

Shedding light onto the reality of Indian healthcare while working hard to change it!

Photos from Docsy's post 03/11/2022

Talking to experienced clinicians helps evaluate circumstances with a unique perspectives- calmer and wiser.

Dr. Sagar is not much of a talker but with his words, he leaves us all as heavy thinkers. Here’s a thought we’ll leave you with- ‘When you have the power to change the course of someone’s life, it changes you.’

Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with doctors (in training or established) where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 28/10/2022

While being in and around hospitals is introduced fairly early in medical school- the relationship transitions so many times over the course of entering as an undergrad and practicing as a consultant. Nothing perhaps feels as drastic, as the day you join back as an intern. It’s like you have xray vision- seeing the framework that our system is built on.

In conversation with Dr. Radhika, as she describes some stark differences between what was expected to what really is.


Docsy celebrates the diversity of Indian languages but also acknowledges how overwhelming it can be. For doctors and patients, we hope language is never again the barrier in your interactions!

Photos from Docsy's post 25/10/2022

Some light and wisdom your way, in honour of Diwali!

Communication is such a key part of our job as doctors. We strongly believe it to be as effective as the medicine itself.
While we work on bridging the logistical gaps, we hope that you’re ready to accept the change and pave way for more effective communication.

Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with doctors (in training or established) where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 17/10/2022

We honestly weren’t surprised when we looked up the stats on this- Doctors spend way more time on filling out ‘paper’ than seeing patients!

What does your idea of an upgrade look like? Stay tuned to find out ours!

Photos from Docsy's post 15/10/2022

We’re roughly 16 years old when we are made to choose a career path that shapes probably the rest of our lives. Many find their calling in time, some stay open to changing course and countless get stuck somewhere in between. Becoming a doctor is a dream for many but perhaps not the only dream they ever have. It’s unfair that this profession, in comparison to the rest, is so consuming that one is expected to give up on a holistic lifestyle to excel in this one avenue. Art, sports, self care, travel- whatever be your secondary passion, it makes you who you are and holding onto that is worth the extra effort. We need to open our minds to the possibility of change and give up on this notion that there is only one way to be ‘successful.’ Arvind believes that no one’s listening. Can we prove him wrong?

Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with doctors (in training or established) where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 12/10/2022

In conversation with Dr. Vibha as she enters the next phase of her career, pursuing orthopedics at a renowned government Institute. As strenuous and hectic as it is, the exposure a government hospital provides is second to none! On addressing the challenges she adds, “Some of the best years of our life are happening as we speak; so it’s important to make time to nurture other aspects of our life as well.” We wish her and all those doctors entering this next phase the very best for their future!


Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with doctors (in training or established) where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 10/10/2022

Sometimes, doctors need healing too. Docsy stands with you, all the way!

Photos from Docsy's post 07/10/2022

As doctors, it is our job to solve problems. Yet somewhere along the structuring of our healthcare system, we left gaps in our foundation. It’s finally time to fix them!

Photos from Docsy's post 20/09/2022

A country of 1.3 Billion people, with only 1.3Million Registered Allopathic Doctors. Indian doctors spend, on average, only 2 minutes to go over the history, examination and counselling for a patient. This figure is shocking, especially when compared to the stats from around the world, where India is seen to be offering only about 1/10th of what the West does. When considered with respect to the average wait time, which is about an hour, it’s not hard to understand how aggrieved Indian patients must be, how overworked Indian doctors are and how our medical system is at the verge of collapse. Can this change?

Photos from Docsy's post 14/09/2022

You don't immediately think creative when you think doctors, but turns out, they're just as busy thinking outside a book as they are when they have their nose buried in one.

It is often out of necessity that invention is born, and creativity is at the heart of it—as with Docsy, where we aim to provide a creative solution to the most bureaucratic Indian healthcare problem — paperwork.

Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with doctors (in training or established) where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 09/09/2022

There are so many reasons to love being in this profession. What’s yours?

In conversation with Dr. Kriti Jain, an Intern from KMC Mangalore. Kriti tells us she picked medicine by simply eliminating the other options. But she now stands sure; nothing could live up to the satisfaction this job gives her. Kudos to Kriti, for she chose well!

Introducing: Doctors of Docsy.
A series of interviews with top doctors, where they open up about what drives them, what caring for patients actually entails, and the reality of Indian healthcare.

Photos from Docsy's post 05/07/2022

While we aim to be an app to serve the healthcare system- There are no doctors if there are no patients!

One of our primary aims will be to most elaborately and wholly present the patient’s history- ‘His story.’ A practice that is becoming humanly impossible to follow in OPDs, given the current patient load in our country!

Photos from Docsy's post 01/07/2022

A special day for a special bunch!🩺

Photos from Docsy's post 01/07/2022

60 minutes may/ may not sound like a lot. But when you say average, know that an individual can have to wait anywhere from just 10 minutes to even 2-3 hrs! These statistics don’t entirely represent the reality at some of the bigger government district hospitals where the queues extend up to the roads outside the hospital.
While it may not be possible to entirely abolish the wait time, it is imperative that we establish a system that tries to reduce it. At Docsy, we consider this one of our key problems to try and tackle- to improve patient satisfaction and inevitably the doctor-patient interaction.

Photos from Docsy's post 29/06/2022

A glimpse into what we are out to create!
The first time we shared this idea with people they all said- ‘It sounds so simple, how does it not already exist?’

So here we are, pioneering this integration of healthcare and technology to create, what we believe, will be the ultimate tool in providing quality patient care!


Our baby ….. coming soon ♾ ❤️

Photos from Docsy's post 28/06/2022

What is the purpose of progress, if not to increase efficiency?

Bringing together some of the most innovative minds in the fraternity, to change the face of healthcare in our country for doctors by doctors!
