

A youth-led project dedicated to support marginalized sectors of Iloilo City through various fundraising and relief assistance operations.

Photos from JCI Regatta - Iloilo's post 26/04/2021

With the help of donations from Oplan Pag-agubay, we are able to donate boxes of face masks and face shields to the community pantry initiated by JCI-Regatta.

In these times of trouble, working hand in hand will surely bring us closer to our goal - that is to bring positive impact, may it be big or small, to the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 05/10/2020

Monday, September 26 - thirteen houses were razed by fire In Brgy. Rizal Estanzuela, Iloilo City. Started at about 2:10 PM over the weekend, initial investigation indicated electrical short circuit as a probable cause of the incident. The fire completely destroyed six houses and partially damaged seven more. The damages roughly amount to over Php 900,000.

In light of this incident, we've extended our hand to 33 households affected by the said calamity last October 3. Through donation of basic necessities such as food supplies, clothing, and face masks we have lit hope to our affected Ilonggos.

Sa pagpadayon naton sa kontra batok sa sining pandemya, magbinuligay kita sa pagdala sang paglaum kag kusog sa aton kasimanwa!

Together may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos!

For monetary donations:

0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:

Contact Number:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]


Nagapanghuna-huna kamo bala sang sarang nga mabulig sang inyo pulo?

Hibaluun sa sunod nga mga inadlaw.


📣Kamusta mga Ilonggo! 📣

Our applications for ambassadors will be closing in 3 days🕑 Join the cause and be part of the family❤️!

👤Be an Ambassador!!

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 10/09/2020

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, honored as Saint Theresa of Calcutta by the Catholic Church, was and continues to be an embodiment of faith, hope, and charity. She is an inspiration to not only the Christians of the world, but to all peoples. As a community, we must learn to adopt the values that Mother Teresa advocated to make our society safe and healthy.

Here at Abang-abang, we’ve worked to push those values at the forefront of our initiatives, and it is all thanks to the generous contributions of our donors. Without their help, none of our outreaches and projects would have been accomplished. Thanks to the everpresent support, we were able to help over 350 households during 5 relief operations across 4 communities. The accomplishments of Abang-abang are the accomplishments of the people. Over the past few weeks, working together has helped build a safe and healthy community that has brought much needed healing and prosperity to Iloilo.

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and inquiries:
Mobile #
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Facebook Messenger

PUBMAT by Joshua Pagmanua


🚧 Kamusta mga Ilonggo! 🚧

Are you willing to step up to the challenge and be part of the change 🦾? Do you want to help? Do you have a heart for the community🏘? Well join the cause and be part of the family🤍!

Abang-Abang is a youth-led organization dedicated to uplift the community through relief-assistance operations and campaigns. So far, we’ve helped over 350 households and remain firm in our resolve. This time, we need your assistance in spreading our advocacy! Be part of the movement today😎!

We will be accepting applications until September 13, 2020!

👤Be an Ambassador!!

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]


Sunday, August 23—With the prolonged quarantine in the barangay of Sinikway, Lapuz, Abang-Abang engaged in yet another relief-assistance operation. Thanks to in-kind and monetary donations, around 150 families were provided with care packages consisting of food supplies and vitamins. This is part 2 of our Sinikway support operations.

As we look forward to future operations, help us in our pursuit in to uplift the community, help us make a positive impact. Join us in our vision of a better society!

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Photos from CFC YFC Iloilo's post 23/08/2020

Our solidarity as Ilonggos will push us through during these tumultuous times. A big thank you to the Youth For Christ Iloilo Chapter for partnering with us and expanding our reach in helping the communities in our city.

Help us out by checking out their page and join their Provincial Assembly Online Series on August 31, 2020, 2pm!

“Together, may we create a positive impact in the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.”


On Wednesday, August 19, 2020, Abang-abang organized a relief distribution for the affected families of Barangay Rizal, Pala-Pala, City Proper. 100 families of Zone 2 received packages that consisted of canned goods and other food supplies. Many of these families are unable to leave their homes due to the restrictions of the lockdown.

Special thanks to the Alolor family for being the front-liners in this relief mission.

“Together, may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.”

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 21/08/2020

On Wednesday, August 19, 2020, Abang-abang organized a relief distribution mission for the affected families of Barangay Rizal, Pala-Pala, City Proper. 100 families of Zone 2 received packages that consisted of canned goods and other food supplies. Many of these families are unable to leave their homes due to the restrictions of the lockdown.

We would like to thank the people who have donated to our organization, and special thanks to the Alolor family for being the front-liners in this relief mission. With your help, we are able to push forward and alleviate the stress posed upon us by this pandemic.

“Together, may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.”


On Friday, August 14, 2020, Abang-abang engaged in a relief supply distribution mission for families in blocks 4 and 12 of Brgy. Sinikway Lapuz. This is a video created by our very own content committee that captured our frontliners in the field, as well as the preparation process. Special thanks to everyone involved! As an organization dedicated to the public, we want to show everyone all the good work that our community can do when we come together and uplift each other, especially in these stressful times.

"Together may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos"

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]


Friday, August 14, 2020 – Abang-abang engaged in another supply distribution mission for families in need in blocks 4 and 12 of Brgy. Sinikway Lapuz. Around 50 families were provided with a care package that consisted of food supplies , and vitamins. These areas were put into lockdown recently due to a surge in positive Covid-19 cases, putting them into quarantine and restricting them from leaving their homes.

Special thanks to an Abang-abang member and his family for being the frontliners in this relief mission!

"Together may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos"

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 16/08/2020

Friday, August 14, 2020 – Abang-abang engaged in another supply distribution mission for families in need in blocks 4 and 12 of Brgy. Sinikway Lapuz. Around 50 families were provided with a care package that consisted of food supplies , and vitamins. These areas were put into lockdown recently due to a surge in positive Covid-19 cases, putting them into quarantine and restricting them from leaving their homes. Abang-abang distributed supplies to these people who are under monitoring so that they may receive help in providing basic supplies for their families.

Special thanks to an Abang-abang member and his family for being the frontliners in this relief mission!

With each family helped, we work towards alleviating the stress that this current pandemic has put on everyone and we continue to push forward and persevere despite the challenges that we are all facing. Together, we truly will be able to make our city safer, healthier, and happier.


Monday, August 10, 2020 – Abang abang distributed relief packs to the families of San Juan who are currently in lockdown. In their current situation, many of them are not able to leave and buy food and provide basic necessities for their families.

Special thanks to Sir. Bryan Tagabe and an Abang-abang member who acted as our frontliners and lead the physical engagement of the relief operation.

“Together, may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.”

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 10/08/2020

Monday, August 10, 2020 – Abang abang distributed relief packs to the families of San Juan who are currently in lockdown. In their current situation, many of them are not able to leave and buy food and provide basic necessities for their families. They have monoblock chairs set out along the street with each family’s names so people can provide relief goods, so we took the opportunity to help these families that are in need and, with your help, we were able to provide the entire community with 300 packs of noodles (5 boxes) and two large sacks of rice.

Special thanks to Sir. Bryan Tagabe and an Abang-abang member who acted as our frontliners and lead the physical engagement of the relief operation.

“Together, may we create a positive impact on the lives of our fellow Ilonggos.”


The recent oil spill has forced 255 families, including 931 individuals, to evacuate to a nearby elementary school as a precaution for their safety.

On July 22, 2020, Abang-Abang has successfully managed to help several of the affected families and remains steadfast on its mission to continue to help the society.

As we look forward to our future operations, help us in our pursuit to uplift the community, help us make a positive impact. Join us in our vision for a better Iloilo!

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]


“If we as a community don’t step up to help each other, then who will?”

On July 3, 2020, a power barge operated by the energy arm of Filipino conglomerate Ayala Corporation spilled nearly 270,000 liters of bunker fuel off the coast of Iloilo—polluting 1,200 square meters of Barrio Obrero and surrounding villages in the Lapuz district—drastically affecting the lives of fishermen and other families.

Smoke from the bunker fuel has forced 255 families including 931 individuals to temporarily evacuate to a nearby elementary school as a precaution for their safety.

With the goal of providing assistance to those in need, Abang-Abang has successfully managed to help several of the affected families and remains dedicated to uplift the community.

Join us in our pursuit to help the community. Join us in our advocacy to make a positive impact. Join us in our vision for a better Iloilo!

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and other inquiries:
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Photos from Abáng-ábang's post 02/08/2020


Abang-abang is a youth-led project aiming to help uplift communities in need through fundraising activities and donation drives, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many people who are in need of charity have been greatly affected by the quarantine, and we want to help provide basic necessities to support them.

These include masks, alcohol, and other supplies that are required to adapt to this new normal that we have found ourselves in.

As a city and a tightly-knit community, we must come together to support each other in times of need. Help us help the city.

For monetary donations:
0929 706 1910

For in-kind donations and inquiries:

Mobile #
0998 574 6486

[email protected]

Facebook Messenger

PUBMAT by Joshua Pagmanua

