Cara Blanchard Training, Inc.

Cara Blanchard Training, Inc.

Dressage Coach and Trainer always putting the horse first and empowering you to live your dreams. Certified Life, Yoga, Breath Work and Mindfulness Coach.

USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist, Multi- National and Regional Champion, USDF L Graduate. Hey there, thanks for visiting Cara Blanchard Training! I’m Cara! Working with adult amateur riders at any level is my passion. My goal is to help you confidently live your horse dreams whether that means learning and enjoying the ride or competing at any level. I curate a plan specifically for you, your




🍁🍂 Let’s have some fun!!! 🍂🍁

Get your entries in here: [email protected]

Have you ever wanted to go to a dressage show but then thought, “Nah, imma stay home?”

Have no fear! That’s why we created Namaste Home Virtual Dressage Shows!

Enjoy your own slice of heaven, peace, quiet and home arena while competing.

Simply submit your Entry Form with your test(s) by September 25th to receive your score sheet and placing.

You can also upgrade your test(s) to make it a Ride-a-Test and receive a lesson catered to you and your horse. Your lesson can be scheduled through this link - Please be sure to use the discount code HappyFall or ‘Redeem Coupon’ above the calendar for 25% off of your lesson.

$25 per test

$75 ride-a-test lesson (one hour, use the link above to schedule.)

Join us for this unique, relaxing, fun and educational experience here -

We’ll see you in the ring! 🦄

📸 Max & Maxwell: Equestrian Photography




6 Things to Always Remember:

1. Everything takes time.
2. Other people are not the answer to your happiness.
3. Grow and never stop working on yourself.
4. Change is inevitable.
5. Your mistakes don’t define you.
6. You are beautiful, powerful and capable of so much.

🌻 Cara

📸 Sister




Prioritize what matters to YOU – not to others.

You’ll never feel fulfilled if you live trying to meet someone else’s expectations or trying to keep up with the Joneses or latest Instagram fads. Instead, channel your efforts and energy toward what truly matters to you.

That may be your family, passions, or learning something new - we’re all different. Only you can determine what’s most important to your happiness and sense of purpose in life.

Remember, this is YOUR life. Enjoy your journey.

🌻 Cara


💥Saturday Thoughts💥

I’m done apologizing for:

1. Wanting more out of life.
2. Having standards and not settling.
3. Ending toxic relationships.
4. Doing what’s best for me.
3. Letting go of what’s not good for my mental health.

📸 Max & Maxwell: Equestrian Photography


🍁🍂 Let’s have some fun!!! 🍂🍁

Get your entries in here: [email protected]

Have you ever wanted to go to a dressage show but then thought, “Nah, imma stay home?”

Have no fear! That’s why we created Namaste Home Virtual Dressage Shows!

Enjoy your own slice of heaven, peace, quiet and home arena while competing.

Simply submit your Entry Form with your test(s) by September 25th to receive your score sheet and placing.

You can also upgrade your test(s) to make it a Ride-a-Test and receive a lesson catered to you and your horse. Your lesson can be scheduled through this link - Please be sure to use the discount code HappyFall or ‘Redeem Coupon’ above the calendar for 25% off of your lesson.

$25 per test

$75 ride-a-test lesson (one hour, use the link above to schedule.)

Join us for this unique, relaxing, fun and educational experience here -

We’ll see you in the ring! 🦄

📸Claudia Harris


10 lessons from "The Gift" by Edith Eger, compiled by Steve Nandwa:

1. The prison is in your mind. The only person who can keep you trapped in the past is you. You have the power to choose freedom, even if you have experienced trauma or hardship.

2. The past is not your future. What happened to you in the past does not have to define you. You can choose to let go of the pain and move on to create a new and better future for yourself.

3. You are not alone. Everyone experiences pain and suffering in their lives. You are not alone in your struggles. There are people who care about you and want to help you heal.

4. It's okay to feel your feelings. Don't try to suppress your emotions. Allow yourself to feel your pain, anger, sadness, and fear. Once you have acknowledged your feelings, you can start to heal from them.

5. Gratitude is a powerful tool. When you focus on the things you are grateful for, it helps you to appreciate the good in your life and to let go of the negative.

6. Forgive yourself and others. Holding on to anger and resentment will only hurt you in the long run. Forgive yourself and others for the mistakes they have made. This will free you to move on with your life.

7. Find your purpose. What gives your life meaning? What are you passionate about? When you find your purpose, you will feel more fulfilled and alive.

8. Live in the present moment. Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Focus on the present moment and enjoy the beauty of life.

9. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would treat a friend. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to heal at your own pace.

10. Never give up hope. No matter what you have been through, there is always hope for a better future. Never give up on yourself or your dreams.

📸 Hubby


Today is my mom’s birthday - Happy Birthday, Momma! 💖 And it’s also my half birthday. And we won’t be mad if this baby decides to come today! 🤰

On my birthday last year, I gave myself the gift of stepping away from my business. I never would’ve guessed that I’d be where I am now.

I was so burned out and mentally and emotionally drained, that I quit. I quit my grandest passion. I let my clients go. I gave up on my business. I gave up on my dreams. I was waiting around thinking I’d get pregnant again quickly (took all year and making horse show plans, of course.)

In the year I’ve been back at it, I’ve been trusting that the universe has big plans for me. I also trust that every dream I’ve had about my riding, business and family will come to fruition.

When I stepped away 18 months ago, focused on myself and learned something new…I found myself again. I found a stronger, more confident version of myself and I found the paths to my dreams.

But I’m just getting started. And I’m so excited!

Thank you to those of you who stuck with me, clients who came back and friends who have now become clients, too. I’m humbled and beyond grateful for all of my new sponsors and I look forward to continuing to represent you and your companies.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

And don’t forget, sometimes, when you step away, you find a whole new, more powerful you.

🌻 Cara


It’s so imperative to me to bring value, education and experience to every single lesson I teach. I can quickly assess each horse and rider pair in the first minute or so of their warm up and then cater their session specifically to their needs. I want you to feel accomplished with a plan of action after each lesson. 💪


For probably close to 15 years, my business was a riding school. It was not, at all, my original business plan. I wanted to strictly be a trainer and show every weekend. Most of my school horses came to me as training horses and when the economy tanked about 15 years ago…I gained a handful of “gifts.”

So I did what I could with what I had - a group of 10ish year old horses with very basic training. I created a huge lesson program. My school horses all taught 5 days a week, I had kids and toddler clubs and offered birthday parties and at one point, I even had a 4H club.

With every single lesson, event and class I taught, I included horsemanship lessons. About 20 minutes at the beginning of every riding lesson was dedicated to learning to lead, grooming, general care, tacking up, etc. Then at the end of the lesson, the student would care for their horse and many would even stay to learn about feed, hay or muck a stall or two.

As time went on and entitlement and instant gratification became more of a norm, I had parents get mad at me because their child wasn’t spending an entire hour on my horse’s back. Don’t get me start on now that’s not fair to the horse, but my lessons are pretty detailed and intense, so most kids’ legs struggled after their 40 minutes in the saddle. There comes a point in that muscle fatigue where we all just start going backwards - quit while you’re ahead.

I fired a good handful of clients who needed to take up riding bicycles rather than horses.

Now that my school horses are all retired or have passed and all of my students are more advanced with their own horses, I have found a wonderful way to incorporate ground work into my lessons. This avenue of horsemanship is priceless. It has been invaluable for helping my students to see what they’re feeling under saddle, learn how ground work can improve their horse’s mind and body AND build a stronger bond with their horse. My next plan is to have demonstration videos available exclusively for my clients.

I will continue to do my part to keep real horsemanship alive because I believe it’s absolutely imperative for the future of the horse industry.

I have scheduled a series of group lessons for horse owners and horse lovers who are local to me (Central FL). These group lessons/workshops will include mindfulness, breath work, gentle [human] yoga, yoga for horses and a mounted portion for those with horses. The purpose of these sessions is to strengthen your relationship with your horse and bring you to a deeper understanding of each other. I will take a limited number of participants per session. These will run on Saturdays or weekday evenings, depending on the class option (there are 3.)

These workshops and private lesson options can be found on my website.

Let’s do our part to change the narrative of this industry, for the love of the horse.

“There’s no secret bit or feed supplement that’s going to replace a partnership.” - Boyd Martin

🌻 Cara




Just a reminder…


110% this! I currently have two empty stalls and I’ve been debating if it’s at all worth filling them. Every horse is so much extra work and time to take care of, feed, hay, property damage, risking my well being all while having little kids. And truly, not making any income from it. I’m not sure it makes sense anymore to have any sort of boarders/training horses…

So over the last few weeks I’d received a number of messages inquiring about my backing services. Unfortunately I had to let these people know that I’d made the decision earlier on in the year to no longer offer this service..

The reason being was because at £200/week it no longer made financial sense, or any kind of sense to put my body and livelihood at such risk.. I’ve had a few hospital visits over the years from backing horses and I’m always hearing about other professionals who are becoming seriously injured through horses they’ve had in for backing. They then usually require months off of work, are suffering from injuries that will have life long effects and have no way of covering their bills. All other professions classed as dangerous (oil rig workers, gas engineers) are rewarded greatly financially for it. Why is it different in the equine world?

I know of others who offer this service at a much cheaper rate than myself.. I just struggle to understand how this is even possible or worth their time? Look at it this way..

It would cost approx £120/week to simply have a horse on full livery. For only an extra £80/week this is whats included in a backing livery:

2 professionals (backing a horse is a 2 person job).
Time to groom before each session
Time to wash off/brush off after each session.
Time spent catching and turning out (if the horse has issues around being caught/led, this will require extra time outside of the groundwork/ridden sessions).
Time spent teaching a horse to tie up quietly.
Time spent desensitising to equipment that will be used.
Time spent teaching ground rules and basic aids from the ground (stopping, backing up, forequarter&hindquarter yields).
Teaching horse to lunge and respond to voice cues.
Teach to stand patiently and park next to mounting block.
Teach to be okay with height and sound above him (may need another horse and rider for this).
Teach to accept the bit and then respond to different cues from the hand to the bit.
Long line
Teach to be okay with the saddle.
Teach to be okay with getting on and off both sides.
Installing brakes and the understanding to move forwards from the leg in walk, trot and then canter.
Teaching horse to steer.
Hacking out
Possibly pop a few jumps.
The peace of mind you have knowing your horse is not going to put you in hospital as soon as you lower yourself into the saddle!

To get all of the above achieved (within the time frame of 4-6 weeks) in a correct, safe and ethical way, at least 2 hours would need to be spent working through the above with the horse 5X per week.

£200/week = just over £28/day.
Just to compare, it would cost around £20/day to simply have your dog stay at a kennels!

Think of all of the extra time, expertise and resources that are required to back a horse. Not to mention the danger aspect I spoke of earlier… Yet for this price I still had people attempt to bargain me down/not hear from them again once I’d revealed my price.

If this post has done one thing, hopefully it’s made a few people appreciate what an unbelievable deal they are getting when sending their horse away for backing! Maybe it will also encourage a few professionals to reflect on their prices for this exceptional service they provide..


If you’re interested in our Connection Workshop, Stable Yoga or Ladies Horsemanship, registration is up on the website for all 3 workshops -

Space is limited to ensure everyone’s safety and that all participants have a wonderful experience.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions - many should be answered in the links above.

🌻 Cara

📸 Daniela Mikheal


“No one is ever going to give you anything of value. You have to work for it, sweat for it, fight for it. But, there is far greater value in accomplishments you earn than in accolades that are merely given to you. When you earn something, you never have to worry about justifying that you truly deserve it.” • Ronda Rousey




🍁🍂 Let’s have some fun!!! 🍂🍁

Get your entries in here: [email protected]

Have you ever wanted to go to a dressage show but then thought, “Nah, imma stay home?”

Have no fear! That’s why we created Namaste Home Virtual Dressage Shows!

Enjoy your own slice of heaven, peace, quiet and home arena while competing.

Simply submit your Entry Form with your test(s) by September 25th to receive your score sheet and placing.

You can also upgrade your test(s) to make it a Ride-a-Test and receive a lesson catered to you and your horse. Your lesson can be scheduled through this link - Please be sure to use the discount code HappyFall for 25% off of your lesson.

Join us for this unique, relaxing, fun and educational experience here -

We’ll see you in the ring! 🦄

📸 Photos by Furey


Hey gang!

I was able to squeeze a few more virtual lessons into my schedule for this coming week. If you’ve been curious about joining me, this is a fantastic opportunity!

Check out my availability here - and click the “Redeem Coupon” button at the top of the calendar for $25 off your first lesson.

We can meet via Pivo, FaceTime or Messenger Video Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Happy riding!

🌻 Cara

📸 Michael Bradtke


“I’ve learned that the happiness that comes from winning is very fleeting, but the happiness that comes from just being healthy and being surrounded by people [and horses] I love, doing what I love, that’s the good stuff.” - Rachel Heck

📸 Marc Vaughn


💕One for the ‘Mare’ people 💕

“There’s something different about the way a good mare connects with her rider. It’s special. Like an unspoken agreement. Once a mare chooses you as her person, it’s like she has an instinct to protect you, to fight for you. It’s almost as if she takes ownership of you.

I believe the good mares have a deep sense of intuition. They can read your mind. They know what you’re thinking even before you do. The good mares I know breathe fire in the face of challenge and then somehow, miraculously, know to quiet themselves when a timid child is plopped on their back for a pony ride.

They are clever, cunning and calculated, which can be your greatest enemy or your saving grace. The good mares I know do not tolerate egotistical riding. They do not tolerate force. They demand tact, finesse and emotional control. But once you have won a mare’s heart, you have won all of her. In exchange for your best—and nothing less—she will give you everything.”

Written by: Lindsay Paulsen


Welcoming new students starting now to prepare for the 2025 season! I come up with a comprehensive plan to help my students really buckle down, have fun and grow with their horses. We take our time to come up with a specialized training game plan for each horse and rider team to help them reach their individual goals whether that means a happier, healthier partnership or horse show plans. We will work on everything from mindset to movement training to biomechanics to dissecting dressage tests stride by stride.

For my students who are on Facebook, I have created a private group with extra training tips, helpful equestrian yoga, mindfulness exercises, etc.

If you’ve been wanting to work with me, now is the time! Let’s have some fun!

For $25 off your first lesson, use the code ‘HappyFall’ on our website. (Code is good for a limited time.)

Haul ins and workshops starting back soon!

🌻 Cara


So often, I hear my students say things like “I can’t.” Or “I’m not capable.” Or “That’s for someone more talented, rich, younger, etc.”

Chin up, Buttercup!

Time to believe in yourself!

The first step to positive thinking is believing in yourself. You have to believe that you can achieve your goals, no matter how difficult they may seem. You are the only way you can even come close. No one is going to come along and do the hard work for you.

First, focus on the good. When you focus on the good things in your life, it will help you to see the world in a more positive light. Make a habit of noticing the good things that happen to you each day, no matter how small they may seem.

Think positively. When you think positively, it will help you to attract positive experiences into your life. Choose to think about the things that you want, not the things that you don't want.

Use mindful meditation to visualize your goals. Take some time each day to visualize your goals. See yourself achieving them in vivid detail. This will help you to stay motivated and focused. You can do this when you first wake up in the morning or right before you go to bed.

Positive thinking is not enough. Start moving. You need to take action towards your goals. Don't wait for things to happen. Make them happen. One step at a time. Chip away at it.

Crap will happen. Don't give up. There will be setbacks along the way. But don't give up on your dreams. Keep believing in yourself and keep taking action.

Practice gratitude and live in the present moment. Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Focus on the present moment and enjoy the here and now. You will have more to be grateful for.

I believe in you!

🌻 Cara

📸 Max & Maxwell: Equestrian Photography


Hey gang!

I need some votes from those of you who are local (Lake County, FL) and interested in Stable Yoga, as I’m making my schedule for this Fall.

1. How frequently do you want to do yoga? Weekly? Bi-weekly? Monthly?

2. Do you want hands on time with horses as a part of class?

3. Tuesday evening? Thursday evening? Sunday morning (horses are outside, they would not be an option in the morning)?

Thank you for your help! 🧘🏼‍♀️



1."Your future depends on many things, but mostly on YOU." – Frank Tyger

2. "Do something today that YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU for." – Unknown

3. "YOUR PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES don't determine where you can go; they merely determine WHERE YOU START." – Nido Qubein

4. "You can't let your past dictate who you are, but you can let it help you DISCOVER WHO YOU WILL BECOME." – Nick Vujicic

5. "Setting GOALS IS THE FIRST STEP in turning the invisible into the visible." – Tony Robbins

6. "Goals are DREAMS WITH DEADLINES." – Diana Scharf

7. "Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." – Alan Lakein

8. "The key to successful planning is to shift your focus from the outcome to THE PROCESS." – John C. Maxwell

9. "SMALL DAILY IMPROVEMENTS are the key to staggering long-term results." – Darren Hardy

10."CONTINUOUS EFFORT, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential." – Winston Churchill

Compiled by Luka John Benjmin

📸 Me ©️


🎃 Accepting Early Entries Now! 🎃

Get your entries in here: [email protected]

Have you ever wanted to go to a dressage show but then thought, “Nah, imma stay home?”

Have no fear! That’s why we created Namaste Home Virtual Dressage Shows!

Enjoy your own slice of heaven, peace, quiet and home arena while competing.

Simply submit your Entry Form with your test(s) by September 25th to receive your score sheet and placing.

You can also upgrade your test(s) to make it a Ride-a-Test and receive a lesson catered to you and your horse. Your lesson can be scheduled through this link - Please be sure to use the discount code HappyFall for 25% off of your lesson or click “Redeem Coupon” above the calendar.

Join us for this unique, relaxing, fun and educational experience here -

We’ll see you in the ring! 🦄

📸 Photos by Furey


My friend, Heidi Kauffman, wrote this. This is too beautiful not to share...

▪️The more untruthful and/or hurtful the “news” is the more people will share it.
▪️You can’t control others, you can only control your behavior and how you react to them.
▪️Hurt people hurt people. You must engage with them to get hurt by them. If you don’t want to be hurt, walk away.
▪️Hate and hurt are swift and painful. They don’t have to last forever if you don’t want them to.
▪️Let go of the hurtful things others have said and/or done to you. Holding on to them will not help you, in fact they can cause you damage on a soul and cellular level if you don’t release them.
▪️Love is so much stronger than hate. Love can heal all things. Love takes time. It’s worth it, you are worth it.
▪️Fight for your family. Chosen and blood relation. They will make mistakes too. Forgive them.
▪️The only way to fully heal is to forgive. You must forgive yourself first before you can fully forgive others.
▪️Wake up every morning with gratitude for a new day, a new chance to positively impact others and a heart to serve.
▪️Share your gifts. Don’t hide or bury them. They were given to you for a reason.
▪️Live this day as if it is your last. Don’t live a life of regret. The only guarantee you have is NOW, make good use of the time you are given.

📸 Photos by Furey

Dressage with Cara

Cara is a USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist, Centerline Scores 4 Star Rider, Grand Prix Competitor and Coach to the Stetson University Dressage Team. She and her horses have garnered countless Regional and National titles in dressage and sport horse divisions. Cara's passion for learning and improving and her goal setting personality makes her teaching invaluable and innovative. She is able to work as a translator for her students' mounts, so that riders can understand what they're feeling and how their body effects the horse's every move.

Cara Blanchard Training, Inc. was founded in 2005 and continues to evolve and grow as Cara is always eager to expand her knowledge so that she can better help her horses and students. Cara is available for lessons, clinics and online consultations. Please contact her for scheduling!

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She set her boundaries and rebuilt her life. 💖
Boom. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥