Direct Response Mktg by Ken

Direct Response Mktg by Ken

This is a personal blog about direct response marketing and entrepreneur related stuff.

12-Day Client-Getting Challenge - The Freelance Movement Tribe 25/05/2023

For friends in my network wanting to start a career freelancing or working from home...

This FREE 12-Day Client-Getting Challenge might be worth checking out:


I'll be joining in as well so let me know if you're interested para sabay-sabay tayo. 🙂


Here's the link again:


12-Day Client-Getting Challenge - The Freelance Movement Tribe GET IN FRONT OF YOUR PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS


2020 is one of the worst years for a lot of businesses.

Take it from me, just when I have plans laid out for my business it got shattered by the pandemic.
And mid this year, 2021, when we thought that we are going back to “normal”, a new strain of virus was discovered, and we are back to community quarantine and lockdown.

Sakto I have discovered a NEW way of doing business online.

I tried it myself and initially I was able to gain more than 400 prospects within 3 weeks (beginner not techie),


❌chasing prospects
❌being judged and
❌experiencing rejections

By thorough planning, implementation, and revisions over and over again, little by little it became clear to me how business can thrive during this difficult times.

Now if you’ve been affected by this pandemic, I want to give back and share with you the same resource that has helped me these challenging times.

Just comment below or send me a message and I’ll be happy to share with you this resource.

The video below was on March 16, 2020 few hours after a nation wide enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) was imposed.

Free MasterClass Registration 14/10/2021

I would like to share this Webinar Training that can help you get leads and close more sales without chasing prospects and experiencing rejections.

Who wants IN?

Just visit this link to register for FREE:

Free MasterClass Registration FREE Training: A 3-Part Webinar Training Series on How You Can Acquire Unlimited Customers, Automate Your Sales Process and Grow your Business Online


Quick Survey: Anyone here selling online?

May it be physical products, services, insurance or real estate?

I know how challenging it is to sell nowadays with all these competition as everyone is transitioning online.

What if there’s a way for you to sell more...

🤨without chasing prospects
🤨without being judged and
🤨without experiencing rejections.

Would you be interested?🤔

If that’s you then comment YES below.👇👇👇


Maraming akong nakikitang gumagawa ng crowd sourcing sa mga facebook groups para magtanong: "May X number of pesos ako san ko pwede iinvest?"

May apat na sagot si Chinkee Tan. Kalimutan mo na lahat nung inexplain niya wag lang yong pang-apat. Watch. 👇👇👇👇👇

An Intro Guide to Ecommerce SEO for Beginners 13/10/2021

A good article to begin with if you are into Ecommerce SEO.

An Intro Guide to Ecommerce SEO for Beginners

Every Entrepreneur Should Know Accounting 13/10/2021

This is a must. Whether it's a side hustle or a thriving business, sooner or later you'll really need to atleast even understand accounting. Business is a numbers game and accounting is its language.

Every Entrepreneur Should Know Accounting Get your accounting education online, fast.
