Max Federman for Oklahoma

Max Federman for Oklahoma

Max Federman was born and raised in Oklahoma City and has strived his entire life to make this State

Platform | Federman 23/03/2020

If you haven't had a chance to check out the campaign website, see it here:
What else would you like to see addressed? What other issues have local politicians ignored for too long?

Platform | Federman For years, the earned income tax credit (EITC) subsidized low-income working families (mainly single working mothers) in the state of Oklahoma. It helped lift thousands out of poverty. The reform passed in 2016 put a stop to that. In the “reinstatement” of it in 2017, it became a shell of what i...


Due to Coronavirus concerns, the Prison Reform event today has been postponed. We will announce the new date shortly. Please stay safe and take precautions.


Vote Today! The American experiment is about participation. Generations have fought for your right to be heard and this is your chance to speak up! No matter who you vote for, get out there and make your voice heard!


I’ve been working like crazy on Get Out The Vote and I’m more fired up than ever! Registering all these new voters and talking about what’s important to them makes me think about what our country would look like if everyone voted. Well, I have some ideas...