Wise Birds Workshop

Wise Birds Workshop

The Wise Birds Workshop is the first place Colorado families go to set their adult child up to leave the nest!

If you’re ready to take some of that parental worry off your plate and help your child confidently step into his or her new role as an adult, visit the wisebirdsworkshop.com to enroll in the Wise Birds Workshop. Once enrolled, you and/or your child will have instant access to:

-short online video tutorials
-full set of downloadable and easily-fillable legal documents
-step-by-step instructions on


Are you graduating this year? Right now, with the help of the Wise Birds Workshop, for a special price of $297, you can get the critical documents all young adults need to be legally protected! And as our way of saying "congrats grads", all grads get an additional $50 off registration!

Wise Birds Workshop — Get $50 Off! 04/08/2023

Parents want their kids to be safe while traveling and in college…

But do they have the right legal documents to stay legally protected?

Wise Birds Workshop gives your young adult:
- A one-hour training to legally prep for adulthood
- The 3 essential legal documents they need
- A DocuBank account to store their signed documents and notify emergency contacts

Plus, all of your children can access the course online as they turn 18!

Get $50 OFF now: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/offer-for-parents

Wise Birds Workshop — Get $50 Off! You will no longer have the legal authority to make medical or financial decisions for him or her, UNLESS your child provides that legal authority to you.


What is a Durable Power of Attorney, and who needs one?

This document is important for designating someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.

Who needs one?

If you're 18-25, this is ESSENTIAL so your parents can make these medical decisions for you.

Learn more about this document and the TWO others you need with the Wise Birds Workshop.

PLUS — get $200 off through June 15 with code GRAD200

Shop now: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/information-for-colorado-young-adults


What is a Durable Power of Attorney, and who needs one?

This document is important for designating someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.

Who needs one?

If you're 18-25, this is ESSENTIAL so your parents can make these medical decisions for you.

Learn more about this document and the TWO others you need with the Wise Birds Workshop.

PLUS — get $200 off through June 15 with code GRAD200

Shop now via link in bio.


Parents: Do you have a child graduating from high school this year? Congrats!

We have the PERFECT gift in mind 🎓

The Wise Birds Workshop is a one-hour online course that will help your young adult understand why they need:
1. Medical Durable Power of Attorney
2. HIPAA Authorization and Release Form
3. General Durable Power of Attorney

This is especially important if they are traveling and/or going to college soon.

Get $200 OFF until June 15th with code GRAD200!

Learn more here: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/information-for-colorado-parents-of-young-adults


Have you heard of "the age of majority"?

This is a legal term that describes what happens when you turn 18 — you're now a young adult!

In the state of Colorado, this means...
- You now make your own medical decisions
- You need to designate an emergency contact
- You need a General Durable Power of Attorney

If this sounds confusing, we created a course just for you!

Learn more here: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/information-for-colorado-young-adults


Being a parent of a young adult can seem confusing when it comes to their legal rights...

We empower your young adults by sharing which THREE documents they need to:
- Be legally protected when traveling and going to college
- Assigning an emergency contact
- Storing their important documents in a safe digital place

Learn more about what we do here: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/information-for-colorado-parents-of-young-adults


MYTH: Parents will be the first called when their 18+ year old is in the hospital.

TRUTH: This is not always true! 18 year olds need to assign their emergency contacts.

In order to assign parents as an emergency contact, 18+ year olds should:
> Sign a HIPAA Release and Authorization
> Add parents to a medical power of attorney
> Sign a general durable power of attorney

There are many changes when someone turns 18 — but we're here to make it easy to understand!

Learn about our legal workshop for young adults in Colorado here: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/abouttheworkshop

Photos from Wise Birds Workshop's post 10/04/2023

Meet the Wise Birds Workshop founder, Amy!

Here are some fun facts:
✨ She’s a “mama bird” with twin boys and a daughter
✨ 15+ years experience as an Estate Planning attorney
✨ Colorado native
✨ Owns an estate planning law practice

“It lights me up to know that I am able to educate people and give them a sense of relief and reassurance.”

Questions about Wise Bird Workshop? Comment below!


Every single adult 18 and older *needs* a HIPAA...do you have one?!

A HIPAA is important because...
1. You get to decide who sees your medical records
2. Physicians can share health info with designated family + friends
3. It protects you and your privacy

Turning 18 soon or recently became an adult?

Get legally protected by signing up for the Wise Birds Workshop via link in bio.


MYTH: Parents still have control of their child's medical records when they turn 18.

TRUTH: Once a child turns 18, their parents lose their rights as their guardian 🤯

In order to support your child in case of an emergency, they need to:
> Sign a HIPAA Release and Authorization
> Add you to a medical power of attorney
> Sign a general durable power of attorney

Want to learn more about what rights you will lose and how to support your child after they turn 18?

We're here to help! Learn more here: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com


Parents: You've been able to step in to help your child all of their life, can you IMAGINE not being able to?

As a young adult, your child is going to be faced with a lot of important choices. And while you may be offering financial support, advice, and being a good role model, you may not be able to be there every step of the way, and it's important to make sure that they have the tools they need.

Once our kids turn 18, parents no longer have the legal authority to make medical decisions for them or manage their financial affairs if they become incapacitated. While this is a normal transition to adulthood for everyone, most parents don’t realize that if there’s an accident, unexpected illness, or mental health challenge that leaves your child unable to make decisions for himself or herself, this is when things can get tricky.

That's why it's CRITICAL to have important legal documents like a General Durable Power of Attorney and a Medical Power of Attorney in place. By creating these documents, your new adult child can name the person he or she wants to be able to help in an emergency.

Enroll in the Wise Birds Workshop now and take some of that parental worry off your plate and help your child confidently step into his or her new role as an adult! Click here to register: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/




This seems expensive. Can't I just download a free version of the documents from the internet?

We know there are cheaper options out there, but we aren't trying to be the cheapest option. And when it comes to legal planning, being CHEAP never pays off.

The Wise Birds Workshop isn't a template download company. We are here for Colorado families to provide a valuable workshop to young adults to put their very first protective legal documents in place. We want to, help them think through their choices, understand the context in which these documents come into play, and then show them how to sign the documents properly. The Wise Birds Workshop also helps them upload these documents so they can be accessed in an emergency, and so that emergency contacts will be notified immediately in the event of an accident or emergency.

The Wise Birds Workshop is also here to support parents and help quell nerves. From the perspective of a 15+ year attorney, if you WANT TO WORRY about your legal documents, then downloading free versions from the internet is a good place to start.

Still confused? Don’t hesitate to reach our team by sending an email at [email protected] or feel free to comment down below or DM us. We are just one message away.



Photos from Wise Birds Workshop's post 03/11/2022

It's that time of year again.

The leaves are turning, and kids are heading back to school. For parents of college-bound students, this time of year can be both exciting and bittersweet.

On one hand, you're proud of your child for getting into college and excited for them to start this new chapter in their lives. On the other hand, you may feel a bit sad and nostalgic as they prepare to leave home for the first time.

Either way, it's important to make sure your child is prepared for their first year away from home.

Here are some tips to help reduce confusion, worry, and stress! By following these tips, you can help your child have a successful and enjoyable first year at college. Which of these have you already checked off of your list? Comment down below!




As parents of college-age kids, we want nothing more than for our children to be safe and happy.

While they're away at school, it's natural to worry about what would happen if they were to find themselves in a medical or legal emergency.

Once our children turn 18, they are considered adults in the eyes of the law. So, now is a critical juncture for young adults to put the proper legal documentation together to plan ahead for a medical emergency.

In less than an hour, your child can prepare and customize a Medical and General Durable Power of Attorney and you'll be helping them take a very important step in adulthood to learn the important task of protecting themselves and their loved ones in case of an emergency.

Are you unsure how to even start the process of having your child put in place the legal documentation that will help avoid conflicts, headaches and expensive legal costs?

You’re not alone! You and your little bird are in the right place! Check out the Wise Birds Workshop to find out more info: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/



Photos from Wise Birds Workshop's post 01/11/2022

Now that you have completed your power of attorney forms, it is important to keep them in a safe but accessible place.

How will your family or medical personnel have access to your documents if needed?

We recommend storing them where they can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the world with DocuBank, which is a secure online repository for legal documents.

DocuBank offers a variety of features to help you protect your documents, including password protection, encrypted storage, and two-factor authentication.

Did you know that when you enroll in the Wise Birds Workshop, you automatically get 1 year of membership in DocuBank? AND we personally assist you in submitting your documents to DocuBank? This gives you one less thing to worry about!

Our personal connection with DocuBank will help ensure that your documents are securely submitted and processed. Learn more about the The Wise Birds Workshop using this link: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/




As a young adult, you may not have given much thought to legal documents.

However, there are some important papers that you should have in place in case of an emergency.

For example, a Medical Power of Attorney allows someone else to make decisions about your medical care if you are unable to communicate your wishes. A HIPAA Release allows medical professionals to share your health information with your designated family or friends. And a General Durable Power of Attorney gives someone else the authority to handle your financial affairs if you are unable to do so yourself.

While it may be tempting to put off dealing with these types of documents, it's important to have them in place in case you are ever in a situation where you can't speak for yourself.

Taking the time to draw up these documents now can give you and your loved ones peace of mind in the event of an emergency.



Maybe you are thinking: My parents already know the kind of healthcare I want to receive if I become injured and unable to take care of myself. They’ve been doing it my whole life! Why do I still need a Medical Power of Attorney?

While you may think that you don't need a Medical Power of Attorney, it's **critically important** to have one in place because as an adult, your parents no longer have the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf.

If you become incapacitated as an adult, your family would likely have to go to court to be appointed as your formal guardian. This can be extremely expensive and a huge hassle and headache for parents who are already in the worst of situations with an injured adult child.

Having a Medical Power of Attorney avoids these situations.

By having a Medical Power of Attorney in place, you can ensure that your wishes will be followed even if you are unable to communicate them yourself, including designating the PERSON you’d like to name to care for you.




As a young adult, you may not think that you need to worry about things like HIPAA releases or Durable Power of Attorney designations. After all, you're healthy and young - what could possibly happen?

Unfortunately, life has a way of throwing curveballs, and like having car insurance, it's always better to be prepared.

All adults should take the time to designate an Agent with Medical Power of Attorney. But it is particularly important for our 18+ kids who still rely on their parents’ help in times of emergency. Without the proper documentation in place, parents NO LONGER have the legal authority to help (or even be notified) if their children have a medical emergency.




18 is when young adults are considered legal adults.

This means that they are held accountable for their own actions and can enter into contracts, vote, be tried as adults in a court of law, and sign legal documents like a will and Medical Power of Attorney.

Maybe you're thinking...

It's still too early to be preparing these documents. My child is still too young. There's still a lot of time for him or her to prepare this when he or she gets older.

But here's the thing...

Accidents and medical emergencies are unforeseeable.

Don't wait for an emergency to happen before taking any action.

By then, it may be too late.

While 18-year-olds are technically considered adults, they are still young and inexperienced.

They likely do not know (or even think about) how to create important and protective legal documents, such as a Medical Power of Attorney, HIPAA Release and General Durable Power of Attorney.

As a result, these documents may not be executed properly, or not even created, which could have devastating consequences in the event of an illness or accident.

That's why it's important for parents to help their 18-year-old kids understand the importance of legal document preparation.

By doing so, parents can help ensure that their kids are prepared for whatever life may throw their way.

Remember, doing nothing is a mistake. Take action now!

Are you unsure how to even start the process of having your child put in place the legal documentation that will help avoid conflicts, headaches and expensive legal costs? Find out how you can do all these by enrolling your child in the Wise Birds Workshop. Click here to find out more: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/



Photos from Wise Birds Workshop's post 27/10/2022

The use of a word may differ from one person and place to another.

For example, take the word shopping cart. It may alternatively be referred to as a "buggy" or "carriage".

Another is hard candy on a stick. It is also referred to as a "lollipop" or a "sucker" or “lolly”.

A carbonated soft drink is another example. It is known by several different names, including "pop," "soda," and "coke"

But did you know that this also applies to the term Medical Power of Attorney?

A Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) has several names. Swipe left to find out the different terms that you may have heard previously without realizing they mean the same thing as Medical Power of Attorney.

No matter what it's called, an MPOA is a legal document that allows you to designate someone else to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so yourself.

If you want to be sure that your medical wishes will be carried out in the event that you are unable to communicate them yourself, then it's important to have an MPOA in place.




18 is when young adults are considered legal adults.

This means that they are held accountable for their own actions and can enter into contracts, vote, be tried as adults in a court of law, and sign legal documents like a will and Medical Power of Attorney.

Maybe you're thinking...

It's still too early to be preparing these documents. My child is still too young. There's still a lot of time for him or her to prepare this when he or she gets older.

But here's the thing...

Accidents and medical emergencies are unforeseeable.

Don't wait for an emergency to happen before taking any action.

By then, it may be too late.

While 18-year-olds are technically considered adults, they are still young and inexperienced.

They likely do not know (or even think about) how to create important and protective legal documents, such as a Medical Power of Attorney, HIPAA Release and General Durable Power of Attorney.

As a result, these documents may not be executed properly, or not even created, which could have devastating consequences in the event of an illness or accident.

That's why it's important for parents to help their 18-year-old kids understand the importance of legal document preparation.

By doing so, parents can help ensure that their kids are prepared for whatever life may throw their way.

Remember, doing nothing is a mistake. Take action now!

Are you unsure how to even start the process of having your child put in place the legal documentation that will help avoid conflicts, headaches and expensive legal costs? Find out how you can do all these by enrolling your child in the Wise Birds Workshop. Check out the link in our bio to find out more!



Timeline photos 06/09/2022

For parents of college students who attend school out of state, the question of whether or not they need multiple power of attorney forms is a common one.

The answer, in most cases, is no - a properly executed power of attorney form for the student's home state will typically be recognized in other states as well.

That said, it's important to designate the correct home state on the form when you first complete it.

This will help to ensure that there are no issues should the need for the form arise while your child is away at college.

If you have any questions about completing a power of attorney form for your college student, be sure to consult with an attorney in your state.




Where do you store your important legal documents?

🤔 At Home?

In many cases, keeping a hold of your documents is important. However, all you should take note of the risks associated with keeping paper copies of important documents at home. There is a risk of losing all of your documents for example as flames spread quickly through the paper.

🤔 In DocuBank?

DocuBank is an internationally recognized repository for medical legal documents. This system takes up less space than paper, files, and file cabinets, and it is perhaps the best method for secure legal document storage.

Did you know that as an added bonus, your first year of DocuBank membership is included in your Wise Birds Workshop? Check the link in our bio to learn more about it!



Timeline photos 31/08/2022

Many older teenagers mistakenly believe that they do not need to worry about signing a Medical Power of Attorney until they are much older.

However, this is definitely not the case.

As soon as a child turns 18, if a medical emergency arises, ONLY a signed Medical Power of Attorney would give their parents or another designated individual the ability to make medical decisions on that young adult’s behalf.

This is essential in the event of a serious accident or medical emergency, when every minute counts.

By having a Medical Power of Attorney in place, parents can rest assured that they will be able to advocate on behalf of their child, even if they are not able to be there in person.

In short, a Medical Power of Attorney is an important document for EVERY 18+ person. It isn’t about leaving to go to school, because an accident can happen to any 18 year old. It is well worth taking the time to create a Medical Power of Attorney on your 18th birthday.

Have you filled out yours?



Timeline photos 30/08/2022

If you're a young adult, you may be wondering when is the best time to prepare your important legal documents.

The answer is: as soon as you turn 18!!

Whether you’ll be living at home, going away to college, doing a gap year, traveling or working, if you’re 18, it’s time to put these in place.

This is because it doesn’t matter where you are, if you’re 18, in the eyes of a the law, you’re an adult an NO ONE can make medical treatment decisions on your behalf without your consent.

If you have a prepared Medical Durable Power of Attorney and HIPAA Release, if something happens and you're unable to make decisions for yourself, your parents or another trusted individual will EASILY be able to act on your behalf.

Maybe the next convenient time for you to put these together is during Thanksgiving or Winter Break, when family members are more likely to be available to help you with the paperwork.

Ultimately, the best time to prepare these legal documents is BEFORE YOU NEED THEM.

By taking care of it in advance, you can ensure that your affairs will be handled according to your wishes in the event that something happens to you.



Timeline photos 29/08/2022

What if I have more than one child who wants to become a Wise Bird?

The Wise Birds Workshop is here for each of your children and so you only need to invest once for all of your kids.

Depending on the length of time between purchases, we may make changes to the format of the Workshop and the documents themselves, so it's best to enroll your other children separately.

Just email our team at [email protected] and we'll make that happen at no additional cost to you.

Got any more questions? Comment them down below or DM us. We are just a message away.



Timeline photos 16/08/2022

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: the after-midnight phone call telling you that your child has been in a serious accident and is in the hospital.

Frantic, you prepare to leave to be with your child as you call the hospital to find out what’s going on.

But the nurse at the hospital says she cannot give you any information due to HIPAA regulations.

In the eyes of the law, your college student – the one who texted last week asking how often underwear needed to be washed – is an adult and legally, you cannot get any medical information about your child or make any medical decisions for your child without his or her consent.

To you, of course, your child will always be your baby. But when they turn 18, they are now an adult in the eyes of the law.

Can you imagine how terrifying this situation is?

This is exactly what happened to one of my clients, Gigi.


Having your child prepare the legal documents to allow you or another loved one provide support in case of emergency can be a great source of relief as your child heads out on their own.

It can also be an excellent opportunity to engage in worthy dialogue with your new adult about goals, concerns, and expectations.

Just because you see the word "legal", doesn't mean it has to be complicated.

The Wise Birds Workshop offers easy-to-follow videos and step-by-step instructions in every Module to empower your 18+ year-old child to put the necessary legal documents in place for medical and financial emergencies.

Are you unsure how to even start the process of having your child put in place the legal documentation that will help avoid conflicts, headaches and expensive legal costs?

You’re not alone! You and your little bird are in the right place! Enroll in the Wise Birds Workshop now! Click here for more info: https://www.wisebirdsworkshop.com/



Timeline photos 13/08/2022

So your child just turned 18, yay!

Congratulations! You are now a parent of a legal adult!

Most parents assume that they still have authority to handle decisions for their adult children, should they encounter an unexpected illness or accident that leaves them incapacitated.

But here's the thing...

This is also the point where your legal responsibility as a parent ends.

Once a child turns 18, parents no longer have the legal authority to make medical or financial decisions for their children.

This is why having a Durable Power of Attorney is beneficial. Here are FIVE Benefits of a Durable Power of Attorney:

✅ Avoid costly legal fees
✅ Handle affairs for as long (or short) as needed
✅ Peace of mind for the future
✅ Control over when it becomes effective.
✅ Ability to choose the person you would want help from in an emergency

Every adult child should have a durable power of attorney for health care and the same for financial matters because these legal documents designate who is authorized to handle medical and financial decisions in an emergency.

If your child is going off to college, it is a good idea to have critical documents like the Durable Power of Attorney prepared. Not sure how? Check out the link in our bio to learn more about The Wise Birds Workshop! Compared with other back-to-school expenses, the investment in this workshop pays for itself in peace of mind.



Videos (show all)

Maybe you are thinking: My parents already know the kind of healthcare I want to receive if I become injured and unable ...
As a young adult, you may not think that you need to worry about things like HIPAA releases or Durable Power of Attorney...
Where do you store your important legal documents?🤔 At Home?In many cases, keeping a hold of your documents is important...
We all know that a parent's job is never done, but did you know that things get more complicated when kids head off to c...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00