IPSC Manitoba-Officials

IPSC Manitoba-Officials

IPSC Manitoba-Official group is being created to establish communication to all Members of IPSC Mani Group Rules From the Admins

1 .

Thank you and please share it to all our members and friends that have the same passion in the Fi****ms Sports. Be Kind and Courteous to all the members sharing of experience, photos and videos of matches and training that they’re doing to enhance their skills

2. Hate or Threatening words are not allowed. Disrespectful comments that involve race, creed, religion, gender and disabilities shall not

2022 IPSC Manitoba Membership – Store – IPSC Manitoba 21/01/2022

2022 IPSC Manitoba Membership

Reminding everyone to renew their membership for 2022 online. Please see link below. As per our rules no one can compete without a valid and up to date IPSC membership. If you are competing this Sunday Jan 23, 2022 and you don’t have a valid 2022 Membership, you will be sent home and will mot be allowed to compete. No Exemption allowed.

For any inquiry or question please contact our Membership Coordinator at [email protected]

For those who paid their 2022 IPSC Manitoba Membership, “Thank you very much”. For those that need to renew, please use the link below.


2022 IPSC Manitoba Membership – Store – IPSC Manitoba MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Personal information must be completed in its entirety exactly as shown on your PAL & ATT. It is mandatory to have a Date of Birth on record to be Classified in the Manitoba Classification System. All personal information collected will be used only for administrative purposes...

Photos from IPSC Manitoba-Officials's post 29/04/2021

Ordering is open for Provincials & Extreme Challenge shirts. Check the details below:
S,M,L $55
XL. $57.50
2XL $60
3XL. $62.50
4XL. $65
*Name: Front
*Name: Back
*Collar: chinese or regular
*EMT payment: [email protected]
Dennis Dela Cruz (204)619-2722


to further assure and enligthen our members with regards to our club’s adherence to the rules and restrictions on COVID19...please find the results of the inquiry made by Rob Schmidt from Sport Manitoba...the government body that is officially overseeing and regulating our sports.


To all members who have friends and family members waiting for the Black Badge course...please find the communication send out (candidate list) by our Training Coordinator, regarding their plans to satisfy your clamour for its staging. Standby for the May and June schedule and specifics. Wishing everyone a blessed Palm Sunday.

Photos from IPSC Manitoba-Officials's post 20/03/2021

Are you Ready?

IPSC first match for 2021 set up day✅😀

The Black Badge Course – IPSC Manitoba 25/01/2021

The Black Badge Course

Successful completion of the IPSC “Black Badge” Course is a mandatory prerequisite for ALL new IPSC shooters.

The IPSC Black Badge Course is a two day course combining written exams, classroom lectures followed by dry and live firing exercises. The course is designed to teach the new IPSC shooter how to SAFELY draw a loaded firearm from a holster, reload on the move, proper IPSC range commands and much, much more. Ostensibly, the course is about SAFE gun handling in the dynamic, fast paced IPSC match environment.

This is NOT “just a holster course“.

The new shooter will graduate from this course with a heightened sense of SAFE gun handling and a new respect for practical shooting skills. In addition, he/she will have a rudimentary understanding of how an IPSC match is run.

Black Badge Courses are taught on a floating schedule. Instructors wait until they have a small group organized. Courses are typically run with between 6 – 10 candidates depending on the course instructor.

Once a new shooter has successfully completed the Black Badge Course he will be allowed to join IPSC Manitoba and compete in sanctioned IPSC matches.

Basic Course Outline
This two day course is a comprehensive course which covers the history, rules, techniques and the practical application of those fundamentals in order for you to participate in IPSC competitions and to safely complete IPSC courses of fire.

With Safety ALWAYS being the primary focus of the Black Badge course (and the sport of IPSC), you will learn how to safely:

Grip your handgun properly
Draw from your holster
Move from various positions
Navigate (with your firearm) up, down and across the range
Start and shoot from various positions: kneeling, prone, turning, table starts and unloaded
Learn how to shoot one-handed: strong and weak hand
Shoot leaning around barricades and through large and small ports
To take the course you will need a firearm with a caliber of 9mm x 19 or larger, at least 3 magazines (5 preferred), an appropriate holster (in accordance with IPSC Rule 5.2), at least mag pouches )5 preferred), a belt for the holster and mag pouches, safety glasses, ear protection and approximately 250 rounds of ammunition. The firearm you choose and plan to attend the course with must conform to the rules of the IPSC DIVISION in which you wish to compete. Your course instructor will advise you on the specific requirements and you can also read more on the EQUIPMENT and DIVISIONS section of this website.

The cost of the Black Badge Course includes the cost of the course itself (2 full days of instruction), your IPSC Manitoba membership for the first year, and books for both days of the course. Each day of the course will be a full day (8 hours or more) on the range. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather appropriately.

Need More Information?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Black Badge Training feel free to contact our PROVINCIAL TRAINING OFFICER, your respective ZONE REP, or the SECTION COORDINATOR. The Provincial Training Officer will have a list of qualified Black Badge instructors in your zone and the possible dates of upcoming courses.


The Black Badge Course – IPSC Manitoba The Black Badge Course Successful completion of the IPSC “Black Badge” Course is a mandatory prerequisite for ALL new IPSC shooters. The IPSC Black Badge Course is a two day course combining written exams, classroom lectures followed by dry and live firing exercises. The course is designed to te...





Every shooter you see out on the line today started in the same place that you’re standing at right now: brand new and unsure of what to get in terms of quality, reliable, IPSC gear ……. And where to buy it. We ALL started at square one on day one.

Now, some will tell you that all you need are ….. “some basic mag pouches, a reliable handgun and some rudimentary equipment”. Well, that’s the way many, if not all, of us started and we ended up with different gear once we settled into a division and a certain “brand” of equipment that each individual prefers.

IPSC is much like any other sport in terms of equipment: you can spend a little or you can spend a lot, there are certain brands you will prefer over others. It is entirely up to you. My only advice is this: start out and choose the equipment, gun and division that you wish to END up in. Determine your budget, determine the division you would like to compete in and then seek advice from people already shooting IN that division in order to determine the type and brand of equipment you want to use.

Start with your end goal in mind.

What I mean here is: Don’t go out and buy some IPSC gear that “will suffice” to get you through the Black Badge Course only to be disappointed once you’ve settled into the sport. Choose and buy your equipment on day one while bearing in mind “where” you wish to end up in terms of division and equipment. So, your first step should be to determine which DIVISION you wish to compete in and the associated firearm.

To provide some guidance we have a number of IPSC equipment vendors that will be able to provide some product advice since they too are active IPSC shooters. You can check out the VENDORS PAGE of this website for more information and contact details.

It is at this point that I cannot stress how helpful it will be for you to come out, in person, and watch an IPSC match and chat to and meet some people with your Zone Director. There is simply a plethora of experience and information out there for you that is just a mere casual, friendly conversation away. At some of the vendor’s display tables you’ll be able to handle and checkout some of the gear you’ll need to eventually purchase and you’ll be able to actually see it in action as you watch experienced shooters compete.

Ideally you’ll need to start your IPSC shooting career with:

A good quality, reliable handgun of your choice for your chosen division
Sufficient magazines (a minimum of 5 is recommended)
A double loop belt (inner and out with Velcro)
Loose fitting pants that are comfortable and have loops to accommodate the inner belt
A holster that meets IPSC rules mounted to the outer belt
Magazine pouches mounted to the outer belt
Good quality eye protection – you can’t shoot what you can’t clearly see
Hearing protection
Good quality, comfortable shoes that provide grip and traction on gravel, sand and mud
A range bag for your accessories
Cleaning gear for your handgun and magazines etc …
Ammunition boxes – you typically attend matches with more than 300 rounds
As you progress and gain more experience in the sport of IPSC (like golf or hockey) your equipment inventory will also grow as you begin to include other helpful accessories:

Uplula mag loaders
Magazine cleaning brush
Bag for empty brass (spent casings for reloading)
The list can go on and on. The only limit is what you want and what you can afford.

Some final equipment advice:

Check out the VENDORS PAGE on this website
Visit with and talk to the vendors for advice
Talk to other, experienced IPSC shooters for advice
Ensure your handgun and equipment conform to the division as per the IPSC HANDGUN RULEBOOK
Most importantly: Buy your gear with the desired end result in mind.

For more in depth discussion on equipment, here is a link to an IPSC shooter’s blog. It is a great resource, goes into great depth and detail regarding equipment and will outline many of the pitfalls that you may encounter as you begin to equip yourself for IPSC. There’s even some product review from his actual experiences.


See you on the range!



New Shooter?
Are you new to IPSC?
Never competed in IPSC before?
Never succuessfully completed the Black Badge Course?
Are you interested in getting started and becoming a member?
Want to compete?
Here the 5 simple steps on how to get started!
Step 1. Obtain the Restricted PAL
Obtain a Restricted Possession and Acquistion Licence (RPAL)

The first, mandatory step that should be accomplished in the process towards becoming an IPSC shooter and competitor is to be a holder of a valid, Canadian Restricted Possession and Acquisition License (RPAL).

The handguns used in IPSC divisions are deemed as “restricted” fi****ms by Canadian law.

You must be in possession of a valid Canadian RPAL in order to purchase (acquire), own (possess), travel with, shoot and compete with your restricted firearm in IPSC matches. For all information pertaining to completing the restricted Fi****ms Safety Course and obtaining the RPAL, please contact the RCMP CHIEF FI****MS OFFICER (CFO).

That said, it is possible to attend and participate in the IPSC Black Badge Course (and IPSC matches for that matter) without an RPAL. However, the Law with not allow you to “own” that firearm and arrangements must be made with someone else to possess the restricted firearm and bring it to and from the range for your use, while supervised during the course or match. This process, while possible, is impractical so we do recommend that you begin by obtaining you own RPAL.

Step 2. Watch an IPSC Match
Come out and watch an IPSC match

While we are fairly quiet in the winter, the spring and summer season (May through to October) reveals an active IPSC match calendar. Typically IPSC Manitoba will run two IPSC match-weekends per month. Invariably there will be a match going on sometime soon near you during the spring and summer (May through to September).

If you find your interest is piqued in the quiet winter months and you want more information immediately, try contacting some of the organizers of the various IPSC league nights that may be operating in your zone. These informal training and practical shooting sessions can be found on the website’s IPSC LEAGUE page.

You may have already watched the various online videos that highlight and demonstrate the exciting sport of IPSC, however try to endeavor to come out and physically check out a local IPSC match in your area in order to get a “real feel” for the sport. It will be a great way to meet some people in person: your Zone Rep, a couple of shooters and check out the equipment at some of the vendor trailers/tables at the match.


All of this new information can be a bit overwhelming, so having the opportunity to talk to people, face-to-face about equipment, fi****ms and divisions will surely help. Shooters are always more than willing to pass on valuable advice learned from their own experiences and lessons.

All you need is a pair of safety glasses (eye protection approved for the shooting sports) and some hearing protection. We’ll then be able to get you up close to the action when you come out and watch a match.

Step 3. Determine your Division and Necessary Equipment
Determine the division, firearm and associated equipment and gear that you will need

Decide which DIVISION you wish to shoot/compete in and this will help steer you in the direction in which to better determine the required, associated firearm and EQUIPMENT that you will need.

If you already possess a handgun that you wish to use in IPSC, be sure that the firearm conforms to the rules of the DIVISION you wish to shoot/compete in. The rules governing equipment and fi****ms for your chosen division are highlighted in the DIVISIONS section of this website and are laid out in detail in the IPSC HANDGUN RULEBOOK (in various chapters and appendices). Of note, if your chosen firearm does not conform to the rules, then you cannot use it in your chosen division. If you wish to compete in Production Division, be certain that your firearm is approved and published on the IPSC PRODUCTION DIVISION LIST.

If you have not yet purchased a handgun for use in IPSC competition, be sure to consult with your Zone Rep or any IPSC member for advice on what you would like to use. The vendors at our local matches can also be a valuable source of information, as is the Provincial Training Officer.

Step 4. Attend a Black Badge Course
Attend and successfully complete the 2-day Black Badge Course

The PROVINCIAL TRAINING OFFICER will be able to advise you on the location, date and timings of the next Black Badge Course.

The course outline, expectations, required equipment and other details regarding the Black Badge Course are available on this website in the BLACK BADGE COURSE section.

Step 5. Shoot In and Successfully Complete a Match
Successfully complete your first IPSC Match in Manitoba

Once you have successfully completed the 2-day Black Badge Course you will become an IPSC Manitoba member.

Welcome to IPSC Manitoba and to the exciting sport of IPSC Handgun!



IPSC is the acronym for “International Practical Shooting Confederation”, IPSC.

IPSC recognizes all the shooting disciplines – Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, and Action Air.

IPSC Manitoba currently only recognizes and sanctions the “IPSC Handgun” shooting discipline and matches/competitions therein.

IPSC shooters need to blend accuracy, power, and speed into a winning combination. Multiple targets, moving targets, targets that react when hit, penalty targets, or even partially covered targets, obstacles, movement, competitive strategies, and other techniques are all a part of IPSC to keep shooters challenged and spectators engaged.

IPSC shooting is dynamic, challenging, and one of the fastest growing shooting sports in the world today. Courses of fire utilize many aspects not found in the more traditional shooting disciplines such as movement by the shooter, moving targets, multiple targets, and the freedom for the shooter to solve the shooting challenges presented in the courses of fire.

Before we go any further, take a quick look and watch this brief IPSC introductory video (left). Even at a quick glance, one can see how dynamic and exciting this sport is.