Al Miller - Pastor Videos

Videos by Al Miller - Pastor.

Live in fellowship with the one who has brought you out of bondage, and into new territory.

He will show you the way to steward your life in the land of promise. I bless you to experience His goodness in the here and now, on earth, through the gift of His Presence.

#god #religion #faith #wisdom #truth #jesus #gospel #trust

Other Al Miller - Pastor videos

Live in fellowship with the one who has brought you out of bondage, and into new territory. He will show you the way to steward your life in the land of promise. I bless you to experience His goodness in the here and now, on earth, through the gift of His Presence. #god #religion #faith #wisdom #truth #jesus #gospel #trust

The best way to move forward is to go in faith. 🙏🏽 If it’s not by faith, who are you being led by? Christ’s leadership requires the fullness of our lives–lives committed to trusting Him above all else. Let me know your thoughts below! #faith #pray #scripture #peace

As we live in the natural world, what we partake of the spirit realm comes through faith. Faith is required to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and as we live our lives in the land that He gave to us, how deep we can go with Him here on earth is dependent on how willing we are to lead lives of complete faith and trust in Him. #faith #ocean #peace #HolySpirit

Charge the atmosphere. 🙏🏾❤️‍🔥🔥 It is vital for us to move forward in what God has for us, and we need to engage in war through prayer to deal with the issues of the heart. What is one of your favorite ways to seek His face? Let me know in the comments! #god #faith #pray #wisdom

❌ Satanic forces want power and control. It is important for us to lean into the power of God and the fear of the Lord in this time, and pray for the Lord’s will to be established swiftly through His Church. In all that we do, no matter what is going on around us, we move FROM the place of victory, in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus!. #spiritual #spirit #atheist #divine #religion

Be sure to keep Psalm 2 written within your heart in this season. 🤍 “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, ‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, ‘As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill’.” -Psalm 2:1-6 #scripture #bible #psalm #bibleverse #peace #rest #pray

We’ve got to teach a nation… How to love. How to be honest with one another. How to respect one another. How to be truthful. No one else can do it except for the people of the Kingdom. Salvation is just the beginning! We have an obligation to fulfill the purpose of our existence to proclaim the name of the risen Lord and disciple the nations He died for. #pray #israel #religion

Our blood was contaminated by sin, and the wages of sin is death. The sacrifice required for our freedom was one of PURE blood: only Jesus could fulfill this. Jesus died for our redemption, and lives within believers to carry out FULL restoration. We say AMEN to “on earth as it is in heaven” in our lives! Let me know your thoughts below! #jesus #religion #truth #wisdom

There is no better time to carry out the assignment! ❤️ I pray that these scriptures would be an encouragement to you today: “And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’” - Mark 16:15 “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.’”- John 20:21 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28:19 #faith

The blood of Jesus is EXPENSIVE, can I get an AMEN? The Blood is the cost, or the “money”, so to speak, for your redemption. He sacrificed His life for you. Once the money is paid for your redemption, the price is not with you anymore. This goes for your life in Christ! The Blood did its work. Are you walking as though you have been freed by the Blood? #faith #religion #jesus

I am most grateful for the blood of the Lamb. What is your favorite scripture verse regarding the blood of Jesus? Comment yours below! #faith #gospel

FOR THIS PURPOSE, WE HAVE BEEN BORN AGAIN. The Church exists to transform nations, and to communicate a message that is higher than the message of fallen men in sin. The message of Christ was given in that we would live by the principles of love, truth and justice–Kingdom of heaven. Are you living in the purpose by which you have been called? #church #sermon #religion #amen #god #justice

It has already been dealt with. ❤️ Rejoice today! Give thanks to the Lamb who has taken the sins of the world, and give thanks for HE is merciful. Let me know your thoughts below! #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #peace

We are not waiting for Jesus to take our sickness and disease away, HE ALREADY TOOK IT WHEN HE DIED ON THE CROSS. When we pray for the sick, we get to pray as though we have already received it, because it was finished 2,000 years ago! The wages of our sin, which is death, was crucified with His Body on the Cross. We were co-crucified, co-buried, and co-raised. Some of us need reminding that as Jesus rose from death in power, we rose again with Him. Let me know your thoughts below! #jesuschrist

The Blood has already accomplished it. Can I get an AMEN? We receive what Christ has already dealt with on our behalf; we receive forgiveness when we turn to Jesus, and walk away from our wickedness. We don’t wait for Him to do something, He already accomplished our healing. We get to receive by faith, this glorious inheritance that He has laid claim for us in Scripture. Nothing is impossible for the Spirit of God! #pray #forgiven #religion #sin

Unless we submit to the authority of God, our God-likeness cannot find its fullness. This looks like submitting to one another; submitting to man by humility, and the appointed leaders in our lives. It is through meekness and humility, we will see heaven invade earth; His Kingdom is an upside-down Kingdom to the eyes of this world! It is necessary for us to go low. #gospel #religion

A gentle reminder: your capacity belongs to the Lord. As you steward what He has given you, you can ask Him to expand your capacity. The way He chooses to do so is up to Him, and requires a surrendered life. By His grace, what we accomplish on earth is made possible. He knows every season, and what your season may look like in this time is reflected in your capacity! #faith #hope #heaven

Jesus perfectly demonstrated what it looks like to be meek in nature. He only did what He saw the Father doing, and He is the perfect example of the Father’s nature. We receive meekness from Him! Through the way He moved in authority on the earth in the Gospels, He reveals to us how meekness gives us access and influence from heaven, to earth. He did not make His own way, nor did He overstep His place (even as King)--He waited until His appointed time to be revealed. #jesus #heaven #religious #hope #faith #amen #gospel #preach

Before He formed the foundations of the earth, He chose you! Can I get an “AMEN”?! You have come about at an appointed time; it is no mistake that you were born when you were born, and that you are breathing in the very air that is available now. God created this earth, and has allowed this time to play out AWAITING for your arrival; awaiting to be reunited, Spirit to spirit, to establish the plans of the Lord on the earth, and His perfect will. He determines the times and seasons. You can trust His plan with the fullness of your life! #preach #bible #sermon #truth #jesus #jamaica #amen

Those who are born again stepped out of Egypt and into the wilderness. 🙏🏽 The vast majority of the Church, even up to this time, has been operating in the wilderness! There are very few who have crossed over into the Promised Land. What do you need to do to step into the dimension of the Promised Land? What steps can you take to live in freedom of mind, soul, spirit, and strength? Hi! I’m Pastor Al Miller. My wife, Melody, and I are the senior pastors of Fellowship Tabernacle, a church that is committed to building a people who understand that Jesus Christ must reign supreme in their lives, while penetrating every area of national life, influencing it for righteousness. We believe that the Church must disciple the nations with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and with practical engagements and involvement in the affairs of the nation, seeking the best welfare of the people. I hope you will join us! #religion #truth #christ #hope #gospel #sermon #amen