Bodhi Dhar

Bodhi Dhar

Bodhi Dhar writes to stay motivated to write, it's a vicious cycle, really.

Timeline photos 29/11/2019

While 'jiffy' isn't an obscured word, it's one of my favorite measurements of time. Now you know that when someone says "Be back in a jiffy", they mean to return faster than someone who would "Get back to you in a second."
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 27/11/2019

The next time someone says they can't read your chicken scratch handwriting, you can always reply: "Oh, you mean my griffonage?"
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 26/11/2019

Wary, worry, weary... this is practically a writing prompt.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 20/11/2019

First introduced into the English language in 1756, idiosyncrasy came from the Greek word 'idiosunkrasia' (idios β€˜distinct’ + sun β€˜with’ + krasis β€˜mixture’). Sounds like a good Mediterranean drink, if you ask me...
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 15/11/2019

There are many forms of government. Here's one that sounds almost like 'democracy'... except, not. I imagine it's just about as fair to all its demonizens, though.
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Timeline photos 13/11/2019

From Latin chiro for 'hand', and Ancient Greek manteΓ­a for 'divination', comes a word that may be confused with something that treats misaligned joints. Chiromancer can be used interchangably with 'palm-reader' if your MC comes across the profession.
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Timeline photos 12/11/2019

Mindfulness has a lot of definitions, this is simply one of them.
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Timeline photos 11/11/2019

If you know what a mime is, the meaning of 'archimime' isn't hard to guess. Back in Ancient Rome, archimimes played a lesser role in comedy, entertaining the populace. Some were hired as part of funeral processions to act as, or mimic, the dead as they were in life.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 07/11/2019

So here's the thing: Words are powerful, but words cannot account for experience. All the words ever written about Everest disappears once you ascend its summit.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 06/11/2019

In 333 BCE, Alexander the Great marched into Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There, he was presented with an intricate knot that lashed the yoke and pole of an ancient chariot. According to the oracles, the tangle would be undone by the future ruler of Asia. AtG took out his sword and sliced though the rope, forever solidifying the proverbial term to 'cut the Gordian knot' as solving a problem with boldness.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 04/11/2019

Visualization takes you a little further towards turning dreams into reality. And I mean pleasant dreams, by the way, nobody needs your nightmares coming true.
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Timeline photos 29/10/2019

Similar to other critics, an oneirocritic analyzes something and provides feedback. Just so happens that this 'something' is the product of your brain during REM sleep.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 27/10/2019

A phrase gainfullly borrowed from the French, presque-vu is when you're on the verge of remembering something, but not quite. Similarly, it may be on the tip of your tongue, so you'll recall it, eventually.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 25/10/2019

Attributed to Nike, the winged Greek goddess of victory, nikhedonia is that excitement you get when success is certain. For anyone participating in this November, may you experience it.
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Timeline photos 22/10/2019

For those of us trying to find an equilibrium, perhaps it's good to cut the extremes.
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Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 20/10/2019

An appurtenance is an accessory or object associated with a lifestyle or activity. It's usually in reference to something refined. Amenities in a five star hotel vs the axe to a lumberjack, for example.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 19/10/2019

Lemniscate is the infinity symbol, a horizontal 8, or a rounded bowtie. Primarily, it's used in algebraic geometry. This is a great word to know if the novel you're writing features inter-dimensional portals.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 17/10/2019

Epeolatry is the worship of words. Instead of writing it out into a sample sentence, I've packaged it into a fibonacci poem. Fancy, I know
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 16/10/2019

Learn to distinguish between when you need space and when you need some lovin'
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 15/10/2019

Psithurism is the rustling of leaves produced by a breeze. Here it is in a fibonacci poem.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 14/10/2019

To all the lovely souls out there still having trouble drawing the line.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 13/10/2019

Fibonacci Poetry -- Each line has the number of syllables according to the fibonnaci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and etc.). I like equilibrium, so I decided to mirror my sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1). If you do the math, it's almost like an inverted haiku, but not.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Timeline photos 11/10/2019

Writers, don't feel boxed in by expectations. If someone tells you to write a certain topic because of your country, race, or lifestyle, you don't have to take their advice. If you can imagine it, you can write it. Be free
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 10/10/2019

The most important thing I learned from my dog is the profound nature of unconditional love. All is forgiven, all is forgotten, and positive affirmation is way better than negative reinforcement.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 08/10/2019

Push a person's swing, and they play for a day. Teach a person to swing, and they'll play for a lifetime. (Or was that fish?)
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 08/10/2019

Reading is great practice for the imagination, which then bolsters your cognitive ability. And as a very famous poofy-haired genius once stated; "Imagination is more important than knowledge," what you read today will form the foundations of what you're able to learn tomorrow.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 08/10/2019

Ever consider how a personality can be summed up with colors and font? Over 2 decades of learning just to put this together. I used to think I needed all the world's colors to describe me. And yet, here I am, 4 colors and 2 fonts. So simple.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 08/10/2019

The relationship between writer and manuscript is sometimes a complicated one, don't you think?
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 06/10/2019

Everything has a facet. When words aren't flowing well, I find it helps to imagine your scene through every single character present... even inanimate objects.
πŸ„±πŸ„³ βœ‘

Photos from Bodhi Dhar's post 06/10/2019

I can't help but look through windows. From the outside in, or the inside out; from airplane windows to shop windows... there's a story in all of them.
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I mean, it's true.