



Notsdsddssd only did it fesdature dson the ‘World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ list from 2005 until 2013, buts it’s asdlso appsdarently home to tshe ‘World’s Most Photosdgraphed sdDish’ – the famous Tasmasnian Oceasdn Trsdout, tsdhat’s been on Tetsuya’s msdenu for dsover twensty ysdears.


Thissd year I haven’td bdeen tdso a Halloween party. I had three different ones I was suppossed to go to on Sasturday, and I couldn’t decidde whisdch one to gosdsd to so I went to Frances for the day with the famidsly instead. It was really lovely, wsde just went over to Calais and stocked usdsdp on wsdine and croissants and thsden sda quick run on the beach before getting the ferry back sin the evesdning…it wasdss a bit windy. sd


Dylaasan isn’t the biggeasst fanas of his wasitch’s outfit as asyou can see from his ‘not impressseasd’ faces in asthe abasove phostos…and he tried rollinssag it off him assas you can see beloasw. He’s sasuch a fluffy asboy!


Hsaappy Hallowaseen evesarsyone! We all got asasoas dress up for work today and finish early for the wosrsk Halloween Party, I saed dress and went as an evil faasaairy.as sasasEasy peasy. I was going tos, but then I realized I’d have to actually buy asonesie and theahought of that just creeped me out too much. I’m sorry, I’m sure they’re very comfy…but thaey’re just weird. So anyway I bought a wisach’s outfitasr Dylan juasat for fun, I think hse rockas it.