, I prioritize individualized approaches tailored to each client's unique needs. Supplements are not my primary starting point; rather, I focus on holistic lifestyle adjustments encompassing nutrition, exercise, and stress management.

**Disclaimer: Everyone responds differently to supplements, and they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consulting a healthcare professional before incorporating supplements is crucial. Factors like existing medications, allergies, and individual health conditions should be considered before introducing supplements into your regimen.

🔗 Find more detailed info & educational content on these recommendations through Dr. Patrick's podcasts, articles, and videos, Dr. Axe's website and social media channels, and Poliquin's website!


Holiday szn reality: rum and eggnog + sweets are going to be on repeat 🤤 (team eggnog here!!)

Setting pre-determined rules that align with your goals is the way to avoid falling off the rails:
1️⃣ Cap it at 4 drinks
2️⃣ Get food/drinks in 4 hrs before bed (avoid ruining your sleep)
3️⃣ Eat protein/fats first - it'll make you full faster so you don't over indulge

Which of these do you think you'll try?


Feeling sluggish most days? Joints aching, unable to enjoy sports, perhaps you're navigating life like a walking injury?

I'm Nathan- a desk worker and coach specializing in helping fellow desk-bound professional men shed the belly, boost energy, and revive joint health.

If you find yourself slouched in your chair right now, contemplating a change, know this isn't about another diet, fitness challenge, or some complex morning routine!
What you truly need is a sustainable process with proven results...

🚫 No need to endure daily doses of broccoli, chicken, and rice.
🚫 No endless hours of cardio.
🚫 No piling more stress onto your already busy mind.

Exciting news: I've just opened up 10 new spots in my 2024 Program.

Curious? Comment "Learn More" below, or send me a DM and I'll reach out within 24hrs!


Tomorrow marks my 8th corporate wellness presentation 🎉

The more I refine my message, a few themes have bubbled to the top:

- Proper breathing is the unheralded saviour we need to pay attention to 🧘🏻‍♂️
- Strength Training is the best bang-for-your-buck use of time for busy professionals 🏋
- Low Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS, or Zone 2 training) is such low hanging fruit it's basically on the ground 🏃🏾‍♀️

And more importantly, what I've noticed from doing these presentations is EVERYONE feels significantly better after just 10 mins of movement together (we do sample mobility exercises anyone can do at their desk).

These messages may not be new, but they're certainly harder to integrate when you work a 9-5 that turns into a 8-8 because of how accessible we all are via our phones.

Everyone is looking for ways to improve their physical AND mental health, and I believe movement is the cheapest, most accessible form of medicine available.

I'm looking to spread the good word of movement as medicine to more people.

People and Culture network of mine - are you looking to invest in your team next year?



Breathe in for 6 seconds.
Hold for 4.
Exhale for 12.

This pattern is my go-to when ever I'm stressed. It calms the nervous system down and helps you switch gears.

Do it before bed or when meditating, stretching, or after a stressful day.

Try it out and let me know your thoughts!


Discovering the right kind of movement in your life is an essential step in your journey to a healthier and happier you. The key is to make it feel like play, not a chore.

Many of my clients have experienced this transformation first-hand. In just two weeks of incorporating enjoyable movement into their routines, they report feeling better, more energetic, and happier.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of transformational movement, I invite you to join me. Let's explore what movement can do for you and discover the true potential of feeling better in your own skin.

Comment 'move' if you're interested, and let's get started on this together


If you've ever faced self-doubt and are seeking a better relationship with yourself... consider joining me on this journey.

Let's work together to transform your relationship with movement, food, and health.

Don't wait; let's make a positive change today.


Last month, I had the privilege of engaging in a candid and insightful conversation with my clients, particularly those who are navigating the intricate journey of maintaining a healthy diet while also navigating the intricate waters of their 30s.

The discussion shed light on the common challenges faced by men in this age group, reinforcing the idea that no one is alone in their quest for a healthier lifestyle.

What emerged from our conversation were a range of strategies and tips that have proven effective for each of my clients, contributing to their personal journeys towards better health.

As a result, I'm excited to invite you to another 'Ask Me Anything' session, where I will dive into the topic of mobility and the art of staying pain-free, even in the midst of the demands of a desk job.

Sign up using the link in my bio!


Sick of feeling like $ #!T after long hours at your desk?

Give this a try 👆


The truth about mobility:

You NEED to load your joints at their end ranges.

Most of us spend 95% of our days sitting in the same positions...

But we don't prioritize mobility because it's not a problem yet.

Real mobility training follows the same principles as strength training - because it IS strength training.

Don't wait. Start small. Spend 1% more in unfamiliar positions - every day.


Guys, you could lose 5 lbs/month for 1 year, money back guaranteed, WITHOUT dieting and training every day.

20 other men are getting 1% healthier, every day.

Their hurdles helped me craft the perfect program for you to lose fat and feel like you’re in your 20’s again.

It’s designed specifically for:

- Men who are stuck sitting all day, who realize their health is on the decline
- Guys who are about to get married, start a family, or be new dad’s!
- All-or-nothing culprits - lacking a plan, consistency, or time
- Men with lower self-esteem and frustration around their looks
- Formerly athletic guys who want to be strong and disciplined again

Join them next Monday, November 6, and get exclusive access to:
- A daily mobility plan to fix your posture and your body
- Customized nutrition coaching for sustainable weight loss (no dieting!)
- A flexible training plan and contingency plan for when life gets busy (

Photos from Ripple and Surge's post 11/16/2023

Trust serves as the cornerstone of our coaching relationship. I deeply empathize with the challenges that life has thrown your way. Just like you, my clients have grappled with sickness, job-related stress, the transitions that come with new families, and a multitude of hurdles.

The journey, however, is not one that you need to embark on alone; we're in this together 🤝

Photos from Ripple and Surge's post 11/14/2023

My manager in 2014, Josh, asked me in a cozy room: what’s your greatest fear?

I said dying alone.

Now, I fear death itself. The unknown and the uncertainty crippling.

I’ve read elsewhere that he who does not fear death is unstoppable. For when we relinquish control, we put our ego to bed. We stop protecting ourself from every low, every ‘negative’ emotion, from safety and comfort.

What I’ve learned is this:

When I am actively putting myself into uncomfortable states (running, cold dips, challenging conversations), I am acknowledging pain as a transient state - just like my life. In 100 yrs, I will cease to exist in body. And in 100 more, no one will remember me.

I don’t always relate to death this way - it still messes with me lol.

But I’m realizing how powerful states of movement really are.

If you want to get over your fears and insecurities, get moving with purpose. Happy to show you how.

Photos from Ripple and Surge's post 11/12/2023

To all the men in my network:

I woke up today and frankly, didn't feel great. My joints stiff from a day at my desk, my sleep thrown off by some poor food choices, and my mind racing about all the things I need to do today.

Sound familiar? As a trainer, I know how to mitigate these issues. I can only imagine what you're feeling like 😓

That’s why I’m looking for 10 Men in their 30s to help me build a more robust, modern health program.

To help more Men be intentional with their health. To stay lean, energetic, youthful, and most importantly - alive - before we get older and it’s harder to recover.

The ask: 30 mins of your time to simply ask some questions.

I want to understand what challenges you face with your fitness and nutrition routine, and how to better support you with my content and my coaching.

The return: a free coaching call (think: ask me anything) AND my free mobility routine through the Ripple and Surge app.

ALL my clients do my morning and evening mobility routines and have experienced a huge shift in how their bodies recover and feel overall.

Another client said recently that my expertise and the trust he’s developed in me, are invaluable.

Allow me to share some of that expertise with you, and hopefully, help you too.

Please comment ‘YES’ below, or shoot me a message privately.


Embracing fatherhood and transitioning from an active athletic life to a desk job can be a challenging experience. Many new dads and ex-athletes find themselves contending with a complex mix of emotions, including stress, a dip in self-esteem, and worries about fitness.

It's important to acknowledge that this journey is shared by many, and it's completely normal to have these feelings. The good news is that there's a solution and a supportive community that's here to help.

I'm here to guide you in reshaping your relationship with physical activity. We want to emphasize that exercise doesn't have to fit a particular mold. It's not limited to traditional workouts at a gym. Movement can take on many forms, and our goal is to find a style that resonates with you and aligns with your lifestyle.

Try my coaching for 1 week, and experience an instant change in energy and mobility. DM me and let's chat


Blue Cross Blue Shield and Lighthouse Labs welcomed me recently for some sessions, each hosting over 50 attendees.

We covered various aspects to enhance well-being, including:

- Simple, time-efficient mobilizations to alleviate those pesky achy joints.
- Practical tips to infuse more movement into your daily routine for a team filled with energy.
- Insights into Precision Nutrition for improved eating habits.
- Strategies for balancing work, family, and personal health, because it's all about that equilibrium.
- Addressing collective concerns and problems, fostering a strong sense of teamwork. 🤝

For all my connections in the people and culture space, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm now offering interactive corporate wellness presentations! Let's work together to create healthier, happier, and more productive teams.

Feel free to reach out if you're interested in elevating your workplace wellness.


"The body can do anything... It's the MIND you have to convince."

Have you found something that works for you, and established your WHY?

If not, send me a message, and let's chat.


STOP doing HIIT every day!

F45 and Orange Theory ARE NOT the way to get jacked.

Here's why:

There’s something General adaptation syndrome: the sweet spot of training-induced stress, optimal recovery, and growth over time.

Having a plan to balance life stressors (money, family, work) with calculated exposure to challenges like workouts, ice baths, and fasting, along with sleep, meditation, nutrient dense foods, social time, and time in nature - all dictate your progress (or lack thereof).

Most guys I work with live in the exhaustion side, but a lot of others don’t get any sort of training stress.. So their response to other stressors is poor.

What does your stress level look like?


3 ways to avoid desk posture from HAUNTING you:

1. Low Back pain?
➡️ Roller pinched wallbug
➡️ Hanging leg raise

2. Shoulder/Neck pain?
➡️ Side lying windmill

3. Knee pain?
➡️ Long lever bridge hold (walkout)
➡️ ATG split squat

Here’s how to turn this into a daily habit:
🌟 Pick with 1
🌟 Schedule 2 mins to do it right before you sit down for work
🌟 Do 2-3 mins of movement continuously
🌟 Feel better for 4 hours

Do this DAILY, & let me know how you feel 💪🏻

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Videos (show all)

Back pain sucks 🤬While it's different for everyone, these 3 tactics go a long way for most of my clients:Learn how to mo...
Are you a desk worker grappling with stiff, sore joints? Me too- Hi, I’m Nathan, a mobility specialist for the last deca...
When my guy  Tom first shot me a message, he was... well, let's say not in his prime. Fast forward to today, and he’s a ...
Worried about overeating this Christmas? Try this:Stop buying chips.It's easy to be disciplined and stay on track when y...
You don't need to wait till the New Year to start. Get clear on your goal, your 'why', and get busy becoming 1% better e...
Feeling sluggish most days? Joints aching, unable to enjoy sports, perhaps you're navigating life like a walking injury?...
Tomorrow marks my 8th corporate wellness presentation 🎉The more I refine my message, a few themes have bubbled to the to...
