The City Dweller

The City Dweller

A new creator for battlemaps, towns and adventures (eventually) for D&D 5e material.

Photos from The City Dweller's post 07/05/2022

Canyon Bottom Encounter Map - The tiered levels rising up the side of the canyon dictate the status of citizens in the Cradle - the higher you are the better. Unfortunately, that means those at the bottom are often forgotten about and have to make due scrounging together whatever shelters they can and pitching up next to the river which created this canyon.

Photos from The City Dweller's post 01/05/2022

Haven't posted in a while, lots of spinning plates, plus trying out a new software too. Just a nice simple low-end bar to refresh myself.

Photos from The City Dweller's post 28/03/2022

FREE MAP - Underground Tunnels/Chamber

Photos from The City Dweller's post 14/03/2022

FREE MAP - Underground River
Deep beneath the sands of the desert is a vast natural tunnel system. Some of these tunnels still have water running through them. This attracts all sorts of life from above and below. Who might your party find?

Photos from The City Dweller's post 21/02/2022

FREE MAP - Watch Point Ruins Canyon
The remains of an old outpost or watch tower signify the entrance the ever descending canyon. How will you try to kill the party this time?


Photos from The City Dweller's post 07/02/2022

FREE MAP - Temple Trouble - Finally reaching the bottom of the complex should always be an ominous feeling. This temple seems to have some sort of ritual taking place. Are you players able to stop it? Or do they want it completed?

Photos from The City Dweller's post 31/01/2022

FREE MAP - Desert Ruins Entrance (gridded and non - 70px)

Photos from The City Dweller's post 25/01/2022

Desert Tent Village - Situated between several high dunes, this town is sheltered from the winds and blustering sands of the desert. However, this leaves them isolated and cut off from almost everyone else. Will it be a reprise from the desert for the party or will they stumble into something more dangerous than the desert itself?


Photos from The City Dweller's post 11/01/2022

FREE MAP - Winter Mountain Travel
Time to travel the well traversed mountain pass. Except this time all is well.

Enjoy! And Happy New Year!

Photos from The City Dweller's post 27/12/2021

FREE MAP - Snowy Mountain Pass
No story of adventure is complete without a snowy mountain pass encounter!


Photos from The City Dweller's post 21/12/2021

FREE MAP - Ice Cave

Atop of the mountain peak your party finally reach the cave the White Dragon hides away in. Will they ever emerge again?

Enjoy! Check out my patreon ( to help support for more maps.

Photos from The City Dweller's post 06/12/2021

FREE MAP - Castle Fighting Arena - The Gut

Photos from The City Dweller's post 06/12/2021

FREE MAP - Feywild Clearing
The flora is oversized, the light filtering through from above has a pinkish hue to it, the water seems to glow iridescently but it all seems so familiar, as if you have been here before ...


Something a little different to normal. Here is a large set of rooms, unconnected so you can decide the distance/journey between them. I picture it (and am using it in my current sessions) as a dwarven vault of a long dead lord. Traps, hazards, monster encounters and more are rife throughout the dungeon.


Got any suggestions for an encounter map? Happy to try and make a few

Photos from The City Dweller's post 15/11/2021

After a quiet week last week here is this weeks FREE MAP!
Blocked Mountain Pass - Winter is coming! The race to make it to safety before the next fall is imperative. Yet, as always, the wise and omnipotent DM has thrown another obstacle in your path - the way is blocked!

Photos from The City Dweller's post 31/10/2021

Something a bit different this week. Got asked to make a continent/world map based of an elevation map pre generated. It was a fun challenge and I think it tuned out pretty well too.


Photos from The City Dweller's post 25/10/2021

FREE MAP - Over and Underpass - A perfect spot for an ambush from above? Or perhaps a nice troll under the bridge - classic! Whether your party are taking the high road or the low road, have something ready for them.

Photos from The City Dweller's post 18/10/2021

FREE MAP - Feywild Crossing point
Deep in the forest locals speak of a stone arch with a green glow. "They believe that it's a gateway to the Feywild. Ha sure, likely story. Everyone knows the Feywild is a myth made to keep children from venturing too far into the forests."



Just for you guys on this page - a second free map!

Abandoned Tree House - You discover a large tree with some sort of wooden structure set up in its branches. A tree house! How cool! But why has it been abandoned? Who lived here? Does anyone or anything use it now?



With FB down last Monday I did not post anything. SO this is the first of two free maps this week.

The Feywild River/Pool - Diving deep into the forest pool for a refreshing break, you resurface in a strangely recognisable but completely different place. You have entered the Feywild and it appears to be twilight. What 'friendly' welcome will you prepare for your party?


Photos from The City Dweller's post 27/09/2021

FREE MAP - Owlbear Nest
Your party come across a large nest with eggs almost too big to carry. What creature has eggs this big and where is it?


Photos from The City Dweller's post 27/09/2021

FREE MAP - Swamp Encounter - A battle map/encounter map for any party brave enough to try their luck making it through a swamp.



*New Adventure* released today on
Your party are asked to discover the cause of all the recent problems in and around Sullencrag. It gives the party a choice of ways to reach Vallul Keep and receive a warm welcome from the new residence there.


Photos from The City Dweller's post 06/09/2021

FREE MAPS - Desert Canyon Crossing to Temple
With sand flowing around your feet and over the edge of a seemingly bottomless crevasse, will your party get across the narrow bridge and explore the ruins beyond?


70px version of the map released to my patreons this week. Who also get access to a second and third map of what lies at the bottom of the stairs.

Swamp Crypt - Getting here is hard. What lies below is deadly!

Photos from The City Dweller's post 30/08/2021

FREE MAP - Elven Ruins with Cave - Your party stumble across a ruined structure built at the foot of a ridge line. Beyond the toppled structure is a set of stairs leading to a cave in the side of the cliffs. What awaits within?

Photos from The City Dweller's post 23/08/2021

FREE MAP - Fey Crossing, Seelie Mound In stark contrast to the winter surrounding it, Seelie Mound sits in a flourishing collection of flowers and mushrooms. Something is not right. What might come from the now glowing portal?

Photos from The City Dweller's post 16/08/2021

FREE MAPS - A crystal clear pond is frozen over minus the very edges, which have begun to thaw. Is it safe to rest here?

(Used some Gogots Forest Assets here)
