Ibali Lambuhlebendalo

Ibali Lambuhlebendalo

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Ibali Lambuhlebendalo, Health/Beauty, .



Ndivuke ndahlamba ndanxiba I uniform yam it's Friday so Siya Kyle club me chomi Zam gqiba kwam ndiyendaya edownstairs ndifike kutyiwa Nam I grabbed a chair ndahlala

Mom: Lerato
Lerato: huh!
Mom: are they treating you great
Lerato: very great I feel like I'm at home already
Mom: this is your home babe! But now I've gotta rush to work..
Me: I've gotta go to

I took a cab and got to school....

To find my friends waiting for me..

Them: girl
Me: hi girls ninjn
Afikile: si ryt wena
Me: I'm not fine
Afikile: what happend
Me: my step dad tried to force him self on me last night I don't even know how to tell her
Afikile: chom if you keep quiet uzode ayenze lento afunu yenza do you want to be a victim
Me: no!! But andfuni acimbe andfuni afumane uthando and they love each other
Afikile: if your step dad loved your mom ngeyingam mithisanga u Lerato ngeyengazama uku r***r chomi!!
Me: ok nzomxelela!!

Siyesahamba ke saya classin lesson started saphumi skolo I went home fike no mama ekhona

Mom: hi babe how was school
Me: great..mom can we talk
Mom: oh yhea babe[ we sat down]
Me: the thing is that Uhm
Mom: talk
Me: step dad tried to r**e last night
Mom: ...
Me: mom
Mom: yazi Wena mtanandini how could you say that after what he did for you raised you showed what's a father took care of you watched you growing showed love took care of since you were a baby
Me: mom he did it...if you maybe tell me who is my real dad and ukhetha yena ngaphezu kwam wow love has blinded you what ok..

I went running to my room my heart broke into million pieces I cried my lungs out and I took a bath and wore my tight dress with a block hill took my bag and called a cab yandifikisa etown where I saw my friends
Siyesaya ke kule club

We were dancing up and down until a guy interepted
Guy: I'm sorry what's your name
Me: buhle
guy: can I have your tens
Me: I gave him my tens

Then mna me chomi Zam continued to dance kuyekwade kwamnyama my phone was ringing non stop
We are so drunk



Buhle's pove..

Indikhathazile kelento yokuba azohlala apha ekhaya nokuba ndifihlele umama into engaka Kona xasivela isisu sizakuthini....

Nditsho ndizihambela endleleni ndive ngomtu ondibambayo "afikile

Me: Afi**
afikile: le
Me: unjn ntombi
Afikile: ndi ryt wena
me: ndi ryt
Afikile: so Friday
Me: ok ok ndizoza Sisi
Afikile: that's good

Siyesahamba ke sifike sangena eclassin

School was school

Sithe nje sigqibo phuma isikolo ndabona imoto katata ime e gatin"ndiyendaya kuyo"

Me: hi"nditsho ndikhwela"
Step'dd: ndicela ungamxeleli umamakho ngalento
Me: Kanti Wena uyindoda enjani..ulala nomtana
Step'dd: ngulamtana lo wandi seducer
Me: ok ok is mom not enough for you?
Step'dd: she is enough..and jonga mtanandini uzuke uyithethe lento k*mamakho ndizombulala ushiyeke uyinto engenabazali
Me: haybo!!
Step'dd: I'm sure you don't want to see my side
Me: (ndiyendathula) I'm so shocked..[ kuyekwabe sekungena u Lerato]

Lerato: hi guys
Us: hlw

Uyewa driver ke sayofika ekhaya saphuma and mom is working night shift namhlanje""

Ndiyendayongena eroomin yam fike ndakhulula ndanxiba I track pant yam ne push

Ndiyendahlala ndenza I homework Zam gqiba ndalala..


Ndive ngomtu ovula ucango*"step dad"

Me: ufunani
Ufike sele esiya ngamandla k*m endincamisa

Me: wenzani
Step'dd: hey khawuthule Wena"ephinda"

Ndivele ndamtshova gqiba ndabaleka ndaphuma ndaya ekhitchen to find ba umama ulapha ekhitchen and ugqibo fika

Mom: he ntombi wavuka ebusuku kangaka
Me: hay bendizosela Amanzi...
Mom: ohh

Ndiyendaphindela ekamereni apho ndifike sele engekho....




Lerato's pove

Hey'guys I'm Lerato
Ndimithiswe sis step dd sika buhle and now akafuni ulumkhathalela umtana I'm so worried*lento yaqala when I went to have a check up at the hospital he was my docter and he told me ba uyandithanda akakhathalelanga mfazi wakhe yena I trusted him he even gave me money**"

Mom: lera are you preg
me: ewe mama it was a mistake
Mom: mistake to keep your legs closed or tell you boyfriend to use condoms he!!
Me: hay mama...
Mom: get out!!
Me: mama plz don't do this
Mom: phuma

Ndiyendabaleka ndaye kamereni fike ndatshintsha ndanxiba I tracksuit yam ne tekki ndapakisha impahla z am

And I called a cab yafika within a hour

I goed yandimisa kulo buhle

I nocked ndavulelwa ngu mama wapha

Buhle: Lerato!!
Me: I need a place to stay
Buhle' s mm: ngu chomi wakho lo she can stay
Me: oh thanks you so kind
Buhle's mm: buhle mbonise I room

Iyewandibonisa ke ubuhle iroom

Buhle: Lerato ngowuyithethe no Tata lento ungazohlala apha and ruin le fam
Me: ebengayibambi phone and this was my last option
Buhle: you dare tell mom you will live in the street
Me: I won't..[ uyewaphuma]

Ndashiyeka ndipakisha impahla Zam kakuhle wange usiyavuya( step dad sa buhle)

Siya: yhey Wena ufunani apha
Me: ubungayi Bambi iPhone futhi nasekhaya ndogxothiwe bufuna ndihlalephi
Siya: uyayazi ubuhle lento
Me: ewe but she want's us to keep it as a secret
Siya: good[ wabe seyiphuma]
Ndiyendangena ezingubeni ndalala


Ndivuke ndahlamba I wore full uniform ndaye khitchen fike kutyiwa

Me: hi guys
Them: hlw
Buhle's mm: lale kakuhle
Me: ka khulu and thanks for your kindness
Buhle's mm: no it's fine
Me: thanks

Ndiyendaphuma ndahamba!!




Ndivuke ekuseni ndahlamba ndanxiba I uniform yam ndaye khitchen fike kukho stepdad....

Me: uphi umama
Step'dd: seyihambile..
And iyakufanela le uniform
Me: haybo yaqala uyibona but thanks...
Step'dd: and iyakuhlala...
Me: yho mandihambe
Step'dd: ok

Ndiyendahamba ke ndafika eclassin ndakhupha incwadi kwabe sekungena afikile

Afikile: sthandwa Sam..
Me: my love
Afikile: unjani
Me: ndi ryt uphi olwethu
Afikile: usendleleni

Siyesahlala ke sancokola kwabe sekufika olwethu "and the lesson started"

School was school



Afikile: chomi awufuni uhamba nathi siye"night club"Friday""
Me: ndizobona
olwethu: ok babe but promise us ba uzohamba nathi**
Me: ok

Ndiyendahamba ndayongena endlini ndabeka ubhaka gqiba ndenza nento yokutya ndatya gqiba ndahamba ndayohlamba ndanxiba ilokhwe yam e tight dress e yellow me Sandles ndaye khitchen mama wafika

Mama: u ryt babe
Me: ndi ryt mama
Mama: ok sthandwa can you help me cook

Siyesapheka gqiba saphaka safaka ukutya Kuka Tata kwi microwave

Ndahamba ndayolala..


Ndivuke ndahlamba ndahamba ndaye khitchen ndenza ukutya ndatya and took my back pack ndahamba.

Ndifike olwethu no afikile sebefikile...

Olwethu: molo
Me: ewe
Afikile: chomi sive into yokuba your step dad was in prison for r**e
Me: uyivephi keleyo
Afikile: klk utata is a police so he was telling me to be aware of you step dad
Me: haybo!!
Afikile: does your mother know ba awukho safe
Me: haywethu maybe he was accused
Afikile: hay khome sikuyeke

Siyesahamba saye classin and tree girls came to us[ Lerato, onesimo , bomkazi]

Lerato: hey Wena buhle xelele utatakho ba I'm pregnant
Me: haybo utata ungenaphi kehok
Lerato: ndimithiswe nguye he was my virgin breaker and nguye yedwa umtu ebendi Lala naye
Me: hay nono xelela yena
Lerato: mxelele ba he won't run forever
Me: 😶😶
Lerato:mxm[ they walked away]
Afikile: yabona
me: this is s**t man



Gama Lam ndingu buhle hlala no mama and my stepdad

Mom: doc
Stepdad: doc

I don't know my real dad

Me: 18 years old doing gr12 I've got two friends afikile and olwethu❤️❤️

Ezinye icharecters will come out as the story goes on❤️❤️
