Amy L. Brinson

Amy L. Brinson

My Name is Amy L. Brinson


Working Mothers Should Children Be Cared For? Grandma, Babysitter or Daycare?

It is normal for a mother to have other duties besides caring for her, namely to be a woman who is pursuing a career. Currently, women have more opportunities to carry out their roles, whether it's just being a housewife or while working.

Women who are married and have children, not a few of them choose to be full housewives. But for working women, this condition is not always easy, they have to think about how to leave their little one when they return to work.

There are three general choices in Indonesian society in entrusting children. These include asking grandparents for help, being cared for by a babysitter, or child care (daycare). Come on, let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of these three options

Raised by Grandparents


Children get love from their grandparents
Accompanying grandmothers and grandfathers when their grandchildren are old is their own entertainment

Different parenting patterns make children confused about the rules at home and at their grandparents' house
Tend to be more pampered and obeyed
Children's physical activity is less than optimal because grandparents are old
Baby sitter


Experienced in babysitting
The needs of the child are taken care of by a babysitter
Focus on nurturing children's abilities
Can reduce mother's stress and help a little household chores

Difficult to find a loyal babysitter
Reduced family privacy
Need extra fee


Learn to socialize with friends his age
Independent and orderly due to scheduled activities
Children are cared for by professionals

Vulnerable to illness from interacting with other children
Parents are ready to pick up the daycare
Need extra fee
After seeing this, which option is the most suitable for your condition, Parents? Make sure we choose the best according to us and our partner to suit the needs and conditions of the family.

Cheers, Parents!


Children Grow Up in Adolescents, Do You Need Physical Boundaries with Parents of the Opposite S*x?

As children grow into adolescents, the need for parenting begins to change due to the developmental transitions between childhood and adulthood. There is one thing that is in the spotlight as children grow into teenagers, namely the need for sexuality education.

This condition also needs to be adjusted by parents, when the child is still small maybe we are free to kiss and hug the child out of love. But once a child grows into a teenager, it is possible that this could change.

According to child psychologist Sani Budiantini, parents have the right to explain what constitutes sexual harassment. At the same time understand what needs to be done if you don't feel comfortable with the treatment of other people related to sexuality.

"If children are equipped with the right understanding, then the physical closeness between children and parents is fine. It is hoped that this will prevent the occurrence of actions that are not in accordance with the norm," he explained.

That way, children can distinguish genuine physical touch, not lust. But parents also need to understand, when children grow up they tend to maintain self-limits.

It's good, parents ask permission to the child if you want to hug or kiss him. If the child refuses, it doesn't mean that they don't love Parents. But it is a sign that children are starting to be able to have self-limits.

After all, children are used to rejecting what makes them uncomfortable, including good things. This can encourage children to prevent sexual abuse.


10 Important Vitamins for the Growth and Development of a 1 Year Old Child

looking for vitamins for children 1 year? At this age your little one really needs a variety of vitamins for its development. By getting enough vitamins and minerals, children can have optimal health.

Vitamins and minerals can be found in various nutritious foods and drinks. Vitamin or mineral supplements are usually not needed for healthy children who eat a balanced diet. However, some children need multivitamin supplements to meet their needs.

AyBun can meet the needs of a 1 year old child's vitamins and minerals by giving your little one nutritious food and drinks. So, what vitamins and minerals are needed by a 1 year old child? AyBun can find the answer below.

Why do children need balanced vitamins?
Children aged 1 year need a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals, especially for their development and health. If your little one doesn't get enough vitamins and minerals, it will have an effect on growth delays and health problems.

According to the organization Raising Children Network, AyBun can get the best vitamins and minerals for your little ones from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, red meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Good Types of Vitamins for 1 Year Old Children
So what are the types of vitamins that are good for 1 year old children? AyBun can find out more below.

1. Vitamin D
1 year old children only get a small amount of vitamin D through breast milk, some parents also expose their children to the morning sun for a few minutes. This is very good, because the source of vitamin D comes from vitamin D, but you need to be careful when drying it.

Adequate vitamin D will make children have healthy bones and a strong body. Vitamin D can also be found in fish oil, eggs, mushrooms, butter and egg yolks.

Children aged 0-1 years 400 IU/day
Children over 1 year 600 IU/day
Adults 19-50 years 600 IU/day for maintenance
Pregnant & lactating women 600 IU/day for maintenance
2. Vitamin A
Vitamin A has properties to maintain the immune system of infants and young children. Vitamin A is also very important for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. AyBun can be a good source of vitamin A in dairy products, carrots, spinach, cabbage and broccoli.

Dosage of vitamin A for children 1 year according to international recommendations Infants to children aged 3 years: 300 mcg or 1,000 IU (International Units) per day. Meanwhile, from the Ministry of Health Blue Capsule: a dose of 100,000 IU for children aged 6-11 months. Red Capsule: dose of 200,000 Iu for children aged 12–59 months.

3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also very important for maintaining a child's immune system. This vitamin plays a role in the formation and repair of red blood cells and body tissues, Vitamin C can also maintain the health of children's gums.

AyBun can find sources of vitamin C in various fruits and vegetables, such as: oranges, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes. For the dose of vitamin C per day.

Vitamin Needs

Requirement (mg)

0-6 months*


7-12 months


1-3 years


4-8 years


9-13 years


14-18 years Girls and Boys

65 and 75

4. Complex B vitamins
The next 1 year old child vitamins are B complex vitamins which include B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folic Acid), and B12 (Cobalamins). All of these B vitamins have different functions.

Overall, the B complex vitamins are essential for metabolism and the development of a healthy brain and body. Vitamin B complex can be found in milk, cheese, fish, nuts, bananas and watermelon.

5. Vitamin E
According to Baby Center, Vitamin E promotes immune health and helps the body fight bacteria. Vitamin E helps keep blood vessels open wide to allow blood to flow freely, and helps the body's cells work together to carry out their functions.

Vitamin E can be found in spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, avocados, broccoli, mangoes, sea fish eggs, and others. Vitamin E can also be in supplement form, it's just that a doctor's recommendation is needed if you want to drink it.

6. Vitamin K
Did AyBun know that vitamin K is also very important for your little one? According to Kids Health Org, adequate vitamin K is very vital when newborns. Babies born with a deficiency of vitamin K will experience fatal bleeding which causes bruising and bleeding throughout the body's organs.

Therefore, it is important for AyBun to fulfill the vitamin K content for your little one from the womb to birth. Sources of vitamin K usually come from green plants such as spinach, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, and so on.

7. Iodine
Iodine is needed by infants, children, and adults. Iodine is a type of mineral that can be found in marine life. Children need iodine to produce hormones that control metabolism, growth and development.

If there is a lack of iodine, the child will experience growth retardation and intellectual impairment. Therefore, AyBun needs to provide ideal iodine intake for children 1 year old and beyond.

8. Iron
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), iron is a very important mineral for the body. The function of iron is to help red blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. This mineral can also support children's learning abilities.

Iron deficiency will make children experience anemia or lack of blood. Children under 1 year can eat red meat, chicken liver, beef liver, fish, chicken or eggs to have sufficient iron in the body. Dosage of iron supplements:

Infants with newborn weight weighing less than 2500 g, the dose is 3 mg/kg/day with an age of 1 month to 2 years.
For full-term babies, the dose is 2 mg/kg/day with an age of 4 months-2 years
Children 2 - 12 years old are given iron at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for 2 times a week for 3 consecutive months each year
Children aged 12-18 years the dose of iron is 60 mg/day for 2 times a week for 3 consecutive months each year
9. Zinc
Adequacy of zinc or zinc is very important for the immune system. Zinc works by activating white blood cells to fight bacteria, viruses and fungi. That way the risk of children suffering from various diseases can be reduced.

According to Stanford Medicine, zinc is also needed to prevent birth defects. For this reason, mothers need to meet their zinc needs by consuming nuts, cereals, red meat, milk, and chocolate.

10. Calcium
At the age of 1 year, children are at an important bone growth. One of the most needed minerals in bone formation is calcium. The more calcium your child gets, the stronger his bones will be.

According to Kids Plus Pediatrics, calcium can be found in milk, salmon, sardines, cereals, green vegetables, and others. The ideal calcium consumption for children 1–3 years is 700 mg/day.

Those are various vitamins for 1 year old children that are important to know. To meet the needs of your little one's vitamins and minerals, you can indeed take vitamin supplements, it's just that AyBun shouldn't give supplements carelessly. Instead, AyBun must consult a doctor first.

To meet your little one's vitamin and mineral needs, AyBun needs to prepare a variety of nutritious foods and drinks. With the right intake, children can grow healthy and happy.


Iron is a mineral that is important in the formation of hemoglobin, or a part of red blood cells that functions to transport oxygen in the blood. Without this substance, your little one will lack blood and can cause anemia.

Fulfillment of iron is very important for children who are still babies to toddlers. Because, iron deficiency can also make the development of intelligence, behavior and motor skills of your little one problematic.

Therefore, AyBun needs to know various foods that contain iron. Not only red meat, there are several other foods that have iron. So, what are the foods that contain iron? Read more in the following information.

Benefits of Iron for Children
Iron is very important for people of all ages, including babies. This substance has a vital role in the formation of red blood and child development. Here are the benefits of iron for children.

1. Helps develop children's brains
Iron has a role in the formation of hemoglobin, which is the part of the blood that plays a role in circulating oxygen to all parts of the body. If children are deficient in iron, they will find it difficult to focus, so that the learning process is hampered.

Therefore, it is very important for AyBun to meet the iron needs of children. Production of blood cells becomes optimal and the brain gets enough oxygen according to its needs. Your little one can easily concentrate and the brain can function optimally.

2. Avoid anemia
Avoiding anemia is one of the reasons why iron is needed. Low levels of hemoglobin in red blood cells can affect anyone, including infants and children. In fact, this disease will cause worse conditions in infants.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), anemia in infants will affect the baby's neurodevelopment and behavior in the long term. They added that it is possible that the effect may be irreversible.

3. Children become more active
Children who have sufficient iron will look more active. With an adequate supply of oxygen in the red blood cells, the child's body will feel light, not easily tired or sleepy. The immune system will feel stronger and less susceptible to disease.

How Much Iron Does a Child Need?
Children from infancy to adolescence really need iron for their brain and physical development. On the other hand, children can also have iron poisoning because they consume too much iron.

Therefore, iron intake for children must be balanced according to their age. Below is the iron requirement for children according to their age according to Health Canada:

7–12 months: 11 mg
1–3 years: 7 mg
4–8 years: 10 mg
9–13 years: 8 mg
14–18 years: 11 mg (male) 15 mg (female)
List of Food Sources of Iron
After knowing how important iron is for your little one, AyBun needs to know a variety of foods that contain iron besides red meat at a more affordable price. Red meat itself has 2.7 mg of iron in 100 grams, here is the list:

1. Fish
Fish is a food that has various sources of nutrition. In fish there is iron, omega-3, to vitamin D which is very good for growth and development. One of the recommended fish is tuna which has 1.4 mg of iron in 85 grams of tuna.

The AAP recommends consuming fish for babies at the age of 6 months, because fish is included in the "Big 8" foods that often cause allergies. Apart from tuna, AyBun can provide sardines, mackerel, or salmon to meet your little one's needs.

2. Chicken Liver
Chicken offal or chicken liver tends to be more affordable than red meat/beef. Chicken liver can be an alternative to red meat for your little one because it has 10 mg of iron in every 100 grams.

Mothers can consume chicken liver for complementary food needs, so that the baby's nutrition is fulfilled every day. Chicken liver also contains vitamin A and the antioxidants tutein and lycopene which can prevent babies from vision problems.

3. Chicken Eggs
Eggs are a source of essential nutrients containing 1.2 mg of iron in 100 grams. Apart from iron, eggs also contain protein and vitamins D, E, B5, B12 to A. These nutrients are very good for memory and immunity.

In addition, AyBun can make various variants of egg dishes. Starting from boiled eggs, scrambled, beef eyes and so on.

4. Spinach
Some vegetables also have good iron intake, one of which is spinach. The iron content of spinach is between 2.1 and 2.7 mg/100 grams. Not only iron, spinach also contains calcium, folic acid, sodium and others.

The great benefit of spinach for babies is that this vegetable is very good for bone growth and sharpens baby's eyesight.

5. Broccoli
Besides spinach, broccoli also includes vegetables that contain iron. The amount is not as much as spinach, but this vegetable can meet daily iron. In 100 grams of broccoli, there is 1 mg of iron in it.

Broccoli for babies can increase the body's immunity and maintain the health of the digestive system. AyBun can introduce broccoli as a complementary food to breast milk to babies when they are 10 months old.

6. Nuts
Nuts are an alternative source of iron which is also high in protein. Several types of nuts, such as almonds, peas, soybeans, green beans, to lentils.

100 grams of soybeans contain 10 mg of iron, while green beans contain 7.5 iron per 100 grams.

That's a row of foods that contain iron besides angry meat. It is important for AyBun to make sure your little one has the right iron intake. This is done so that your little one can grow and develop optimally.

Come on, AyBun, make sure your little one gets enough iron intake with the various foods above! If the child shows symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue or a pale face, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

~ParenTalk~ 👨‍👩‍👦
