Revive 814

Revive 814

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I am a Registered Nurse doing IV hydration infusions including:
Myers cocktail- containing electrolytes, B-complex, magnesium, vitamin C! Great for your immune system, fatigue, and improving wellbeing.
Vitacrush-B6, B1, B3, B2, B12a, and ascorbic acid. Great for increased energy, and immune system boost!
Hydration- fortified with ascorbic acid, and B complex. An immediate energy voost and hydration!
The Rejuvenator-B6,B1,B3,B2,B12a. Improving energy level and brain function!
The B Happy-a plethora of B vitamins! Impacting energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.
The hydreight- 1000ml of sodium chloride. Great for those who hit the gym, partied all night, or just need a pick me up!

The prices for these services range from $99-225.

Currently the business will be mobile. So I'll be able to come to you whenever you're in need!

There will be expansion to this business as the clientele builds including botox, and medspa services!

I'm putting this post out here to see what the interest is in meadville! Please feel free to comment and leave feedback!
