Eleos Fortune Blockchain Economy

Eleos Fortune Blockchain Economy

A rewarding Decentralized Cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain.


Lying Flat is Justice.
Check out a crypto made for you.

Timeline photos 13/10/2021

Here at the EFBE we think all of that crypto that TAXES you is pretty scary! What's your opinion on TAX tokens?
learn more about EFBE at eleosfortune.com

Timeline photos 12/10/2021

Why is Eleos on the Binance Smart Chain?

We developed Eleos in a blockchain language called Solidity.

The original intent was to release on the Ethereum Blockchain. But then Ether (the gas fees) started climbing and climbing.

That’s great for people who bought Ether at low prices; but a disaster for people developing a currency that is used on a daily basis. When we were testing, it cost a average $25 USD -$45 USD in Ether gas fees per transaction!

You want to buy a banana for EF 1.250? On the Ethereum network; a 10 minute wait, and $38.75 USD worth of USD in Ether gas fees. No, that is NOT acceptable.

The solution? Find a well managed, reliable, global blockchain designed to support a Blockchain Economy.

The Binance Smart Chain offers this solution. Lightning quick, and only a few cents a transaction. It is the perfect blockchain for EFBE! Now transactions are pennies - and almost instant!

Try EFBE now at: https://eleosfortune.com/purchase-or-use-efbe


Why is EFBE 3 decimal points?

Most cryptos are 18 decimal points, as a nod to the history of crypto coins. Or at least that's what they want you to think.

But let's be honest here. Most cryptos weren't designed, they were generated. Copy/Paste/Crypto! The common prompt when generating a crypto is "KEEP IT 18 DECIMALS LIKE ETHERIUM OR ELSE!!!"


When you're designing an international blockchain economy; then you need to do the research and figure out how people are going to use it. Thus, we designed EFBE to be 3 decimal points.

Here's why - most economies on Earth work with 2 decimal points, and a few use 3 decimal points. The economies that use pennies, well, they usually round at half a penny.

If we think of the decimals in EFBE as pennies, the 3 decimal points comes in quite handy when we're buying things like streaming services, or small amounts of spices. This way there is a lot less rounding, and that...is keeping your hard earned cash in your pocket.

When you're sitting there deciding what cyprto to try out, please visit us and try our Blockchain Economy.

That's a serious difference between us and the others.



Why use Eleos Fortune?

It's true, at this early stage not many people are offering to sell things in EF.

But, that's true of almost all cryptocurrency. In fact, that's true of a bunch of fiat (paper) currency. (Have you ever had a friend give you some money from another country? It's usually only a good bookmark.)

But, Eleos Fortune is one of the easiest to purchase and most useful currencies you can have in your wallet. Visit the Purchase page to find out how to buy it. You'll use BNB, connect to EFBE, and have it in your wallet in minutes. While you have extra BNB left over, see how many other cryptos you can buy. Buy a bunch of those other ones and see for yourself how EF is different.

Think of it like a cryptocharcuterie. A wallet with little bite size slices of crypto to try out.

You don't need to buy a million EF, EF 25 will do to enter you in the Boon, and that's just over a dollar or two of most currencies today. Its' enough to learn everything you never knew about crypto; and start your path to the future of decentralized economies.



The Eleos Fortune Blockchain Economy is breaking new ground.

Potential rewards just for using it? The Boon! Check it out at:
eleosfortune.com 😀

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday 08:00 - 17:00