Vision United Worship Center Prayer Chain

Vision United Worship Center Prayer Chain

Ask in FAITH... Leave the rest to God!


August Promises Day 14

And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded to Israel. - Nehemiah 8:1

Declaration: I declare that as the people of Israel gathered with one accord in the square before the Water Gate, so shall I gather with others in unity, with a heart fully devoted to seeking God's Word. Just as they eagerly sought the teachings of the Law of Moses, I commit to pursuing the truths found in Scripture with the same fervor and dedication. May my life be a testimony of my hunger for God's Word, and may I always stand in reverence and awe of the wisdom that comes from His commandments."

Prayer: Lord, just as the people of Israel gathered with one accord to hear Your Word through Ezra, I pray that You unite our hearts today. May we come together with a deep desire to know You more through Your Word. Stir within us a hunger and thirst for Your righteousness, and let our gatherings be filled with a holy reverence for Your commandments. Teach us to walk in Your ways, and may Your Word guide us in every aspect of our lives. Grant us the grace to live in obedience to Your teachings, and let Your presence be felt among us as we seek You with all our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen


August Promises Day 12

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. - Matthew 5:6

Declaration: I declare that my heart is set on seeking righteousness, and I am filled with a deep desire to live according to God's will. My soul hungers and thirsts for the things of God, and I trust in His promise that I will be filled. I am confident that as I pursue righteousness, God will satisfy me with His presence, peace, and provision. I choose to live in alignment with His Word, and I am blessed because my deepest longings are met in Him.

Prayer: Father, I come before You today with a heart that hungers and thirsts for Your righteousness. I desire to live in a way that pleases You, to walk in Your ways, and to reflect Your character in all that I do. Fill me, Lord, with Your Spirit and guide me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Satisfy my soul with Your presence, and let my life be a testimony of Your goodness. I trust in Your promise that those who seek righteousness will be filled, and I thank You for the abundant life that comes from living in Your will. In Jesus' name. Amen


August Promises Day 11

Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Declaration: I declare that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved me with an everlasting love and has graciously given me eternal comfort and a hope that never fades, is continually strengthening and encouraging my heart. I walk in the assurance of His peace, equipped for every good work and word. I declare that no challenge or trial can shake my faith because His grace empowers me to stand firm. I am confident that His presence goes before me, guiding my steps and filling me with His wisdom and discernment.

Prayer: Father, I am deeply grateful for the unfailing love You have poured into my life through Jesus Christ. I thank You for the eternal comfort and unshakeable hope You have given me by Your grace. Lord, I ask that You continually strengthen and encourage my heart, especially in moments of doubt or difficulty. Let Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and mind. Empower me to stand firm in my faith and to reflect Your love in every word and action. Fill me with Your wisdom to navigate life's challenges and to discern Your will in all things. I surrender my plans to You, trusting that You are working all things together for my good. Guide me by Your Spirit, and help me to walk in the fullness of Your purpose for my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


Tomorrow is Pastor Bobby’s last Sunday in the series “Repair the Breach”. Church begins at 10:45 AM. We hope you’ll join us!


Vision United Worship Center invites you to attend the Children's Anointing Service tomorrow, Sunday, August 11th. We will be praying over the students before they return to school,. We will also be praying for the administrators, staff and teachers. Service begins at 10:45 AM.


August Promises Day 8

But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. - 1 John 2:27 (KJV)

Declaration: I declare that the anointing I have received from You abides in me, guiding me in all truth. I recognize that this anointing teaches me all things, and I trust in its guidance and wisdom. I do not rely solely on human understanding, but on the divine instruction that comes from Your Spirit. I commit to abiding in You, allowing Your truth to shape my thoughts, actions, and decisions.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the anointing You have given me, which abides in me and teaches me all things. I am grateful for the truth and wisdom that come from Your Spirit. Help me to continually abide in You, trusting in Your guidance rather than relying solely on human teaching. Strengthen my faith and understanding, so that I may walk in Your truth and live according to Your will. Let Your anointing lead me in every aspect of my life, bringing me closer to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Join us on Sunday, August 11th during the morning worship service as we pray over every child prior to the start of school. We will also be praying for every teacher, staff member and anyone else involved in educating our students. Service begins at 10:45 AM.


Join us in the house of the Lord tonight as Pastor Bobby finishes up his message: "What Mission". The Great Commission has four key elements that Pastor will finish the last two tonight. Tonight @ 7:00 PM


August Promises Day 7

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. - John 8:7

Declaration: In Christ, I am called to love and not to judge. Just as Jesus showed mercy and grace to the woman caught in adultery, I will strive to extend the same compassion to others. I recognize my own imperfections and understand that only God is perfect and righteous. I choose to release judgment and embrace forgiveness, knowing that I too am in need of grace.

I declare that my words and actions will reflect the love of Christ. I will seek to understand and empathize with others, acknowledging that we all have our struggles and shortcomings. I commit to being a vessel of God's love, offering support and encouragement instead of criticism and condemnation. I will remember that every person is created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. I will continually seek God's guidance to help me grow in humility and compassion.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the grace and mercy You show me each day. When I am tempted to judge others, remind me of Jesus' words, 'If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.' Help me to see others through the eyes of Your love and compassion. Teach me to extend grace and forgiveness, just as I have received it from You.

Lord, give me the strength to let go of any bitterness or judgment in my heart. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may be a reflection of Your love in this world. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions to align with Your will. Help me to build others up rather than tear them down, and to always seek reconciliation and peace.
In Jesus' name. Amen.


If you have a need that you want us to be praying over Friday night, email your request to [email protected] and we will pritn it out and it will be prayed over Friday night.


August Promises Day 6

Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation. 1 Timothy 4:15-16 (MSG)

Declaration: I declare today that I will be diligent in all matters pertaining to my faith and my life. I commit to giving myself wholly to the tasks and responsibilities You have set before me. I strive to be an example of progress and growth, allowing Your light to shine through me so that others may see the work You are doing in my life. I will watch my life and teachings that I follow closely, ensuring that I walk in Your truth and reflect Your love in all I do. With Your help, I will persevere in these efforts, knowing that in doing so, I am not only securing my salvation but also positively impacting those around me.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your guidance and the wisdom found in Your Word. Help me to be diligent in all matters, giving myself wholly to the tasks and responsibilities You have given me. Let my progress be evident to all, not for my glory but for Yours.

Give me the strength and discernment to watch my life and that which I believe in your Word closely. Help me to persevere in these efforts, knowing that my steadfastness can lead others to salvation and a deeper relationship with You. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, empowering me to live a life that honors You in every way. May my actions, words, and thoughts reflect Your love and truth, guiding others towards Your saving grace. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Join us Sunday morning as Pastor Bobby continues his series “Repair the Breach”. Service begins at 10:45 AM.


Join us for an all night prayer meeting... Friday, August 9th


August Daily Promises Day 3

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." — Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Declaration: I recognize that knowledge of Your Word and Your ways is vital to my life and well-being. I declare today that I will seek Your wisdom and understanding diligently. I reject ignorance and complacency, choosing instead to embrace Your truth and guidance. I commit to studying Your Word, applying Your principles, and living a life that honors You. I will not be destroyed for lack of knowledge, but will thrive in the abundance of Your wisdom.

Prayer: I come before You humbly, acknowledging that without Your wisdom, I am lost. Forgive me for the times I have neglected Your Word and Your teachings. Fill me with a hunger for knowledge and a thirst for understanding. Open my eyes to see the truths in Your Scriptures, and grant me the discernment to apply them in my daily life.

Help me to remember Your laws and commandments, and to teach them diligently to my children and those around me. May Your Word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Guide me in Your ways, and let Your wisdom transform my mind and heart.

I pray that You would restore any areas of my life that have suffered due to a lack of knowledge. Pour out Your grace and mercy upon me, and lead me into all truth. I declare that I will walk in the light of Your Word and live a life that brings glory to Your name. In Jesus' name. Amen.


And many nations shall come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us about His ways and that we may walk in His paths." For the law shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord [the revelation about Him] from Jerusalem. - Micah 4:2

Declaration: I will apply the promises of Michah 4:2 by declaring that I will seek the ways of the Lord and walk in His paths. I will go to the mountain of the Lord, yearning to learn His teachings and embrace His wisdom. I commit to living according to His laws, allowing His Word and revelation to guide my steps and illuminate my life. As I follow God's path, I will be a beacon of His love and truth to all nations, encouraging others to join me in this journey.

Prayer: Father, I come before You, willing to learn and follow Your ways. Teach me Your paths, Lord, and bestow upon me the wisdom to walk in them each day. Draw me into Your presence and guide me, leading me to Your holy mountain to receive Your divine instructions and revelations.

Let Your law be inscribed on my heart, and may Your word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Empower me to live a life that mirrors Your love and truth, drawing others nearer to You. As I journey on this path, may I remain steadfast in Your teachings and serve as an instrument of Your peace and righteousness. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Join us in the sanctuary tonight at Vision United Worship Center as Pastor Bobby ministers on the thought: "What Mission?" Come and be challenged by the Word of God and invite someone to join you for an evening of worship, prayer and fellowship in God's Word. Service begins at 7:00 PM.


Join us in the sanctuary at Vision United Worship Center as Pastor Bobby ministers on the thought: "What Mission?" Come and be challenged by the Word of God and invite someone to join you for an evening of worship, prayer and fellowship in God's Word.


July Promises Day 31
I have used this scripture but not the declaration or prayer already this year once before, but felt so overwhelming led to share it today. I believe it will be a confirmation to someone's spirit of what God is doing in, through and for you.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” - Isaiah 43:19

Declaration: I will apply the promises of Isaiah 43:19 as I speak into this season, I declare that God is doing a new thing in my life. I open my heart and mind to recognize the new paths He is creating for me. As I walk through my wilderness, I will trust in the rivers of provision and grace He provides. I will not be bound by past experiences or limitations but will step into the new opportunities and blessings that God has prepared for me. I am confident in His promises and will move forward in faith, knowing that He is making a way where there seems to be no way."

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your word in Isaiah 43:19 that reminds me of Your power to bring new things into my life. I praise You for the new beginnings and the fresh opportunities that are springing forth. Help me to recognize and embrace these changes with faith and courage.

Lord, as I journey through the wilderness of my life, may I trust in Your guidance and provision. Make rivers flow in the desert places of my life, bringing refreshment, renewal, and hope. Remove any fear or doubt that may hinder me from seeing and stepping into the new things You are doing.

I pray for Your wisdom to perceive the paths You are laying out before me. Let my heart be open to Your leading, and my steps be ordered by Your word. Strengthen me to leave behind the old and to walk boldly into the new, knowing that You are with me every step of the way. In Jesus' name, Amen.


July Promises Day 29

But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on things of God, but on things of man.” - Matthew 16:23

Declaration: I declare that my mind is set on the things of God and not on the things of man. I will not be a stumbling block to the purposes and plans of God. I reject any influence that seeks to divert me from God's will. I am focused on His divine purpose for my life and will walk in His ways. In every situation, I will seek God's perspective and wisdom, aligning my thoughts and actions with His holy Word.

Prayer: Father, I come before You today, seeking Your guidance and strength. Just as Jesus rebuked Peter for focusing on human concerns over divine plans, help me to keep my mind and heart fixed on You. Remove any stumbling blocks from my path and protect me from the deceptions of the enemy. Teach me to discern Your voice and follow Your ways diligently.

Lord, I ask for the Holy Spirit's help to keep my thoughts pure and aligned with Your will. May I always prioritize Your kingdom and righteousness above all else. Give me the courage to reject anything that hinders my relationship with You and my purpose in You. In moments of doubt or distraction, remind me of Your love and faithfulness. Strengthen my resolve to live a life that honors You. I trust in Your plan for me and surrender my will to Yours. Thank You for guiding me and for the assurance that You are always with me. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Tomorrow morning, after service we will have water baptism. If you desire to be baptized, please bring a change of clothes with you.


Join us for Part 2 of this exciting series "Repair the Breach" from Pastor Bobby. Sunday morning at 10:45 AM.


Don't miss tonight's final message in Pastor Bobby's series: "The God of the Second Chance". 7:00 PM

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Join us for an all night prayer meeting...  Friday, August 9th
Join us for an all night prayer meeting...  Friday, August 9th
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