The Gluten Free Times

The Gluten Free Times

This is a blog about my struggle with celiac disease, that hopefully some of you can relate too!


Not relevant to celiac disease, but I thought this was funny šŸ¤£


Itā€™s honestly one of the best feelings in the world actually finding a restaurant that understands dietary needs and allergies, and doesnā€™t make you feel like an inconvenience to the world for stepping foot in their restaurant ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø


Gotta love being told ā€œgLuTeN aLlErGiEs ArEnā€™T rEaLā€ like would you like to look at my medical records because Iā€™m pretty sure the doctor who performed my biopsy knows better than you Karen šŸ§


Having celiac disease has really affected me in more ways than some could probably imagine. Itā€™s hard to explain or to understand if you never went through it, which is completely understandable. Yes celiac disease is a gluten intolerance, but the mental toll it takes on a person is just as important as the physical toll. All my life up until I detoxed all gluten out of my system and took the steps to fight this disorder, I genuinely thought I was stupid. I was never really self conscious about it, I just kind of accepted it. Celiac disease makes you so cloudy in the head when youā€™ve consumed gluten, that it makes it hard to just function in everyday life. I did not get diagnosed with this gastrointestinal disorder until I was 16, however I had it my whole life. I just didnā€™t know, because I was so use to feeling the way I did. Being cloudy headed all the time and not knowing any other way just makes you fee like you are stupid compared to everyone else, when you are just a kid and you donā€™t understand why everyone else seems so much smarter than you, so much sharper and mentally quicker. Celiacs also induces anxiety and depression when gluten is consumed. The mental tolls are honestly so extreme at times, and I feel like no one ever talks about that. I just donā€™t want anyone else struggling with this disorder to feel like they are stupid, or slower than everyone else like I use to, because you are not. You are not your disorder! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ

