EFT, Intention Tapping & Hypnotherapy with Carole Quinn

EFT, Intention Tapping & Hypnotherapy with Carole Quinn

Tapping for emotional issues including anxiety, low self esteem/confidence, work related stress, health & relationships to help make positive changes.

Empowering you to take control of negative beliefs that hold you back from living your best life. I trained with Emma Roberts & Sue Beer, EFT Founding Masters and EFT International Accredited Master Trainers at the EFT Centre, London. Qualifications: -
• Level 2 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner
• Integrated Energy Techniques (IET) practitioner
• Neuro-Linguistic Programming practi


Life can be unpredictable and sometimes even the little things can feel overwhelming. That’s why I’ve made Intention Tapping a part of my daily routine. It’s not just something I use in times of crisis - it’s a tool I turn to regularly to stay grounded, balanced, and focused.

Whether I’m dealing with a challenging conversation; feeling anxious about an upcoming task; or just need to reset after a hectic day, I take a few moments to tap. In a very short time, I’m able to shift my mindset and feel calmer.

Intention Tapping has become my go-to for managing everyday emotions and it helps me navigate the ups and downs of life with more ease and resilience.

If you’re looking for a simple, effective way to handle whatever life throws at you, I encourage you to give it a try. It’s made such a difference in my life, and I’m keen to share it with others.

I offer free Discovery Calls via Zoom. For more information DM me or email [email protected]


For a long while I’ve resisted posting the reasons I got into EFT & Intention Tapping. It felt a bit like airing my dirty laundry, but I know there will be some of you out there, right now, who need to hear my story.

In 2016, I was due to celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary & I was looking forward to planning my retirement years with my husband, travelling and spending more time together. Instead, I’d found out he’d been having an affair for some years with a colleague, 23 years his junior. My life, as I knew it, fell apart.

I struggled to function. I couldn’t sleep. I forced myself to walk my dogs and go to work. I lived on eggs on toast because that was all I could stomach. I lost weight & life didn’t seem worth living.

In the many hours when I couldn’t sleep, I obsessively read books on how to save my marriage; midlife crisis; rebuilding self-esteem; books on loss, grief, infidelity. I was desperately trying to find the answers & to escape the awfulness of the present.

I was lucky. I had loving parents, sister & brother-in-law, a brilliant counsellor, friends & my beautiful dogs to support me however I felt so alone with hours to think.

December 2016, I answered a Facebook ad - a local couple were offering a cup of tea & a chat if you were lonely. They did Reiki & Tarot (which I’d never heard of) and then spoke of a technique where you tapped your face & body. At this stage I made my excuses & left – How ridiculous!

A couple of weeks later, trawling through the internet, I discovered EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) – they were telling the truth after all!

I signed up for my first course in 2017 & since then EFT & Intention Tapping have been the best way for me to manage the disappointments & daily frustrations in life, especially when it hasn’t gone to plan.

Especially during separation & my divorce, Tapping gave me control of my mind, in a situation that felt completely out of control. I was better able to manage my feelings of rejection, abandonment, sadness, anger & regret.

What I love about Tapping is that you can learn to use the technique on yourself, as I did. It’s simple & effective. Tapping lowers the stress hormone, Cortisol & sends a calming signal to the amygdala in the brain. In short, it makes me feel better – lighter somehow. Yes, there will be times when you need to work with a practitioner for bigger issues but there will be many times when you will be able to regulate your own stress, mental health & wellbeing. And that’s so empowering.

2024 – On reflection, it’s been quite a journey of discovery. I’m a qualified practitioner in Intention Tapping, EFT, Hypnotherapy, NLP & Integrated Energy Techniques. I particularly love sharing Tapping with others & seeing how their lives, like mine, change.

Is my life perfect? Absolutely not. It’s not the life I planned but in Tapping, I have a wonderful tool, to manage life’s ups & downs & that feels good.

There’s lots of free resources online to get you started, or to find out how Tapping can help you, DM or email me to book a Discovery Call - [email protected].


Going on holiday? Travelling frequently?
Don’t let the stress of travel get to you.
Intention Tapping can help you stay calm & focused no matter where you are.
DM me to book a free discovery call & to find out how Tapping can help you.


Struggling with the transition to retirement?
Intention Tapping can help you find new purpose & joy in this next chapter. Embrace the possibilities.
DM me to book a free Discovery call & to find out how Tapping can help you.


I’m very grateful for this recent testimonial showing how effective Tapping can be.
If you’re interested to find out how Tapping can help you, please DM me 💕

Harry’s unusual therapy explained that got him out of ‘fight or flight’ mode 20/05/2024


Here's an article, in the Daily Mirror yesterday, about EFT/Tapping.

Prince Harry, during a television documentary, admitted to using EFT to help with his trauma & PTSD.

EFT/Tapping can be used for many issues - anxiety, phobias, limiting beliefs, chronic pain & stress, to name just a few.

Within our sessions, clients will also learn how to use EFT/Intention Tapping for themselves so that they feel more empowered and are able to take back control of their everyday lives.

For more information & to find out how EFT & Intention Tapping can help you, please DM me or email [email protected].

Harry’s unusual therapy explained that got him out of ‘fight or flight’ mode Requests for tapping therapy have said to have skyrocketed since Prince Harry admitted to using the technique during a television documentary


Watch this video from best-selling author Nick Ortner to discover exactly what is happening in your brain right now that is keeping you from creating the life that you want AND how Tapping can help you get past it.​​​​​​​​
No matter what positive changes you want to make in your life, Tapping can help.​​​​​​​​
Here's the link to the video https://rd117.isrefer.com/go/2024-TWS-SNO-VS1/eftlondon/


Using EFT to support a Cancer Diagnosis on -​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Cancer is, at the very least, an unwelcome journey that we don’t choose to take.

However, for many reasons it is becoming one that many of us will experience at some point in our lives. And when that happens it is not only shocking, but opens the floodgates on a deluge of other emotional and physical responses.

EFT does NOT claim to offer a cure for cancer, but is a powerful support for positive wellbeing. It provides an immediate tool for managing this ongoing emotional rollercoaster, helping to calm and rebalance the energy system whilst it adjusts to what is happening. From the start, EFT can be used to help clear the blocks to healing, both physical and emotional.

The joy of EFT is that it can be used alongside any treatment plan, whatever the prognosis, stage or treatment. It is the ultimate in complementary therapy as it integrates fully with the medical models and alternative therapies. It is not a case of either or, but both.

Our founder Emma Roberts is extremely experienced working with cancer patients over her long career as an EFT Practitioner, trainer & EFT Founding Master. She has written a book called 'Even Though I have Cancer'.

'Even Though I Have Cancer' is a self-help book aimed at supporting those with a cancer diagnosis, those supporting them, family, friends & the medical profession.

Although Emma's book is aimed at cancer patients, we think the book benefits any experiencing or working with client's experiencing any chronic illness. It is available to purchase on Amazon or through our website https://theeftcentre.com/product/even-though-i-have-cancer/

Sending love to those people and their families on a cancer journey right now 😘


One of my clients sent this testimonial to me today. EFT/Tapping has become a regular practise for her now. She is seeing the benefits in her life & able to use tapping for herself 💕


So often, we set New Year’s Resolutions that are completely unattainable & then we beat ourselves up when we don’t achieve them.

Last year, my mentor suggested setting a goal so small that it would be achievable.

At first I said, “OK I’ll read one chapter of my book a day”.
“No”, he said.
“Set a smaller goal”.

After several similar suggestions, I set my intention to read one page of my book a day.

A year on & I’m still reading one page a day (I do have the odd slip!) & most days I go on to read more.

Resolve to do:
* One sit-up;
* One x 5 minute walk
* Eat one less biscuit

The chances are you will achieve your goal & possibly more. Give it a try 🌟


Talk to family; talk to a friend; talk to the Samaritans.
Please don’t suffer in silence 💕

We're always here to listen 📱 116 123


Leave a ❤️ below if you've experienced the healing power of Tapping!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

By providing comfort and relief, Tapping helps us to approach past experiences with a sense of acceptance, compassion, and understanding as we work through them in a safe and controlled way. ​​​​​​​​
​*If you're going through a difficult time and feel like you can't handle it by yourself, it's important to ask for help. You can talk to a trained EFT Practitioner who can help you work through your trauma in a safe and supportive way.* ​​​​​​​​


I’ve just finished reading “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig.
Thank you for recommending Christine Bennett.
It’s a brilliant book. One of those that you can’t put down, at least I couldn’t!
This quote will stay with me “You don’t have to understand life, you just have to live it” 💕


This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, running 15-21 May, is anxiety.

DM me to find out how EFT/Tapping can help you manage your anxiety with a free 15 minute discovery call.

It’s a simple, effective technique.
Via Zoom I will support you & show you how you can use tapping on yourself.
Alternatively, there are lots of free resources online I can direct you to …💛


Cancer can affect lives in so many ways. ​​​​​​​​
Experiences of cancer are much more than just about the practicalities of the process.​​​​​​​​
Dealing with a, many times unexpected, cancer diagnosis may bring feelings of anxiety surrounding the uncertainty, stress, worry, fear of the unknown, fear of the future, obsessing about the past, inability to think straight or act normally.​​​​​​​​
A cancer diagnosis can have a massive impact on someone’s identity, and who they are in the world.​​​​​​​​
How does EFT work?​​​​​​​​
“Acupoint tapping sends signals directly to the stress centres of the mid-brain, not mediated by the frontal lobes (the thinking part, active in talk therapy).” Dr Dawson Church.​​​​​​​​
How can EFT help cancer patients?​​​​​​​​
Please read the full blog written by our very own Emma, and Aga Kehinde to find out how EFT can support cancer patients.​​​​​​​​
Here is a link to the full blog published by the British Society for Integrative Oncology.​​​​​​​​

Amy grieves for Roxy as she starts treatment for self harm in EastEnders 14/04/2023

I don't watch EastEnders but last night one of the actors, called Amy, in a main story line, was shown using EFT and using it to calm her anxiety (she self harms).

It's great to see this on one of the biggest UK soaps, with millions of viewers, showing just one of the many issues where EFT can help.

Direct message me to find out more & to arrange a free 15 minute discovery call, to see how EFT can help you.

Amy grieves for Roxy as she starts treatment for self harm in EastEnders Amy began EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - in a bid to calm her emotions.


EFT/Tapping has many uses & I created this Word Search to highlight just a few of them. The list is endless, fear of public speaking; social anxiety; support during health issues & so much more.

As well as EFT, I am a qualified NLP; Integrated Energy Technique & Hypnotherapy Practitioner.

You may be curious as to how these therapies can help your situation so I offer a FREE 15 minute discovery call.
Interested? Message me to book your call & take that first step towards making positive changes in your life 💛


EFT/Tapping has been shown to significantly lower cortisol, which is the stress hormone 💙
DM me to arrange a free 15 minute discovery call to find out how it can help you.

Timeline photos 15/03/2023

How true.
Time for change? 🦋

The trouble is that we get stuck in our day-to-day lives, in old patterns that hold us back... ​​​​​​​​
We listen to the 💬 critical inner voices and negative thoughts that tell us that we can’t. ​​​​​​​​
💭 That we don’t deserve it. ​​​​​​​​
💭 That we shouldn’t. ​​​​​​​​
💭 That we aren’t good enough. ​​​​​​​​
💭 That we won’t be able to achieve what we want to achieve.​​​​​​​​
These limiting beliefs are just that… They are limiting. ​​​​​​​​
But the thing is, there’s this whole universe of possibility out there... if only we can break free from our own barriers and stop listening to the inner voices that hold us back and make us play small.​​​​​​​​
➡️ Tapping is a tool that can help you overcome limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. By tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on the negative emotions or thoughts, you can release your emotional blockages and rewire your thinking patterns. ​​​​​​​​
It can be a powerful and effective way to break free from old patterns and tap into more opportunities ahead. 💪 ​​​​​​​​
👋 Comment LEARN if you want to learn more about Tapping or go deeper into your practice! 💌​​​​​​​​


All the time we hang on to that “old stuff”, we stay stuck & cannot move forward.
This is where EFT can help.
DM me to book a free 15 minute discovery call or Zoom to find out how.💗

Trauma Tapping Technique 05/03/2023

5 minutes to spare?
Try this self-help method called Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT).
In the fourth of our “Tapping with Nikki & Carole” videos, Nikki demonstrates the TTT technique.
In a very short time, you will notice that you feel calmer; your breathing & pulse rate will lower & you will feel much more relaxed.
Click on the link below & give it a try.
Both Nikki & I have our own EFT practices. If you would like to have a chat about EFT & to find out how it can help you, please privately message to book a free 15 minute discovery call 💛✨💛

Trauma Tapping Technique Self-help with Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) is simple to do and has proven effects. Tapping is recommended by the Centre for Crisis and Trauma in Sweden fo...


A big thank you to Sue Beer & Emma Roberts at The EFT Centre, London for their fabulous Level 3 EFT training last weekend.
I also had the pleasure of working with Patricia, pictured here beside me.
I was sitting my Level 3 for the first time & Patricia, was participating as part of her continuing professional development. This is the great thing about training & mentoring. You get to work with some great practitioners & make new friends along the way 😍


The 15th Annual Tapping World Summit is starting on February 27th! Are you registered yet? ​​​​​​​​
If you're not, just comment "Summit" below and we'll DM you with details to get signed up. :) ​​​​​​​​
But here are some of the basics...​​​​​​​​
1 - This is a FREE online event that starts on February 27th. ​​​​​​​​
2 - The event is 100% CONTENT so don't expect any pitches of anything on these calls.​​​​​​​​
3 - This event is an EXPERIENCE. You won't leave this event with just information, you'll leave it actually FEELING better because you'll be guided through powerful Tapping processes that will transform your emotions, limiting beliefs and much more. ​​​​​​​​
So if you're not signed up yet, or even if you're just curious to learn more... ​​​​​​​​
Comment "Summit" below and we'll get you everything you need. :) ​​​​​​​​
Over 2 million people have attended previous summits for one very good reason... because Tapping works! We look forward to seeing you there. :)


Stressed, anxious, overwhelmed?
EFT can help with this & much more ……
DM or WhatsApp me to find out more.
I work 1:1, via Zoom, with clients, offering a free 15 minute consultation prior.
Work with me & at the same time, learn a self-help tool to help you manage the ups & downs of life 💛


Happy Valentine’s Day.
Look around & see the beauty that surrounds you 💗


Simon attended the aftermath of the 7/7 London Terrorist attacks as a senior paramedic, and subsequently developed Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). He underwent Emotional Freedom Techniques Therapy (also known as 'tapping') and says 'it changed his life' - here's Simon's story.

"I started to struggle with the day-to-day incidents and my tolerance levels were very low. My symptoms included irritability and poor sleep. I suffered nightmares about that day. They were a jumbled frightening mess. I kept getting triggered by incidents of the day at work and I would go into a trance-like state. I would be more there than here.

My eczema broke out and it was so severe that I had to wear a bandage soaked in an emollient cream. I had an infection in both my legs and needed antibiotics. I also noticed that I had an abhorrence for cooking and eating pork chops. I realised later this was due to the sight and smell of the burn injuries.

I became isolated and introverted and I couldn’t face going out. A friend was in contact with a therapist, and she asked if she could pass on my details. I agreed and a consultant psychotherapist recommended that I begin EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with a therapist who specialised in Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD).

My first session began over SKYPE. I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. My EFT therapist explained how the treatment worked and we took things at my pace. I noticed that my eczema started to clear up quickly. My sleep patterns improved. My mood lifted. I felt more able to cope with life and my job. I was no longer triggered by sounds and smells.

During the sessions, there were periods when I had no recollection of what happened. We progressed slowly from the last thing I could remember. That calmed me. I was gradually able to remember more detail.

We kept tapping until I remembered everything and we tapped away all traces of the remaining emotions. We tapped away emotions like fear, rage, anger, disgust, guilt, sadness, grief. I once remarked that I thought I should be feeling something My therapist said, ‘it’s just the tapping doing its job. It doesn’t mean you don’t care’.

At the end of my treatment, my therapist explained that the last part was being able to tell the story of what happened. Up until then we were only using guesses and other ‘psychological distancing’ techniques. I couldn’t believe that I was able to talk about everything and there was nothing, no emotional reaction at all. I was also able to eat pork again!

I had six sessions in all. Since the sessions I have had no flashbacks, nightmares or any lasting problems. I haven’t had eczema since my sessions.

I would recommend EFT to everyone. It’s a life changer.”

Find out more about what EFT is, how is works and more in our latest guest blog post from EFT International here: ptsduk.org/emotional-freedom-techniques-or-tapping-for-ptsd/

You can also read more case studies about EFT for PTSD and C-PTSD here: ptsduk.org/eft-tapping-for-ptsd-and-c-ptsd-case-studies/


To find out more about EFT and for a list of accredited EFT practitioners, please visit EFT International and their website.


EFT/Tapping can help you to take back control & calm yourself when you’re stressed, anxious & when your life feels out of control 💙

Videos (show all)

Season’s greetings.Wishing you & your family peace, health & happiness over this festive season.💛⭐️💛



Opening Hours

Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00