Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Humble attempt to preach essence of Sanatan dharma through teachings of Jagad Guru His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.If you want to connect this holy mission of Hari Naam Sankirtan which is dharma of Kaliyuga, please contact


''He is my guru who has no dharma other than serving the lotus feet of his guru, who has no other consciousness or philosophy than this. He is preoccupied neither with hearing about enjoyment nor cramming his esophagus with delectable food. He never hears anything except Hari-kathā. He does not give advice other than to serve Hari. He does not perform any other activity, not even for one second out of twenty-four hours. Such a person is qualified as guru.''

The Lion Guru Śrīla Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Jagad Guru Prabhupāda on guru-darśana


Unfortunately, in the age of Kali the lower-class men, without training, occupy the post of a ruler by strength of popular votes, and instead of protecting the sufferers, such men create a situation quite intolerable for everyone. Such rulers illegally gratify themselves at the cost of all comforts of the citizens, and thus the chaste mother earth cries to see the pitiable condition of her sons, both men and animals. That is the future of the world in the age of Kali, when irreligiosity prevails most prominently. And in the absence of a suitable King to curb irreligious tendencies, educating the people systematically in the teaching of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam will clear up the hazy atmosphere of corruption, bribery, blackmail, etc.


Respected Maharajas, Prabhujis, and Matajis,

Jai Om Nitya Lila pravishtha Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Ashtottara Shata Sri srimad Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja ki jai.

With our hearts broken but reconciled to Krishna's plan, we seek to announce the unfortunate departure of Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja and his auspicious entry into the eternal pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Sita Rama Lakshmana Hanuman and Sri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha.
Gurudeva will travel to Delhi and then to Sri Vrindavan Dhama.

Your servants
HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Shishya Samooha

5th May, 2024 9.20am IST
Camp: Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences Dehradun


Stamp released today by Honarble Prime Minister of India Sh Narendra Modi


🌹 *हरे कृष्ण🌹*

*मंगलवार, दिनाँक 06 फरवरी को षटतिला एकादशी है।*

भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए उपवास रखें।

सभी के अच्छे स्वास्थ्य एवं खुशहाल जीवन हेतु अधिक से अधिक हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का जप करें, कीर्तन करें एवं श्रीमद् भागवतम तथा श्रील प्रभुपाद की पुस्तकों का अध्य्यन करें।

अगले दिन, बुधवार 07, फरवरी 2024 पारन का प्रातः 07:06 बजे से 10:46 तक रहेगा।

🌹 *Hare Krishna* 🌹

*Tuesday, 06th February is SHAT-TILA EKADASHI*

Please observe Fast for the pleasure of Sri Krishna.

For good health and happy life of all the living beings. Chant maximum rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra.Do Kirtan & Read Shrimad Bhagwatam. Study Srila Prabhupada's books at home.

Next day Wednesday, 07th February, Paran time 07:06 AM to 10:46AM

Photos from Srila Prabhupada Nectar's post 21/01/2024

The cooking arrangements at Iskcon Camp in Ayodhya.

Interested people who would like to sponsor the meals may please contact Anand Prem Das at [email protected] or call at +91 98192 46380



हरे कृष्ण!

*रविवार, दिनाँक 2️⃣1️⃣ जनवरी, 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ को पुत्रदा एकादशी* है। भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए उपवास रखें। अधिक से अधिक संख्या में हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र का जप करें। मन्दिर में कीर्तन में सम्मिलित हों। अगले दिन परायण का समय प्रातः 7:13 बजे से 10:46 तक रहेगा।


इस्कॉन नोएडा
गोविन्द धाम एवं भक्तिवेदान्त एकेडमी


Hare Krishna!

*Sunday, 2️⃣1️⃣ January, 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ is PUTRADA EKADASHI.* Please observe Fast for the pleasure of the Lord. Chant maximum number of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Come to the temple for attending Kirtan. Next day Paran time 7:13 am to 10:46 am.


Govinda Dham and Bhaktivedanta Academy



"We shall never use this artificial fertilizer on our farms. It is forbidden in the sastras. If you plant easily grown crops once in the year, then the earth will not become exhausted. Don't overuse the land."

Srila Prabhupada letter to Rupanuga, Jan. 11, 1976

"Actually as I have already discussed in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, for economic problem one requires a little land and a few cows. Then the whole economic problem is solved. We should utilize our time for elevating ourselves in Krishna Consciousness than for so-called economic development. If we are satisfied with plain living, with minimum time and the balance time is engaged for elevating our Krishna Conscious program, then every man can be transferred to Goloka Vrindaban, just in this very life."

Srila Prabhupada letter to Hamsaduta, Jan. 11, 1968


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐮’𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞

By The Lion Guru Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Gosvami Jagad GuruPrabhupad

There is no doubt that the words of the sadhus possess the power of destroying the evil propensities of one’s mind. The sadhus in this way benefit everyone who associates with them. There are many things which we do not disclose to the sadhu. The real sadhu makes us speak out what we keep concealed in our hearts. He then applies the knife. The very word “sadhu” has no other meaning than this. He stands in front of the block with the uplifted sacrificial knife in his hand. The sensuous desires of men are like the goats. The sadhu stands there to kill those desires by the merciful stroke of the keen edge of the sacrificial knife in the form of unpleasant language. If the sadhu turns into my flatterer then he does me harm; he becomes my enemy. If he gives us flattery then we are led to the road that brings enjoyment but no real well-being.

— Sri Chaitanya’s Teachings, page 26-27


What is this alone? Vaisnava is never alone. When I first came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year. But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru Maharaja. Myself, I was cooking, I was printing books, I was selling books, everything seemingly alone. But I did not lose my determination. Actually you should know this, you are never alone.

Letter to Trivikrama
December 27, 1974


It was in Kurukshetra Dham
that Bhishma Dev kept the 5 days Vrata.

Last 5 days of Kartik are known as
Bhishma Panchaka 🏹🏹

Bishma Dev fasted & focused His mind & body in the service of Sri Krishna.

On the last day, Sri Krishna Lord personaly came to give His darshan & blessings

Make the Most of these 5 Special days🙏🏽
Chant This mantra in Bhishma Panchak

Om Vaiyaghra Padya Gotraya
Sankrti Pravaraya Cha
Aputraya Dadamyetat
Salilam Bhismavarmane

वैयाघ्रपदगोत्राय सांकृतप्रवराय च l
अपुत्राय ददाम्येतदुद्कं भीष्म्वर्मणे ll
वसूनामवताराय शन्तनोरात्मजाय च l
अर्घ्यं ददामि भीष्माय आजन्मब्रह्मचारिणे ll

🙏🏻 'जिनका व्याघ्रपद गोत्र और सांकृत प्रवर है, उन पुत्ररहित भीश्म्वार्मा को मैं यह जल देता हूँ l वसुओं के अवतार, शांतनु के पुत्र आजन्म ब्रह्मचारी भीष्म को मैं अर्घ्य देता हूँ l
( स्कन्द पुराण, वैष्णव खंड, कार्तिक महात्मय )

Bhishma Dev ki Jai 💐

Iskcon Kurukshetra wishes everyone Happy Bhishma Pancha Vrata ⭐⭐

Article by - Atul Krishna


*एकादशी व्रत सूचना*

🙏हरे कृष्ण!🙏

*बृहस्पतिवार, दिनाँक 23 नवम्बर 2023 को उत्थान एकादशी* है। भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए उपवास रखें। अधिक से अधिक संख्या में हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का जप करें, कीर्तन करें एवं श्रीमद् भागवतम का अध्ययन करें। अगले दिन परायण का समय प्रातः 06:50 बजे से 10:21 तक रहेगा।



*Ekadashi Fast Notification*

🙏Hare Krishna!🙏

*Thursday, 23rd November, 2023 is UTTHANA EKADASHI.* Please observe fast for the pleasure of the Lord. Chant extra rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Do Kirtan. Read Srimad Bhagavatam. Next day Paran time : 06:50 am to 10:21 am.




For Kali-puja: Eating the remnants of ghosts

Goddess Kali does not eat meat; she is the husband [wife] of lord Shiva and takes only His remnants. That offered meat is eaten by ghosts, and so those people are eating remnants of ghosts. They are not worshipping Durga strictly according to scripture.

Srila Prabhupada, quoted in a letter from Aravinda to Satsvarupa, 28 Nov 1970.


🌹 *हरे कृष्ण🌹*

*ब्रहस्पतिवार, दिनाँक 09 नवम्बर को रमा एकादशी है।*
भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए उपवास रखें।

सभी के अच्छे स्वास्थ्य एवं खुशहाल जीवन हेतु अधिक से अधिक हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का जप करें, कीर्तन करें एवं श्रीमद् भागवतम तथा श्रील प्रभुपाद की पुस्तकों का अध्य्यन करें।

अगले दिन, शुक्रवार 10, नवम्बर 2023 पारन का प्रातः 06:39 बजे से 10:16 तक रहेगा।

🌹 *Hare Krishna* 🌹

*Thursday, 9th November is RAMA EKADASHI*

Please observe Fast for the pleasure of Sri Krishna.

For good health and happy life of all the living beings. Chant maximum rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra.Do Kirtan & Read Shrimad Bhagwatam. Study Srila Prabhupada's books at home.

Next day Friday, 10th November, Paran time 6:39 AM to 10:16AM


Question: When Krsna Lifted Up Govardhana Hill, Nobody Said that was a Miracle. But When Jesus Christ Made so Much Food, They Say it's a Miracle. Why is That?...

Prabhupada: The difference is that in Vrndavana they are pure devotees. They knew that "Oh, this is not a miracle for Krsna. Krsna can do anything and everything." So they were not surprised. If I lift one mountain, you will be surprised, because you know that "Swamiji is man. How he is lifting?" But they know that Krsna is all-powerful. So there was no surprise. It is just like natural work. They were so much affectionate to Krsna that... He was not only lifting; every day He was doing so much great performances. And His boyfriends, they will come home, and they will narrate the story to their mothers: "Oh, Mother, today Krsna performed like this. There was a great demon, and He killed him immediately." And the mother will say, "Oh, Krsna did that? He is very nice boy, very nice." [laughter] Because they were so affectionate to Krsna, they always think, "Everything is possible for Krsna. Krsna is so nice. Krsna is so great." That is their idea. So that is not miracle. That is ordinary thing for us.

Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.8 – July 2, 1968, Montreal


**Topic**-''If you have only attachment for Krsna, then you are in samadhi.''........

Question: How does one know he or she has attained Krsna Consciousness?..........

Prabhupada: When he develops attachment for Krsna. Nobody can certify him. He will certify himself. If you have got attachment for any other thing, then you are not in samadhi. If you have only attachment for Krsna, then you are in samadhi. You don't require certificate from others. You know yourself. Just like while eating you can understand whether you are satisfied or not. While eating, if you are hungry man, if you are eating, you'll know, "Oh, I have eaten something. I am feeling now strength." You don't require to inquire from your friend, "Oh, am I feeling strength?" "Oh," he'll say, "what nonsense. You know yourself." Similarly, You can test yourself whether you have got full attachment for Krsna. If not, you are not in samadhi. The test is in your hand. And that is being explained. In full attachment for Krsna. And you can understand what is the meaning of attachment. You have got attachment for s*x. You have got attachment for so many things. So similarly, if you have developed attachment only for Krsna and you have no more any other attachment, then you are in samadhi. It is not artificial. It is practical. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- March 17, 1968, San Francisco


*एकादशी व्रत सूचना*

🙏हरे कृष्ण!🙏

*बुधवार, दिनाँक 25 अक्तूबर 2023 को पाषाणकुशा एकादशी* है। भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए उपवास रखें। अधिक से अधिक संख्या में हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का जप करें, कीर्तन करें एवं श्रीमद् भागवतम का अध्ययन करें। अगले दिन परायण का समय प्रातः 06:28 बजे से 9:46 तक रहेगा।


*Ekadashi Fast Notification*

🙏Hare Krishna!🙏

*Wednesday, 25th October, 2023 is PASHANKUSHA EKADASHI.* Please observe fast for the pleasure of the Lord. Chant extra rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Do Kirtan. Read Srimad Bhagavatam. Next day Paran time : 06:28 am to 9:46 am.



Goodbye to this material world

Real Krsna consciousness means goodbye to this material world. We are no more interested with your these big, big street, big, big buses or anything, whatever you think that is improvement, advancement.

So Krsna conscious person are no more interested. Why not interested? They are disgusted.

Srila Prabhupada
Lecture -- July 25, 1976, London

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