Living Consciously with Missy

Living Consciously with Missy

💜 I invite you to come on a journey with me so you can Feel FREE to be YOU 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 06/03/2023

Co dependency

I’m most defiantly a recovering codependent.
I would say most of my relationships (with partners, friends & family) have mostly been codependent.

For me, If others didn’t need me I literally felt worthless and no purpose. So unconsciously & with no awareness, I did everything for those around me, 1) So I felt a false sense of worthiness and purpose 2) If I did everything for them and took care of them then they would never leave me.

While on my healing journey I also learnt that this was a way for me to avoid what was going on within me and it was also rooted with a very deep and unconscious fear of rejection and abandonment.

Do you identify with being Codependent in this way?

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 27/02/2023

I have so much love and appreciation for this women. Both in the photo and the one who wrote this post 3 years ago.

I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without out her courage, resilience and determination to want a better life for herself 🫶

What a journey it’s been these last few years… 🥹

I promise you, you can do hard things. I’m living proof that life can come at you like a tornado and you can still choose to want & do better for yourself.

One thing I’ve learnt is you have to want it for YOURSELF, because YOU are worthy and YOU deserve to have a life where you feel safe to be YOU and to LIVE a life you LOVE.
All you need is an open and willing heart… the rest will come 💜

I’ll continue to share my story proudly with vulnerability, I share out loud so others know they aren’t alone.


Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 27/02/2023

Updated Offers: I have made some very slight changes for you!

Check out the ways we can work together in the slides. ☝🏻

I have a special deal for the month of March- when you book in an Online Mini Combo you get a FREE RCT Session🫶

If you interested and would like to know more book in for a FREE 30 min discovery call, in my bio & let’s have a chat- if times don’t suit DM me and we will work something out. 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 27/02/2023

Boundaries are so important, though they aren’t always easy to put in place.

I know for me, I didn’t even know what boundaries were let alone how to set them.

When we start setting our own personal boundaries the people around us may not respond well and sitting with the feelings that can bring up takes time to get use to and be ok with. (I’m still getting use to it)

My lack of boundaries come from my limiting beliefs which created behaviours such as people pleasing and not wanting to sit with feelings of guilt and shame that come up with, to avoid conflict and fear of judgement from other and validation and wanting people to love and accept me.

I believe for myself having boundaries is a form of self love.

How are you at setting boundaries? I’m still learning & it’s a tough gig at times.
I invite you to share in the comments your experience with boundaries 💜

With love,
Missy x


Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 20/02/2023

I actually deleted these slides and wasn’t going to post it.
I thought it was too vulnerable & too sensitive.

This is my truth though.

I can be sensitive and vulnerable as well being confident and a leader.
There are some things about me I hide away but she’s coming out to play.. the sensitive, vulnerable, nurturing, loving Missy & the crazy chaotic manic Missy. I love all of me, especially these parts of me I try to and hide away.

I am who I am. My heart is so big and full of love & we need to sprinkle that s**t around. Some might turn away when they see someone crying, I’m the girl who walks up and hugs and asks if your ok.

I’m a big crazy chaotic softy who has big goals, big dreams, big desires and I’m relentless in my journey to loving myself and my life more.

Im scared as f**k but I do the things anyways.

Im here to walk along side you.

Together we can heal and love ourselves more and with that transform our entire lives to one we LOVE.

Biggest love and virtual hug to you 💜


This arvo has been one of those moments where emotions hit you out of no where & unexpectedly. Still now I can be like “oh no what now?”

Being a human and feeling your emotions means riding the waves of ALL emotions.

Joy, peace, love, anger, sadness, grief, loss… all of them & the rest!

I still have days where my grief aches like it only just happened and I feel my heart sink to floor, where the tears start falling and sadness within just pours out, I also have days where seeing my daughter smile first thing in the morning brings so much joy my heart could burst or seeing a rainbow in the sky makes me smile from ear to ear.

You learn to appreciate every moment, every emotion, because before you know it, it passes. We can’t appreciate one with out the other.

One thing I’m now no longer afraid of is letting people know I still have days where it’s all too much and you know what that’s ok.
That even with the work I’ve done, I still have days where I can drop to my knees and cry and break and crumble. I’d much rather be dealing with it this way then how I once was in the past using drugs to escape and numb out the pain. This is what feeling your emotions can look like.

So, before you go comparing, shaming and putting yourself down because you feel like compared to that persons high light reel you don’t have your s**t together, just remember none of us do & we are all doing the best we can 💜

Love to you always,

Missy x

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 20/02/2023

Potential benefits of regular sessions with meeeee 💜

Once again I would like to high light you will always get out what you choose to put in.

Healing isn’t always pretty, it doesn’t always feel good, it doesn’t mean we come to a place where we are fully healed.
However putting in the work, being consistent, being patient, having grace, you will get to place where what was uncomfortable to sit with gets easier and you gain the tools knowledge and awareness to move through what once triggered you.

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 20/02/2023

Here are some things that really helped me on my healing journey…

I just want to be so honest in saying that you can invest in the best and most expensive healers, mentors. coaches, whatever it is you do, You can get a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and tools along the way in your healing journey. However I truely believe you get out what YOU PUT IN and for me it was consistently showing up, investing in myself, and most importantly the work and integration and the ACTION I put in outside of my sessions, my group programs, my recovery etc that really allowed me to heal, grow and transform my life 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 20/02/2023

Communication Styles: There are 4 ways we usually communicate our thoughts, feelings and needs with others.

These differ depending on the situation and the person that we are communicating with... 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 20/02/2023

Attachment Styles:
Are a specific pattern of behaviour in and around relationships 💜
Which one do you identify with most?

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 07/02/2023

Here is your permission that it’s ok and in my experience a MUST to prioritise yourself 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 05/02/2023

What happens in a Root Cause Therapy Session? 💜

If you would like to know more or want to book in a session DM to book in a free 30min discovery call.

Love to you,
Missy x

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 05/02/2023

What makes Root Cause Therapy different to other forms of therapy and modalities? 💜


Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 05/02/2023

Big T Vs Little T Trauma 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 27/01/2023

A simple way to put Self-Awareness into action 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 25/01/2023

The 5 Waves of Self Awareness 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 25/01/2023

What does is mean to be self aware? 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 25/01/2023

Are you aware when you are in an activated (triggered) state?

What I find super helpful when I am triggered is dropping into my body.
Where do I feel this in my body?
What does it feel like?
What is it trying to communicate to me?

This 1- Stops me from being reactive in the moment.
2-Gets me out of head and the “story” & and into my body to FEEL the sensation.

I’ve shared How Trauma Responses can show up.
Do you identify with any of them? I know I do or have, with many, and not just from the same response type.
I am going to share some of mine in the comments.
I invite you to share too 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 23/01/2023


Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 22/01/2023

Why I started my biz 💜

Photos from Living Consciously with Missy's post 22/01/2023

Hey it’s ME. (Check the slides 👇🏻)

I am so excited to be on this journey together.

Truly, thank you for being here 💜

With love, Missy xo


Hello and Welcome to Living Consciously with Missy 💜

