Yoga & Healing Retreats Ireland

Yoga & Healing Retreats Ireland

Retreats on Sherkin Island West Cork Ireland. Deep Healing & transformative Retreats since 2018


Spiritual & Holistic Retreats Sherkin Island 2024

23rd-25th- Womb Retreat- The Divine Mother 🌹

27th-29th September - Heart Of The Ancestors- Wisdom Of The Elders 🌀🐚

Only a few spots left for each retreat.

These are deeply transformative weekends. They are NOT for you if you don't want to dive deep and sit in circle with others sharing & moving through old stories.

These retreats ARE FOR YOU
If you'd ready to step up, to dive deep & to be vulnerable in a safe space. I create a very sacred & held retreat.

Retreats are a mixture of practices.

Early morning sadhana
Pranayama, breath work.
Shamanic Journey
Shamanic fire
Circle sharing
Yogi Nidra
Connection to land & much more.

Contact Amy on [email protected] for more information

Grá agus solas
Amy ✨️ ❤️

Photos from Amy Russell Yoga & Healing's post 19/02/2024

Memories from the August Retreat in 2023 Sherkin Island. Retreats this year 2024
DATES: August 23rd-25th Womb Healing Retreat & September Heart & Soul Retreat 27th-29th.

Limited availability left.
5 spots left for August Retreat
6 spots left for September Retreat

Running life changing retreats on Sherkin since 2018
Email on [email protected] for more information ❤️
Sherkin North Shore


Third Eye Workshop Collective Cork 28th January 2-5pm Cork City.

The shadow of the third eye is illusions.

How we fantasise or project different realities onto situations. When we are not seeing the truth of a situation and are deluding ourselves. It is said that you don't mourne the relationship, you mourne the fantasy you had projected into the future around the relationship, which wasn't rooted in reality. Ignoring red flags and committed to your illusion, which isn't the reality of the situation.

" We don't see things how they are, we see things how we are"

In this workshop we will explore any blockages of the Third Eye. In our society of constant moving images and over load of information. It is the centre that has been hijacked the most. Developing and trusting your intuition and practices to aid with this.

Link below to book or if you've any questions email [email protected]


The element WATER 🌊

Everything in nature is made up of the 5 elements-earth, water, fire, air & ether.

The adaptable & flowing water element. We are made up of a large % of water & about 71% of the Earth's surface is water-covered.

See how these are so inter- connected.

The inner reflects the outer. Water is the giver of life.

Water is vital to our survival & is constantly moving & flowing.

Water needs to be honoured & celebrated, just like we do also & the vessel which houses our soul for this earth walk.

To honour your vessel, to bless the water you bathe in, to dance in the rain & to swim in the ocean. To sit by a babbling brook & to listen to her stories & to gaze at the oceans horizon.

The water element is linked to the Svadhisthana chakra.

The sacral chakra is located around the lower belly & represents fluidity, feminine energy, sensuality, joy, an ability to ‘go with the flow’, freedom, as well as the power of creativity.

The Sacral Chakra holds the unmanifested possibilities.

Reflect on where you are blocking your flow? Where are you restricting yourself & need to free yourself up currently?

Water soothes us, cleanses us, water can keep us afloat, water can transform from flowing softly to ferocious storms & frozen ice caps.

We relate to water quite naturally as a metaphor for many good & soothing aspects of life.

Our earliest experience, even beyond conscious memories for many, is being held by & floating in water, as we floated in our mothers’ wombs.

Water is the first element we came to know, as it gently cradled us & held us.

I love the word PETRICHOR, which is the aroma that arises when rain falls on previously dry earth, & it’s said to be one of the most pleasing scents humans enjoy.

The sense of smell in itself is incredibly powerful, & when we spend time in nature after rainfall, our ability to smell certain beneficial scents can be heightened.

Next time you're out walking after rainfall, take a moment to smell the trees, leaves & the earth.

Bless your water today & flow with life 💧

Designed these element's with Dave my graphic designer

Photos from Yoga & Healing Retreats Ireland's post 24/08/2023


Sherkin Island
August Retreat 2023

Theme: The Third Eye Chakra and Your Vision For The Future.

The group always dictates the work, and this group supported each other and went so deep.

To witness the strength, the courage and the vulnerability over the four days was amazing.

We used all the elements to support us over the retreat. ( lots of delicious cake also)

Fire 🔥
Water 💧
Air 🌬
Earth 🌱
Spirit 💗
Cake 🥮

There are so many magical moments ✨️ and I'm still digesting it all. Eternally grateful to everyone who added their magic and support.

Thanks to Miriam, Jo, and Daniel for teaching & everyone at Sherkin North Shore for feeding us and making us feel like family.

The last retreat of 2023 is next month & it's our 5 year anniversary hosting retreats on Sherkin Island.
DATE: 15-18th September.

I've hired a DJ & a fiddle player for Saturday night, a big Shindig. Party and time to celebrate all our hard work 🥳

Past students who've attended retreats before have an option to come & camp on Saturday night.

Please get in touch if you'd like more information, for past students.

Email me on [email protected]

With Love,
Amy ❤️

Sherkin North Shore Sherkin Island


The healing path is not a linear one. It spirals like a helix and revisits old hurts or stories to see if you've truly let go, surrendered, and made peace with the issue or person.

Currently, I'm finding through my client work that the emotional body that was developed 0-7 as children is the deep work that humanity is doing.

Old emotions needing to be felt, the inner child given space and reparented and deeply listened to and loved.

There is so much grief to be felt and released on the planet currently.

It's easier to meet the anger and to look out externally and to blame the world & others.

When in truth you hold the key and it is an inside job of self liberation.

There's also the generational trauma past from one generation to the next until someone finally says.

No, it ends here with me.

Here is Ireland, we say,' brush it under the carpet, generations of not talking about it.

Sinead O Connor, in many respects, touched and spoke of the mirky under belly and psyche of the Irish.

So many people projected their own shadow ( the parts we rejected within ourselves) their own fears on to her, while she was labelled
' the mad or difficult woman '

As we know in Ireland, what they did with so-called mad and difficult women, not that long ago.

The last Magdelene laundry closed here in Ireland in 1996.

It ain't that long ago folks and ireland isn't as progressive as we'd all like to think.

I find that 80% of client work as we delve into the subconscious is forgiveness work.

Forgiving themselves for what happened and forgiving other's and part of this involves forgiving Spirit/ source/ the divine/ God. Whatever, name you want to give it.

Forgiveness will set you free.
You are innocent, and you are loved. 🕊

I'm going to be in Cork City giving Shamanic Healing Session on the 31st of August and the 1st of September.

My booking system will be opening soon.

Please email me on [email protected] for times and dates for my session work and to be added to my news letter for future events and dates.

Love, Light
Amy ❤️

Photos from Yoga & Healing Retreats Ireland's post 10/08/2023

Our Sherkin Island Healing Retreats

Transformative & Life Changing on so many levels.

We have been running our retreats for the last 5 years on the magical Island of Sherkin, West Cork.

Two of those years were during C-vid, and that brought its extra challenges and lessons.

Mother Sherkin has held us through through the years, while we have done some deep work.

Those magical sunrises and sunsets just take your breath away.

The magical web of people who make these retreats possible.

From my supportive clients and friends to everyone who feeds us and supports us. To the ferry man and the people who drive the community bus on the island.

The list of people is very long. Who is some small or large way, have added their magical energy to these retreats through the years.

Thanks to all the fabulous facilitators who have taught on the retreat through the years. Thank you 😊

I'm so grateful to be able to do the work that I'm so passionate about.

Love, Light
Amy ❤️


Ancestral Healing Prayer



Throat Chakra Workshop 'Speak Your Truth' Collective Cork Sunday 23rd July @ 12.30pm-3.30pm.

Workshop Fusion of Yoga, Meditation,Mantra,Breath Practices and deep Healing Shamanic Journey.

As we explore how we speak our truth, hold our truth, quench our truth and deny our fully authentic selves.

The shadow of the Throat Chakra is Control and lies. The lies that we tell ourselves or a mixture of old outdated conditioning that were put on us, by different systems.

It's time to dismantle old outdated scripts and to fully step into our authentic selves.

Limited numbers available for the workshop.
Location Collective Cork Tobin Street Cork City.
Deposit need to secure your mat and the remainder of the balance paid in cash on the day.

Follow The Link Below To Pay your deposit and to secure your spot. ✨️🌹


Two spots left for our August Retreat on Sherkin Island West Cork Yoga & Healing Retreats Ireland
For more information please email on [email protected] ✨️🌹


The last of our Sherkin Island Healing Retreats for 2023
August 19-21st The Third Eye- Creating Your Vision For The Future
September 15th-18th-Crown Chakra- Universal Connection- Completion.
Only a few spots left for each retreat, please get in touch for more information.
Email: [email protected]


Sherkin Retreat Review 2022

"Amy, I want to thank you for a great weekend.

I really didn’t know what to expect & if I’m honest, on Friday I wasn’t fully open to it all. Then there was a shift, your honest, open, vulnerableness broke down my walls.

I have been telling friends & family the last 2 yrs that I feared I was floating away. Your retreat grounded me. I am different since it, more my old self. My connection to me is deeper.

I am sharing this for you to know the deep impact you have on people, that you have a gift & I truly appreciate you sharing it. If you ever doubt that, ring me, I will remind you!"

Thank you



A deep immersion onto Mother Sherkin in 2023

All Retreats are four days for a deep and transformative process.

This is our 5th year running magical and life changing Retreats on Sherkin.

The Bank Holiday May Weekend 28th April-1st May focus of the weekend- The Heart Chakra and Shamanic Healing weekend.
Have another Shamanic Practitioner teaching at this weekend with me.

June 9-12th is the Throat Chakra. So lots of mantras and chanting this weekend and clearing past lives, where you were persecuted for speaking your truth.

August 18-21st is The Third Eye Chakra, developing your clairvoyance and your vision for yourself and humanities future.

September 15th-18th is the crown Chakra and this will be one powerful weekend. With Universal healing and cosmic connections pouring in. Healing and Shamanic work over the weekend also.

There will be surfing on retreat and I'll have different teachers, teaching on different weekends to add their gifts and talents.

Weekends Include

• Yoga & Meditation
• Dawn Yoga On Beach
• Food & Accommodation
• Ferry & Taxi Transfer On The Island
• Surfing
• Shamanic Healing Practices
• Group Work
• Connection To Land
• Sacred Ceremony/ Shamanic Fire
• Other Teachers Sharing In Their Magic ✨️

2023 in numerology terms comes to the root number 7. The number 7 according to numerology, is a tireless seeker of truth & the light. As you will be seeking your own truth and expression this year.

Payment plans offered for Retreats.
An Non-Refundable/Non Transferable deposit of €200 is needed to secure your spot.

The remainder of the retreat balance, needs to be paid a month before the retreat starts.

Please contact me for payment plans or for more information.

[email protected]

With heart Amy ❤️


I'm launching my Brigid project soon, which I have been working on with an illustrator for over the past year. ( STAY TUNED)

Currently finalising a few things before it goes to print.

It will be an A5 Altar coloured card on hard paper. With Brigid on the front and a prayer, I Channelled from Brigid on the back.

This is my 10th year holding workshops in honour of the Goddess and especially Brigid here in Ireland.

I'm hosting a LIVE workshop on the 1st of February and an in person workshop in Clonakilty on Saturday the 4th.

Imbolg is nearly here & Spring has nearly sprung, as we venture out of the Crone Womb of Winter & into early Spring.

The Cailleach is handing over the reins to Brigid as the wheel turns again.

This beautiful Sadhana (Spiritual Practice), we will fully sit into the blessings of Brigid.


1st Feb 6am-8am GMT
Sadhana Includes, Mantras, Meditations & Healing Journey.

Original A5 Colour Altar Card of Brigid Included in Workshop.
(Altar cards will be available to buy separately)

10% of Card Sales go towards the charity.

'West Cork Women Against Violence Project'


If you'd like to attend the in person workshop on Saturday the 4th in Clonakilty West Cork.
(Limited availability)

Please email me on [email protected]



This is my 10 year hosting Workshops on Goddess Brigid here in Ireland.

Workshop held at O' Donovans Hotel Main Street Clonakilty on Saturday the 4th Feb 10-1pm.

This is our new Bank Holiday weekend in honour of Brigid, here in Ireland.

I'm launching an EXCITING NEW PROJECT IN RELATION TO BRIGID!! it has been in the development for the last year.

Stay tuned.
Limited availability for my Brigid Workshop.

Goddess Brigid Day Retreat Review 2022

" I just wanted to say thank you so very much for putting together such an amazing Goddess Brigid Day Retreat.

I am truly blown away by the whole experience. I have done retreat days before but this was a whole new experience for me.

I can honestly say that I have felt a seismic shift in my whole physiology since. It's been such a long time since I've had peace of mind body and spirit and for that I thank you. From the bottom of my heart for sharing your unique gift with us.

What a beautiful group of people too, to have shared the day with.
Thank you" ~Bridget

Email me to pay your deposit and the balance needs to be paid on the day of the event.

Email:[email protected]


New years retreat Kenmare Co. Kerry. 6-9th January 2023
'Soul Healing Retreat' Setting the foundation for a new year.
There are only two spots left on this special retreat.
Email [email protected] for more details 💘❤️✨️
Phine: 0852171155


Thinking of that perfect gift for your loved one or friend. I've GIFT vouchers available for all of my offerings this Christmas.🎁💝

They can choose to use the gift Voucher towards, an in person Shamanic Healing session or a Spiritual coaching session online.

Gift Vouchers available for Reiki Training and my weekend Retreats on Sherkin. I've four magical Retreats planned for 2023 on Sherkin Island.

Choose whatever value and they choose how they use it. Vouchers can be posted out to you.📫💌

Private message me or message me on 0852171155
Email: [email protected]
For more details🙏

Yoga & Healing Retreats- Amy Russell

The Russell Motto on the coat of arms reads ‘Que Sera, Sera’ meaning ‘What will be, will be’ and from a young age Amy has adhered to this principal. Trusting and flowing through life with it’s many twists and turns, always guided by a deep knowing that life is bursting with magic, waiting to be discovered. Amy is passionate about the transformative tools of Kundalini Yoga, Community, The Visual Arts, the Angels and Healing. She loves to teach and to share in life’s gifts, and to give people tools that can aid them on their path.

Amy facilities and creates deep and transformative Yoga and Healing Retreats, currently on the Island of Sherkin off West Cork Ireland. The types of yoga she teaches are traditional Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Global and Hatha Yoga. These weekends are recommended for people who already have some sort of daily practice, which supports them in their daily lives. These weekends can be quite deep and people attending are advised to have a practice, which can support them after the weekend. These weekends are a combination of Shamanic practices, such as a Healing Shamanic fire outside, a guided journey for healing, meditation walks, connection to the land, personal time for reflection, art and journaling. Early morning Sadhana (spiritual practice) on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which is a combination of physical practice, mantras, and meditation. Amy works intuitively and is deeply attuned to peoples changing needs throughout the weekend and flows with the energies. Massage is offered also on request for the clients attending the retreat, this service is an extra charge.


Amy has over twenty four years experience and training in Holistic Health and Healing. Having stepped onto the path at a very young age, she trained in Reiki at the age of seventeen and went on to complete her Masters in Reiki before moving to Belfast to start her two year ‘Masters In Fine Art’ at The University Of Ulster in 2003.

Videos (show all)

Memories from the August Retreat in 2023 Sherkin Island. Retreats this year 2024 DATES: August 23rd-25th Womb Healing Re...
Third Eye Workshop Collective Cork  28th January 2-5pm Cork City. The shadow of the third eye is illusions. How we fanta...
Yoga and Healing Retreats Sherkin Island West Cork. Keep an eye out for more dates coming soon for 2021. Excited to be a...


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00