How Debbie Saves

How Debbie Saves

I help women, couples & entrepreneurs manage money for the 1st time so they can pay off debt & save.

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 23/05/2024

Manage your money from a place of excitement and abundance, not shame and scarcity.

The way do that is by changing your mindset, and changing your strategy.

I coach my clients for 4 months both in my one-on-one Program and in my Group Program, because learning how to manage your money is an investment of your time, and I plan to be with you every step of the way.

It all starts with booking your free Strategy Call with me. Let’s have an honest conversation about where you are financially, how your debt is affecting you and let’s come up with a strategy to help you become debt free!

Comment “CALL” to get in on the action.

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 21/05/2024

Your credit card debt is not all your read that right! 👇

Credit card companies are using these sneaky tactics to keep you in debt for years and cost you thousands in interest per card!

What can you do about it? Be informed.

I’m hosting a free credit card Masterclass called, “What Your Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know.”

It’s time to get informed so you can use your credit cards confidently and to your advantage (yes, that is possible!) Oh, and also pay off your debt. 🤯

Comment “CLASS” and I’ll send you the link to save your seat!

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 15/05/2024

There’s nothing worse than feeling financially stuck.

You don’t know how to get started managing your money or you’ve tried before and given up because it was too hard or restrictive....I completely understand.

But what if I told you that you could start managing your money, learning how to pay off your debt quickly and this could be the 1st year that you don’t put Christmas on a credit card just to regret it in January when you get the bill.

I’ve created my Group Coaching Program so that you can learn:

🌟 How to get started and finally move the needle
🌟 What credit card companies are doing to keep you in debt
🌟 How to create a flexible budget
🌟 How to build habits that make budgeting easy and simple

My goal is to get you excited about money and leave the stress you’ve always felt about your finances behind you.

My Group Coaching Program starts in June and I’m offering a free bonus coaching session before the program starts to set you up to succeed.

Comment “CALL” if you’re ready to try something new on your financially freedom journey.

Make this your best financial year ever!


My hubby and I played hookie at the holiday Christmas Party and instead....

We went on a bougie overnight getaway at this amazing hotel with a balcony view of the ocean that only cost us $55. 👏

That’s right we used our credit card points and got a $300 a night luxury hotel room for $55 total.

We treated ourselves because we have date nights once a month but have not had an overnight getaway since before Emily was this trip was 10 years in the making.

We had such an amazing time! The hotel even treated us to a delicious dinner for free! Yep you heard it right. Playing hookie on the Company Christmas Party might become a yearly event LOL.

Travel and experiences is my love language...what’s yours?

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 08/05/2024

Commit to becoming financially free.

I know you’ve been here before.
I know you’ve tried every sort of budget.
I know you’ve poured all your extra money at your debt, and still barely made a dent.

This does not mean you are a failure, or are destined to be stuck in this vicious cycle forever. It means, you’ve been missing something.

You’ve been missing support, accountability, guidance, and validation.

Without someone to lean on, without extra encouragement, without new education and insight into the minefield that is credit cards, investing, and the entire category of personal’re bound to be running in circles.

If you’re running a marathon, and the path isn’t will you ever make it to the finish line in a timely manner, if at all?

If you’re ready for support on your financial journey, comment “CALL” and I’ll send you my calendar link to book your free Strategy Call. Let’s chat.


Do you want to pay off your debt… for good?

You may want to dive into this Live to find out why a budget won’t save you.

If a budget worked, then you would be on the road to be debt free. But you’re here because your budget is not serving you.

If your budgets not working, my guess is, it’s too restrictive.

When your budget is restrictive

✅ you hate every minute of it;

✅ You feel like you can’t treat yourself;

✅ you start to resent it and then you quit!

The aftermath is the worst part because you don’t stay in the same place when you quit… you get further into debt!

So what will work… let’s talk about it.

After watching this live, if you have any questions, DM me.

👉 Drop “GROUP” to get the information on my upcoming group coaching program!



If you feel guilt or shame about your credit card debt… this is for you ⤵️

Your debt does not define you!

Your financial “mistakes” are really the financial lessons that you will never forget or repeat!

Those lessons are priceless…but…

It’s what you decide to do next that WILL define you!

You can stay in a place of financial stress and feeling stuck… or…

You can say, I am worth more… my life can be better!

Let me show you how easy it can be to start feeling financially confident, have a plan in place that works so you can be excited about your money for the first time!

👉 Comment the word “READY” and I’ll send you my calendar link…let’s chat.

Make this your best financial year yet! 💪


Meet Tolu, one of my incredible clients who transformed her relationship with money through coaching with me.

When Tolu and I first met she was feeling financially restricted & barely living paycheck to paycheck with making the minimum payments on her credit cards.

She said she couldn’t see how she would be able to afford investing in working with me.

I spoke from my ❤️ and told her that I KNEW I could help!

She decided to invest in herself and work together. 👏👏

She started seeing changes right away.

She went from feeling so limited to starting to enjoy her money for the first time….Because…

👉 She now had a budget in place that was flexible & easy;

👉 She learned habits to support her budget

👉 She had money to treat herself so she never felt restricted; and

👉 We came up with a strategy that saved her over $7,000 in credit card interest!

She went from feeling stress when it comes to her money to finally being financially confident!

She received a raise at work & was offered an opportunity to be a Chef in a restaurant where she will create the menu!

She’s going to be completely credit card debt free this year! 👏👏

If you’re feeling financial stress and want to rewrite your financial story? Let’s chat!

🔹 COMMENT “READY” and I’ll send you my calendar link.

If you have any questions, my DMs are always open.

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 01/04/2024

If money causes, you stress… this is for you ⤵️

When you feel financially stressed… It can cause you to feel stuck!

You don’t know where to start so YOU DO NOTHING!

The longer you stay stuck - the more you’re spending without knowing where your money is going & sinking further into debt.

I’m here to tell you that when you take action & feel fully supported… you can:

👉 Finally be excited about your money for the 1st time;

👉 Pay off debt quickly & save thousands on interest; and

👉 Never feel limited and restricted financially ever again!

That’s how my clients feel when working with me.

I get results because I know that only a customized plan made just for you will help you breakthrough the blocks that have been holding you back.

Make this your best financial year ever…let’s do this! 💪

➡️ Join my Group Program Waitlist by commenting “WAITLIST” or

➡️ Comment “CALL” and I’ll send you my calendar link to Book a Free Strategy Call


This is for you if….financial confidence is your goal? ⤵️

Lack of financial confidence & debt go hand in hand. Think about it…

If you grew up in a home where money was a point of stress, the reasons why your parents fought (🙋‍♀️), money was lacking then…

Schools failed you. I remember I was taught how to sew, type, cook, driver’s education, sexual education and yet nothing about finances.

Then you’re thrown into the real world - of course you’re going to get into debt - you didn’t know better.

Now you lack financial confidence & have debt - so thoughts creep in like, “I’m just not good with money” “I never make enough” or “I’ll always be in debt.”

But - What if I told you that:

👉 You can be financially confident;

👉 You can pay off debt & save
thousands on interest;

👉 You can finally be excited about
money for the 1st time!

That’s what I teach my clients in my Money Coaching Programs & most importantly - you will never feel restricted working with me.

If you’re ready to make this your best financial year ever! 💪

Comment “WAITLIST” & I’ll send you the link to join my Group Coaching Program Waitlist… or

Comment “CALL” and I’ll send you a link to book a free Strategy Call with me.

Let’s tackle this together. 👏

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 21/03/2024

The most embarrassing moment in my life was…⤵️

That day in the supermarket - I watched the cashier unbag each item she had just rung up because my card was declined… and I was only able to afford milk, bread, eggs and butter.

I went to car and cried! How did I get here?

I never had financial confidence. I never learned when I was young that money was a tool that helps you enjoy your life.

Instead I knew money was always lacking, it caused stress…it was the reason my parents fought.

It was the reason why when I got out of my toxic marriage with my 2 little kids, I didn’t know the first thing about budgeting. So everything went on my credit cards…including my legal fees for the divorce.

The weight of my debt was palpable. I felt like I was sinking in quicksand. Any move I made got me deeper in debt.

The moment I decided that life had to be better than this….I had to be better than this…changed everything!

I read every financial book I could get my hands on. Every blog…every video.

I realized that there is alot of negative, shame based information out there that only makes you feel worse about yourself!

I not only paid off my $48k of debt in 2 years…I learned how to do it and still have fun, still enjoy my life without feeling restricted.

I helped my clients last year save over $185k in credit card debt.

If you know your life could be better….if you want to finally feel financially confident…I can help!

👉 Comment the word “FREEDOM” and I’ll send you my calendar link - let’s chat!

Make this your best financial year ever! 💪


This is what financial freedom looks like (mixed with a little bit of silly) ⤵️
This Disney trip was extra special…it was our celebration for paying off $48,000 of credit card debt in 2 years!  

I had accumulated that debt after separating for my toxic marriage with my 2 little kids (4 and 5 yrs old).

Back then I had no idea how to budget… so everything went on credit cards…including my mounting legal bills for my divorce, utilities…everything.

So years later when I was happily remarried to my amazing husband, he sat me down to show me what those years had cost me….$48,000!

I was embarrassed and ashamed that I brought that debt onto our marriage…it was the worst day…and the best day because a fire lit inside of me.

I knew that life had to be better than this.  He said we would tackle it together but I told him no!  

I brought this in & I’m going to learn how to pay it off.  I read every book I could find, in the library, they all new my name LOL  

Two years later that debt was paid off!

We had a little sinking fund set aside to go to Disney.  

It was our first of many vacations since that are paid in full!

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping women overcome the mindset blocks holding themselves back from being financially free!  

Because I know what it’s like to feel stress about your finances, know that there has to be a better way, but have no idea how to get started.

Hi, if we haven’t met yet – My name is Debbie and I love being a Money Coach.  It’s what I’m meant to do.

But….something that people really don’t know about me is that that Disney bougee vacation was the first of many & I ❤️ traveling bougee!  😂

Even when we go camping…we glamp!  Yep no sleeping on the floor for this gal!

I save throughout the year and when we travel..we do it right!

👉 How do you love to travel?  Share it in the comments – let’s get to know each other.

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 06/02/2024

Restriction will get you drowning in debt…but ⤵️

Having a flexible budget let’s you:

👉 Have a fun category so you can treat yourself each month;

👉 Gain financial confidence so you never get into debt again;

👉 Have a strategy in place to pay off your debt ASAP; and

👉 Finally feel excited about money for the 1st time.
That’s how I help my clients go from feeling stressed about their finances to feeling financially confident & making big money moves that save them thousands on credit card interest and get them to be credit card debt free!!

If you’re ready to stop feeling financially stuck…

Reply with the word “READY” and I’ll send you my calendar link…

Let’s chat.


If you’re sick of the debt cycle … ⤵️

& looking for a way out, here’s the deal – no strict budget is needed, and yes, you can still enjoy a decent meal without the guilt. 🍽️

Picture this: I left my first marriage with a hefty $48k debt – not fun, trust me. 😓

But when I hit rock bottom, I skipped the whole strict budget drama. Instead, I focused on changing my mindset and habits.

Where did I get my money tips? Good ol’ YouTube! I watched finance videos, read books, blogs and learned the ropes.

With that knowledge, I tackled the debt & figured out the money game. I was able to pay it off in 2 years and I have helped almost 100 women & couples do the same.

And I know your brain might say a strict budget is the only way. WRONG.

We will budget but you will have fun along the way. WHY?

Simple – it’s not just about numbers. It’s about tweaking habits & keeping a positive mindset.

This different approach worked for me & for my clients to see LASTING change.

Because so many of you have gotten out of debt. Maybe you paid your card off, but went right back in.

That’s why what I teach you is different. Because I want you to stay out of debt for good!!

So, if you’re up for changing your money story, let’s talk!

Book a FREE strategy call in my profile. 📈🤝 We’ll chat about practical changes without sacrificing the good stuff.

Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 11/01/2024

5% cash back is just one of the tricks that they use to keep you in debt.

Are you making credit card payments and your balances aren’t moving?

That’s because they are no longer required to let you know that they are raising your interest rates - costing you thousands without you knowing!

But of course they will tell you that they’re raising your credit limit so that you spend more and get further into debt.

How do I know this…because I was you.

After getting out of a toxic marriage and never knowing how to budget, I got into $48k of credit card debt.  

I realized that no matter how much I threw at my credit card debt - the balances did not move.  

I felt like no matter what I did, I was getting deeper in debt - it felt like I was in quicksand.

The day that I finally decided to start managing my money changed everything!! 

I paid off that $48k of debt in 2 years!  That’s why I love helping my clients get out of debt!

If you’re sick of throwing payments at your debt and not knowing how to finally pay them off - I’m here to help.

I have limited spots open to Coach 1:1.  DM me if you want to chat or…

Head to the link in my Bio to book your free Strategy Call.

Make 2024 the year you’re finally debt free!!



If you learn only one thing from my page, let this be it …

My motto has always been it's not about the "money mistakes" that you've made in the past - it's about what you DECIDE to do RIGHT NOW that can change everything!

So please know this …

If you were not taught as a child that money is a tool that can help you achieve your dreams; and

School failed you by not teaching you financial basics like how to avoid debt, invest in a Roth IRA or even how to budget then...

You were thrown into adulthood and got into debt - IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT....however...

IT IS your CHOICE whether to stay feeling stuck where you are:

- Making payments on your credit cards and the balances don't move; or

- Working hard for your money and not knowing where it's going.

Stop staying stuck and stressed about your money - take action today!

You can do it!  

Drop a 🙌 if you’re with me!


Photos from How Debbie Saves's post 22/11/2023

What if I told you…

That I know what it feels like to be:

👉 Stressed & overwhelmed about your finances;

👉 To make credit card payments but you’re not be able to get ahead; and

👉 To work so hard for your money & not know where it’s going!

The biggest & best financial decision I ever made was the day I decided that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH!

I finally took control of my finances & don’t get me wrong I made mistakes along the way but…

2 years later my $48,000 of credit card debt was gone!!

That’s when I decided to help others do the same!

And that eventually turned into my 4 Month Money Coaching program. 🥰

So, trust me … I know how you feel.

That’s why I created my BLACK FRIDAY Deal. It’s my way of motivating you to make 2024 the year you take control of your finances!

Here are the details - you get:

1. My 4 month 1:1 Money Coaching program - starting in January - locking in at my 2023 prices ($300 savings);
2. A Free Coaching session in December - to set you up to start 2024 off right and
3. My credit card Masterclass called, “What Your Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know.”

I offer a payment plan to make your decision easy & affordable.

So how do you get started? 🤔

🔹DM Me or reply with the word “DEAL” and I’ll send you my calendar link to book your free 30 min call…. Or click the link in my bio.

Sale starts today & ends Sunday at midnight so don’t miss out. 😪


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Are your credit cards secretly STEALING your money? ⤵️Hey ladies, listen up! Wanna know the financial secrets credit car...
You mean well… but it’s not working…here’s why ⤵️You have the best intentions… You start paying off debt… Just to get ba...
That was my rock bottom! I cried so hard… but then…⤵️I was never taught how to manage money.  Were you?So when I filed f...
YES you can have Starbucks & become DEBT FREE…Because that restrictive BS will only frustrate you & make you quit budget...
This class will save you thousands!! ⤵️There’s no better way to travel, then being credit card debt free! In my free Mas...
