Graeme Newdigate Financial Advisor

Graeme Newdigate Financial Advisor

A Holistic approach to financial planning

Retirement Planning Info Request 31/05/2023


Did you know that a monthly investment of R1000 can potentially generate monthly payouts of R70,000 when you retire?

Unfortunately, many South Africans struggle to retire financially independent due to inadequate savings or underperforming investments.

But there's still hope! With a strategic approach, you can improve your retirement income regardless of the time remaining until retirement. Our team of experts can guide you, using the best investment vehicles and formulas tailored to your unique financial goals.

Discover how you can secure your retirement dreams. Reach out to us now to understand the figures and explore different scenarios for your own opportunities. Don't let time slip away without taking action. Let us help you on your path to financial independence.

Retirement Planning Info Request Please fill out this short questionnaire so we can assist you better

Retirement Planning Info Request 23/05/2023


The vast majority of South Africans are not able to retire financially independent. Very often the reason is that they did not invest sufficient funds into their retirement plan through the course of their business life, or their chosen investment vehicle(s) didn’t perform as expected.

Starting with a contribution of R1000 per month, with a 10% annual escalation for 15 years, then periodically converting portions to a lump sum investment in the right investment vehicle, will provide a monthly retirement income of R 70 000 pm, after contributing a total of R338 400 over the 25 year period.


Even if you don’t have 25 years left to retirement, we can show you how to improve your retirement income by using the best vehicles and formulas to achieve your holistic financial goals. If you would like to understand the figures and perhaps look at your own opportunities with different scenarios, please reach out to me straight away and I will gladly walk you through it.

Retirement Planning Info Request Please fill out this short questionnaire so we can assist you better


Read this before you install solar

Due to all the loadshedding, you will be forced to look at alternate energy sources for your home and business. A leading company has found a way for ordinary people to install solar power at almost zero cost, without selling back to the grid, because of load shedding…

The majority of people do not know about this, and unfortunately, they are the ones feeling the real cost of load shedding
Load shedding is already costing average South Africans tens of thousands of Rands per household per year - fire risk from power surges, destroyed appliances, ruined gate batteries, exposure to criminals, etc… Data shows that insurance claims relating to power surges have doubled since 2018, while claims for burglaries and vehicle accidents have also increased.

And it’s only getting worse…

We are already sharing this information with our clients and other people who ask for it.

If you’d like all the details simply send us a request and, if you tell us a bit about yourself, we will give you an estimate of how much you might be able to get back!



Could you survive on less than a third of your income in retirement?

It is a widely held belief that to replace at least 75% of our final income at retirement to maintain a similar lifestyle, we should be saving anything from 12% to 17% of our income from the day we start working.

Yet, according to a recent retirement industry survey, the average South African retiree can replace just 31% of their income with their retirement savings: a sobering reality.

For holistic assistance in retirement planning contact your Hereford Financial Advisor.
[email protected] |

Read the full article:


Are you using the full tax benefit available to you?

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor,
[email protected] |


Tax year-end: Maximise your available tax deductions

As we head towards the end of the 2021/2022 tax year, now is an opportune time to make sure that you’ve taken advantage of the available tax breaks available to you so as not to leave any ‘free money’ on the table.

However, before implementing one or more of the commonly used strategies outlined below, keep in mind that tax planning should form part of the overall planning process and should therefore be approached strategically with a holistic view of your whole portfolio.

[email protected] |

Read the full article :


Start 2022 money-wise: devote a day to your finances

The New Year has begun, and it always comes with resolutions and plans. What are your financial resolutions? What are you going to do for yourself this year to set yourself up financially?

This is a great time to invest in yourself and your financial future, by having a “personal finance” day. This is when you have a good look at what your financial position is at that moment and then decide what you want to have by the end of the year.

Speak to your Hereford Financial Advisor about reviewing your Insurance and Investment portfolio.

[email protected] |

Read the full article:Start 2022 money-wise: devote a day to your finances


Safety first: Do these 4 things ahead of your holiday

Planning a holiday is an exciting time for travelers. Exploring a new destination, relaxation and cuisine are just some of the attractions of going away.

Travellers should also be mindful of their personal safety, home and vehicles.

• Keep a personal safety checklist
• Create a home checklist
• Ensure vehicle reliability
• Take out insurance

Securing your home and assets is as important as travel insurance. Before leaving for your trip, speak to your insurer to find out exactly what you are and aren’t covered for, so you have peace of mind while you’re on holiday. With a bit of common sense and a proactive approach to security, you can avoid headaches and minimise any potential problems.

Review your long and short-term insurance before the festive season kicks in, give yourself the gift of “piece of mind” this festive season!

[email protected] |

Read the full article:


What to consider when investing for your child

Benjamin Franklin said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” In South Africa the investment in knowledge – or education – comes at a premium for young parents. So, the best advice to any new parent is to start saving and investing as early as possible. Leaving it until the child is ready for school will make better or more expensive schools unaffordable for most.

So, what should you consider when investing for your child?
• What are you saving towards?
• Which investment vehicle suits your needs?
For guidance on savings and investment contact your Hereford Financial Adviser. [email protected] |

Read the full article:


Life insurance and your savings plan: How they work hand in hand

When you think of your savings plan, life insurance is not likely to be the first thing you associate with saving up for what is important to you. Most people see life insurance as a grudge purchase, something that you only benefit from should something happen to you.

On the surface, life insurance doesn’t seem to have much to do with those financial goals you set yourself, such as paying off your bond for example.

But it’s important to see life insurance, disability and critical illness cover and your savings as important vehicles that work hand in hand, as part of your financial plan for now and the future. Here are three things to bear in mind when balancing what you spend on insurance versus what how much you set aside for savings.

* Structure your cover efficiently so you can have more left over for savings

* Evaluate your portfolio regularly

* Know that a critical illness or disability can drain your savings

For a review of your insurance and investments contact your Hereford Financial Advisor.
[email protected] |

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How you can build financial resilience by becoming more money savvy

* Have a financial plan
* Budgeting
* Managing debt
* Retirement saving and investing for the future
* Have adequate insurance
* Do proper estate planning

You can be better prepared to face life’s future storms by taking steps that will help you to achieve better financial resilience outcomes. This is a continuous, deliberate effort of planning and commitment to a plan. In this way, you can be cushioned from unforeseen storms that put pressure on the s health of households.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor for more information on becoming financially savvy. [email protected] |

Read the full article :


Preparing to take control of your retirement

LEAVING the safety of your employer marks the end of one chapter of your life and the beginning of another. Consider your options carefully and get help from a financial planner to move as smoothly as possible from one chapter to the next.

If you are worried about having enough money in retirement, you need to follow several steps to take control of your situation.

Remember to build your retirement picture, have a plan for living in the picture you imagine, and update your plan regularly as things change.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor to discuss your retirement plan. [email protected] |

Read the full article :


Don’t overlook how much health care will cost you in retirement

people do not realise to what extent medical costs will deplete their retirement income.

According to Stats SA, 38% of South Africans over the age of 60 use chronic medication, around 20% use assistive devices such as spectacles, 10% wear hearing aids and 5% use wheelchairs, all of which are not necessarily fully covered if you are on medical aid and would need to be paid for out of pocket.

Not only will you need more in the way of medicines and treatments, you also need to take into consideration that medical inflation is 3 to 5% higher than standard inflation.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor for a retirement plan that includes your medical expenses. [email protected] |

Read the full article:


Drafting a Will.

If you’ve taken the all-important decision to put your affairs in order and draft a will, you may be wondering what form the document should take, who should help draft it, and what special considerations should be kept in mind when putting the document together.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor for more information. [email protected] |

Read the full article :


The difference between a living Will and a last Will and testament

Sometimes family members face a difficult situation when a decision has to be made about a loved one in circumstances in which they are not able to make informed decisions and give their consent regarding medical treatment.
To save your loved one from the emotional trauma of having to make that call, you can have a living Will drafted and duly signed.

Talk to your Hereford Financial Advisor about the drafting of a Will & living Will. [email protected] |

Read the full article:


Ten Simple Money Rules for Investing Success

Bad decisions and poor behavior are the primary reasons why many fail to meet their financial goals.

Lists can help organize your thoughts. I have created them for everything from rules for investing to financial phrases to avoid. As someone who has spent decades thinking about money – saving it, investing it and spending it – I have come to recognize several fundamental truths about money that I have compiled into a list:

Speak to your Hereford Financial Advisor for guidance on your investment portfolio, [email protected] |

Read the full article :


How to ensure that you don’t outlive your savings

Did you know that it’s possible that you could live for another 30 years after you retire? How do you ensure that you will live out your golden years without having to worry about finances?

The best solution is to work with a financial adviser to develop a flexible, personalised plan that evolves with your changing life circumstances but remains focused on your retirement objectives.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor to discuss Retirement strategy that you won't outlive. [email protected] |

Read the full article :


The importance of risk cover and mitigating risk when planning for retirement

There are a number of risks that investors face on the path to accumulating sufficient retirement assets. From one’s first paycheque to the date of formal retirement, it is likely that life will not follow a predictable trajectory, but will rather involve a series of curveballs, missteps and errors. In addition to investing enough to ensure that one is able to retire comfortably, effective planning should include identifying potential risks to your retirement funding and putting appropriate mechanisms in place to mitigate these risks.

To read the full article :

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor to discuss your retirement, risk strategy. [email protected] |


A generation of wealth builders could change a nation

On June 16th, every year, we commemorate our National Youth Day. We remember a generation of our youth that made their contribution, so determinedly and bravely, to the eventual demise of the previous apartheid regime. We salute them and say they should never be forgotten.
Today in our rainbow nation we celebrate all of our youth and through the words of the song ‘The greatest love of all’ we echo the sentiments that say ‘’I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them find their way…”

Talk to us and together let’s create wealth and work on how we can contribute to the economy of our country and the education of our youth. After all, a generation of wealth builders could change a nation!

[email protected] |


Keeping Our Promise - Paying Claims.

Liberty's claim statistics for 2020 show a significant increase in retrenchment and mortality claims following the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and hard lockdown in April, which had a substantial impact on the country's economy.

In 2020 Liberty paid out R6.34 billion in claims to its individual clients under the flagship Lifestyle Protector product and legacy risk products. This is an increase of 7.64 percent compared to 2019 claims, which is broadly in line with average yearly increases over the past decade.

[email protected] |


The different types of life and disability insurance

The life insurance market is very different from what it was 50 years ago, with a far wider range of choices for the consumer. Although life cover has not changed to any degree, disability cover has become more complex and varied, and dread disease cover is a relatively new addition to the product range.

The trouble with greater complexity is that it is more difficult for consumers to compare products regarding value for money and suitability.

Through the Hereford Group we are able to provide a range of products to address, death, disability and dread diseases.

Contact your Hereford Financial Advisor for more information.
[email protected] |


Is your family secure if something unexpected happens to you? Book a call with me today to make sure they will be.


Short term cover is long term vision.

There is an old saying that “success is when preparation meets opportunity.” This is very true in the normal course of events, but has a hollow ring when the reality of the situation goes no further than “survival is when preparation meets upheaval!” There is one common word though in both those statements – preparation…

Simply put – lack of short term cover often compromises long term wealth – so cover in the short term is actually being long-sighted – ignoring this is simply being very ‘short-sighted!’

Speak to your Hereford Financial Advisor about a review of your short-term cover. [email protected] |


How do the numbers work with living annuities?

Many people who have too little capital saved at retirement opt for high percentage pension draws. Unfortunately that either reduces their capital more quickly or it requires them to earn investment returns that are just impossible. Living annuities are excellent products but like fi****ms you really do need to understand the risks.

For more information on retirement planning contact a Hereford Financial Advisor.
[email protected] |


6 budget announcements that directly affect you.

In an analysis of Mboweni’s speech, van den Berg said that South Africans will be directly affected by the points raised by the finance minister, specifically:

Tax hikes;
Possible further credit rating downgrades, leading to rand weakness, impacting prices;
Weak growth forecasts mean South Africans will get poorer in real terms;
All workers will be able to get tax deductions on contributions to provident funds;
Workers will get additional social protection, such as a fund to cover those excluded from pension coverage;
There are plans to introduce new legislation to allow pre-retirement withdrawals;
As a bonus-through-omission, prescribed assets were not raised as a method to plug South Africa’s growing budget deficit, which will be good news for savers.

For more information on how these changes affect your financial planning strategy contact your Hereford Financial Advisor. [email protected] |


"Steps to amplify your financial future

• Work out a plan and a budget that includes setting funds aside for saving and investing
• Control spending so you don’t spend more than you earn. An overdraft and buying on credit may help raise your lifestyle but they are very costly
• Set up debit orders for your fixed monthly expenses as well as your savings and investment accounts
• Save for unexpected short-term emergencies as well as retirement
• Invest in insurance: life insurance as well as risk cover. Unexpected curveballs are a part of life and being insured helps protect you and your loved ones from financial setbacks.
• Speak to a financial adviser about balancing your investment portfolio so that if the value of some investments dip, others will compensate for this.
• Get advice on drawing up a will.
“There is no doubt that a professional adviser will help to ensure that all the essential elements of a financial plan are covered.
Contact your Hereford Financial Adviser for more information. [email protected] |"


"A guide to Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on retirement funds

It’s easy to get emotional about your life savings. Hasty or poorly informed decisions could prevent you from reaching your goals.
The most suitable investment portfolio for you to be invested in is one that will help you achieve your goals… but what does this portfolio look like?
Clients should be warned against impulsive reactions that leave them with savings that fall short of their needs.

For a professional review of your insurance and investment portfolio request a review form a Hereford Financial Adviser who is able to give your portfolio an unbiased evaluation through the partnering investment platforms within the group. Send an e mail to: [email protected] |

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Is you family secure if something unexpected happens to you?


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