Adam's Journey

Adam's Journey

A lot of people have asked to be kept updated on Adam as he goes through his cancer treatments.

The easiest way to keep everyone updated was to create this page. We will post quick updates here to let everyone know how he is doing.


Hi everyone. Just wanted to post a quick update. Adam had his repeat scans done and he got his results back today. He said everything came back good. There's one spot that showed up on his lungs, but doctor said he didn't think it was anything to worry about and does not think it's cancer..just a fluid like spot. He will get tested in a month or two to double check, but as of right now Adam is cancer FREE!! We thank God for his healing! We thank all of Adam's medical team and we thank all of the family and friends for your continued prayer and support through it all! God bless and stay safe!


The update I’ve been waiting to post! Adam had his last chemo treatment today!!!! Rhonda, Byron, Nik and Dad drove out to be in the parking lot for when he came out and me and my family joined from Texas via FaceTime. It was so awesome to see that smile on his face! Thank you all so very much for all of the prayers, love and support during all of this. It has meant more than you could ever imagine. It will be several weeks before he has all of his scans repeated and I will update once they are back. We are trusting and believing all scans will be clear! Continue to pray for that with us. Today is a day of celebration!!!! Here is the video the nurses took inside of him ringing the bell!❤️💜 We are so very proud of him!


Hi everyone, Adam is done with his chemo for this week and is home now. I don't think he had a horrible weekend, but it was not really a good one either. He has been quite nauseous and tired and not been able to eat much. He had issues with his reflux again, but thankfully woke up this morning feeling pretty good. His magnesium was low again today despite already taking supplements, so he had to have that through the IV before he could take his chemo. He said he slept through everything and never woke up until they were changing his dressing. He's still feeling pretty good, but said he's a bit tired. He started his needles again on Sunday. He'll have them everyday this week except for today (can't have them on chemo days). His LAST treatment is next Tuesday!!! We are all so excited for him to have this over with and believing God for great results when he has his scans. Please pray for no/very minimal pain from his needles this week, for germs to stay away, for reflux to stay away and for him to be able to eat and sleep well. I'm so happy to see the covid-19 cases dwindling in the province and pray they continue to stay at zero as everyone else recovers. Stay safe! ❤️


***April 17***
Update! Almost all sold just need a few more :)
You guys are all awesome and we appreciate you all!

A few of the fundraisers that were scheduled for my brother Adam had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 so I am doing one more fundraiser for him to help get through this last month of travel, needles and medicines. Blocks are $10 each. If you would like to buy one please post below. Money can be emailed to [email protected]


Adam has finished his last chemo for this week! Now he gets tomorrow off and then starts his needles on Sunday. He'll have another needle on Monday and then chemo on Tuesday. He took some medicine last night to help him sleep because he has not been sleeping well at all and he woke up this morning feeling pretty good. His foggy head has cleared..I'm sure the good night's sleep helped with that. He is very tired now after chemo and said his stomach feels a bit off. Hopefully it'll settle down and he'll be able to eat a good supper. He hasn't been able to eat that much lately. Let's pray for a good weekend and that the needles don't cause him too much pain this go around. They usually make his bones really hurt. As always pray for all germs to stay away and for total healing! Stay safe everyone!


Hi everyone, sorry I did not get time to update yesterday. Adam had chemo yesterday and again today. Yesterday after he was finished, he said he had a weird, foggy head that he really could not explain. He went home and spent most of the time laying down. Today he's very tired again and it probably didn't help that he did not sleep really well last night. He has very sensitive hands and now his feet are the same way. He says he has to wear slippers or shoes all the time because they are so sensitive. The doctor has started him on some new medicine for that along with all the other pills he takes for various issues/symptoms. He has to be weaned on and off of these new pills and I'm pretty sure he'll be happy when he is rid of all of those. Right now he spends most of his time resting and getting ready for the next day. Tomorrow is the last day this week for chemo...then he starts the needles again on Sunday to help with his white blood cell count. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! This has been and still is a very emotional journey as well as physical and mental. The journey itself is emotional on it's own, but when you mix all these drugs it's even worse sometimes. We are all extremely proud of Adam for fighting the way he is! And it does him a world of good seeing all your comments and knowing he has so many people cheering him on and supporting him from afar. Please pray for strength, rest and a general overall well being for him. Pray the sensitivity in his hands/feet and the ringing in his ears stops and that he is protected from all germs. Thank you'll never know how much you mean not only to Adam, but to his entire family. Stay safe...we love y'all!



A few of the fundraisers that were scheduled for my brother Adam had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 so I am doing one more fundraiser for him to help get through this last month of travel, needles and medicines. Blocks are $10 each. If you would like to buy one please post below. Money can be emailed to [email protected]


Good afternoon everyone! Adam just finished his second day of chemo for this week and is almost home. He said he had a good nurse and she didn't waste time today so it went by fairly quickly. He was a bit nauseous this morning and he's still very tired...which he said is his normal right now. Rhonda (our sister for those who may not know her) has set up another 50/50 draw for him to help get through this last few weeks. Some of his fundraisers had to be cancelled due to covid-19 so she decided to do this for him. She tried to share it on here, but couldn't get it to work so if you go to her page Rhonda Reid , you should be able to see it and comment there. We are continuing to pray that this week goes by quickly without any complications, that the germs continue to stay away and that he is able to eat and sleep well to keep his strength up. Thank you all! Stay safe!❤️


Adam and his girls on Easter Sunday 2020 ❤️


We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families! Today Adam started his third and final round of chemo! He had a very early morning appointment. All of his bloodwork came back great so he did not need another magnesium infusion. He has been taking magnesium supplements since last Tuesday so they are working. He was told his arm where the cellulitis is looked good. I think today was only 3 hours....he started at 8:30am and was in Lewisporte picking up his prescriptions by 11:30am. He has developed a constant ringing in his ears that the doctors say is a side effect of one of the chemos he gets on Tuesdays and it MAY be permanent, but I'm praying and believing God will heal that in His perfect timing. He is still very tired all the time and sleeping alot, but the body needs rest to recover and heal. Let's pray this week goes by quickly with zero complications, that his ears will be healed, that he is (and remains) infection free, that all germs stay away and that all scans done after this round will be clear! I'm believing God for great things! Stay safe everyone!


Happy Wednesday is Wednesday right? I've lost track. Adam had his last chemo for round two on Tuesday. Had his bloodwork taken before chemo and found his magnesium was really low so they gave him that via IV before he left and they have also found he has an infection (cellulitis) in his left arm where his old picc line used to be. He's on a round of antibiotics for that now..started yesterday. He also has very sore hands today and has developed a blister on one finger....a side effect from the chemo he's taking. So thankful Round 2 is over...2/3 of the way done. His 3rd and last cycle starts on Monday and his last treatment will be April 28th. Then we wait for 4-5 weeks and he repeats all his scans. Please pray for the infection to clear up quickly, for all other germs to stay away, for his hands to feel better and for some good sleep the rest of the week. If there is nothing else to update during the week, I will probably not post anymore until after his chemo on Monday. Stay safe everyone!


Hi all....only two more days until Adam's last treatment for cycle two...we are almost in the homestretch! He had a really bad night last night. Alot of joint and lower back pain from the needles he takes between treatments. He said it felt like he was being torn apart at the spine all night. He took two painkillers and it barely touched it. BUT on the positive side of things, he did eventually fall asleep and woke up feeling a bit better and his reflux is MUCH better....actually I think it's pretty much gone now with the medicine he's taking. He's much more tired now and takes alot of naps, but when he feels good he tries to get up and around as much as he can. We are all looking forward to having that last round done with! Please continue to pray for no germs, for less pain and for a good week this week now that the needles are stopped for this cycle (last one was today). After Tuesday's chemo, he will have nothing until Monday morning when he starts cycle 3 and his last full week of chemo starts up. Stay home and stay safe everyone!


Adam has had what I would say is a rough couple of days. Joanne took him to his chemo on Tuesday and his reflux was really bad that day. He threw up because of it when they got home after his chemo treatment. He had a very bad episode that afternoon that made him feel as though his throat was swelling shut and mom said he turned all colors and she thought they might have to call the ambulance, but he came out of it. Yesterday he slept alot and just ate small bits at a time.Today he said he still has a bit of reflux, but not as bad. Also, his joints are starting to hurt from the needles again now...that caused him a great deal of pain last round and so hoping it's not quite as bad this time for him. He has to take these needles until Sunday and then done with them for this round. He's more tired now, but one more chemo treatment left in his second cycle and then he starts his last cycle.Pray for very little pain from the needles, and as always for the germs to stay away and for this reflux to be gone. Stay home and stay safe everyone!


Hi everyone... sorry I have not updated in a couple days. Adam had an ok weekend I guess. Most of Saturday he was pretty nauseous, but started to feel a bit better by that evening. Yesterday he had severe reflux all day... he said it was so bad it hurt... nothing really seemed to help that much. He has meds his doctor gave him for it, but it never took it away. He also started the needles that make his body produce white blood cells yesterday. He did not sleep well last night so I think the plan was to get his needle today and try to take a nap. He said his throat feels all out of sorts because of how bad the reflux was yesterday. Pray his throat feels better, all germs stay away, and he can get some rest. Stay safe, stay home and God bless you all!


Hi all....Adam was pretty sick to his stomach all day yesterday and he's extremely tired. He slept on and off during chemo yesterday and he pretty much slept through it today. He said it's like he just can't keep his eyes open. He's still pretty sick to his stomach today and he is losing his hair very quickly. He is now finished with his full week of chemo for this cycle though so yay! Now he rests tomorrow and starts his needles that mom gives him for his white blood cell count on Sunday. These needles gave him alot of pain last round so praying it's a bit easier on his system this round. He just got back from Grandfalls a few minutes ago. Pray for a good nights sleep..he didn't really sleep well last night.Thank you all...and stay safe!


Adam has had a very rough day today....and a very long day....7 hours at the cancer clinic. He felt like something was wrong with his picc line...felt like he could feel it up in his throat again this morning. They x-rayed him like they do everyday and sure enough, it had moved again. They had to put a whole new picc line into his other arm. They froze one spot to put it in and that never worked so they had to freeze another spot to try...he said he knows they did that 4 times at least before they could get it in. And because of all the lock downs with this virus (don't get me wrong...very thankful they are doing what they can to prevent the spread!), Joanne could not go in so he was all by himself. While they were putting the picc line in, they hit a nerve or some nerves and he was having chest pain. They finally got him settled and the picc line in. He was obviously quite sick to his stomach after all that (I still can't believe they do not put you to sleep to do that procedure🙁). They gave him some gingerale and crackers and got him hooked up for his chemo. He was in and out of sleep during chemo. He is finally on his way home now and is very tired, not really hungry and I'm sure just longing to get in the house, get showered and lay down for a bit. He has made it 3/5 of the week...two more days of chemo to go and he gets a bit of a break. Please pray for no more picc line issues, no germs, for a good night's rest, for him to be able to eat something sometime this evening and for good roads for driving the rest of the week. We are praying daily for each and everyone of you to stay safe and healthy, but especially for everyone to stay home so patients like Adam can have a fighting chance too. Thanks everyone and God Bless you all❤️


Adam had his long day of chemo today, but is home and resting. He's tired and a bit off balance, but otherwise good so far. He had a good supper of moose and rice tonight.....It certainly looked good in the picture he sent anyways lol Tomorrow's chemo is at 11 am...We will be halfway through the week!! Keep the prayers coming and please stay home for everyone's safety❤️


Hi everyone! Thankfully there has been no need to update since last week because Adam had a really good weekend. Today he started cycle 2 of his treatment. His x-ray to check his picc line and his bloodwork all came back good this morning and he had his first day of chemo. He will have his 'big chemo' tomorrow and then his regular chemo every day for the rest of the week. We are praying for continued strength and healing, for protection from germs and for a good week despite the medication. Thank you all for standing by Adam! We are so very proud of him for how he has been handling this!


Thought I would post a quick update. Adam has a really bad headache on Tuesday, but slept pretty good Tuesday night and was feeling better on Wednesday, and is feeling really good today. He was able to help mom get the turkey ready to bake for supper tonight. Monday he will start cycle two and have another 5 straight days of chemo. Praying for you all to stay safe and healthy during this virus outbreak.. and remember to self isolate so we can protect those like Adam who have compromised or no immune systems ❤️


Adam has finished his last chemo treatment for his 1st cycle!! 1/3 of the way done!! He was really tired after he got home so he went to lay down. He now has 5 'free' days to hopefully rest and build up strength. He will start cycle 2 with another 5 days of straight chemo starting on Monday. The Cancer clinic is only allowing patients whoever takes him now has to wait in the car. Hate that he has to go in alone, but thankful for the steps the clinic is taking to protect all the cancer patients. Keep the prayers coming!


Adam had a good night last night and a good day so far today. He's a bit tired, but I'm pretty sure that's about everyday. He has his last chemo treatment for his first cycle tomorrow!! Thankfully all schools are now shut down so Gabby can stay home. Joanne's work was shut down today so she is home as well now. Hate that she can't work, but a bit relieved that one more source of possible contamination for Adam has been eliminated. Please stay safe everyone and please adhere to all guidelines regarding this new virus....for everyone's sake. ❤️


Adam had a really bad night last night. He had a lot of pain in his arms, neck, shoulders, chest and back. He had his last needle for his white blood cells for this cycle today. As the day has progressed the pain has lessened, but he still has some pain this evening. He did eat a good supper...always good to hear he’s at least eating well. He has chemo on Tuesday and will then be done with his first cycle! I would also like to add with NL now having it’s first coronavirus case, a reminder for everyone to be extra cautious. If you or anyone you know have been sick please do your best to stay away from those in the community like Adam (and their family members) who have very compromised immune systems... or no immune systems at all. The germs that we can easily fight off can be devastating and even deadly for them. Thank you as always for your comments, thoughts and prayers!


Adam had a good night and so far a very good day. He got up and cooked some eggs for his & Joanne’s breakfast this morning. Still can’t stand long without getting dizzy so he had to sit after, but he said it felt good to get up and do something himself. He had a Big Mary for lunch and said it was really good. He drove up to Lewisporte with Joanne to get some gas so I’m sure that did wonders for him as well after only being at the cancer center and the house for so long. He is almost done with his needles now and his last chemo for cycle one is Tuesday! Then he has 5 days of nothing before he starts cycle 2 which is another full week of chemo.


Didn’t update yesterday... was a crazy day here in Houston and by the time I realized it, most of NL was already asleep.. sorry! Adam was achy yesterday, but not as bad as Wednesday. He got up and moved around a bit and had a good supper.... actually ate two moose burgers 😊 He slept pretty good last night and is doing ok again today. Mom is still giving him his needles and he hardly feels them going in... a mom’s touch is always gentler with her own baby😊 As always, thank you to everyone for the prayers and the public and private messages!❤️


Adam got his needle again today... mom learned how to give it to him so he won’t need to go to the clinic anymore. Trying to avoid public places as much as possible. He’s been a bit sick to his stomach again today and had a headache. He’s also been very achy and seems to be in a lot of pain tonight...all of his bones and joints ache a lot. Please pray he is able to get some rest. These needles will continue everyday until Sunday.


Lots of good things to report so far today...First, Adam has already had his chemo and was feeling a teeny bit sick to his stomach, but not bad at all. I spoke to him when he was on his way home and he said he was a bit hungry, but he sounded wonderful! Overall he's feeling really good today. Also, his bloodwork today showed his white blood cell count is great so the the needles are working and he is building his immune system back up. The nurse told him it was actually a little bit better than what the average numbers are supposed to be at this stage.The best news of all is the picc line moved back into place all on it's own! So no messing with it. He had been having a lump feeilng in his throat all weekend and apparently that is where the picc line had moved....into his throat! Because they couldn't get his picc line checked until 1pm, he had his chemo via IV today. From here on out, they will do an x-ray before every chemo treatment to make sure the picc line is in the right place before he gets it. He is done with chemo for this week now....he will have the injections to boost his white blood cells everyday until Sunday. One more chemo treatment next Tuesday and cycle 1 will be finished!! Keep the prayers coming!


Adam had a mostly good weekend. Friday he was not feeling well at all...probably his worst day yet, but he did get a good night's rest. Saturday he was feeling alot better, but still sick to his stomach off and on, but slept well again that night. Yesterday he got his first injection of medicine that is supposed to help him make white blood cells again. If I remember correctly, he said it would cause his body to make double the white blood cells it normally makes. This injection made his joints and bones VERY achy so yesterday was a bit rough. He slept well again last night though and woke up this morning and had a good breakfast. He also had his second injection (he will have these now everyday except chemo days). I spoke to him earlier today and he said he thinks this is the best day he's had since treatment started. No nausea...still achy from the shot, but he said he could handle it. He's been eating really good all day which will be great for him. He has lost pretty much all sense of taste. He told me today he has only been able to taste salt & vinegar chips and red grapes. He also can no longer eat with metal utensils ....all he can taste is the metal. So for now he is eating with plastic utensils. Tomorrow he has what he has been calling his "big Chemo" because it's the strong stuff. This will be his only dose of chemo this week and while we expect him to not feel well for a day or two after, we hope he can recover well and have another good few days before his next dose. He also has to have his picc line readjusted tomorrow and is really not looking forward to that. Pray they can get that fixed really fast for him and that he doesn't have too many side effects from tomorrow's chemo.


Adam had another rough night last night and hasn’t been feeling well all day. Toast helps settle his stomach so that’s what he’s been eating. They gave him some gingerale when he went to get his chemo today and that helped too. He also did x-rays today because he’s been coughing, but thank God they came back all clear. Nurse also told him his picc line has moved and they will have to fix that the next time he’s in there. Good news is that he gets 3 days off now. Please pray he can rest well and his stomach is able to settle so he can catch a bit of a break... he will go back for chemo again on Tuesday... and for those that check in daily, I may not get a chance to update anymore until after the weekend. Thanks for all the prayers... keep them coming!


Adam had a good night last night. Doubled up on his nausea medication and was able to get some really good rest. He woke up feeling really good this morning. He completed his 4th chemo treatment today and was a bit sick to his stomach after. He is still not 100%, but was able to eat a good supper. He has chemo again tomorrow and then no more until Tuesday! Yay! He's really looking forward to getting that bit of a break. So all in all a great day today so far and hopefully he will get another good nights rest tonight. Thank you all for the messages of support and prayers...both public and private...all are appreciated!


Adam couldn't get his picc line yesterday so they put it in this afternoon and he had his third chemo treatment right after. He just finished a little while ago and is on the way home now. He's feeling a bit sick and very tired today. He was pretty sick to his stomach last night and didn't sleep well. The doctor increased the dosage of his nausea medicine today so hopefully he can stay ahead of the nausea and get some good sleep tonight. Two more Chemo treatments left for this week and then he'll only have to get it every Tuesday for the next three weeks. As always, continue to pray for him.

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The update I’ve been waiting to post! Adam had his last chemo treatment today!!!! Rhonda, Byron, Nik and Dad drove out t...
