Living Heathly with Mere

Living Heathly with Mere

As you all know I am all about loving yourself, self care, being free in life, being your authentic self. Working out & a balanced healthy life.

I’ll be sharing what all of these things mean and look like for me.


One of my go to breakfasts that is satisfying, balanced & isn’t restrictive. How many of us have labeled food as “good” and “bad”? I know I sure have in the past. I had to break that mold and way of thinking because no one food is “bad.”

When I was “dieting” (I now cringe at that word) I would be so super restrictive about my foods that it led me to develop an eating disorder. I wouldn’t allow myself to have balanced eating habits. It was an “all or nothing” with no in between. When I restricted myself of certain foods I loved it inevitably led me to break down and binge in an excessive amount of that food I was depriving myself of. Once I healed my approach with food I was able to break my ED of binging. I now do not label foods as “good” or “bad.” I eat what I want all in moderation when satisfying my cravings.

This is all not to say if you have specific goals health wise to not go after them, by any means please do, but to more so be aware of your mental state towards food and the relationship you have with it. If you’re wanting to lose weight know it’s okay to eat things you still love and still be able to reach your goals. Just some food for thought 😉🧡!!


Have you ever let a busy life get in the way and deter you from your purpose in life? Yeah, me neither (insert sarcasm). It happens to us all at some point or another.
I let life deter me from my plan, my passion, my purpose. It was always a lingering thought in the back of my mind that I couldn’t shake. I would work on it here and there but nothing more than that. I genuinely believe if you keep thinking about it or keep coming back to it time and time again then it is YOUR purpose in life. It is YOUR passion. It is YOUR plan. It is YOUR destiny.
My passion in life is to help others help themselves. My plan is to help others live a healthy life whatever that may be for them. My purpose in life is to help others understand and love themselves from the inside out!! As you all know I am all about loving yourself, self care, self love, being free of in life, being your authentic self.
So I am bringing this page back to share what a healthy life for me looks like. What my self care and self love looks like. What my idea of being free and my authentic self looks like, quirks and all.
Share what these things look like for you or what you would want them to look like for you!!!


I’ll be completely honest here, I haven’t lifted in some time (probably about a month truthfully). I would jog here & there but that was the extent of me “working out.”
I was finding myself in a funk and sort of lost, bored and well unmotivated. So I made myself put my big girl britches on and come up with a new routine/split for the next 8 weeks. I have definitely and absolutely lost some strength but I know it will come back.
Here is my shoulder/Tri workout I did this am followed by a jog.


Out of my curiosity, what do you feel is the hardest for you?!

A. Workouts (i.e what to do)
B. Nutrition
C. Both


Even if you fail, you’re still winning. ..
At least now you know to try it a different way the next time...
It’s okay to have fear, especially when it comes to something new but to not try at all is the utmost way to cheat yourself. Take a chance and look that fear in the eyes and do it anyway!! ..

Photos from Living Heathly with Mere's post 17/06/2020

This is more than a physical transformation post. This post is more of the mental transformation that has happened.

2018 Me desperately wanted a change. I knew I wanted more for myself. I was tired of allowing myself to mistreat me mentally, I was tired of abusing my body with binge eating and not taking care of myself. And I was more so tired of truly not loving myself. I had reached a point where I knew I was the ONLY one now standing in my way and I had a choice to make. So I just STARTED!!! At this time I started working out 4 days a week with an intent of just loosing weight. But over the next two years I learned its much more than that.

2019 I had lost all the weight that the previous me wanted to lose despite wanting to give up more times than I could count. It was then I knew in my soul that this was my purpose and calling in life even if then I didn’t understand exactly what that meant. As the year continued on i was noticing small changes within me. I noticed my eating habits of binging we’re becoming less & less as I started to truly understand my self worth and value. And For the first time I started praying everyday for guidance instead of miracle’s and my desire for growth, evolvement, and pure self love grew.

2020 Me is understanding my true worth. 2020 me is working on enhancing certain things within me while figuring out the toxic. 2020 me is no longer people pleasing. 2020 me knows now that my energy is like money and time is the price so I’m starting to spend it wisely. 2020 me is finding out what true self love is. 2020 me knows what it’s like to go from despising not only your body but yourself to truly loving yourself. 2020 me knows I will be soon helping others with the same thing. 2020 me has never been happier.


“Just have faith”

Words I would recite to myself from an early age when I would find myself in stressful, anxious, and hard times. These words have helped me out in more ways than I can count in my life and they continue to help me out. So if you find yourself struggling remember Just have faith because it won’t be this way forever. 🧡🧡🧡


“You’ve survived 100% of your worst days because there is a light at the end of each of those tunnels.”

I have survived 100% of my worst, darkest and hardest days. I’ve survived postpartum depression, past relationship verbal abuse, cancer, daily anxiety, despising myself to the point of wanting giving up, being picked on because of my looks, a previous quarantine, the COMPARISON game to always have to be “perfect” and many other things throughout my life. And although it was scary, all full of unknowns, and down right difficult to navigate through I knew there had to be light at the end of each of those because I CHOSE and continue to CHOOSE to see it that way. I will always be a positive pants, an optimistic or a glass full type of person because I’ve survived all of my worst days so far and I know how hard it is to retrain your brain to see things that way. So if you’re feeling down, confused, in a spiral, a hamster wheel or what the case may be know you aren’t alone and there can be light at the end of your tunnel too!! It may not be today, tomorrow or even next week, the only thing you can’t do is give up!!


If you would have told me a couple years ago that I would be where I am mentally today I would have not only laughed in your face but I would have been that person to tell you that it couldn’t happen.


Well here I am today eating those very words. Finding me and healing my soul from the inside out is not only continuous (daily) but also the most blissful and beautiful disaster all in one. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I started to unlock new layers of myself by resolving past trauma and toxic relationships I had.


When I started to sit with my feelings (and thoughts), I started to get a handle on knowing that my thoughts (and others thoughts) have towards myself are farthest from the truth and it got the wheels going.


Sitting with my feelings (and thoughts) it made me forgive myself...
•for excepting less than I ever deserved
•for not knowing the things I know now that I didn’t then
•for thinking that perfect is an end destination when it’s really in the everyday moments I live for now
•for knowing it’s okay to want more for myself/family/life and that I shouldn’t feel bad for that
•for allowing one sided relationships/friendships as long as I did not knowing how damaging it was to me
•for thinking I wasn’t worthy or good enough
•for allowing others insecurities they have within themselves to have a hold on me & keeping me back from my true self
•for treating myself poorly so long to make others feel better within themselves even though it felt like a slow death on my part
•for not being stronger
•for not turning to Daddy Lord sooner
•and for not loving myself as I always should have


My name is Meredith
I have fought postpartum depression/depression. And I battle with High functioning anxiety along with binge eating tendencies and I am not ashamed of it. The only thing I am ashamed now in my life is the things I should have changed along time ago but didn’t. And even on days I am internally struggling (yes I have them) I know how strong my soul is and how far I’ve come to get to where I am now.



Hello!! 👋🏻👋🏻
My name is Meredith and I live in the great state of Texas. I have been married to my amazing husband for 7 1/2 years and we have a precious 5 year old baby boy!!
I started on my health journey 2 1/2 years ago after having cancer and have never looked back. I am deeply passionate about heath on all levels physically, mentally and emotionally. There was a time I did not think that I would be where I am today with all of those and I am so thankful to be. My goal is to share a variety of information I have used myself from workouts, yummy recipes, to self-love/mental, to fashion as well as continuing my educating because this journey truly is continuous. I am excited about this page and hope some find it useful!! 🧡🧡

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One of my go to breakfasts that is satisfying, balanced & isn’t restrictive. How many of us have labeled food as “good” ...
