Rhiannon Helgason

Rhiannon Helgason

I help Christian women break the mindset and financial barriers in their business so that they can b


I believe that God calls women to business in order to increase their INCOME, INFLUENCE and IMPACT for HIS GLORY and that He is calling you to go DEEPER into a relationship with Him so that you are able to build a legacy that will impact future generations for His kingdom.

Your call to business is just as anointed as any church ministry

For us who are able and called to create wealth, it is our duty to do so so that we can in turn support those who can not.

Just as the wealthy women supported Jesus's ministry. Luke 8:3

Don't let other people stop you from dreaming big. ๐Ÿ‘‘

Hold on tight to your vision!

Join me in my workshop, Breaking Barriers. Let's break the obstacles that are keeping you stuck!

The link is in the comments.


"What if what I'm doing isn't what God wanted me to do?"

You may be thinking that it is time to start a new strategy because you are not seeing the results that you're wanting.

You've started to look at other people earning your dream income of 6 figures and question whether you're doing things wrong.

Friend, it's time to stop questioning yourself and doubting yourself.

You've earned enough money to know that your strategy works - that's not the issue.

The issue is deeper...You know it's there but you don't know how to fix it.

You've done some inner healing work but nothing's changed. You are still stuck.

โŒYou don't need another guru.
โŒYou don't need another "how-to" course.
โŒYou don't need to relive your past to find your future.

The is that you need to do some deep transformational work with someone who is invested in you and knows you on an intimate level.

If this is resonating with you please join me as I go deeper into this during my workshop on the 23rd-25th September.

It is time to break the barriers that are keeping you stuck.


What are you hiding from?

Sure, you show up on social media, posting selfies and doing lives but there's something that you're hiding from.

It is not so easily visible from the outside world.

The unrest in your personal life is stopping you from getting to the next level in your income

You're bringing in clients and your bills are paid but you can't see how you are going to achieve the God-sized vision that you have.

So, what is it that you're hiding from?

Marriage trouble?
House in a mess?
Can't remember the last time you spent time alone with Jesus?

Whatever it is, it's stunting your business.

And I know that that is not what you want to hear but it's true.

It is time to face it and break the barrier that is keeping you stuck so that you can boldly move forward towards your BIG vision!

Book a call with me here: https://calendly.com/rhiannonhelgason/discovery


Did you know that they now say that success is 90% mindset work and 10% strategy?

As a mindset for Christian women entrepreneurs, let me tell you, YOU have the advantage over everyone else in your industry!


Because God has a business plan specific to who YOU are.

He has everything figured out for you. Have you asked Him about it lately?

You, my friend, have the honour and the privilege of partnering with Him and when you choose to do that:

โŒ You don't have to fake it 'til you make it.
โŒ You don't have to question if you are good enough.
โŒ You don't have to do it alone.

When you do the Biblical mindset work:
โœ… You KNOW that you have heavens resources at your disposal.
โœ… You KNOW that you are chosen by God
โœ… You KNOW that God will be with you every step of the way

Imagine what your business would look like if you stepped into alignment with what God says about you. ๐Ÿคฉ

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are Godโ€™s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."


Where does your source of money come from?

Does it come from Facebook?

Is your source Instagram?

Or is it God?

When we have God as our source of income showing up consistently for our business is easy.

Yes, easy!!

This is what I coach my clients on:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Partnering with the Lord.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Showing up and doing the work.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Leaving the outcome to Him.

I know you'd like to learn how to grow your business with ease. Send me a DM to find out how.


Are you posting content on ALL the platforms but getting crickets?

Do you KNOW that you are called to business and KNOW that you can transform people's lives but are getting ZERO clients?

Are you starting to question if you will ever be successful?

I have just ONE spot left in my 8 Weeks to Confidence and Cash 1:1 coaching program at a heavily discounted price.

What you gain from working with me:
โญ A solid marketing strategy with powerful messaging.
โญ A deeper self-awareness and self-confidence.
โญ The ability to close high-ticket sales with ease!

This is the last chance to get 1:1 coaching with me at this price point. Once this spot fills I will be raising the prices!

Send me a DM to grab this last spot!

And don't worry about the investment, my goal is that you see your ROI within the 8 weeks!!


The Lord told me I was a Gideon.

At the time, I had no idea what He was CALLING me towards or what He had PLANNED for me but I knew that He was calling me by name.

Today, the Lord showed me that although Gideon wasn't anyone "special" he was an ingenious OVERCOMER!

Though his circumstances were pretty awful and didn't look hopeful he...

1. Wasn't scared to try something new - like threshing wheat in a winepress.

2. He wasn't scared of hard work - He would have had to have used a stick to beat the wheat kernels from the stalk.

3. He was obedient to God.

So, friend, I want to encourage you to learn from Gideon. Know that even when circumstances are pretty bad God has a plan for you.

He has a way for you to OVERCOME and He is with you 100% of the way!


I hate small talk. There, I said it! ๐Ÿ˜–

Meeting new people and making friends online has been one of THE BIGGEST challenges for me in growing my business.

I love people. I love talking to people about their businesses and their dreams and how God wants to use them..... but each conversation takes a lot of energy for me!

So, mastering how I use my energy in my business (and life!) has been SUPER important to me.

Here's what I've learned:
1. Being an introvert doesn't mean that you don't like people - You just need to make sure you take time to refuel after talking to people.

2. Small talk can be learned - it's a skill!

3. You can bulk your calls together and then take time to rest. For example, Mondays could be used for Market Research calls, Coaching calls and Discovery calls and then Tuesdays could be used for writing, personal development or housework ๐Ÿ˜›

Don't let being an introvert stop you from creating a successful business! Just be aware and intentional of how you use and spend your energy ๐Ÿ™‚

Book a call with me today to learn about my 8-week program to get you Confidence and Cash in just 8-weeks!


I have a program for women who are looking to take their call to coaching seriously and to finally step out of their comfort zone with confidence and into their purpose to create income and influence!

This is for you if:
โœ… You KNOW God is calling you to coach others but you question if you are good enough

โœ… You're ready to take action but are not sure what that looks like

โœ… You care for others well but struggle to care for yourself

โœ… You Know that you were created for something MORE

โœ… You want to have consistent $5k months

This is an 8-week program with 1:1 coaching with me ๐Ÿ™‚ PLUS a Bonus training on how to build a thriving FB group!

I believe that women were created with a purpose to bring beauty, boldness and blessings into their places of influence and that God is waiting for you to step unashamedly into the calling and the life that He has intended for you.

DM me to take that first step of boldness and book a discovery call.


I used to think that I should wait to up level my business until my kids started sleeping through the night.

I used to think I shouldn't do FB lives before I lose the baby weight.
I used to think that I wouldn't get clients if they knew about my trials and failures.

But the truth is those are lies ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†

There will never be a perfect time for you to start your business.

And the truth is, the more honest and open you are, the more people will resonate and connect to you.

Friend, stop waiting for the perfect conditions.

Take imperfect action today. You won't regret it!


I was so excited and impressed with myself for taking the leap of faith and investing thousands of dollars in my business. I knew that this was going to help me become the businesswoman that God had created me to beโ€ฆ.or so I thought. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

As a recently qualified coach, I knew that it would be the smart thing to do to invest money in a marketing and business program. I had learned all about organic marketing and now it was time for me to learn about paid ads, sales funnels, lead pages, and webinars.

I was 100% committed to making my dream of being a successful businesswoman a reality. So when the first red flag popped up at me, I thought that I could just ignore it. ๐Ÿšฉ

I was told to read the book โ€œBreaking the Habit of being yourselfโ€. A book all about the quantum field and how we could mould and bend the field and, along with the universe, create a new reality.
I had invested A LOT of money into this course and I wasnโ€™t going to let a bit of โ€œwoo-wooโ€ throw me off track! ๐Ÿ˜

The second, slightly bigger, red flag came up during a 3-day mastermind with a training headlined โ€œMoney is Kingโ€. No, no, I thought throughout the entire thing, Jesus is King. But I didnโ€™t let that throw me off track!

It wasnโ€™t until I realised that I had started the program wanting to help Christian women Entrepreneurs and had changed my message and ideal client so dramatically - removing the Christian part entirely!! - that I admitted that this was not the place for me! ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Without realising, I was caught up in something that did not align with God and His word.

I had to acknowledge that I had invested money in the wrong place, ask for forgiveness and humbly search for something else.
The Lord found me a coach who teaches on how to involve God in my business. That was my missing piece! And now I am able to grow my business with grace and ease! ๐Ÿ’ƒ

This is why I am even more passionate about helping Christian women entrepreneurs to build their business so that they can be true to themselves, bring in wealth and make an impact in this world without calling on the universe but the Creator of the Universe. ๐Ÿ™Œ

Donโ€™t wait for any more red flags! ๐Ÿšฉ

Drop a gif below and I will send you my FREE Morning Routine To Get Aligned With God and Hit 5k Months!


Affirmations are the fast food of mindset work
Rhiannon Helgason


Not feeling good enough is keeping you poor. ๐Ÿ˜”

You've got all of your certifications and you've done all of the trainings and you thought...

"Once I have the certificate then I will be more confident. Then people will take me seriously. Then I can make more impact."

But you still don't feel good enough, do you?

I see this time and time again with my coaching clients.

You don't want to post on Facebook or reach out to people in the fear that you will do or say something wrong.

So, you end up saying nothing. ๐Ÿค

And when you say nothing with an online business you don't make a difference. You are not helping anyone.

But, friend, you should know that if God had called you, He will equip you. You are not alone. You are chosen for this purpose!

I want you to know that God loves you and He created you GOOD ENOUGH.

But it is not enough just to believe it or say affirmations or quote scripture.

You need to work on your mindset and transform your mind so that you can start taking action for your business.

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†This is exactly what I teach my clients to do in my program Be You in Business.

Rest in Jesus, start posting and, friend, make some money! ๐Ÿ’ต


Top 3 reasons you may find it difficult to charge high-ticket for your coaching:

1.You want to help everyone
2.You want to be grateful for what you already have
3.You don't believe you have the ability or the experience to charge more

๐ŸŒŸ You want to help everyone๐ŸŒŸ
You may think that by serving everyone that you can keep your prices low and get more clients. This method DOES NOT WORK. When you market to everyone, you market to no one. Specificity sells and when you become specific in what you do and who you serve you will be able to stand out in the crowd and charge more.

๐ŸŒŸ You want to be grateful for what you already have ๐ŸŒŸ
Maybe you have a 9-5 or a husband who earns a good wage so you're not desperate for the money and you don't want to seem greedy. But, friend, you can be grateful for what you have and still get excited and expectant about what God is going to do through YOUR business.

๐ŸŒŸ You don't believe that you have the ability or the experience to charge more ๐ŸŒŸ
The thing is, coaching isn't about you! Coaching is about the transformation that you can give to your clients. Do you believe that you can give them a transformation? If the answer is YES! then you should charge good money for that! If the answer is no then would need to ask yourself: why not? ๐Ÿค”

If any of these resonate with you, you've got some mindset work to do! ๐Ÿ˜˜


"What if I am not supposed to be in business?" ๐Ÿฅบ

Friend, the fact that you are even asking yourself that question points to the fact that you are supposed to be in business.

If you weren't supposed to be in business then you wouldn't have invested in your coaching certificate.

You wouldn't be working long hours trying to make it work.

You wouldn't have that deep desire in your heart to give abundantly.

But, I know this question intimately. It is a question that I have asked myself repeatedly. Along with...

Don't Christians have to be poor?

Being a businesswoman isn't exactly spiritual...Should I be doing it?

What will other Christians think of me?

All of these ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Are lies and fears planted in your brain to keep you from living out your God-given purpose.

Do not fall for them!

They've kept you stuck long enough!

Now is the time to take action towards having those 5k months that you dream of! ๐Ÿคฉ

I have a 12 week 1:1 coaching program that is designed to give you unshakable confidence in your identity as the businesswomen God created you to be, get clients and make an impact.

Worried you won't be able to follow through? Don't worry! That's my job to hold you accountable and encourage you throughout the entire process.

You won't be doing this alone! ๐Ÿ‘ญ

Send me a dm to get started.


As a coach, I help women to take the time to actually ask themselves: What do I want?

So many women know that they want a husband, kids and a business but ask them specifics in any of those areas and things become unclear!

I recently worked with a client who had the possibility of running two different businesses. When she came to me she was so confused and overwhelmed.

I asked a lot of questions - that is what good coaches do - and helped her to get clarity on what she wanted.

Then I asked the question - so, now you know what you want, what is stopping you from getting there?

After 8 weeks of 1:1 coaching with me, she had overcome so many obstacles that she was able to turn a profit for the first time ever in her business!

Her confidence was increased and she was at peace with who she was and what she wanted to do.

She came to me thinking that she was getting business coaching but actually, it impacted all areas of her life.

One of the biggest results was that she reconnected with God in a powerful way.

Coaching is life-transforming!

If you would like to work with me send me a DM to book a 20-minute discovery call ๐Ÿ™‚


I used to be the women who shied away from the spotlight and hide behind her husband.

I used to think that in order to be the Proverbs 31 woman I had to be perfect and put my husband and household first, before myself. I lived to make them happy!

But, I wasnโ€™t happy. There was a piece missing.

Ever since I can remember I have been interested in business. I remember at a young collecting 20 pence pieces (I am from England) because they were pretty and telling my mom that I was going to sell them to make money ๐Ÿ˜‰

But somehow, somewhere along the road, I had forgotten about that desire and it wasnโ€™t until I had my son that I realised that being a wife and mother wasnโ€™t all that I was created to be. I was created for business! ...and that the woman in Proverbs 31 IS A BUSINESSWOMAN!

I help overwhelmed and underpaid Christian Entrepreneurs to become confident in their identity as a businesswoman so that they can boldly get clients, create income and make an impact.

I know what it is like to feel like there is something missing when youโ€™ve been given everything youโ€™ve ever asked for - that is why I do what I do.

If you know deep down that you too were created for business but havenโ€™t quite figured out how you are going be the businesswoman, wife and mother that God is calling you to be, send me a DM, together, with God, we will figure it out.