Gorilla Brief

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List of people killed by Museveni 29/05/2020

After 34 years in power, Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan ruler's list of victims is extremely long. Ugandans know who systematically kills anyone that attempts to bring change in Uganda. Using his intelligence agencies, the 33 year long rule is trigger-happy; it deals with all its challengers with bullets. Here is a partial list of victims of assassinations carried out by the Uganda regime: [ 4,779 more words ]

List of people killed by Museveni After 34 years in power, Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan ruler’s list of victims is extremely long. Ugandans know who systematically kills anyone that attempts to bring change in Uganda. Using h…

Museveni will be forced to relinquish power to Kadaga 15/05/2020

By Charles Kamya Ssentamu The fights between President Museveni and Members of Parliament over UGx20 billion has been taking different shapes with the former expressing worries over legislators’ decision to allocate themselves the money. However, UGx20 billion is nothing to split the Executive and the Legislature compared to other sagas that have clouded the two entities. Question is, if the amount is not the problem, then what is the problem? [ 432 more words ]

Museveni will be forced to relinquish power to Kadaga By Charles Kamya Ssentamu The fights between President Museveni and Members of Parliament over UGx20 billion has been taking different shapes with the former expressing worries over legislators’ de…

Uganda politicking the COVID-19 fight by disinfecting trucks from Rwanda whilst trucks from red zone borders like Malaba, Mutukula and Busia are crossing in freely 08/05/2020

As other governments are taking serious measures and logic measures to combat COVID-19, our government has chosen to play politics with the issue. Instead of explaining how an LDU shoots, in broad daylight, two innocent people a motorcycle rider and a pregnant woman— our government is showing us trucks from Rwanda being disinfected. To-date, Uganda has not registered any “import” case of COVID-19 from Rwanda. [ 359 more words ]

Uganda politicking the COVID-19 fight by disinfecting trucks from Rwanda whilst trucks from red zone borders like Malaba, Mutukula and Busia are crossing in freely As other governments are taking serious measures and logic measures to combat COVID-19, our government has chosen to play politics with the issue. Instead of explaining how an LDU shoots, in broad …

The laughable arm-wrestling between Mafia Museveni and his pseudo wife Janet Makumbi Mwesigwa Kataha a.k.a the killer Mama of Entebbe State House 05/05/2020

For the umpteenth time the emaciated leader of Matooke Republic Mafia Museveni has garbaged his wife’s epileptic Janet Makumbi Mwesigwa Kataha’s proposal to have classes resumed as soon as possible amid the raging COVID-19. In a yesterday’s 14th consecutive TV appearance, the inept and emaciated leader of the Matooke Republic slammed his wife’s earlier directives on resuming schools before the closure of this month, saying such are unbaked decisions endangering his grandchildren. [ 445 more words ]

The laughable arm-wrestling between Mafia Museveni and his pseudo wife Janet Makumbi Mwesigwa Kataha a.k.a the killer Mama of Entebbe State House For the umpteenth time the emaciated leader of Matooke Republic Mafia Museveni has garbaged his wife’s epileptic Janet Makumbi Mwesigwa Kataha’s proposal to have classes resumed as soon as possible…

Of frozen Uganda’s COVID-19 case numbers and minding the neighbour’s business 01/05/2020

On April 29, President Trump tweeted that, and I quote: "The only reason the US has reported one million cases of Coronavirus our testing is soo much better than any other country in the world. Other countries are way behind us in testing, and therefore show far fewer cases." The world is now used to Trump's buffoonery and people were not surprised that he would present the war against the COVID-19 pandemic as another opportunity to proclaim the greatness of America to the rest of the world. [ 606 more words ]

Of frozen Uganda’s COVID-19 case numbers and minding the neighbour’s business   On April 29, President Trump tweeted that, and I quote: “The only reason the US has reported one million cases of Coronavirus our testing is soo much better than any other country in t…

Uganda deporting EAC nationals is an act of bad faith 27/04/2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic is a global menace that calls for global solidarity to control with the ultimate goal of elimination. Our collective strength against this novel disease depends on our level mindedness, organisation and compassion, among other strengths. It is unfortunate that Uganda seems to be pursuing a lone-ranger approach in this fight. While everyone seeks to learn best practices from the other, the Ugandan President and his government officials have chosen selfishness in pursuit of heroism. [ 396 more words ]

Uganda deporting EAC nationals is an act of bad faith The Coronavirus Pandemic is a global menace that calls for global solidarity to control with the ultimate goal of elimination. Our collective strength against this novel disease depends on our leve…

Arbitrary arrests of journalists are exposing an increasingly out-of-control Museveni 21/04/2020

Before Ugandans get to digest the news of the arrest of Kakwenza Rukirabashaija for writing a book that not only illustrates Museveni's inherent greed but also his predatory nature, we receive the shocking news of yet another predatory arrest - That of Samson Kasumba, a news anchor and senior journalist with NBS TV. Kasumba's arrest yesterday night after he co-anchored the Live at 9 news bulletin, just like all CMI illegal arrests, is shrouded in mystery. [ 278 more words ]

Arbitrary arrests of journalists are exposing an increasingly out-of-control Museveni Before Ugandans get to digest the news of the arrest of Kakwenza Rukirabashaija for writing a book that not only illustrates Museveni’s inherent greed but also his predatory nature, we receiv…

Why is Museveni being suddenly territorial? Is he seeing his last days? 20/04/2020

Is our SSabalwanyi Museveni bidding Ugandans farewell? The old man’s sudden burst of energy and the clamour to be in charge and at the top of everything is ominous. Have you noticed how, now more than any time in his 35-year misrule of Uganda, Museveni has suddenly turned into a territorial wild animal, literally sprinkling his urine on every thicket in the jungle, as a warning signal that he is in charge. [ 435 more words ]

Why is Museveni being suddenly territorial? Is he seeing his last days? Is our SSabalwanyi Museveni bidding Ugandans farewell? The old man’s sudden burst of energy and the clamour to be in charge and at the top of everything is ominous. Have you noticed how, now more t…

Inside Uganda’s chaotic COVID-19 world imposed by Museveni 17/04/2020

By Edith Wandera “If you were poor before Covid-19 but you were eating, continue eating what you were eating, we shall deal with your issues of poverty later,” Museveni told Ugandans during his latest address on the Coronavirus crisis on Tuesday. The statement left many Ugandans outraged, but it was not a complete surprise to them. It was simply another view of the naked greed, social dysfunction, misery and arrogant misuse of delegated power that they have suffered since the delusional president first announced a lockdown on the country two weeks ago. [ 1,188 more word ]

Inside Uganda’s chaotic COVID-19 world imposed by Museveni By Edith Wandera “If you were poor before Covid-19 but you were eating, continue eating what you were eating, we shall deal with your issues of poverty later,” Museveni told Ugandans during his lat…

COVID-19: Jjaya Museveni ‘s lawmakers add insult to injury by awarding themselves UGX 10b allowances as health workers go without pay 17/04/2020

The unfolding fracas in the fight against Coronavirus has prompted Dr. Kiza Besigye to pose the question: "What’s wrong with our leaders?" Besigye's loss of patience and subsequent outcry came after two particularly disturbing headlines in the media: MPs awarding themselves 10b from the COVID-19 budget and COVID-19 frontline medical practitioners going without pay. The embattled former presidential candidate Besigye's question was fundamentally rhetoric, because he has known Museveni and his cronies to be corrupt to the core. [ 248 more words ]

COVID-19: Jjaya Museveni ‘s lawmakers add insult to injury by awarding themselves UGX 10b allowances as health workers go without pay The unfolding fracas in the fight against Coronavirus has prompted Dr. Kiza Besigye to pose the question: “What’s wrong with our leaders?” Besigye’s loss of patience and subsequen…

Ugandans cannot take COVID-19 seriously if Museveni keeps dithering about it 14/04/2020

Uganda is indeed in auto pilot. When you look around, you wonder why we even have a government at all, since the only functions they seem to undertake is to collect taxes from us and consume them. Public service delivery is almost nonexistent; the little that exists is mostly for political PR, around election time. Coronavirus has completely exposed the rotten interior of Museveni's political closet. [ 531 more words ]

Ugandans cannot take COVID-19 seriously if Museveni keeps dithering about it Uganda is indeed in auto pilot. When you look around, you wonder why we even have a government at all, since the only functions they seem to undertake is to collect taxes from us and consume them. …

COVID-19 Saga: Wherever Nakalema is involved, she is protecting interests of Museveni and his cronies 13/04/2020

When our Sabarwanyi Museveni, during one of his lowrated COVID-19 TV addresses, announced that his government would start relief food distribution to the most vulnerable Ugandans, those watching almost choked with laughter. You see, Ugandans have become accustomed to the fact that when Museveni tends towards compassion, something is about to go wrong. Hence, when he mention free food distribution, Ugandans who were already nursing injuries sustained from merciless clobbering by a combined force of the UPDF, UPF and LDU under the guise of enforcing Museveni's COVID-19 control directives, exchanged knowing looks. [ 377 more words ]

COVID-19 Saga: Wherever Nakalema is involved, she is protecting interests of Museveni and his cronies When our Sabarwanyi Museveni, during one of his lowrated COVID-19 TV addresses, announced that his government would start relief food distribution to the most vulnerable Ugandans, those watching al…

It’s official, data from senile Museveni’s COVID-19 updates on TV do not represent the reality on the ground 11/04/2020

Finally, someone has confirmed the suspicions of many who have been following the trend of Uganda's rather dramatic fight against Coronavirus That senile Museveni decided to turn the pandemic into a convenient avenue to score political mileage is not surprising. What is baffling to many is the fact that Museveni and his incompetent thieving cronies went as far as manipulating data so as to maintain their delusional stature of a government, that has immense experience in fighting epidemics and pandemics (Although they have always dodged the question why they don’t want to be known as the government that has successfully fought pandemics and epidemics from coming to Uganda instead, since a prevention hero is always more glorified than a cure hero). [ 414 more words ]

It’s official, data from senile Museveni’s COVID-19 updates on TV do not represent the reality on the ground Finally, someone has confirmed the suspicions of many who have been following the trend of Uganda’s rather dramatic fight against Coronavirus That senile Museveni decided to turn the pandemic…

COVID-19: Museveni should be charged with attempted murder for issuing mixed signals to his security forces to brutalize Ugandans 09/04/2020

In his trademark way of deflecting blame, Museveni was heard 'scoffing' at his security personnel for brutally enforcing his directives aimed at controlling the spread of Coronavirus pandemic. For many who have come to understand Museveni as a man who seldomly says what he means and never means what he says, it was deja vu for him only to pronounce himself on the wanton violence during his fourth TV appearance. [ 265 more words ]

COVID-19: Museveni should be charged with attempted murder for issuing mixed signals to his security forces to brutalize Ugandans In his trademark way of deflecting blame, Museveni was heard ‘scoffing’ at his security personnel for brutally enforcing his directives aimed at controlling the spread of Coronavirus pa…

As Museveni seeks stardom on TV shows, Ugandans stuck abroad are starving, racially humiliated 09/04/2020

While despot Museveni is busy forcing himself on Ugandas' TV space, pushing to propagate the narrative of a warrior who led Ugandans through great epidemics and pandemics, tales of Ugandan facing humiliation abroad turn all his stunts into a mockery. Victoria is one on the many Ugandans caught up by the Coronavirus lockdown out of Uganda. She is in Shenzen, China, where the circumstances have placed her between a wall and a hard place for the last three months. [ 149 more words ]

As Museveni seeks stardom on TV shows, Ugandans stuck abroad are starving, racially humiliated While despot Museveni is busy forcing himself on Ugandas’ TV space, pushing to propagate the narrative of a warrior who led Ugandans through great epidemics and pandemics, tales of Ugandan fa…

The sad tales of Ugandans stuck abroad 09/04/2020

While despot Museveni is busy forcing himself on Ugandas' TV space, pushing to propagate the narrative of a warrior who led Ugandans through great epidemics and pandemics, tales of Ugandan facing humiliation abroad turn all his stunts into a mockery. Victoria is one on the many Ugandans caught up by the Coronavirus lockdown out of Uganda. She is in Shenzen, China, where the circumstances have placed her between a wall and a hard place for the last three months. [ 149 more words ]

The sad tales of Ugandans stuck abroad While despot Museveni is busy forcing himself on Ugandas’ TV space, pushing to propagate the narrative of a warrior who led Ugandans through great epidemics and pandemics, tales of Ugandan fa…

As he grows old and frail, paranoid Museveni is degenerating into an absolute tyrant and man eater 08/04/2020

As he grows old and frail, paranoid Museveni is degenerating into an absolute tyrant and man eater

Things are falling apart. Senile Museveni is now like the serpent that turns to its own hatchings for nourishment. The man is posessed without doubt and whatever has taken control of him has turned him into a vampire that is devouring anything and everything that crosses his way.

While Ugandans have completely locked themselves in their shacks, fearing to even peek through a hole for fear of the terror on the streets, perpetrated by Museveni’s combined brainwashed forces of UPDF, UPF and LDU; Museveni has embarked on his next target- his own longtime army comrades.

Before the dust even settles after he pounced on his former spy chief, Gen. Henry Tumukunde who is languishing behind bars, Museveni has descended on his next victim. Gen. Kasirye Gwanga was picked by military police and taken to Mbuya barracks for detention.

But what makes the whole saga scary is the fact that the UPDF spokesperson, not knowing that his Kasirye Gwanga had pulled a fast one on them and contacted media, denied the fact that the retired Eloquent UPDF general was actually in detention. In Karemire’s spin to the media who contacted him, he categorically denied the allegations as pure lies, and offered that Kasirye Gwanga had instead been admitted for medical reasons at the Mbuya senior officers’ Diagnostic Centre.

What made it even more suspicious and ominous, is the fact that the UPDF spokesperson’s order of events was being contradicted by none other than SoftPower, the online tabloid dedicated to sanitise Museveni’s goofs.

Political observers are stating that Museveni, who has never posessed the credentials of a politically upright leader, is showing sings of degenerating into an absolute and open tyrant. They opin that as he grows old and frail both physically and mentally, Museveni is gettting dangerously paranoid, hence his recent Machiavellian conduct.

As he grows old and frail, paranoid Museveni is degenerating into an absolute tyrant and man eater Things are falling apart. Senile Museveni is now like the serpent that turns to its own hatchings for nourishment. The man is posessed without doubt and whatever has taken control of him has turned…


Even with a major crisis on his hands, Museveni will not wake from his dreamland

By Edith Wandera

In the Kate Falawo Zone in Kampala’s Kawempe Division, a young woman had to endure a terrifying night with her dead roommate. Locked down and fearful of running into the marauding gangs of trigger-happy army patrols, she had watched helplessly as life slowly sapped out of her roommate during the night of 02 April. As her friend’s temperature soared, she desperately called all the public helplines to try and secure permission to transport the sick woman to a health facility.

None of the Resident City Commissioners for her area responded to the S.O.S. Even after daybreak on, 3 April, she was left stranded for hours with her friend’s co**se in the single room rental in one of the many poverty-stricken areas of Kampala.

The deceased was just the latest statistic on the growing list of Ugandans – including the pregnant and critically sick – who have fallen victim of President Museveni’s chaotic efforts to stop the Coronavirus pandemic from spreading beyond the four dozen active cases that had been confirmed by 03 April.

Yet if he needed anything to rouse him from his fantasyland, the Covid-19 crisis should be the perfect opportunity to jolt Museveni from any illusions about the competences of Uganda as a state he runs. As he tried to marshal a response to the crisis, it soon dawned on him that the state did not even have a functional ambulance service. Despite having nearly a 5000-strong fleet of vehicles, a good number of them high end 4X4’s, Uganda’s health ministry cannot count even 150 ambulances among them.

The country’s health system is completely broken. So much so that acts like one politician importing a 30-year old van from Japan and converting it into an ambulance, emblazoned with the donating politician’s portrait, are accepted. Even though the politician’s main motivation is maintaining voter loyalty.

Uganda descended into chaos within days of Museveni ordering a lockdown. Gangs of thugs masquerading as COVID-19 vigilantes took over poor neighborhoods, beating and stealing from helpless residents as police looked on. Returning citizens that were forced into quarantine quickly became a lucrative racket for civil servants, security officials and hotel owners.

They were ripping off people that were forced into ramshackle accommodations, forcing them to fork out US$ 1400 per head for the two-week quarantine period. Yet, it was said, the state had actually paid for the facilities. As privileged officials enjoyed show time posturing on national television and working out huge budgets for the Coronavirus response, unprotected workers were running away from patients.

A donation of protective gear by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma which arrived in the country has disappeared as if into thin air, as officials put in budgets for a response. Health Ministry sources that preferred anonymity to talk safely said big, NRM-connected officials within the Ministry are already making a killing selling Jack Ma’s donation underground.

For Museveni and his henchmen, the COVID-19 pandemic is just another opportunity to ‘eat’. On Tuesday, finance minister Matia Kasaija tabled a Ushs 302 billion request for “supplementary expenditure”. Legislators threw it out because it was conveniently scanty on detail.

For instance the Health Ministry, which has put the cost of a single COVID-19 test at US$ 65, was seeking Ushs 82 billion without a breakdown of what the money was going to be used for. Even more inexplicably the Ministry of Defense was seeking Ushs 81.5 billion. Meanwhile the Prime minister’s office wanted 39 billion shillings “for emergency support for 1.5 million vulnerable people in Greater Kampala.”
Museveni’s orders have become a problem; most times not making sense even to himself. Security officers are not looking at the lockdown within the context of the law but rather in terms of Museveni the person. Hence a violator is not guilty of breaching the law but rather ‘disobeying the President.’

Yet Museveni is unbothered by all this and instead appears to be enjoying the show, turning up on TV every other day to give “further guidance” that have quickly descended into a farce. A salient feature of these live briefings, which look more like mini-cabinet meetings, is the lack of team effort and structured thought processes.

The president is throwing orders about with little input from his cabinet. For instance, his idea of putting his political representatives – the Resident District Commissioners or RDC’s – in charge of approving movement for emergency cases is not working. It only is adding to the chaos. Yet Museveni won’t relent.

On the other hand Museveni’s idea of health emergencies appears to be limited to snakebites and cardiac arrest. In the circumstances, a mother in labor whom anybody with two eyes should be able to see as being in labor; or an asthmatic in distress, cannot move from their residence to a hospital without a permit.

Also in a society that has long lost any memory of personal integrity, Museveni is telling residents to depend on commercial motorcycle riders to shop everyday necessities for them. A clip that has been circulating on social media shows one such “boda” man siphoning a good measure of rice from a bag before making the delivery.

What is clear is that the plight of ordinary Ugandans is far from Museveni’s mind.
If he ever thinks about them, it is how to beat them into further submission should the crisis deepen.
This is evident from his reliance on violent suppression, rather than a humanitarian response to the health scare.

PICTORIAL: UPF, UPDF’s “few individuals” half-hearted apologies won’t heal injuries they inflicted on innocent Ugandans 06/04/2020

statement released by the Uganda Police Force, signed by Fred Enanga on behalf of the joint security taskforce spokespersons states that the leadership of both the UPDF and UPF strongly condemns gross acts of misconduct by their officers who, instead of protecting the constitutional and civil rights of citizens, violated them with the excessive use of force. It is apparent that the statement is a solicited effort aimed at sanitising forces whose gross misconduct during the implementation of the Presidential directive removed any benefit of doubt over their already shaky integrity. [ 307 more words ]

PICTORIAL: UPF, UPDF’s “few individuals” half-hearted apologies won’t heal injuries they inflicted on innocent Ugandans statement released by the Uganda Police Force, signed by Fred Enanga on behalf of the joint security taskforce spokespersons states that the leadership of both the UPDF and UPF strongly condemns gr…

For first time in 34 years, Museveni facing opponent he can’t bribe or intimidate 31/03/2020

By Edith Wandera For 34years, President Yoweri Museveni has either intimidated his opponents like he has done with Kiiza Besigye and many others; or he has coopted by bribing them like he has done with Beti Kamya and others. However, in Coronavirus Museveni has met his match; an opponent he can neither intimidate nor bribe. As a result, Museveni is everywhere on television in a feat of panic, trying to reassure a population that has zero trust left for him. [ 797 more words ]

For first time in 34 years, Museveni facing opponent he can’t bribe or intimidate By Edith Wandera For 34years, President Yoweri Museveni has either intimidated his opponents like he has done with Kiiza Besigye and many others; or he has coopted by bribing them like he has done …

Army joins Police in anti-civilian violence with Coronavirus as an excuse 31/03/2020

By Edith Wandera The government isndeploying the UPDF to re-enforce the police; the latter which already has violently been shutting down people’s businesses – supposedly to enforce government measures to combat COVID-19. In a dragnet conducted in the Fort Portal area since Wednesday, the RDC Stephen Asiimwe led security in pulling people out of their premises, door to door including old men or pregnant women, according to reports. [ 747 more words ]

Army joins Police in anti-civilian violence with Coronavirus as an excuse By Edith Wandera The government isndeploying the UPDF to re-enforce the police; the latter which already has violently been shutting down people’s businesses – supposedly to enforce government meas…

Over 100 COVID-19 positive cases stuck at Mulago Hospital as scared medics refuse to attend to them 28/03/2020

While Museveni and his COVID-19 taskforce led by Minister Janet Aceng want Ugandans and the world to believe that Uganda is up to the task in the fight against Coronavirus in Uganda, the situation is dire, and we may be looking at a rapidly unfolding health catastrophe. Museveni and his team are hiding the painful truth from Ugandans, and since the media is shut out from following the situation, Ugandans and the world have been obstructed from the dire situation in our hospitals and other places where cases are being managed. [ 200 more words ]

Over 100 COVID-19 positive cases stuck at Mulago Hospital as scared medics refuse to attend to them While Museveni and his COVID-19 taskforce led by Minister Janet Aceng want Ugandans and the world to believe that Uganda is up to the task in the fight against Coronavirus in Uganda, the situation …

Veteran journalist Obbo discredits reputation with pro-Museveni puff piece 20/03/2020

Veteran journalist Obbo discredits reputation with pro-Museveni puff piece


Veteran journalist Obbo discredits reputation with pro-Museveni puff piece By Moses SsejjobaPresident Museveni and veteran journalist Charles Onyango Obbo. In his latest article in the Daily Monitor veteran journalist Charles Onyango Obbo paints Museveni’s regime as “an e…

Is Gen. Tumukunde next on Museveni’s poison squad hit list? 16/03/2020

Great Lakes March 15, 2020 President Museveni and Gen Henry Tumukunde. By Moses Ssejjoba As the general elections slated for 2021 inch closer, General Yoweri Museveni has ordered a secretive poison squad to be on high alert. Soon, according to our impeccable sources, the “Nakasongola lab boys” will get instructions on whom to go after. For the uninformed, the Nakasongola Airbase in central Uganda houses the deadly labs that the regime has set up, reportedly with the help of North Koreans, to develop “biological weapons” against Ugandans. [ 1,067 more word ]

Is Gen. Tumukunde next on Museveni’s poison squad hit list? Great Lakes March 15, 2020 President Museveni and Gen Henry Tumukunde. By Moses Ssejjoba As the general elections slated for 2021 inch closer, General Yoweri Museveni has ordered a secretive p…

Rising violence narrows pool of Museveni’s likely successor 09/03/2020

Great Lakes March 9, 2020 Ugandan musician turned politician Robert Kyagulanyi, commonly known as Bobi Wine. By The Eastafrican A few days ago, it emerged that Ugandan opposition parties are to meet Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda to discuss a very important matter ahead of the 2021 general election. Ordinarily, you’d think they were meeting the premier to talk over the vexing issue in Africa about the integrity of the vote, a “level playing field”, as the issue is often delicately described. [ 159 more words ]

Rising violence narrows pool of Museveni’s likely successor Great Lakes March 9, 2020 Ugandan musician turned politician Robert Kyagulanyi, commonly known as Bobi Wine. By The Eastafrican A few days ago, it emerged that Ugandan opposition parties are t…

Failed Tumwine censure bid exposes enduring bonds between crime and the Museveni regime 28/02/2020

Great Lakes February 28, 2020 By Charles Kamya Ssentamu The circumstances surrounding the abortive bid to have Uganda’s security minister, Lt. Gen Elly Tumwine censured by parliament, have once again exposed the deep bonds between Museveni’s security establishment and the criminal gangs that torture Ugandans. Parliament adopted a motion seeking to censure Gen Tumwine on February 5 after he blocked members of the House Human Rights Committee from accessing illegal detention centres, ironically known as “safe houses” last November. [ 475 more words ]

Failed Tumwine censure bid exposes enduring bonds between crime and the Museveni regime Great Lakes February 28, 2020 By Charles Kamya Ssentamu The circumstances surrounding the abortive bid to have Uganda’s security minister, Lt. Gen Elly Tumwine censured by parliament, have onc…

With options rapidly diminishing Museveni baits People Power into bloody contest 27/02/2020

With options rapidly diminishing Museveni baits People Power into bloody contest

With options rapidly diminishing Museveni baits People Power into bloody contest Great Lakes February 27, 2020 People Power’s Rita Nabukenya (RIP), President Museveni. By Charles Kamya Ssentamu At just 24 years, Rita Nabukenya is of the generation that President Muse…

34 years of Museveni turning Uganda into a failed state 26/02/2020

Great Lakes February 25, 2020 By Moses Ssejjoba A survey of the socio-political scene shows that as a country that has clocked 34 years of Museveni rule, there is a definite uptick in social, and political violence. Beatings and other mistreatments of supporters of the opposition are the order of the day. Incidents of police and military battering supporters of the opposition are on the rise. [ 1,142 more word ]

34 years of Museveni turning Uganda into a failed state Great Lakes February 25, 2020 By Moses Ssejjoba A survey of the socio-political scene shows that as a country that has clocked 34 years of Museveni rule, there is a definite uptick in social, …