LettuceTalk OT

LettuceTalk OT

Helping families navigate the confusing waters of a special needs diagnosis, and step into "what com


Special Needs Mom Event

Join us for a special gathering exclusively for special needs moms! This event is designed to provide a supportive and nurturing space for moms who have children with special needs. Whether you are a new mom navigating the challenges or an experienced mom looking for connection, this event is for you.

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time: 6:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Location: Pembroke Pines, FL

At this event, you'll have the opportunity to meet other special needs moms, share experiences, and gain valuable insights. We'll have engaging discussions, a guest speaker, and activities focused on self-care and well-being. It's a chance to relax, unwind, and connect with fellow moms who truly understand the joys and challenges of raising children with special needs.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to build a support network and find inspiration. Come and be a part of this empowering event created just for you, the incredible special needs mom!

DM for questions and to RSVP.

Special Needs Mom Event 05/10/2023

I am so excited for another Moms Night out!! Who is inn?!

Special Needs Mom Event Stress free night out for moms of special. needs and neurodiverse children who are looking to build their community.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 15/09/2023

The Juice Plus+ Company started giving away Fruit and Vegetable Blends to kids decades ago! Recently, they expanded the program to include everyone from 4 to 25 years old. Amazing!

Now they are giving even MORE to families during August and September.

During the back-to-school 🏫🎒 months this year, every new Healthy Starts order will receive (15) complimentary single service pouches of *French Vanilla or Dutch Chocolate Complete!😲They will add an additional 15 plants and ancient grains to your diet every day and keep your blood sugar steady!

All new HS orders will automatically be shipped with (15) single-serve Complete sachets. 👏👏

It’s the easiest way to improve your family’s immune system! All my children and grandchildren are on the Heathy Starts Program for no cost. It gave me peace of mind that my family was armored UP every day.

Comment or message me to get your questions answered and learn more.


Today I did a thing and I am so excited to share it soon. It brought together a few of my favorite things.
I will tell you that the beach was involved. Here is some great info on the benefits of the beach.

Being by the sea has several benefits. The sea air is rich in negative ions, which can promote feelings of well-being and reduce stress. The calming sound of waves and the scenic views can also have a relaxing effect on the mind.

Stay tuned!


Back to school means backpacks!
A child's backpack should ideally weigh no more than 10-15% of their body weight. For example, if a child weighs 50 pounds, their backpack should weigh around 5-7.5 pounds. It's important to use this guideline to prevent potential strain on the child's back, shoulders, and posture. Encourage them to only carry essential items and to use both shoulder straps to distribute the weight evenly. Rolling backpacks can also be a good option to minimize strain on the child's body.


This amazing families is at it again! They have arranged for a Sensory Friendly viewing of Gran Turismo in Pembroke Pines. For more information DM .alvarez.re .


Are you a parent wanting to help your child through their development journey?

Join me next week for Sensory Week.

This is going to be a powerful week of sensory education, tips and tools. I’ll address:

•what sensory is
•the different types of sensory systems
•what parents should look for in your child and
•practices and techniques.

The best part is you can implement all of this in your family’s everyday environments.

Text “SENSORY” to 954-210-5524 now, and you'll get access to our complete “What Is Sensory Guide?” for parents.

STAY CLOSE to as I post helpful tips each day to aid you along the way.


Are you a parent wanting to help your child through their development journey?

Join me next week for Sensory Week.

This is going to be a powerful week of sensory education, tips and tools. I’ll address:

•what sensory is
•the different types of sensory systems
•what parents should look for in your child and
•practices and techniques.

The best part is you can implement all of this in your family’s everyday environments.

Text “SENSORY” to 954-210-5524 now, and you'll get access to our complete “What Is Sensory Guide?” for parents.

STAY CLOSE to as I post helpful tips each day to aid you along the way.


Positive Development provides trans-disciplinary, relationship-based developmental interventions that treat children and adolescents/teens on the autism spectrum. Our model offers another choice in autism care. Our team structure is unique; the developmental team is comprised of a speech and occupational therapist as well as a mental health provider and a paraprofessional trained in developmental interventions. Our trans-disciplinary approach meets each child where they are developmentally and works towards goals through purposeful play. Another choice for many families, our model works to build more meaningful social/emotional connections and relationships.

I have attached more information you can also review as well as the registration form.


We are so thankful to Eyes on Weston for opening their doors to us and hosting our incredible event.

Originally from Egypt, Dr. Abdalla spent most of her childhood living in Weston, Florida. After completing elementary, middle and high school in Weston, she attended Nova Southeastern University where she received her Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Visual Science with a minor in Psychology in 2014.
She graduated and received her Doctor of Optometry degree, also from Nova Southeastern University in 2018. She continued her education by pursuing a private practice residency focusing on primary care, Vision therapy and Neuro-Rehabilitation.

Dr. Abdalla will be pursuing Fellowship from the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (FCOVD), and she is currently a provider for the InfantSEE program.
Professional memberships include the American Optometric Association, Florida Optometric Association, and Broward County Optometric Association.
Dr. Abdalla received Fellowship from the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (FCOVD), and she is currently a provider for the InfantSEE program.

Dr. Abdalla often volunteers her time to help with Special Olympics and loves working with the underserved neurodivergent population.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 09/08/2023

Do you spend a big part of your day in spaces that would benefit from constant clean air? Doctors office, schools, or even fitness venues?

Excited to have Joann Taylor back with us! She has been featured in , and is the owner of Living Eco Smart LLC, a NASA derived technology, scientifically proven to eliminate contaminants in the air and on surfaces up to 99.9%. She also offers, Water Filter & Ionizer for alkaline and micro-clustered drinking water, Sanitized laundry technology and more.

We are celebrating 2 years of Holistic Networking & shopping, that keeps getting bigger and better! Amazing holistic services & products just for you!!

Holistic Health & Wellness Networking Event - South FL 08/08/2023

Two years ago my dear friend, Michelle Fletcher South Florida created The Holistic Health and Wellness Network. Today her network is going strong and expanding across the country.

I am not only honored but humbled that she asked me LettuceTalk OT to begin a chapter for the Special Needs and Neurodiverse community. It has been on my heart for many years to bring together stellar professionals in the field for families to meet and get to know.

Thank you to Dr. Marina Abdalla with Eyes on Weston for hosting us.

Parents (are free), professionals and other guests looking to learn can registration using the link below.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Holistic Health & Wellness Networking Event - South FL Holistic Health & Wellness Networking Event


Ysela Heim is a community leader and the founder of Special Education Advocacy Services, LLC. She became an Exceptional Student Consultant/Child Advocate shortly after her son was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Epilepsy 20+ years ago. Her son and family have been her driving force to make this world a better place for the most amazing individuals and their families. She has worked with thousands of families to not only advocate on behalf of their children but also to provide support with the educational process, community resources, and successful inclusion. We invite you to stop in and meet the amazing team from Special Education Advocacy Services, LLC.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 23/06/2023

Obstacles Crushers and I wanted to share that there are a few more spots for our Summer Group. If you know a little friend who could benefit from Therapeutic Fitness and Sensorimotor Play we would love to have them.

⚠️ Kids will gain skills in the areas of social emotional development, play, peer interaction and overall coordination. 🫶🏻😃

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 14/06/2023

After an amazing Spring class, .crushers and I are beyond excited that we can offer not one but two groups!

There is still time to register your child or share with a child that you may know.

To say that our last group was magical is an understatement.


Wildflowers on vacation make me happy.

Tuesday nights event makes me really happy!

If you have not RSVP’d, there is still time.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors and

I am so excited to see you there!! 🤍


I knew at a very young age that I wanted to work with kids. I started babysitting at 11 (this blows my mind).
I took Childcare in high school and was placed in the classroom with children who had special needs. Simultaneously, my cousin Matthew was born. IYKYK….
That was it. My fate was sealed. I was destined to work with children who had special needs.
I went to college, graduated with a Bachelor’s in Occupational Therapy. Yay! I started working at a great hospital, and dabbled in both pediatric and adult OT. I knew my heart was with the kids. I spent the next 20 years working in a hospital setting. I met some amazing families and worked with, quite honestly, some of the most incredible clinicians. I chose to get my Master in Medical Health Science with a specialty in Infant and Child Psych. The family dynamics piece intrigued me.

**continue in comments**


Who can relate to the drama of packing school lunches?
Forget that we are in the home stretch of the school year ending.

Apples and peanut butter are an easy lunch staple. Keeping the apples visually pleasing is another story.

“ I love brown apples”said no kid ever!

Apples turn brown from a process called oxidation. One way to prevent oxidation is by squeezing lemon on apples. If you are short on lemons, you can also use fresh pineapple juice. The pineapple juice even adds a touch of sweetness.

What kind of fun lunch hacks do you use?


Are you ready?! I am!

After monthly Zoom meet ups an in person event is making me so excited!

This Lettuce Talk community makes my heart full and I can’t wait to introduce you to Karem .

Together we are looking forward to a fun night with great surprises and delicious treats.

If you haven’t reached out about getting a ticket please let me know. Space is limited and I want to be sure that all moms are able to attend.
DM for details.


One of my favorite topics to talk about is nutrition.
Nutrition is something that I thought I knew a lot about until I learned how much I didn’t know. It is the foundation for all things. There is truth to “Eat well feel well”.
What I also didn’t know about a decade ago when I started my nutrition journey was what a nutrition deficit there is in the world.
Knowledge is power.
Tomorrow, I will be speaking with a dear friend and mom about how together we can improve the nutrition of our families through simple changes.

What would you like to learn?
DM for Zoom info.


Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing moms out there! You are doing far better then you know. 🤍


Awesome Summer option! If you are a parent looking for a fun option for summer reading this group will not disappoint!! I can’t say enough nice things about the instructors!


The only horse I’ll get close to.


I so look forward to these monthly calls.

I learn so much from the parents and I love hearing them share ideas.

If you are a parent who is looking for your tribe and haven’t found them yet, you may just find them here. 🤍

We would love to have you.

DM for Zoom information.


Newborns! They make me so happy.

I got to hang with this sweet little lady. She was born 8 weeks premature but taking on all new things like a champ.

Coming home with a baby is overwhelming for lots of new parents. Lack of sleep for parents, unpredictable cues from baby, routines being thrown all out of whack. So many things happen with a new baby.

So, when a doctor mentions things like “favoring one side” or “maybe you should go to therapy to help prevent head flatness” that can be very scary.

Babies (kids) don’t come with a handbook but knowing simple tips to help with things like positioning, feeding and development can take away so much stress from parents.

If you are a parent who wants guidance and reassurance with all things newborn, development and positioning, I’m here to help.

I would be happy to help guide you on your new path.


Today was a good day to have a good day.

It rained, like really rained but nothing was going to rain on our parade.

Thank you for putting together such a wonderful event. Every detail was just perfect.

I got to spend the day with other female entrepreneurs who love helping others. Bringing everyone together was inspiring.

The icing on the cake was when stopped me to tell me that the article that I wrote was published!

Supporting moms, special needs moms in particular is my heart. This is only the first of many articles to come.

I am so proud of the community that my work baby, Lettuce Talk OT is a part of. When you meet others that lead with their heart, you know you are part of something magical.


Kids….dishes….work….all the things kept you occupied?

If you missed last nights call, Nourish and Thrive, Nutrition for Families of Children with Special Needs have no fear.

I have the recording and am happy to share.

The moms who spoke knocked it out of the park.

Send me a DM and the recording is yours.


Where does nutrition fall on your priority list?

Nutrition and I became friends about 10 years ago. It wasn’t a relationship that I went looking for but it was one that have I certainly needed.

I have learned so much from incredible doctors and nurses. The testimonials from the families that I share my nutrition perspectives with fills my heart.

I am so excited to be on this call tomorrow evening (3/7/23 @ 8pm EST). These moms are warriors who have dug deep to learn how nutrition can help their children. It will be an honor to speak alongside of them.

For Zoom information please DM me or text “Nutrition Call” to 954-210-5524.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 05/03/2023

When you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.

Today, was not work. I had the pleasure to stand in front of a room of behavior therapist to educate them on SENSORY. We discussed what sensory is, how sensory stimuli can affect a child’s day and ways to empower parents and children through our two disciplines collaborating.

It brings me so much joy meeting others who I can collaborate with. They were open to learning my passion. Thank you to my buddy, for having me. You have a very special team.

Looking forward to sharing again soon.


What do you feed kids?
How do you get veggies in them?
Well, aside from my "easy button" whole food nutrition, I am thankful that carries things that I can recommend that parents put into their lunches that I know have added veggies.


Are you a parent of a family going through a new diagnosis?

Or do you just need a reminder that it’s all working out?

As an occupational therapist for the last 20 yrs, I have envisioned a space for parents to connect.

I’ve seen the question in a newly diagnosed parents eyes wondering:

Is it all going to be okay?
Can I do this?
What does this mean for my other children?

I’ve created this online space and community to be that support parents need to get to the other side of new and afraid to empowered and confident.

I am looking forward to introducing a fabulous mom, with an empowering story, to help parents bridge the gaps of the unknown. Her story is wonderful and full of vulnerability, optimism, and perseverance about how bright the future can be with the right guidance, resources and support.

I can’t wait to see you on 2/16/23 @ 12 noon EST via Zoom.

To join us text “LET’S CONNECT” to 954-210-5524 for Zoom access.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 01/01/2023

Starting the year off with a challenge that helps an amazing organization and motivates me to move and take a break.


We found leaves, we rolled play dough, we caught leaves with clothespins, we climbed, we giggled, we sipped on delicious smoothies. It was a good day. The unplanned rain storm brought on even more sensory experiences. I don’t know about you but Sensory Solutions and Smoothies is one great way to spend a Thursday. Looking forward to more fun dates with new friends.

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 28/11/2022

Preparation is key in all aspects of life. Is it not? Well, life can get messy when you throw in all of the things that comes with running a household. Drive thrus make it easy to grab a meal on the go but how do you feel after you eat that meal? It can also get expensive to always be buying food on the go too. What if I told you that I have a simple solution for a healthy on the go meal? Salad in a Jar Parties! What if I told you that you could prep a weeks worth of lunches for on the go in less then an hour while hanging out with your friends? Today my friend and I taught a group of moms how to make 5 days worth of salads. They loved it! When are you ready to schedule your party?


Preparation is key in all aspects of life. Is it not? Well, life can get messy when you throw in all of the things that comes with running a household. Drive thrus make it easy to grab a meal on the go but how do you feel after you eat that meal? It can also get expensive to always be buying food on the go too. What if I told you that I have a simple solution for a healthy on the go meal? Salad in a Jar Parties! What if I told you that you could prep a weeks worth of lunches for on the go in less then an hour while hanging out with your friends? Today my friend and I taught a group of moms how to make 5 days worth of salads. They loved it! When are you ready to schedule your party?

Photos from LettuceTalk OT's post 12/11/2022

My amazing friend Jordan Miser Falcone is currently 20 hours in to her 24 hour Row-a-thon. This awesome event benefits The Changing Lives Together Foundation. The children that she is looking to help are truly my heart. I couldn’t be more proud of her!!

Let’s help them exceed their goal! Row baby row!



“What does nutrition have to do with development”. I get that question a lot. My response usually goes something like this… “Can you run a car on no gas?’”
If you think of food as the fuel to your body, it really puts things into perspective. It doesn’t have to be a drastic change. Simple changes over time make huge differences. If we don’t get to the root of problems we are putting bandaids on them. Often times I’m the first person to ask parents about their child’s nutrition. When you have tried so many things but nothing is changing, why not look at nutrition. A parent recently commented to me there is not one person who can’t benefit from better nutrition. It’s true. What are you doing for your nutrition? How about for your child? I have simple strategies that can help. Reach out.


October is ADHD Awareness Month 🧠

𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 3️⃣:
Helps with Depression. Help Baby's brain development, eye health, better skin & hair, treat & prevent wrinkles and reduce the symptoms of ADHD

𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 5️⃣:
Helps balance Weight, cardiovascular health and blood sugar. Reduce symptoms of menopause.

𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 6️⃣:
Helps Reduce Nerve Pain, Fights Inflammation, Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis, May Help Reduce Symptoms of ADHD, Reduces High Blood Pressure, Lowers Risk of Heart Disease and Supports Bone Health

𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 7️⃣:
Aid in weight loss and promote bowel regularity.

𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 9️⃣:
Help Cardiovascular systems, healthy cholesterol levels, improved immune function, more energy, better mood and healthy blood sugar levels.

What does your family take?
