Laboratoire de chimie appliquée des matériaux - LCAM

Laboratoire de chimie appliquée des matériaux - LCAM

Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée des Matériaux (LCAM) est un laboratoire de recherche en chimie des matériaux à la Faculté des Sciences de Rabat.


Salut à toutes et à tous,
vous trouverez ci-joint une annonce de post-doc ouverte dans l'équipe au CRM2 sur la thématique photocristallographie des matériaux commutables luminescents.
L'offre est disponible dès maintenant, et jusqu'à ce qu'on trouve un bon candidat. Merci de faire suivre cette annonce auprès de vos réseaux.

Bonne journée

CMSS21 - Home 02/07/2021

Dear colleagues, researchers and professors,
We cordially invite to submit your abstract to the 3rd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability which will be held at the faculty of sciences in Rabat.
This edition will be organized on HYBRID online/onsite model. It will provide an incoming opportunity to discuss and share recent advances in both research and practice about the important various fields of engineering and applied science of materials and structures, aspects of innovation in civil engineering and building materials.
Lectures, keynotes, oral and poster communications, cover a wide variety of topics from major materials and diagnostics in civil engineering, building and structures. CMSS21 Organizers are actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure safety, comfort and quality of experience for attendees and a successful course of the event.

CMSS21 - Home The first and second editions of the CMSS congress were organized in Rabat, in 2013(CMSS13) and 2017(CMSS17) respectively, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. It was a great success with the presence, in each edition, of more than 400 participants from more than 30 countries. T...


Dear researchers,

We welcome you to the official page of the LCAM lab at the Faculty of Sciences in Rabat.

Here, we will highlight the news, views and research that are done either in our lab facilities or in collaboration with national and international researchers.

Thank you

