Align and Shine

Align and Shine

Coaching Coaches &
Raising Leaders

Helping women align with the best version of themselves by amplifying their desires and diminishing their fears to shine in their business.


These words are powerful and profound.

Regrets are pointless!!!

They keep us stuck in a low vibration of self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs. They steal away our ability to appreciate all of the good things life has to offer.

Letting go of regrets and living in a state of contentment and joy, regardless of our decisions or circumstances, is a key ingredient to a good life.

I strive to live a life with "no regrets".

How about you?

Call to mind any regrets you are holding onto?!? Decide to release them and set yourself free to embrace the amazing journey before you.

Everything we encounter allows us to learn lessons that can be used to help ourselves confidently raise our vibration.

Choose to live in contentment with all that has, does and will transpire in your life.

Start releasing TODAY and experience the lightness in living life with a gratitude attitude. SHINE YOUR LIGHT.

What regret are you going to let go of today?


When it is one of those days . . .


What a joy to work with this amazing horse-lovin lady😍

After completing the TruTouch Equine Mentorship Program , she is now on her way to helping so many horses feel and perform at their peak🐎

Congrats Maggie🎉


Be unique, stand out and have an awesome weekend😊


“Here’s to strong women.😊
May we know them.😍
May we be them.❤️
May we raise them.”🥰


What are you passionate about?

Such a simple question, yet many people are stumped at coming up with an answer🥺

It seems many of our days are filled with what we need to do, places where we need to be and rarely include time for what fills our cup or sparks our inner fire🔥

Finding your authentic self is a journey not necessarily arriving at a destination.

We are constantly changing - different ages, different stages, different passions.

By tuning into your inner knowing or inner guidance system, you will become more aware of what brings you joy. Taking a break from all the 'have to' activities and focusing more on the 'want to' ideas, will shed light on your authentic self❤️

What can you do today to spark the flame of your passions?

Time to release the 'pause' button, push the 'play' button and take inspired action in creating the life you desire and deserve - Go shine your light.🌟

You can do this!!😍


This is a hot topic for most people.

I hear many of my clients complaining about how people treat them like 'door mats' or how they feel like no one respects their time.🥺

Setting your boundaries are how you decide to spend your time and invest your energy.😍

Unless you say "No" people can think it is a 'maybe' or a "Yes".

How many times have you said "ok" and knew immediately that it should have been a "NO"? I have - many many times!!!

I'm a 'recovering people pleaser' and it is a tough road always worrying about hurting other people's feelings. However, in those moments all I am doing is showing my own lack of self-respect in not setting and enforcing my own boundaries. That's all on me!!😞

How can you show yourself some love and teach other's how to value your time and energy?

One step at a time, create some boundaries and stick to them - I know you can do it!!✅


❤️Happy Valentines Day❤️


🙏🏻 In Memory of Bob Proctor 🙏🏻

I’m so happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to learn from the Master of the Mind and Law of Attraction authority, Bob Proctor😍

Bob Proctor was an instrumental mentor and teacher throughout my personal development journey.

I started by purchasing his programs which quickly led me to training and certifying as one of Bob’s LifeSuccess Consultants and Thinking into Results Facilitators. Learning from Mr. Proctor in a live atmosphere was an incredible experience.

His confidence and straightforward authenticity created an environment like no other. His dedication to helping people was unwavering.❤️

Bob was instrumental in helping me create my own Programs by sitting with me personally as he shared his opinions, contacts, blunt feedback (true Bob’s form) and inspirational comments. 😍

I appreciate everything that he has taught me and the empowering legacy he has left to the world of personal growth.

Love & Light🙏🏻 🙏🏻


As we approach the third week of a new year, how is it going?

Did you set big goals with huge intentions to make 2022 your year?

Each year I select a word or words that will be my focus and reminder along my journey.

This year my word is SHINE.

To SHINE from within reminds me to stick with what lights me up, what aligns with my inner guidance and helps bring clarity to what is important to me.

The reason to SHINE on the outside provides a way that I can help others that may need a helping hand or guiding light to make their journey just a little bit easier.

I'm excited for all of the new experiences waiting for us along our 2022 journey. Know there will be good times mixed with trying times, and together we can spread joy and peace as we SHINE.

What’s your Word?


It's here!!!! The last day of 2021😊

As this year draws to a close, most times our attention quickly shifts to what the new year will bring!?!

Today is the day I reflect on what this last year has "felt like", not what have I accomplished or didn't accomplish. What emotions have I experienced throughout the last 365 days?

Take a few minutes and 'feel the feels'.

What made you feel happy? What caused you to feel overwhelmed?

Did you experience fear, grief, anger, doubt or disappointment?

What brought you joy, passion, optimism and contentment?

Reconnect with all of the emotions that were signposts on your 2021 journey.🪧

Next, i set my intentions for 2022 according to the positive emotions and feelings that light me up. I want more of that - don't you?

I will be ready to take inspired action towards what will bring me more joy.

I'm not going to focus on doing, having or achieving unless I, first, take in account how it will make me 'feel' in doing, having or achieving anything!!

How do you want to feel in 2022? The choice is yours!!

It's time to load up your cart with experiences that will create those feelings and align with your superpowers to soar at higher vibrations each and every day.

I wish for you a year filled with joy, growth and love❤️Shine on🌟

Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours 🎉😍


Merry Christmas🤶🙏🏻🌲

It has been another roller coaster year, with ups and downs with many curves along the way.🥺

Each day brought opportunities to grow, along with days that we wanted to hide away from the world. It is the combination of those days that makes us stronger and more determined to make choices that light us up and fills our hearts.❤️

Wishing you a safe and joyful Christmas season and may you be blessed with health and happiness in 2022🎉

Take care and I'm sending big hugs your way as a thank you for being part of my life and I can't wait for the next chapter😍


This is the time of year when people start setting goals or resolutions for the new year.

I’m not big into goals rather I like to set intentions to experience my desires.

I wanted to share this quote again as it creates the foundation of moving away from effort and struggle to flow with EASE.

Your beliefs need to align with your desires before you will be able (and willing) to achieve your goals.

Do you have some out-dated beliefs that no longer serve you?

Are you placing limits on your potential ?

Is it time to shift some beliefs to align with your desires?

The EASE Method is designed specifically for this✅

Message me for more info😊


🌲Countdown to Christmas Special🌲
TruTouch Body Alignment Sessions
for People

🤶Buy 2 get 1 Free🤶

* Camrose Location *limited time offer

❤️A special gift for that Special Person
Or a stocking stuffer for yourself


This week I am looking forward to _____________!






Just Breathe❤️


"Today, give Yourself permission to take time to breathe, to live life, to give, to love, to reflect, to be present and to JUST BE."

December has arrived and as we approach the hustle and bustle of the holiday season🌲I feel this is the reminder that everyone needs.

As we reflect on the past year, whether it was filled with great or not-so-great moments, we can look forward to 2022 in anticipation of amazing things to come.🎉

To celebrate You - Take some deep cleansing breaths, inhaling peace and contentment then exhale happiness and kindness to share with your loved ones.❤️

For me, a good life is a collection of many happy moments. If we continue to rush from one activity to another, or spend time worrying about this or that, the happy moments will slip away. Don't let that happen to You.🥺

Starting today, take the time to BE PRESENT ~ BE REAL ~ BE YOU 😍


Sometimes difficult🥺
Always empowering❤️


Maybe being busy is bullshi*t?

People can make time for whatever they want to.

Before you get upset thinking that I don't get it - you are really busy!!!

Let's look at it from a different perspective.

We decide what occupies our time - parenting, careers, relationships, jobs, hobbies, screens, moving, relaxing, etc.

When we get right down to the "why" we are spending our time on certain activities - it is how we have created our Priority List.

Have you made a conscious choice on creating a list that fills your heart, that lifts your energy, that creates joy and fulfillment?

Sometimes we get stuck in busy-work to hide or put off what is really important to us in fear of failing? or fear of succeeding? or a belief that is just the way life is supposed to be?

Busy is an excuse. Prioritizing is a solution.

What is on your schedule today?

You are worthy of more - set your priorities and SHINE YOUR LIGHT 😍


Vulnerability is the only authentic state. It means being open for the good and the bad; being brave along with being being scared sh*tless.

I struggle with vulnerability and am constantly challenging myself as to why.

Some fear the uncertainty, the risk, the emotional exposure of being hurt.

My first thoughts go to "why share my weaknesses and struggles - how will that help anyone else?!?"

I am learning that vulnerability is more about helping me. It lightens my energy by taking away the feeling that I need to be "on" all of the time. (I screw up, I do stupid things, I'm not always right lol)

Now when something goes well - I am quick to think "I did that!!" And when something does not go well - I will add "I did that too!!"

Vulnerability can be about opening up and being accountable or more importantly, it is about confidently accepting your greatness. YAY!!!

What can you do today to share your weakness and show your strength?


We tend to allow life to be entangled with regrets.

Regret takes us out of alignment with our true self. It will lower our vibration and stagnate our growth and joy.

Now is the time to learn how to do a quick "Regret Check".

Before making a decision on what to do or not to do - to say or not to say - to be or not to be - take that split second to time travel into the future and dial into how will you feel about this situation when you flash back to this moment.

Regret comes in two forms that causes negative emotions like anger and worry. We regret that we did or said something or we regret that we didn't do or didn't say something, thereby holding a grudge against ourselves.

The longer our trail of regrets, the more we tend to value the importance of seeking the path of least resistance by making wise choices.

You will make some wrong decisions along the way. Chalk those up to lessons (not regrets) and move on, as they may surprise and delight you in the future.

A "Regret Check" allows you to embrace being present in the moment and being aware of what 'feels right' for you.

~ I choose living life with no regrets

~ What do you choose?


New morning😊
New opportunities❤️

What is your first thought when you welcome in a new sunrise?


Are you a good listener?

Listening is not only the words and tone that you hear with your ears. It is, also, when true connection is experienced.

Listening helps others. Listening is the opportunity to gain wisdom.

Most importantly, listen with a desire to understand and not to judge.

Practice the 'Art of Listening' and make a difference today!!

Videos (show all)

This is the time of year when people start setting goals or resolutions for the new year.I’m not big into goals rather I...
Just Breathe❤️
Do you have a message to share?Can you help others by sharing what you have learned?
TruTouch Body Alignment for Horses
Top reasons why you may be block your intuitive messages