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Would you like to improve your writing skills from beginner to advanced level? Take a writing exam according to your level! Teachers will score you considering the Delf evaluation table and give detailed feedback ! Link in the bio!


For private French lessons, send a DM or register for free from the link in the bio. For more, visit my website! Link in the bio 👩🏻‍🏫

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Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 27/01/2024

Au fait, en fait, ça fait, un fait… Laquelle dois-je utiliser? Pour en savoir plus, lisez ci-dessous. 👇

English: 1) By the way, are you going to the swimming pool on Friday? 2) In fact, she is not a doctor, she is a veterinarian. 3) Being ill is not an excuse! 4) You need to decide to tell him what’s true. 5) Paris was not built in a day. 6) You missed a class, so you will make it up on Saturday.

Español: 1) Por cierto, ¿vas a ir a la piscina el viernes? 2) De hecho, ella no es médica, es veterinaria. 3) ¡Estar enfermo no es una excusa! 4) Tienes que decidir decirle la verdad. 5) París no se construyó en un día. 6) Te perdiste una clase, así que la recuperarás el sábado.

Türkçe: 1) Bu arada Cuma günü havuza gidiyor musun? 2) Aslında doktor değil, veterinerdir. 3) Hasta olmak mazeret değildir! 4) Ona neyin doğru olduğunu söylemeye karar vermelisin. 5) Paris bir günde inşa edilmedi. 6) Bir dersi kaçırdınız, bu nedenle Cumartesi günü telafi edeceksiniz.


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Would you like to improve your French from beginner to advanced level? 🇫🇷 Apply to get more information about French courses suitable for all skills and levels! Link in bio!

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Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 21/01/2024

This is a post for chatting 🤓 You can ask anything you are curious about under this post or answer those who ask questions. Don’t hesitate to comment !

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For private French lessons, send a DM or register for free from the link in the bio. For more, visit my website! Link in the bio 👩🏻‍🏫

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Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 19/01/2024

7 Common Mistakes with SUBJONCTIF 🤓 For translations and explanations, read below. 👇 Scroll sideways for more!

1. You need to do your homework.
2. The teacher would like me to pay attention.
3. I hope the weather is nice tomorrow.
4. I’m glad you passed your exam!
5. She is sure that your son will pass his exam.
6. I doubt Sophie will come to the party.
7. I think you are right.
Test: I don’t think they understood.

1. Ödevini yapmalısın.
2. Öğretmen dikkatimi vermemi istiyor.
3. Umarım yarın hava güzel olur.
4. Sınavını geçmene sevindim!
5. Oğlunun sınavı geçeceğinden emin.
6. Sophie’nin partiye geleceğinden şüpheliyim.
7. Haklı olduğunuzu düşünüyorum.
Test: Anladıklarını sanmıyorum.

1. Necesitas hacer tu tarea.
2. Al maestro le gustaría que preste atención.
3. Espero que mañana haga buen tiempo.
4. ¡Me alegro de que hayas aprobado el examen!
5. Está segura de que su hijo aprobará el examen.
6. Dudo que Sophie venga a la fiesta.
7. Creo que tienes razón.
Prueba: No creo que hayan entendido.

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For private French lessons, send a DM or register for free from the link in the bio. For more, visit my website! Link in the bio 👩🏻‍🏫

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Online Language Programs | Learnlanguageasily 23/11/2023

I have prepared free exams so French learners can experience the free DELF exams. When you finish your exams, I will provide feedback according to the DELF evaluation grid. Test your French level !

Online Language Programs | Learnlanguageasily What is your language level according to the CEFR?The Common European Framework of Reference provides a common basis for the development of modern language programs, benchmarks, exams,...

Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 15/11/2023

What do you think? Which mistakes do you make? Comment below 👇🏻

English: 8 biggest mistakes you make while learning a language

Español: 8 errores más grandes que cometes al aprender un idioma

Türkçe: Dil öğrenilirken yapılan 8 büyük hata

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For private French lessons, send a DM or register for free from the link in the bio. For more, visit my website! Link in the bio 👩🏻‍🏫

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Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 04/11/2022

Et vous? Que pensez-vous de ce sujet? 😀 Lisez ci-dessous et commentez 👇🏻

English: When the teacher is looking for someone to go to the blackboard.

Português: Quando o professor está procurando alguém para ir ao quadro-negro.

Español: Cuando el profesor busca a alguien para ir a la pizarra.

Türkçe: Öğretmen tahtaya kalkacak birini ararken.




Je ne sais pas. Je sais pas. J'sais pas. Chais pas... Lequel utilisez-vous ? 😀 Lisez ci-dessous et commentez 👇🏻

English: I don't know.

Português: Não sei.

Español: No lo sé.

Türkçe: Bilmiyorum.




En général, je passe mon temps sur Instagram et Youtube. Et vous? 😀 Écrivez ci-dessous. 👇🏻

English: I am thinking how to spend my free time.

Español: Pienso en cómo emplear mi tiempo libre.

Português: Penso em como passar meu tempo livre.

Türkçe: Boş zamanımı nasıl geçireceğimi düşünüyorum.



Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 29/10/2022

Tu es noctambule ou diurnamble? 🌜🌞 J'adore la nuit et aussi je suis plus active la nuit. Et vous? Ecrivez ci-dessous 👇🏻✍🏻

Noctambule: Personne qui aime de vivre la nuit et de dormir le jour. (Oiseau de nuit 🌙)
Diurnambule: personne qui vit le jour. (Oiseau du matin 🌞)

English: In the morning when I'm at work. In the evening when I work at home

Español: Por la mañana cuando estoy en el trabajo. Por la noche cuando trabajo en casa

Português: De manhã, quando estou no trabalho. À noite, quando eu trabalho em casa

Türkçe: Sabahları işteyken ben. Akşamları evde çalışırken ben.

Voice belongs to "Kendra's Language School"
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Tu veux parler comme un Français? Si ta réponse est oui, utilise des expressions informelles comme celle-ci. Connaissez-vous une autre expression informelle? Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: Shall we go to the cinema?

Español: ¿Iremos al cine?

Português: Devemos ir ao cinema?

Türkçe: Sinemaya gidelim mi?


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Photos from learnfrencheasily's post 25/10/2022

This is a real situation for learners. 😀 And also, this is a normal situation. Et vous? Que pensez-vous de ce sujet? Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: You want to listen to music to learn French, but you can't understand anything from its words.

Español: Quieres escuchar música para aprender francés, pero no puedes entender nada de sus palabras.

Português: Você quer ouvir música para aprender francês, mas não consegue entender a letra...

Türkçe: Fransızca öğrenmek için müzik dinlemek istersin ama sözlerinden hiçbir şey anlayamıyorsundur...


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Do we really need to learn grammar to become fluent in French? Or is it important to just focus on fluent speaking? I think you don't need to know all the grammar rules unless you are academically interested in French. Trying to learn grammar rules without learning to speak fluently can be confusing. What about you? Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: What is your choice? Learn grammar easily. Speak French fluently.

Español: ¿Cuál es tu decisión? Aprende gramática fácilmente. Hablar francés con fluidez.

Português: Qual é a sua escolha? Aprenda gramática facilmente. Fale francês fluentemente.

Türkçe: Seçiminiz nedir? Kolayca gramer öğrenmek. Fransızcayı akıcı bir şekilde konuşmak.


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Et vous? Que faites-vous le week-end? 😀 Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: Thanks my God! It's finally the weekend! Saturday -Sunday

Español: ¡Gracias mi Dios! ¡Finalement es fin de semana! Sábado-Domingo

Português: Obrigado meu Deus! É finalmente o fim de semana! Sábado-Domingo

Türkçe: Şükürler olsun! Sonunda hafta sonu geldi! Cumartesi-Pazar


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Etes-vous aussi comme ça ? 😀 Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: When I buy my baguette... On the way home... When I arrive home...

Español: Cuando compro mi baguette... De camino a casa... Cuando llego a casa...

Türkçe: Bageti aldığımda... Eve dönerken... Eve geldiğimde...


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Lequel utilisez-vous? 😀 Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: What? Sorry? Can you repeat? I apologize, could you repeat it please?

Español: Qué ? Perdón ? Puede repetir ?
Pido disculpas, ¿podría repetirlo por favor?

Türkçe: Ne? Pardon? Tekrar edebilir misiniz? Özrümü kabul ediniz, tekrar eder misiniz lütfen?


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C'est absolument moi! 😁 Et vous? Écrivez vos commentaires ci-dessous 👇

English: Waking up at 6 am for go to school. Waking up at 3 am to go to the airport.

Español: Despertarse a las 6 am para ir a la escuela. Despertarse a las 3 am para ir al aeropuerto

Türkçe: Okula gitmek için sabah 6'da uyanmak. Havaalanına gitmek için saat sabah 3'te uyanmak

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