Alina Barbut RTT Therapist

Alina Barbut RTT Therapist

I am here to help you set yourself free from any blockages that are holding you back from being the


Own your power šŸ˜

SELF EMPOWERMENT Why is it SOOOOO important to take full responsibility for our own emotions, be it anger, frustration, hate, whatever that is. Or joy, love, happiness, bliss. Doesn't matter what kind of emotions we have, I can't emphasize enough how empowered we are when we fully accept what we feel and take full r...


Hello All Facebook Fellows And Fellowets...

Hoping to hear from the silent majority. All this is so exhausting! What's the point of having friends if you can't see one another's posts - it's nuts.
Fixed my blocked posts I wondered where everybody had been! This is good to know: It's ridiculous to have many ā€œfriendsā€ and only 25 are allowed to see my posts. I ignored this post earlier, because I didnā€™t think it worked.
It WORKS!! I have a whole new news feed. Iā€™m seeing posts from people I havenā€™t seen in years.
Hereā€™s how to bypass the system FB now has in place that limits posts on your news feed. Their new algorithm chooses the same few people - about 25 - who will read your posts.
Hold your finger down anywhere in this post and "copy" will pop up. Click "copy". Then go your page, start a new post and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click paste.
This will bypass the system.
If you are reading this message, do me a favor and leave me a quick comment...a "hello," a sticker, whatever you want, so you will appear in my newsfeed.

Weight Loss Hypnosis | Alina Barbut 12/07/2020


ā€œI eat healthy, I exercise daily (or I want to, but I always find something more important to do).

BUTā€¦ itā€™s still taking me AGES TO DROP some POUNDS.ā€ šŸ˜¤


Does this demotivate you? Do you feel like your efforts are IN VAIN? Do you feel that itā€™s really NOT WORTH IT? Do you feel that something is SABOTAGING you?

Actually, itā€™s YOUR MIND who is sabotaging YOU. I know it sounds crazy, but this is THE TRUTH šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Let me give you just one example, so you can understand the idea ā˜ļø

8 years old child listens to a conversation between mom and dad. Dad is telling mom that if she loses weight, he will leave her, because he doesnā€™t want other men to look at her. What goes into the childā€™s mind? If you lose weight, you might also lose important people in your life. And your mind goes like NO NO NO, I donā€™t want that for you šŸ˜± So it will make it almost impossible for you to lose weight.

And this is just one of the MILLIONS SCENARIOS that people can experience in their lives.

So believe or not, this is HOW OUR MIND WORKS šŸ¤“

There is a WHOLE BELIEF SYSTEM that creates our lives.


AND.. the GOOD NEWS is that IT CAN BE DONE šŸ„³šŸ¾

CLICK the link below and convince your mind about your DESIRED BODY, through this WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS.

Weight Loss Hypnosis | Alina Barbut A soothing, and easy way to lose weight from the comfort of your own home. No more strict diets, intense exercise regiemes or complicated recipes! This weight loss audio track enables you to take control of your eating patterns so that you are conscious of your choices and feel empowered to take con...



Here is the quickest way to do it.

Start paying attention to the abundance around you. How can we possibly feel abundant, if we donā€™t even notice it? Abundance is everywhere, everything you enjoy.

That amazing coffee that you have every day, the blessed person that prepares it for you, your favorite cup that you use for your coffee, the music that always cheers you up, the phone that you use to talk to or see the people that are not physically close to you, the salty water where you swim (that clears your energy, even though youā€™re not even aware of it), the beautiful colors of the sunset and so much more.. All this is ABUNDANCE.

Once we start to become aware of every single thing that CONTRIBUTES to our existence, we truly FEEL BLESSED and ABUNDANT. And once we tune into this state, we call in even more abundance.

Only by recognizing it, we actually experience it. And the best part of it.. when we become aware of what we are most grateful for, we also become aware of our true values, which lead us to our burning passions. Itā€™s beautiful, itā€™s alive, itā€™s MINDFULNESS. But most important, itā€™s the reality that we choose to see or not.

So start noticing.

WHAT ARE THE THINGS (even the most little ones) THAT BRING JOY IN YOUR LIFE?

Things that you havenā€™t noticed before, but they were always there.
Itā€™s time to see and recognize them.




In fact, itā€™s perfect that we are all different from each other. Sometimes, we just need to go slightly beyond what we are used to, meaning the way we think.

No person is better than another one. We are ALL EQUAL. We have the same essence, God essence, but different energetic signature. And thank God it is like this.

How would we be able to inspire each other, if we all lived the same life (because we are the same)? Or even better, to make choicesā€¦ choices for what? To have what result? The same result that everyone has, because weā€™re all the same? Nobody wants that, because this is not why we are here.

And this is exactly the reason why we CANā€™T resonate with everyone around us. Itā€™s IMPOSSIBLE. Maybe we do resonate at some point of our life, but it can CHANGE, just like our energy frequency changes. Itā€™s not that oneā€™s energy is better or worse, itā€™s just different.

And when this happens, we can find ourselves in the situation where with the same people that we used to spend time with, we can barely change ā€œ3 wordsā€ now. And again, IT IS PERFECTLY FINE. Itā€™s a natural process.

BUT, we do have a CHOICE. We always have. We can choose to judge the people that we donā€™t resonate with anymore, to judge the situation (eg the fact that we can meet and barely talk to each other) OR we can just ACCEPT each other as we are, with no judgement and understand that every change in our life happens in the perfect order, at the perfect time.

It is what it is. Itā€™s just about HOW WE CHOOSE TO SEE ITšŸ”

GRATITUDE FOR CHANGE!!!šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’š




Or let me put it in a different way.. WHAT MAKES YOUR SOUL SHINE? What gives you the sense of contribution?

For each of us, there is a certain thing that we do (and we do it very well), that really brings joy to people. Either is singing, dancing, painting, gardening, telling jokes OR.. maybe we struggled in our lives with a certain problem. Maybe we suffered a lot because that specific problem, BUT at some point we found a way to get out of the painful situation, to eliminate that issue from our life.

That means youā€™re in the position to inspire and to help other people who might struggle with exactly the same problem.


Let me share with you what LIFE PURPOSE means to me. It means GIVING and RECEIVING. Giving from your knowledge (that maybe you got from other amazing people or from your own experiences), from your insights, from your wisdom, SHARING your divine gifts that maybe you developed over time. And simultaneously, receiving exactly the same from other people.

This is what is all about. Itā€™s all a beautiful FLOW OF ENERGY.


Watch Marisa Peer, world-renowned celebrity therapist (which I had the great pleasure to train with šŸ™) explain why life-purpose is vital for our happiness ā¤

May this inspire you šŸ™



Just stop for a moment whatever youā€™re doing right now and ASK yourself ā€œWHAT WOULD I DO IF THIS WAS MY LAST DAY ON EARTH?ā€

Let me give you a hand here. What would be the thing that you would regret the most NOT HAVING DONE?

Letā€™s do a short exercise. Just close your eyes and imagine youā€™re actually doing that thing. See yourself in that scene, with that person or those persons, hear yourself, look at your reaction or their reaction. Maybe you want to tell something to someone. Maybe you want to do something that might seem crazy for others, but it makes so much sense to you. Maybe you want to follow your PASSION that you were always afraid to follow, for whatever reasons. YOU know exactly what that thing is. FEEL that emotion, allow yourself to live that scene and stay there for 2 minutes.

Now open your eyes. How does it feel to know that YOU MISSED IT, THAT YOU DIDNā€™T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?

I know itā€™s the worst feeling in the world. But guess what? YOU DONā€™T HAVE TO REACH THAT POINT.

We all know that itā€™s much more painful to regret something we DIDNā€™T DO, than something we DID.



How does your EGO serve you?

Because of some painful experiences from our lives, we created that part of us that apparently ā€œPROTECTS USā€. And that part of us is called EGO. Of course, the intention ā€œbehind the scenesā€ is a good one.

When we are being hurt (insulted, humiliated, ignored, bullied and the list goes on), the only option we have is shutting down who we really are and putting the mask on. The mask of a strong, unapproachable person, that apparently doesnā€™t care about what people say.

When in fact itā€™s a person in pain, who prefers to act and to be anything but who she/he really is, choosing not to take any more risks. Because we believe that by being ourselves and expressing ourselves as we are, we RISK to be judged and hurt.

And one of our mindā€™s jobs is to keep us SAFE. So it thinks that by creating the EGO, we are safe. When in fact, itā€™s keeping us apart from divine, from the universe, from creation, from contribution, from fulfilling our life purpose.

But we need to UNDERSTAND that our power is SO MUCH BIGGER from a place of CONNECTION with divine, than from a place of EGO.

So my question for you is HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO SHOW UP?



Sounds familiar?
At some point, we all ask God this question, right?
But my question for you is HAVE YOU RECEIVED YOUR ANSWER?

While youā€™re thinking about this, let me share with you the answer that I got. Who knows? It might inspire you šŸ™

ā€œIt happens to you, because YOU have a message to deliver out there.
It happens to you, because YOU have some lessons to learn. And when you learn them, YOU will find a way to eliminate that issue from your life. And when succeed (because YOU WILL), YOU will become responsible to inspire other people with your story. ā€œ

And guess what.. this is how it works. We are meant to inspire each other to become our best versions. Because IF someone else could do it, YOU can do it as well.



NOW is the perfect moment TO TAKE ACTION

TAKE CONTROL of your life!
STOP playing small!
STOP finding excuses!
LIVE a big LIFE, not a big LIE!
STEP into who you are meant to be!
EMBRACE your greatness!
SAY YES to your soul!



ā€¢ IF you have that burning fire inside of you, ready to express itself as your passion for life

ā€¢ IF you know that you are much more than any emotional blockages that are holding you back and you are absolutely ready to understand who you truly are and the role they had in your life

ā€¢ IF you are 100% ready to let go of anything that s holding you back (emotional/physical blockage) from moving forward in your life and embracing a new identity

ā€¢ IF you know and feel that you have a powerful message to put out there and the world needs to hear it, through your voice, your services, your business (and trust me when I say, the world NEEDS it)

ā€¢ IF you are absolutely ready to shift your identity into a new, powerful one and OWN IT


IT'S TIME for you to let go of addictions, anxiety, any self confidence/esteem/love issues, depression, fears, health issues, weight issues, success blockages, money blockages, any kind of emotional blockages, career issues, phobias, skin problems, sleeping problems, traumas, guilt, shame or anything that's holding you back from being YOU.


What is hypnosis?

To put it simple, hypnosis is a very deep state of relaxation, where we can access our subconscious mind with a certain purpose. In this case, the purpose is to change limiting beliefs and to replace them with new ones that actually serve us.

What happens in a session with me?

I will guide you in a very relaxed state of mind (hypnosis), where we are going to access your subconscious mind. The most important thing you need to know is that you are always in control. We will go back to certain scenes in your life that triggered the issue we will work on and we will find the root cause of it. Together, we will completely change your perception over those scenes, so the emotions that created that issue don t exist anymore. Once this is done, we will make sure that your energy is totally shifted. Then I m going to give your mind powerful suggestions, to make sure it understands and embraces your new identity.

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00