Mostly Paleo

Mostly Paleo

I am a senior citizen in mostly good health - I have gone back to the Paleo eating style as it makes


Paleo chocolate mouse - 2 avocados, 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/3 cup maple syrup - process in food processor until smooth, chill. check it out simms tim


today's breakfast - banana blueberry walnut pancakes and sugar free bacon.
Pancake recipe - smash a banana until smooth, add 1 egg and a splash of vanilla, mix till smooth. Drop into pan and put blueberries and walnuts on top. I cook in same pan as I cooked the bacon. use low heat and cook until they are fully cooked on bottom and easy to flip. Flip and done.


Today' s breakfast - sugar free uncured bacon, broccoli omelet, blueberries (excuse the paper plate - living in rv with no dishwasher so use paper and plastic alot)


Today's breakfast - 90 second bread, no sugar bacon, egg. Delicious
