

Your All-In-One UX Writing & Content Design Platform.


As UX Writer/ Content Designer your new year’s resolution should definitely include reading Yael Ben-David’s just-released book. It will help you understand how your content can serve users' needs from a business perspective. It is our book recommendation for this week:

The Business of UX Writing.

What does this book have to tell you?

UX writing is good for business, while also playing a critical role in delivering a top-notch user experience. Standing at this pivotal intersection between business goals and user needs is an awesome place to be—as long as we have the mindset, tools, and collaborators to make the most of it.

Through case studies, frameworks, and historical context, Yael Ben-David offers savvy and practical guidance to ensure our digital products support the user and the business—plus writers and designers!—all at once.

Author: Yael Ben-David

Year: 2022

A Book Apart: https://buff.ly/3F66h6Q


In the world of content strategists, Carrie Hane is one of the pioneers of content strategy, lecturing and writing extensively about content strategy and content modeling.

She is one of the earliest to recognize the value of thinking about content as a structure and journey, not just a bunch of words on a screen. According to her, "Everyone can put words on a screen - it doesn't mean it's any good."

We built Punkt to help bridge the gap between Content Strategy and UX Design, making it seamless, with no silos, allowing everyone to work together toward a common goal. Punkt helps UX/ Product teams to design with content from day one. Stay tuned; we've spent months perfecting the platform — we're launching it to the public very soon.

Follow Carrie Hane:
LinkedIn: https://buff.ly/3hKxrZe
Twitter: https://buff.ly/3HTGPV2
Website: https://buff.ly/3G6aTur

Punkt is almost here! We’re moving out of beta soon, Get your seat to lock in our early pricing offer:


Content design is a user-centered design process that uses tools and techniques from different disciplines to create an experience that shows the right content at right time on the right channel when the user needs it or expects it.

Sarah Winters (who brought this term to the world) considers 7 key elements for Content Design:

🔍 Research: Research is the step that makes the big difference between content design and many other forms of writing. As a Content Designer, you can’t take any step further before the research -unless you already know your users very well-. You need evidence of what they need and want.

🎯 User needs: This is the result of the research you did, now you know what your users needs. That’s will be the point you start from, to solve their problems. Producing researched-based content will perfectly answer the users’ needs.

🗺 Channel and journey mapping: The research helps you understand and identify the user’s journey stages -With all the offline & online steps- they passed by to complete a task or achieve their goal from that experience. With the journey stages and the users’ needs understanding, you can play well with the information and structure when to give a piece of information and when to give another, in the most effective way to help the users get the best experience.

🗣 Language and emotion: You need to use the language of your users and make the message easy for them to absorb unconsciously, people are reading most of your content with diffused thinking mode. You want to make it easy for them to read and understand, so they can act on it.
Language should show emotions and empathy toward the users, and consider what they: see, hear, feel, and do, to get a complete picture of the kind of content that suits your users’ needs, and how to talk and communicate in all journey stages.

✍️ Creation: That means writing and what’s beyond, Content Designers work in collaboration with researchers, designers, UXers, engineers, service designers, and product owners, all putting the user at the heart of this collab, to decide on the content elements and their structure, that will fulfill the users needs the most.

📬 Sharing: Getting feedback about your work earlier can help a lot to improve it before you put it into the users' hands.
Share your work with other stakeholders, this will do so much good for your work, you can just put your first draft on paper and share it with them to take a look at it.

♻️ Iteration: Published content won’t stay there forever. You need to review it from time to time. See if it still does the job, or if it needs some redos. In both cases, revisiting your previous work will help you see your tops and flops, and this is how we get better at what we do.

Punkt is almost here! We’re moving out of beta soon, Get your seat to lock our early pricing offer https://www.punkt.co/


Everything your product needs, from ideation to prototyping.

Punkt cares about every UX step of building your websites and apps. Start with sticking and grouping ideas, structure and analyze your research results, structure and architect the experience, design prototypes with content, and publish everything.
We have a suite of connected UX tools to do all this in the same place:

🔍 Do your research: Interviews, Surveys.
🧮 Analyze users and the market: SWOT Analysis, Competition Maps, Empathy Maps, and Personas.
🚦 Organize your ideas and data: Card Sorting, Story Boards, Affinity diagrams, and Additional Notes.
🗺️ Structure your product: Style Guide, Sitemaps, Journey Maps, and Funnel Maps.
🚀 Make it ready for production: Designer Mode, Localization, Publisher Plugins & API.

At Punkt, we are devoted to bridging the gap between Content Strategy and UX Design to help your team worry less about different screen sizes or platforms, focus on the core of your product’s experience, and ship production-ready products in less time.

It’s time to break the mold and design with content from day one!
Learn more about Punkt



Meet Punkt: The All-In-One solution for your UX Writing / Content Design team

UX Writers share the content on multiple platforms (Chat, email, cloud, PM tool…), and designers keep the prototypes behind closed doors.

You have no more time to waste on collecting and assembling the detached work from here and there to complete the puzzle.

Put content at the heart of your entire design process from the beginning, and work all product UX steps in one place:

🎯 Plan & structure: Just put the right UX tools into action.
🖼 Design: Bring your idea to life in just a few clicks.
🚀 Publish: One hub to store, edit, publish content, and sync updates.

No more disconnected work, Invite all your teams and do it all in one place, and design with content from day one with Punkt.
Learn more about Punkt


Your All-In-One UX Writing & Content Design Platform. 25/12/2022

🎄🌨️ ☀️ Happy holidays!

This holiday season, whether you’re celebrating in the snow or under the sun, whether you’re a Designer, a Writer, a PM, an Engineer or a jack of all trades, an angel, or not so much, we’re sure that you’ll come up with brilliant ideas 💫 for sparkling celebrations with the ones you love.

Don’t waste the opportunity, as Punkt is coming soon to the public, get on the waitlist to lock down early bird pricing for the first year: https://buff.ly/3hhYhrs

Your All-In-One UX Writing & Content Design Platform. Put content at the heart of your entire design process.


No one wants to work in silos anymore! ✋
It's inefficient and it kills your GREAT app/website potential, which speaks to the users’ needs and solves their problems in the most fulfilling way.
You can get the best results only if you bring all teams’ skills to the table from the beginning:

🤩 UX with the experience, and the feeling
🗣 Content team with the voice
🖼 Designers with the image
🔧 Devs with the functionality

Punkt is here to make it happen, we are ready with neatly selected UX tools, that will carry all your teams through every step of building your product. Research, plan, structure, design, and publish your product with the same platform.
Discover more about Punkt.



UX Writers, Content Designers out there!
A classic, a must-read, from our book recommendation for this week:
The Design of Everyday Things.

What does this book have to tell you?

Design doesn't have to be complicated, which is why this guide to human-centered design shows that usability is just as important as aesthetics.

Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door.

The fault, argues this ingenious -- even liberating -- book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization.

The Design of Everyday Things shows that good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time.

The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how -- and why -- some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.

Author: Don Norman
Year: 2013
Amazon: https://buff.ly/3nALein
Chapters: https://buff.ly/3G2N6wx
Barnes & Noble: https://buff.ly/3BLM7hs


The Product Design Team process is completely FU**ED UP! 🤦

Having each department of your product team working with an absolute focus on their side of the project only, and being fully heedless of the other aspects, will get you a bunch of inconsistencies, and a lot of re-works.
It’s time to forget about the typical Product Design Team practice:

🖼 The UX(ers) do the wireframes/ prototypes
✍️ The Content Team writes the copy
🎨 The Designers do the UI
💻 The Devs do the production.

Mash it all together, hoping for the best! 🙏🏻

Designers copying content from Google Docs and dropping it in the design and hoping they end up unified and fitting the appropriate spaces provided by the UX writers beforehand. Well, good luck with that!

99% of the time, you'll find a bunch of inconsistencies. Thus, it will require a lot of rewrites to match the layout and the intended message. This process is repeatedly happening for every type of project, no matter your team size, nor the design system used.
Let’s cut to the chase and say it out loud! This process is completely fu**ed up!
You have to reconsider how your Product Design Team works.
And get all your teams on one platform, they don’t have to deal with blurry vision or play the guessing game to solve and anticipate solutions for unneeded UX problems.
Get all your team together with Punkt.



Do your team really need a plethora of tools to design your websites and apps? 🤔

Your Product design team has the habit of using multiple tools to get the job done. Each department uses its tools separately and works with almost no collaboration with other teams until they finish their part of the job.
This way of building websites and apps gives you and your team a hard time and forces you to live up to a situation where you have to deal with:

👎 The necessity of explaining what to review. EVERY TIME!
👎 Sending daily reports/emails about the progress updates
👎 Feedback and work shared throw multiple channels (Slack, Email, Dropbox…)
👎 No traceability of the project's history

You end up completely lost about what to do, or where to start. You are using a plethora of tools to help conduct your mission of designing and launching your websites/apps but in reality, this is making your team’s life harder.
If they don’t say it out loud, your team members are wishing everyday for a less complicated world.



Teamwork makes the dream work 🤩
Lazy teamwork breaks the dream work. 😞

You work with a multidisciplinary team to design your company's next website or product.
Juggling in between a team of Designers, UX Writers, Product Managers, Engineers, and UX Researchers, to name a few, is fun, right?

Then probably ( no, wait actually, we are sure 💯) you have faced these challenges:

👎 Overlapping meetings times where only half of the team attending
👎 Longer slack threads full of emojis and wrong files attachments
👎 Forgetting to CC two team members on an important decision
👎 Different Approval processes for each team and their managers
👎 Governance issues
👎 Who's in charge of this VS Is this the last version?
👎 Guesstimation to solve UX problems
👎 Documentation everywhere
👎 Comments spread in 6+ different tools
👎 Not getting invited for a document to review it

We feel you, we’ve been there and know the frustration. The old waterfall process is a big No No!
Punkt is here to get your team together; everyone's input is crucial to the project's success. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work.



Content Strategy is the high-level planning, ex*****on, governance, and ongoing management of the content lifecycle to support your key business goals.

Content strategists work, research to define the plans, and brainstorm ideas to decide what to publish, where, when, and how. The Content Strategy team intends to create a better user experience alongside the other product teams. Before you work on your content strategy, you need to understand who you are doing it for, how they will use it, and what for and needs to meet these goals:
🎯 Support the product goals
🔍 Analyses the audience
🌐 Decide on the language: key terms, idioms, feature names, and phrases.
🗣 Voice and tone
📣 Channels to use
🚀 When to publish each content (Time/Reason), and where (Platforms, CMS, Social Media, ...etc.)

Content Designers and UX Writers deal with some aspects of content strategy daily.

Learn more at Punkt:


Dear, UX writers, Content design Teams, this is for you!

If you're dealing with Content on a daily basis, this probably sounds familiar:

👎 Conflicting copies everywhere
👎 Assets all over the place, chaos time baby!
👎 Who wrote this copy, why is the tone different here, and for what reason?
👎 Not knowing who made the edits, the designer or the developer!
👎 Feedback slipping through the cracks
👎 Treating content like the icing on a cake

With Punkt, product teams can plan, design and launch websites and products faster with a solid unified goal-oriented user experience approach. We've carefully selected to build a suite of UX tools to help you complete the necessary steps from research to planning up to testing production-ready MVPs.

Learn more about why we built Punkt.


Writing Is Designing - Rosenfeld Media 28/12/2019

A new book is coming soon!!! Big Thanks to Rosenfeld Media

Writing Is Designing - Rosenfeld Media Writing Is Designing will show you how to give your users clarity, test your words, and collaborate with your team.

Your All-In-One Content Design Tool. 24/12/2019

🚀 We're thrilled to share the early private release of Kontent IO to the public. While Kontent.io is in a limited preview release, a new batch of invitations will be sent out weekly. Read our Manifesto, big stuff are coming soon in January, so Join in to get our early access, we’re giving three months free for the first 500 signups. 👉 Check it out: https://kontent.io

Your All-In-One Content Design Tool. Put content at the heart of your entire design process.

Timeline photos 26/08/2019

Fresh arrival of the last bundle of Offscreen magazine — Can’t wait to read them all! 🙌🏻 hats down to Kai Brach for the beautiful work!

Timeline photos 21/11/2018

Excited to dig into one of the best books for Product Designers - “Writing for designers” - a new book by the best Scott Kubie!


☕📒Morning read at 6AM. We're so busy lately finalizing two new game-changing features. Stay tuned!

Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond 12/05/2018

📖 A great book that provides a clear foundation around the key frameworks and terminology of Information Architecture.

Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond