Project SOAT

Project SOAT

We want to get rid of the taboo concerning sexuality and STDs in general by developing a sensibilization campaign. This is a fictive start-up concept.

Onderzoek Cultuurparticipatie | Nieuws | Kunstencentrum Vooruit 18/02/2020


Beste cultuurliefhebber, in het kader van onze opleiding aan de UGent voeren wij een grootschalig perceptieonderzoek naar cultuur. Hiervoor kunnen we alle hulp gebruiken, en zo ook de jouwe! Gewoon door het invullen van een vragenlijst - die slechts 5-15 minuten van je tijd in beslag neemt – kan je ons enorm verder helpen! Geen zorgen, je antwoorden blijven anoniem en je gegevens zullen niet aan derden worden doorgegeven. Bovendien valt er een leuke prijs te winnen indien je je e-mailadres achterlaat op het einde van de enquête. Alvast bedankt voor je tijd en moeite! Ps: delen mag altijd!


Dear lover of culture, as part of a course at Ghent University, we are conducting a large-scale perception research on culture. We can use all the available help, and certainly yours too! By simply filling out a survey – that only takes up 5-15 minutes of your time – you can help us reach the next step in this research! Don't worry, your answers will remain anonymous and your personal details will not be passed on to third parties. Moreover, you can win a nice prize if you leave your email address at the end of the survey. Thank you in advance for your time and effort!

Onderzoek Cultuurparticipatie | Nieuws | Kunstencentrum Vooruit Onderzoek Cultuurparticipatie. Vooruit wil haar publiek leren kennen, help jij mee?!


The student entrepreneurs of SOAT will focus on the exams from now on, which means that we will take an online break. But of course, the SOAT-team wants to wish you all very happy holidays! 💙



SOAT has just reached a new milestone: 200 people liked our page! Thank you all for the support, it means a lot! 💙

Un grand moment pour SOAT: 200 personnes ont aimé notre page! Merci à vous, ça signifie beaucoup! 💙

Ik heb een soa | Sensoa 03/12/2019

Today we want to share an inspiring story with you.

Nick didn’t want to tell his family and friends that he had an STD because he thought they would be disappointed. Eventually, he did tell them and it felt like a weight being lifted off his shoulders. He realized that keeping this for himself was much more dangerous than having to face a disapproving look from his loved ones.

Want to know about Nick’s story? Have a look on

What would you have done in Nick’s place? Let us know in the comments! 💙

Ik heb een soa | Sensoa In elk mensenleven zijn er een aantal zinnen die lastig zijn om uit te spreken.


Time to discover what SOAT is all about!
If you want to take an anonymous STD-test without the fuss of visiting the doctor, continue reading!
Here is our easy-to-follow guide on how this would work:

1. Surf to our website. Here you can find a lot of information concerning STDs.
2. Next, fill in the risk profile to know if you are at risk of having an STD. That way, we want to prevent redundant purchases, while helping you. Because why spend money on something you don’t really need, right?
3. Need a test and wish to buy one? Create an account on our website and pay the STD-test online, quick and easy. In return, you’ll receive your own unique code.
4. Go to our distribution machine with this code (placed at a discrete location in Ghent), enter the code and get the actual STD-test.
5. Do the test at home. Instructions are provided together with the kit.
6. Afterwards, go drop the test in our collection box (placed nearby our distribution machine).
7. The content of this box is sent to a laboratory on a daily basis.
8. After the test has been processed in the lab, you can consult your results by filling in the personal code on our website.
9. A positive test? The necessary instructions will appear to help you get the right treatment and guidance. A proper follow-up of the student is extremely important, which is why we want to help as much as we can in providing a clear step-by-step plan.

Apart from that, we will also provide sufficient contact information on our website so you can reach out in case you would have any more questions.

What do you think of our idea? Please let us know (comment or pm) if you have recommendations to improve our idea. Your feedback is important, and we want to make YOUR opinion count! 💙 💙 💙

STD Testing - How To Know If You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video 21/11/2019

De nombreux jeunes adultes mettent leur santé sexuelle en péril en ne se testant pas eux-mêmes, simplement parce qu'ils se sentent gênés. Nous voulons nous engager à briser le tabou autour de la sexualité par sensibiliser les jeunes et particulièrement par porter à la connaissance les conséquences des MST non traitées.

Découvrez demain notre concept mis à jour!

STD Testing - How To Know If You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video How do you know if you have an STD? There’s only one way — you have to get tested. How do they test for STDs? Here’s the good news: STD testing is usually qu...



We cannot stress enough how important it is to get tested regularly. Especially if you are in doubt as to whether you might be infected. Unfortunately, for many students the embarrassment of going to the doctor is too high.

That this is a current problem is clear from the growing amount of online STD self-tests. But the figures are worrying: the tests are mainly bought by people who don't really need them, while the people with high risk don’t.

The goal of SOAT is to reach those people who are at risk of an infection and to encourage them to get tested. We want to do this by composing a risk profile on our website. If you fill in our risk profile, you can find out how likely it is you could have contracted an infection, and discover how urgent it is to have yourself examined.

We are also in full consultation with various experts concerning the further development of SOAT. What do you think of our concept? Don’t be afraid to let us know below! 💙



SOAT: un concept qui se développe constamment!

Cette semaine, nous avons eu une session de coaching inspirante chez Durf Ondernemen!

Vous connaissez déjà Durf Ondernemen? C’est une initiative qui soutient des étudiants de l’université de Gand avec l’esprit d’entreprise!

Durf Ondernemen nous a donné des conseils afin de mettre notre idée à point et créer une idée start-up réaliste.

Est-ce que vous êtes curieux de savoir comment l’histoire se continue? Continuez à suivre notre page Facebook et découvrez assez vite notre concept! 💙

Met het schaamrood op de wangen naar de dokter voor een soa ? Voortaan is er een thuistest 14/11/2019


Yesterday, a brand new start-up,, was introduced to the public. Our team at SOAT is very excited about this launch! sells online anonymous STD self-tests that provide fast, reliable and discrete results. The test can be seen as an alternative for people who are too ashamed to go visit a doctor to get an STD test.

With the launch of, it is once again clear how omnipresent the issues surrounding STDs are. Unfortunately the subject is still trapped in a taboo atmosphere.

At SOAT, we want to reduce this shame to talk about STDs, and at the same time raise awareness about the importance of getting tested. Anyone could have to cope with a sexual infection sooner or later, and that is not something to be ashamed of at all! 💙

→ Let’s get tested, so what?

Met het schaamrood op de wangen naar de dokter voor een soa ? Voortaan is er een thuistest Met een soa naar de dokter? Het gebeurt vaak met schaamrood op de wangen. De start-up lanceert daarom een online platform waar mensen in ...



Hi there,

Ready to discover SOAT?

This video gives the first glimpse of our concept.

- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated! 🤩


Curious about our concept?
- more info coming SOON 😉


We are a team of 5 like-minded and passionate student entrepreneurs who share a concern for the sexual health of students. Since we belong to the student population of Ghent ourselves, we aim to be advocates for our cause by spreading the word and communicating about sexual health in a more open and honest way. But how are we going to make this happen?

Nous voulons éliminer les tabous concernant la sexualité et les MST en général, en développant une campagne de sensibilisation.

«La santé sexuelle demande l’attention de tous, c’est pourquoi nous espérons éduquer, informer et convaincre les étudiants à risque de se faire tester.»

Videos (show all)

🌲🌲🌲The student entrepreneurs of SOAT will focus on the exams from now on, which means that we will take an online break....
