Exodus AEW Team

Exodus AEW Team

This page is for players of Exodus Battle LARP to post question directly to get an expedited respons


Howdy Exodus,
Myself and Hugh will be present this Friday for all of your equipment-checking-needs.
Of special note is that we will be checking metal armour for any previously undetected spiky bits due to the community noticing an increase in weapon damage of late.
Please feel free to either come to us for a check up if you have some metal armour, or alternatively I'll also do a walk around during kit up times and ask if I can take a gander at your kit.
See you all there!


This a page where the Armour, Equipment and Weapons team can directly respond to simple items that shouldn't really require a safety check before field.
It is also intended as a place for questions to be discussed more fully to clarify any points for members of the community.

Essentially, a creative common with the AEW Team as moderators who can answer your questions directly, and approve, in limited scope, certain scope.