To Hell With Hypocrites

To Hell With Hypocrites

Hypocrisy needs to be called out. Political hypocrisy has a major body count. This page is devoted to exposing it.


From a FB friend. Pleased share to help find participants.
We are looking for students at Columbia, Harvard, UCLA or any other campus where egregious antisemitism is taking place to serve as Plaintiffs in a groundbreaking lawsuit. The student might be able to proceed without disclosing their name. The lawsuit will seek to end federal government funding of schools in violation of Title VI, by hosting a hostile environment for Jews. All students are welcome to participate but since the lawsuit will be brought in Plano, Texas, any students who are originally from Collin County are strongly encouraged to reach out to us.
Please text Lawfare Project Attorney Brooke Goldstein, 917-664-0503, and Attorney Deborah J. Blum, 845-304-5312.
Brooke Goldstein does amazing work and she'll bring the full weight of the law down on these institutions with the right case.


They made specific orders to Israel not to stop Gazan women from having babies.
This, when there is open discussion of the Israeli hostages being impregnated by their captors.
Are we to believe that giving these women abortions would constitute genocide against Palestinians?


Amazingly they did not quite find it. But that has more to do with preserving their court's legitimacy than whether they wanted to throw the book at Israel.


Good morning. Restrictions lifted, this page is unexpectedly alive again.
And such a time to be alive, too!
