

Sport improves physical qualities and tests moral ones.


The effectiveness of sports activities is associated with a significant activation of protein synthesis in working muscles. The formation of the necessary protein structures that ensure the specific work of the muscles is associated with an increase in gene activity and requires a complete protein diet. In people experiencing great physical exertion, nonessential and essential amino acids in the diet should be contained in certain proportions. Unfortunately, our usual diet does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of easily digestible proteins, especially amino acids, in the required ratio. Therefore, with increased muscular activity, there is a need for additional protein nutrition or the use of special products of increased biological value (with the optimal content of essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.).

The main function of proteins is to form and repair the tissues and cells of the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy needed by the body during heavy physical exertion. Fats are the second most important source of energy. During physical activity, more proteins, carbohydrates and fats are required than in their absence.

With high physical exertion, it is desirable to use 5-6 meals a day. Such nutrition is more physiological. The first breakfast is 5%, the second breakfast is 30%, additional meals after training are 5%, lunch is 30%, afternoon tea is 5%, dinner is 25% of the daily calorie content


The volume of food should not be too large: for 70 kg of body weight from 3 to 3.5 kg of food per day. Fruits and vegetables should make up 10-15% of the diet.
If you've done a good physical job but haven't eaten for 5 hours, your blood glucose levels drop so much that exercise becomes excessive. If there are no obvious painful sensations, it still negatively affects endurance and the ability to concentrate in the process of exercising. Try to eat within two hours of finishing class. If exercise suppresses your appetite, grab a high-carb snack as soon as possible. Here are a few dishes that are perfect for this: oatmeal cookies, fruitcake, pasta with vegetables, fish or chicken, baked potatoes with low-fat seasoning, boiled rice and sweet corn salad, fruit salad with oatmeal, vegetable stew.

Carbohydrates are digested at different rates, so blood sugar levels can rise slowly or quickly.

The starch contained in potatoes, bread and rice gives up its energy slowly, and the simple carbohydrates contained in jam, honey, fruits, juices quickly.

"Energy-fast" foods (raisins, bananas, honey, jam, glucose, candy, chocolate, sweet biscuits, as well as rice, bread, sweet corn, potatoes, beans) are best consumed before exercise; moderate-speed foods (pasta, oats, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, grapes, orange, oatmeal cookies) that increase blood sugar levels - immediately after exercise; and "low speed" (milk, yogurt, ice cream, apples, plums, grapefruit, dates, figs and legumes) even later.


Let's make sure that physical education and sports are not the same thing. Studying for yourself or studying to get medals are completely different things. The common thing in these two concepts of “physical education” and “sport” is what means are used for this, mainly physical exercises and games.
They differ in setting goals: they do physical education to be healthy, and sports for the sake of achievements, results, victories. Physical education is aimed at correcting physical defects, and sport is aimed at developing physical virtues.

A sports training process, even the most professionally delivered, still contributes to the wear and tear of the body. And often the development of physical qualities is carried out at the expense and to the detriment of others - intellectual and moral. Recently, it has officially begun to be recognized that sports, especially professional and children's sports, have side effects. And, nevertheless, it is children who become the main object of sports coaches. By the way, in children's sports, the natural selection inherent in our world also operates, as a result of which weak children are eliminated as unpromising, and physically healthy people who can withstand heavy physical exertion suffer the most.


It is not necessary to make an Olympic champion out of a child. It is enough that he just be physically prepared and busy all the time. Thus, it is possible to protect it from the harmful effects of the street and have a beneficial effect on health.
Having thought everything over properly, you can send the child to the sports section. The most important thing remains: to decide which section to go to. In order to simplify the task of choosing, we note some positive and negative points in the most common sports available to the age of the older preschooler.
