Ben Musau

Ben Musau

Depression, Anxiety and Loneliness is a thing we struggle with and can relate on a personal level.


I woke up this morning to a video sent to me by a friend, it was a question along these lines "who do you call when you are at your lowest" The question was followed by around 8-10 men and there answer was 'no one'. You could see the pain in their eyes and society has conditioned us that way, that we are supposed to "man up" and that real men don't cry. I guess what I'm trying to say is that men suffer in silence cause we got no one and the few times we had people in our lives they in one point used that moment of vulnerability against us. I am changing that, I am building a closed community only for men, a safe haven for us, now I don't want to do this alone, I want to do it with you, so send me a message, tell me your story and lets create a safe haven together.


Depression, Anxiety and Loneliness is a thing we struggle with and can relate on a personal level. Depression is something that shows itself differently for everyone. There is no one person, or one story, or one experience that can make someone universally understand truly how depression alters the lives of those of us who suffer from it. I can’t make anyone understand how it is for everyone but I can give you a space to share how it altered your life.