Ay Kabaraka, Leyte

Ay Kabaraka, Leyte

Worries and Fears Are Tools. Use Worries to Create. Use Fear to Empower Yourself!


How to Show Your Gratitude to Your Loved Ones with Rule 7 of Love

Gratitude is the essence of love.

It means being thankful for the people in our lives and expressing our appreciation and affection. It means showing them how much we care and value them. Let's express gratitude to our loved ones this Valentine's Day and make them feel special.

Why is this important? Because gratitude can help us:

✅ Strengthen our relationships.
✅ Improve our well-being.
✅ Grow and learn from our experiences.

How do we apply this rule in our relationship? Here are some practical tips:

1️⃣ Say thank you. Don't just think it; say it. Say thank you to your loved ones for everything they do for you, big or small. Say it sincerely and often. Don't let a day go by without saying thank you to someone you love.

2️⃣ Write a gratitude letter. Don't just say it; write it. Write a gratitude letter to your loved ones, telling them how much you appreciate them and why. Be specific and heartfelt. You can also send them a card, a note, or a text message.

3️⃣ Do something nice. Don't just write it, do it. Do something nice for your loved ones, showing your gratitude and love. It could be a gift, a favor, a compliment, or a hug. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, just something that makes them happy.

By following these tips, you can show gratitude to your loved ones and improve your relationship. You can also enhance your well-being and grow as a person.

If you want to learn more about the 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty, you can check out his book here: 1. You can also join the Cognitio Plus community here 2 and get access to more resources and tools to help you improve your love life and well-being.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


How to Forgive and Move On with Rule 6 of Love

Rule 6: Love is about Forgiveness, not about holding grudges. It’s about forgiving and moving forward. Let’s let go of the past this Valentine's Day and focus on the present.

Why is this important? Because Forgiveness can help you:

✅ Release negative emotions and thoughts.
✅ Rebuild trust and intimacy.
✅ Grow and learn from your experiences.

Practical Tips to Apply Rule 6:

1️⃣ Be honest and accountable. Don’t deny, justify, or minimize your or your partner’s actions. Admit your faults and take responsibility for them. Apologize sincerely and ask for Forgiveness. Accept your partner’s apology and offer Forgiveness. Don’t bring up the past or use it as a weapon.

2️⃣ Be empathetic and compassionate. Don’t judge, criticize, or condemn your or your partner’s actions. Try to understand the reasons and feelings behind them. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and see things from their perspective. Show them kindness and mercy. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and deserves Forgiveness.

3️⃣ Be hopeful. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Focus on the present and the positive aspects of your relationship. Believe that you and your partner can overcome challenges and improve your relationship. Look forward to a new and brighter chapter in your love story.

By following these tips, you can forgive, move on with your partner, and improve your relationship. You can also heal your emotional wounds and find peace and happiness.

You can visit the Cognitio Plus Posts to get access to more resources and tools to help you improve your love life and well-being.


How to Understand Your Partner Better with Jay Shetty’s Rule 5 of Love ❤️

Do you want to improve your communication and connection with your partner?
Do you want to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings that can hurt your relationship?

If yes, then you need to read this post.

Rule 5 is about taking the time to understand someone else’s perspective, especially your partner’s. This Valentine’s Day, let’s listen to them and try to see things from their point of view.

Understanding your partner can help you:

✅ Build Trust and Intimacy.
✅ Resolve Conflicts and Problems.
✅ Appreciate and Celebrate Your Differences.

Practical Tips to Apply Rule 5

1️⃣ Ask Open-ended Questions. Open-ended questions invite your partner to share more about themselves, their opinions, their experiences, and their feelings. For example, instead of asking, “Did you have a good day?” ask, “What was the best part of your day?”.

2️⃣ Listen Actively and Attentively. Listen to understand, and listen with your full attention. Put away your phone and other devices and focus on your partner. Nod, smile, and make eye contact. Use verbal and non-verbal cues to show that you are listening and interested.

3️⃣ Repeat and Reflect. Please don’t assume that you understood your partner or that they understood you correctly. Repeat and reflect on what they said, and ask them to do the same for you. For example, you can say, “So what I hear you saying is…” or “Let me see if I got this right…”. This can help you clarify any misunderstandings and confirm your understanding.

Following these tips, you can understand your partner better and improve your relationship. You can also become a better listener and communicator with your partner and everyone else in your life.

You can access the Cognitio Plus virtual sanctuary to help you improve your love, mindfulness, and well-being.


Rule 4️⃣: Love 💜 is About Acceptance!

Acceptance is the foundation of love.

It means seeing ourselves and our partners as whole, imperfect, and unique beings. It means embracing our strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences, hopes and fears. It means letting go of expectations, comparisons, and criticisms. It means loving ourselves and our partner unconditionally.

How do we practice Acceptance? Here are some tips:

1️⃣ Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Notice when you are being harsh, negative, or unrealistic about yourself or your partner. Replace those thoughts with positive affirmations, gratitude, and compassion.

2️⃣ Communicate openly and honestly. Express your needs, wants, and boundaries clearly and respectfully. Listen to your partner’s perspective and try to understand their point of view. Avoid blaming, shaming, or attacking each other.

3️⃣ Celebrate your individuality and your connection. Appreciate your harmful and your partner’s interests, hobbies, passions, and goals. Support each other’s growth and happiness. Spend quality time together and enjoy each other’s company.


How to Grow with Your Partner and Achieve Your Goals Together with Rule 3

Love is not just a feeling; it’s a practice that requires constant growth and improvement.

Practical Tips on Applying Rule 3: Love is About Growth in Your Relationship

1️⃣ Set a Shared Vision. One of the biggest reasons couples drift apart is because they have different visions of what they want in life. To avoid this, create a shared vision with your partner, a clear picture of what you want to achieve as a couple and as individuals. This way, you can align your actions and decisions with your shared goals and support each other.

2️⃣ Celebrate Each Other’s Growth. Another way to grow with your partner is to celebrate each other’s growth, big or small. Acknowledge and appreciate your partner’s efforts, achievements, and progress, and express your gratitude and admiration. This will boost your partner’s confidence, motivation, and happiness and strengthen your bond and intimacy.

3️⃣ Learn and Grow Together. The best way to grow with your partner is to learn and grow together, to share your interests, passions, and hobbies, and to explore new things as a couple. Never stop learning and growing to keep your relationship exciting, fresh, and fun. Challenge yourselves and your partner to step out of your comfort zones and try new experiences that will expand your horizons and enrich your lives.

Following these tips, you can grow with your partner and achieve your goals together. You’ll become happier, more fulfilled, and more in love than ever.

If you want to learn more about the other Rules of Love by Jay Shetty, if you have not followed us yet, please follow us now.

We hope this post helped you in some way. If it did, please share it with your friends and family who might benefit. And don’t forget to comment below and let us know your thoughts.

Remember, love is about growth. And growth is the key to love.



How to Make Your Love 💜 Last with Rule 2️⃣: Love is a Two-Way Street.

Whether you’re single, dating, or married. Here are some tips on how to make your love a two-way street:

1️⃣ Communicate clearly and respectfully. Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Share your feelings, thoughts, and desires honestly and calmly. Listen to your partner’s needs and expectations, and try to understand their point of view. Ask questions, clarify, and give feedback.

2️⃣ Compromise and find a middle ground. You and your partner may have different opinions, preferences, or goals. That’s okay if you respect each other’s differences and try to find a solution that works for both of you. Don’t be stubborn or forceful. Be flexible and willing to make adjustments or sacrifices for the sake of your relationship.

3️⃣ Support and appreciate each other. Show your partner that you care about them and their happiness. Be there for them when they need you, and offer your help, advice, comfort, or encouragement. Celebrate their achievements and cheer them on. Thank them for their support and kindness. Compliment them on their appearance, skills, or personality. 😊

Following these tips, you can practice and nurture love in a two-way street. You can create a balanced and harmonious relationship with your partner, where you both give and receive love equally. You can also avoid the common pitfalls and mistakes that can ruin your relationship, such as taking your partner for granted, being selfish, or being dishonest.



How to Show Your Love 💜 Through Actions, Not Words

(Rule 1️⃣ : Love is not a Feeling but an Action)

Love is not just a feeling; it's an action. Every day, we make a choice to show up for the people we love and do what's best for them, even when it's hard.

Here are some ways to show your love through actions, not words

1️⃣ Be present and attentive. When you're with your partner, please give them your full attention and listen to what they say. Put away your phone and other distractions and focus on them. Show them that you care about their thoughts and feelings.

2️⃣ Do something thoughtful. Surprise your partner with a small gesture that shows you're thinking of them. It could be a note, a flower, a gift, or a favor. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, just something that makes them smile.

3️⃣ Express appreciation. Don't take your partner for granted. Tell them how much you appreciate them and what they do for you. Thank them for their support, kindness, generosity, and patience. Let them know how much they mean to you.

4️⃣ Be supportive. When your partner is going through a tough time, be there for them. Offer your help, your advice, your comfort, or your encouragement. Don't judge them or criticize them. Just let them know you're on their side and believe in them.

5️⃣ Be respectful. Respect your partner's opinions, preferences, boundaries, and decisions. Don't try to change them or control them. Accept them for who they are and celebrate their uniqueness. Please don't lie to them or betray their trust. Be honest and loyal.

If you want to learn more about the 8 Rules of Love, don't forget to follow us for more tips and insights on love and relationships.


❤️How to Love 💜 Better in 8️⃣ Simple Principles 💛

Love is not something you find; it’s something you create.

You must learn the 8️⃣ Rules of Love from Jay Shetty, the bestselling author and motivational speaker, to create it.

Join us as Cognitio + celebrate Valentine’s week and discover how to apply these rules to your life.

Each day, we will feature one or two rules of love as posts or stories and share tips and insights on practicing them.

Whether single, dating, or married, these rules will help you improve your relationships and yourself. Don’t miss this chance to learn from the master of love and transform your love life for the better.

Follow us now, and stay tuned for the first rule of love!


Heroes and leaders are not decisive in creating change, it is we/us who have the power to pursue meaningful change.

We invite everyone to join the Growth, Resilience, and Overall Well-Being for The Humanity (GROWTH)Tribe. The Tribe is a platform and a network of people, organizations, and communities seeking to advance GROWTH.

Please do not hesitate to tap this page:

🌱 https://cognitio-plus.com/tribe

VMG Professionals PH., INC.
Heart and Mind Counseling & Training Center
Emotional Reset Center
Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc.
Dear Future Self PH
Red Tent Philippines Official
AKVO Applied Psychology Center
Vortex Castillo
Mental Health Support - Philippines
Psychological Facts PH
Light and Hope for depressed people
Ayahuasca Philippines
Saoirse Co.
National Council for Solo Parents (Thailand Chapter)
Admin MJ/Toomuchlove
TCM Healthcare Center
BNC PsycHub_Official
Anxiety Disorder Philippines: Panic/Anxiety Attacks, Depression, etc.
The Third Eye Wellness
The Moropreneur Inc
Al Husna Foundation, Inc.
HypnoHub Ph: Anxiety and Depression Support Group
NLP and Hypnosis Academy
Mental Health Support PH
Social Anxiety Support Philippines
Anxiety and Depression Support Philippines



Explore five innovations transforming the Growth, Resilience, and Well-Being space and offering new possibilities.

Dive in HERE:

Photos from Bungto Panginano's post 29/04/2021

Psychological First Aid for Beginners: A Weinar for Volunteer -Responders

Saturday, 02.20.2021. 2PM

Resource Experts:

Ms. Thelma Singson-Barrera
Psychosocial Care Specialist, National Center for Mental Health,
Certified Waraynon

Ms. Mico May Regis-Cayaco, Registered Guidance Counselor,
Mental Health Professional
Certified Tanauananon

Be a volunteer-responder, sign-up fin advance for free here -


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Service for the People of Tanauan

Organized by: APO PASAKA, APO EVSU-Tanauan Petitioning Chapter and Cognitio+

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Psychological First Aid for Beginners . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. A Webinar for Volunteer-Responders Organized by APO PASAKA, APO EVSU Tanauan Petitioning Chapter and Cognitio+ A Service for the People of Tanauan


Kanina han aga,we have heard the news of a certain OFW from our beloved municipality who committed su***de. We respect the privacy of the family so we do not intend to delve on personal information. Nonetheless, APO Pasaka deeply sympathize with the family, relatives and friends of the victim. We know diri harumamay it ginaagian hit pamilya hini yana sanglit we are ready to provide psychological assistance if needed.

Usa ini nga indikasyon nga kadam-an ha aton diri imposible magkamay-ada hin sugad hini nga problema. Please note that there is no health without mental health.

APO Pasaka considers mental health as a serious matter. In trying times like being in this pandemic, it is expected na mahitaas it incidence of mental health problems due to economic or financial difficulties, physical distancing/quarantine protocols among other reasons.

It nagpapaduroy hini an stigma surrounding the conversations on mental health. In effect, ini nga issue gintatago, giniiwasan, ngan danay ginhihimo nga intrimis. Para ini masolbar, kinahanglan seryosohon ta ini nga concern ngan magkamay-ada public conversations about mental health.

It is high time for us Tanauananons to seriously find solutions and help those who are in need without compromising our privacy and basic human rights. Part of this is the need to come up with policy that gives premium to mental health of the people. Both of these are mandated in the Mental Health Law of the Philippines.

Para ngadto hin mga naabat hin kawurok, kabaraka ngan mayda symptoms hin mental health problems feel free to message us. We have APO Members who are trained to listen and facilitate linking you up to a mental health professional.


I would be deeply humbled if everybody on my timeline that believes in the power of prayer would stop what you’re doing, just take a minute, and post this.
"Lord, we need You! Please sweep through this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and cast out anything that's not of You. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, Amen."
Pray for our country!!



2 Chr. 7:14



Before we let September pass as a Su***de Prevention Month, the Cognitio +, Anxiety Depression Support Philippines (ADSP), VMG Professionals PH and National Center for Mental Health collaborate to provide us diverse perspectives on effectively preventing su***de especially in the time of pandemic.

Join us in understanding SU***DE as a critical issue and how different stakeholders in the mental health space show genuine care to prevent su***de.

This will be tonight at 7PM, September 30, 2020 through the C+Live Session, the FB Live Streaming platform of community of mental health and wellness champions!

See you here tonight in our FB page!

Please share.



Get the Mindfulness Star Badge now!


FREE Download! ➡️ bit.ly/WhenFeelingAnxious


Rest in Peace Sir Lemuel Lopera..from Psychosocial Support Tanauan..🙏🙏🙏


Shared by Edutopia.


Shared by SELspace.


Hi there! Our dear PMHA extends their helping hand to us. They are inviting us to a webinar session on Friday, 9-11AM.

If you are interested please message them up or comment under the posted publication material in PMHA Community-Based MH Program page as shared below. They will be giving your Zoom Meeting ID.

Thank you PMHA!

Due to numerous requests from the general public, we are conducting re-runs of our Webinars! We started last week with PMHA Connect | Webinar Session for All and this week's Webinar Session for Frontliners, but make sure to watch out for another month filled w/ our online learning sessions. 💻


With the day-to-day encounters in the presence of COVID-19 pandemic, we are not spared from the potential harm of this crisis to our overall wellbeing. 💪🤗🏨

In order to learn effective ways on how to take care of your physical and, more importantly, your mental health, the Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc. (PMHA), in partnership with Give2Asia and Johnson & Johnson Philippines, brings you another webinar for everyone!

| Webinar Session for All: "Caring for Your Physical and Mental Health Amidst the Challenge of COVID-19” with PMHA Education, Advocacy and Research Department (EARD) Program Manager, Ms. Llewelyn Issa B. Dela Cruz, MA Ed., RGC, RPsy, as the resource speaker. This session will be on July 3, 2020 (Friday) from 9-11AM, LIVE via Zoom App.

For those who are interested to join the free webinar, you may call us at 0936-0344130 or you can message us here on our official PMHA-CBMHP FB Page.

Together, let's ensure wellbeing for all. Connect with us and REGISTER NOW!


Shared by Positively Present.


ANO ANG IYONG KAPALARAN NGAYONG ARAW? Pindutin ang bolang kristal to find out! 👀✨


Mental Health Meditation
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Anxious? Stressed out? O hindi makatulog?

May epekto ang ating mga pangamba at naiisip sa ikinikilos ng katawan. Sa panahon ngayon, hindi natin mapigilang mangamba dahil sa iba’t-ibang bagay—“May COVID 19 kaya ‘yung taong bumahing kanina? Saan ako kukuha ng pagkakakitaan? May tulong pa bang darating? Babalik pa ba ang lahat sa normal?” Ang mga iniisip nating ito ay nagiging senyales upang “ma-activate” ang ating katawan—bibilis ang tibok ng puso, darami ang adrenaline sa katawan, at madalas ay hindi mapapakali.

Mahirap pakalmahin ang maingay na utak kaya’t maari nating subukang pakalmahin muna ang katawan. Kapag kumalma ang reaksyon ng katawan, makapagbibigay ito ng mensahe sa isip na kumalma rin nang sa ganoon ay mabawasan kahit papaano ang epekto ng stress at anxiety.

Nasa atin na ang isa pinakamabisang stress-reliever: ang paghinga. Sa tuwing di mapakali at nangangamba, subukan munang umupo at pagaanin ang katawan. Maari ring isara ang mga mata. Huminga nang dahan-dahan gamit ang ilong sa loob ng 4 o 5 segundo. Panatilihin ang hangin sa loob mga 2 segundo at dahan dahang pakawalan ang hangin, gamit ang bibig naman ngayon, sa loob ng 3 o 4 na segundo. Sa pagpapalabas ng hangin sa bibig, isiping may kandila sa iyong harapan at papatayin mo ang sindi nito ng marahan. Huminga ng ganito sa loob ng 10 o 15 minuto.

Isang simpleng gawain lamang ito ngunit napatunayan ng mga pag-aaral ang kahalagan ng breathing techniques upang marelax ang katawan. Kapag gumaan ang pakiramdam ng katawan, ganoon din ang isip :)


Shared By Mental Health Today.. 😊

It may sound cliché and straight forward, but how we talk to ourselves matters. Try and reflect and listen to your inner-dialogue.

Graphic credit: Jane Illustrations


Maulipayon nga Kaadlawan han mga Papa, Tatay, Amay!!!

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Duality is an illusion. One can’t appreciate light without darkness. Being bad is just an absence of goodness. One can’t...