

iMiranum offers unique spiritual jewellery, using symbols of various belief systems, faiths and reli

Photos from IMiranum's post 12/10/2021

Namaste to all. Since Diwali is coming, I thought I would start making crochet things in time for it. Started with this free standing Ganeshji (12" tall). A lot of work involved, but I loved every moment of it. Lord Ganesha is the "remover of obstacles". May he remove all obstacles in your paths and give you love, peace and happiness.

Timeline photos 29/08/2021

Excited to share the latest addition to my shop: Crochet Chakra Ruana Shawl


Attitude of Gratitude
The year 2020 has been stressful for many, many humans all around the world. But for me, it all started in early 2019. My family and I went through really challenging times for the first three months of the year, though we came out of it okay. The rest of the year and the beginning of 2020, till the effects of the pandemic started affecting our lives, we were more or less on an even keel, though the consequences of the challenges stayed with us. Once the pandemic took over our lives, things became more and more difficult. However, with the love, encouragement and support of some family members, I slowly learned to see things from a different perspective.
We’ve all heard the words, “Count your blessings” or “Be grateful for what you have” and many other similar sayings. I started practising this way of being. It did take a lot of practice, especially when life became overwhelming and hope seemed to be so distant. It would feel as if nothing could make me feel better. Now I find that any time I even start to feel the least bit of negativity creeping in, I instantly literally count my blessings. The outpouring of pure gratitude leaves me feeling relieved and relaxed, because, truth be told, things really could be much worse and I do have a lot to be grateful for.
I hope this will help you to understand that each one of us has a lot to be grateful for, even if it seems as if they are very small and insignificant things. The more you open your heart to gratitude for whatever good there is in your life, the more you find that things that bothered you, angered you, irritated you or worried you seem to be so much less than what you actually have. So try it out and slowly, you will find your life, your stresses and worries, all slowly being washed away by the tide of gratitude.
Love and Light to all. Stay safe and stay happy.


The importance of traditions

I’ve always been a great one for traditions, be it birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, etc. As a young mother with four children, I had so much enthusiasm and made it all so much fun, even going so far as to make new traditions which my children carried on for many years after they grew up.
My favourite one was on birthdays. The whole family would be woken up early in the morning, barring the person whose birthday it was. We would all gather with the gifts in my bedroom. Then the birthday person would be brought into the room and we would all sing and wish them and there would be gifts given. Because three of my four children were close in age, I made sure that small gifts were given to everyone else by the birthday person, so that no one felt left out. The children carried on this tradition, using their hard earned money or pocket money to make sure they would buy “back presents” for the rest of the family. Sometimes those back presents would turn out to be more elaborate than the birthday gifts!!
But then, slowly, as life took them into new areas of living, like work, marriage, moving away or just growing up, somehow it became more and more difficult to deal with those traditions. Two of my children who live close to me still try and hold on to them, like getting together for the Puja (prayers) on Diwali and the other two children try and carry on the family traditions as well as make some new ones with their own families. I used to feel sad at letting go those traditions and would wonder why I still felt it was important to me to hold on to them. Then, the other day, as I was watching a movie, some words on the value and meaning of traditions was brought home to me. I don’t remember the name of the movie, or who made it (my apologies to the movie makers), but the words have stayed with me.

“Traditions are really just honouring the love and the effort someone put in before you and even if that person who put in the effort isn’t here anymore, we repeat traditions to keep them a part of us.”

How beautifully apt are those words? So, whenever you feel that traditions are old-fashioned and not worth your time and effort, remember those words and maybe the magic of old memories and old traditions will start to work on you.

Love and Light to all. Stay safe and stay happy.


Hope all of you are safe and healthy wherever you are. I made this special angel for my 10 year old grand-daughter who loves angels. I took inspiration from "Serenity" by Cylinda of Crochet Memories. This angel is 12" tall, not counting the wings. Thank you Cylinda for this beautiful pattern. Thank you all for looking. Love and Light to all. Stay safe, stay happy.

Photos from IMiranum's post 16/06/2020

Namaste everyone. Hope all of you are safe and snug in these difficult times. I just finished my latest crochet project......... a ruana shawl that incorporates three things I love.... crochet, ruanas and chakras! Being a Reiki Master and Spiritual Facilitator I work a lot with and love the chakras (energy centers). The back is plain. Thank you for looking. Love and Light to all. Stay safe and stay happy.

Supreme Consciousness Pendants 25/02/2020

This series has been categorized as the “Supreme consciousness” jewellery, integrating the consciousness of the symbols of all systems. Sterling Silver.

Reiki Symbols Pendants 25/02/2020

Traditional and Non-traditional Reiki Symbols.
Sterling Silver and White Bronze.
Prices vary according to product.

Spiritual Symbols Pendants 25/02/2020

Spiritual Symbols from various religions, faiths and spiritual systems : Hinduism, Buddhism, Christian, Celtic, Native American, Egyptian, as well as a special range of symbols channeled by various highly spiritual beings. These special people have very kindly given me permission to use these symbols in my designs.
The stones used are Amethyst, Iolite, Blue Topaz, Peridot, Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz Crystal and Smokey Quartz.
Sterling silver and White Bronze

Sun Sign Symbols 25/02/2020

The pendants for the astrological signs made by iMiranum are unique in that they incorporate the ruling planet of each sign. The stones used are also related by colour to the particular astrological sign.
Sterling Silver, Golg-plated silver

Chakra Jewellery 25/02/2020

A stunning and unique range of Chakra pendants. The stones used are Amethyst, Iolite, Blue Topaz, Peridot, Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz Crystal and Smokey Quartz.
Sterling Silver, Gold-plated silver and White Bronze
